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Snow Skiing- The Basics

This document is designed to teach a novice how to snow ski. It’s
going to go through the basics of setting up the equipment, cover a few
simple patterns when skiing, and give step by step instructions on how to
use a ski lift. This isn’t a complicated process; it just takes time and practice
to get good at.

Before You Get Started Skiing:

Gather Equipment
 Skis
 Boots
 Poles
Set Up Your Equipment
1. Put on your boots and use buckles to tighten.

2. Place your toe in the front on the bindings.

3. Put pressure on your heel until you hear a clicking sound.

4. Repeat step 3 with other foot.

5. Put hands through pole straps.

Simple Patterns When Skiing
How to slow down/ stop
1. Leave poles off the snow.
2. Point your toes together.
3. Push your heels apart, t t
4. This should make a pizza slice shape.

How to speed up/move

1. Point your ski’s vertically down the mountain to begin moving.

2. Then you want to make horizontal

motions across the snow.
3. Use your poles to pull your body forward in the snow.

Using a Ski Lift

Getting on the Lift
1. Remove hands from pole straps, hold poles.
2. Ski to line marked in the snow.
3. Once chair hits legs, sit down.
4. Lower metal safety bar.

Getting Off the Lift

1. Once you see the lift sign, lift the metal safety bar.
2. Once ski’s start to drag on snow, stand up.

3. Ski off the platform.

4. Put hands back through pole straps.

Closing Arguments:
Skiing can be a great workout and very enjoyable. It’s important to learn
how to do properly so that you don’t injure yourself and can enjoy the
activity. Hopefully these guidelines on the basics of setting up the
equipment, a few simple patterns when skiing, and instructions on how to
use a ski lift have given you a basic understanding of snow skiing. Now I
hope you are comfortable enough to give it a try on the slopes on your own.

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