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The Chieftest Mourner Script


Diane: Hey Auntie Tali! How are you? I’m so sorry if I dropped by unexpectedly.
Kim: It’s okay Pam. No worries. Why are you here by the way? Oh wait, have you eaten already?
What do you want to eat?
Diane: I’m good tita. I just came here to ask you personally of one favor.
Kim: Anything my dear. Go ahead. Tell me.
Diane: So, you do know that I’m looking for a dorm to stay right? Well the case is, may classes are
about to start next week and I still haven’t found a place to stay. Is it okay if you’ll let me stay here
just for a couple of weeks? Just until I found a place.
Kim: Actually, I wanted to talk to you and your mom also about that. You see, your mom just
informed me yesterday about that. She also asked me the same thing. I asked her why she didn’t tell it
to me immediately. I said that why would you still look for a place instead of staying here in my
house? I mean, you’re my niece so why would I not let you to stay here? You don’t need to find a
dorm anymore. Just tell me when you are moving so that I could prepare your room?
Diane: Really tita Tali? You’re gonna let me stay?
Kim: Of course! Besides, it’s a great thing to have a new company here in the house. I’m so used to
Tom’s face. I need to have a new companion here in the house.
Diane: You’re such a blessing from the sky tita! If only you knew how hard it was to find a place here
in Manila. I’ll probably move in this coming Sunday. Is that fine?
Kim: that would be perfect!
Diane: I need to get going already tita. I need to catch the bus. Thanks again! I owe you one this time.
Kim: You could pay me by making some freshly bake brownies that you used to make before.
Diane: Got you on that! See you on Sunday!
Kim: Bye Sweetie! Be careful on your way okay?


Larry: I’m home!
Kim: Tom? You’re drunk again?
Larry: I just had a few shots. You know, I need some relaxation. There’s a lot of things going on with
the office. We have an upcoming event in which one of my poem is going to be broadcast.
Kim: You could just relax in some other way not just by drinking. You were drunk yesterday too.
Larry: Is that Pam? Hi Pam!
Diane: Hi tito Tom! You look like a little mess.
Larry: This is the new trending fashion Pam. You’re so out of date.
Diane: Really tito? That’s not a funny joke.
Larry: when you were a kid, you used to laugh to all of my jokes. You’ve grown so fast!
Diane: Nice to see you again Tito. By the way, I really need to get going it’s getting late already.
Larry: What you’re leaving? We gonna play switch later right?
Kim: No you don’t. Maybe next time when you’re sober.
Diane: Yup. Next time. So, you better stop drinking too much if you really want too play switch
against mo or else you’ll surely win.
Larry: no I’m not drunk? Who says I’m drunk? Do I look like drunk to you?
Kim: Yes you are! Ever since we got married, I barely see you coming home in a proper state of mind.
Now, go to our room, take a bath and go to sleep. And Pam, be careful okay? Just send me a message
if you need help moving in okay?
Diane: Noted on that tita! See you on Sunday! And. good luck cleaning up Uncle Tom!


Diane: Hi mom! I’m home!
Faye: I’m here sweetie. How’s your day? Did you have your dinner already?
Diane: Not yet. I’m starving mom. I could eat a horse.
Faye: I’ll prepare dinner then. How’s your day?
Diane: so I went to tita Tali’s house after I submitted the papers. I asked her if I could stay in their
place for some few weeks just until I found a dorm. She said yes and she also said that I shouldn’t
worry about the dorm anymore. I could stay there as long as I’m studying in that Uni.
Faye: that’s good to hear! I actually asked her that too.
Diane: oh yah she mentioned that to me too. She was kinda frustrated because we didn’t tell her about
it as soon as I got in. she was like,. We’re family how can she refuse to help us.
Faye: I intentionally didn’t tell her about it early because there’s too much going on in her plate. You
do know that Tom is just a skilled drunkard right? That’s one thing already. Also, she manages their
coffee shop too. As much as I wanted to ask her for help, I just simply can’t because I don’t want her
to worry too much. But now, since we don’t have a choice, I guess let’s just be thankful to her.
Remind me again next time to bake brownies for her. Okay?
Diane: Got you on that. And mom, I just want to ask you something too.
Faye: what is it?
Diane: So I was roaming around the entire campus after those admissions process and I came across to
one of their bulletin boards. I found out that they do have a journalism club. I just want to ask if it’s
okay with you that I would try to sign up. I really believe that it’ll enhance my writing skills, which is
necessary to my program. So I’m begging you. Please allow me? pleaseee?
Faye: are you sure with that? I mean, college is not going to be an easy ride It has it’s own ups and
downs and mostly downs. Can you manage your time wisely? Can you maintain the balance between
school and other extra curricular activities?
Diane: I’m not going to promise that just yet I’ll try my very best to do it.
Faye: okay then, I’ll allow you to do it.
Diane: really? Thank you so much mom! You’re the coolest mom in the entire universe. Oh before I
forgot to mention, I’m moving to auntie and uncles house this Sunday.
Faye: do you need any help packing up?
Diane: nope. It’s all right mom.


knocks and opens the door of Diane’s room
Kim: Pam, are you still busy? If you’re finish studying you can join me for dinner hija, I cooked pasta
Diane: ok i’ll come out and take a break
wow tita, what’s the celebration?
Kim: It’s the 7th birthday of our unborn child, the day we found out that we have lost our baby, your
uncle and I we’re so devastated, we don’t know what to do because we we’re so ready
In fact, This room was supposed to be for her that’s why we painted it baby pink and we already
bought baby stuff for her.
I remember your uncle was so broken he punched the living room wall and bled. He punched it so
hard that he couldn’t even write for almost a month and he started drinking every night.
Diane: really tita? I didn’t know that.
Kim: Of course you don’t you were just a chubby 8 year old kid back then. But it’s okay maybe god
has other plans. I just wondered what life would be if we didn’t lost her…maybe life would be better.
Maybe we’re happy and you’re uncle wouldn’t be a drunkard.
Anywayyy I wonder what time will your uncle be home. I have somewhere to go tomorrow If I stayed
up late waiting for him I wont make it there.

Later that evening

Kim heard someone keying the door

Tom: murmuring* stupid door, the key doesn’t fit *kicks the door…
Honeeyyyy, Taliiii dearrrrr open the door *knocks harder
Kim: Opens the door
Kim: You’re drunk again, you never change! I’m so tired of you and your ways
Aren’t you sick of that system? You’re out every night drinking!!!! You didn’t even remember
Tom: honey, we just celebrated I came across kumpare a while ago he said they’re having a third child
and we had a few drinks. Such a lucky guyyyyy
Tom: approaches tali with a kiss but tali dodged but tom continued*
Honeyyy why don’t we make another one. It’s been so long since we tried….
Kim: slapped Tom hard enough to drive him mad* STOP IT TOM
Tom: Why Tali? You don’t want me anymore? You’re sick of me? Is there anybody else? What’s his
name? What Tali, Give me a reason.
*tom started throwing things and screaming while tali is trying to stop him he accidentally
pushed her
Diane: *came out of her room because she heard somebody fell on the floor
Tita!! Uncle what did you do?!
And saw his uncle’s eyes filled with regret, he sat on the couch and started crying
Tom: I’m so soryy I coulnt get myself together I promise I will change, I’m so sorry Tali for the mess
I made *Repeating it over and over again until he passed out
Kim: get a rope pam, get a rope! It’s under the kitchen sink in the cabinet. hurry! Before he wakes up

Kim and diane tied Tom on a chair

Kim: You always say that you will change, but you never did. I wonder if you really love me because
if you love me you won’t be like that, you will make an effort to make things right and you don’t have
time for me anymore. You’re always working and out with your friends, your stupid friends
you always listen to them I just wish you listen to me sometimes…’re making me insane, you’re
making me do things I never imagine doing. I wish things were different but this is our reality now
We can’t turn back the time.

*diane went to the kitchen to get a glass of water for her tita
Diane: tita, here you go *wiping her tears and patting her back
Kim: Thank you Pam, I’m sorry that you had to see that and get involve in our messy situation.
You can get some rest now, everything will be fine tomorrow
Diane: Ok tita, you too

The morning after

*Diane woke up early for school and sees no one in the living room, only the chair and the rope where
they tied Tom

Diane: Tita! Tita *knocking on the master bedroon. Uncle tom left. He’s gone. *holding the rope,
showing tali.

Tali and Diane went to the living room and saw a note. A sorry note from Tom.


*Larry on the arriving at the Restaurant to meet the events planner for his presentation on a event*

LARRY: Good morning! You must be Ms. Claudio. Pleasure to meet you *shake hands*

MADZ: Just call me Glen. Nice to meet you too Mr. Ramos

LARRY: Tom. Just call me Tom.

MADZ: Let’s start?

WAITER: Good Afternoon Ma’am/Sir what would you like to have?

MADZ: We’ll just have it later.

*Waiter will bow a little and then will put in water to their glasses.

LARRY: where are we going to start?

MADZ: Let me show you the program flow first. Our opening ceremony includes prayer, national
anthem and a welcome speech by the head of Philippine Literary Association and afterwards
the emcees will introduce the judges and criteria for short story competition. Then it will be
followed by the presentation of Mr. Kevin Alponre’s Short story. And then the presentation of
the literary pieces of the finalists then judges for poem writing will be introduced, followed by
the presentation of thee finalists then followed by your presentation. After that, awarding
ceremony. Now, I wanted to know how long your poem presentation will last.

LARRY: Can I have a little speech prior to my poem?

MADZ: Yes of course.

LARRY: perfect! I think I will just consume proximately 10 mins.

MADZ: Let me take note of that and also, is it okay if you’ll send me a copy of your speech and
poems? Here’s my contact details by the way. *Hands out Calling Card* also, Mr. Chen also
wanted me to ask you if it’s okay that you’ll also be willing to give the award to one of the

LARRY: No problem with that. Just tell what I have to finish or what I must do.

MADZ: We will have a dry run on 27th of June 3:00 p.m. at the Richmond Hotel Grand Ballroom.

LARRY: I’ll mark my calendar.

MADZ: Also, are you already informed that you must wear a barong on that day?

LARRY: yup. My assistant told me about that. On the actual day of the competition, what time we
must arrive?
MADZ: it’ll commence at exactly 1:00 p.m. we need you to get ready by 12:30. We have booked a
hotel already for you where you can get dressed on that day. It’s at room 3821 also in
Richmond Hotel. I’ll give the keys to your assistant that day. You can already use it by 10 a.m.

LARRY: Seems that everything’s fine already Mr. Glen. Is there any other concerns that I need to

MADZ: no more Mr. Tom.

LARRY: since that we’re done already, let’s have lunch together. Their Tuna Pesto here is really

MADZ: good thing that I don’t have any appointments anymore Mr. Tom. And yah, I already heard
that they do serve a great tuna pesto here.

LARRY: Great! Today’s my treat. Since I got to meet a fine lady today.

MADZ: no you won’t Mr. Tom. Let’s do 50:50

LARRY: I’m a gentleman Ms. Glen. So I insist on paying it.

MADZ: and I’m a strong independent working woman Mr. Tom so let’s do 50:50

LARRY: Fine then Ms. Glen. And before I forgot I’m fine with just Tom. Remove that mister. It
makes me feel that I’m way too old.

MADZ: I’ll remember that. But do me a favor too. Just Glen

LARRY: Glen it is, shall we order? Waiter. *waiter will come in*

WAITER: Good afternoon sir! What would you like to have?

LARRY: 2 Tuna Pesto and 1 apple mint tea and what drink do you want Glen?

MADZ: I’ll have iced Caramel Mocha coffee.

WAITER: Is there anymore ma’am/ sir?

LARRY: anything you’d like to ask more?

MADZ: I’m good.

LARRY: that would be all.

WAITER: we will serve it within 25 minutes po.

LARRY: no problem.
*Waiter will leave the scene*

LARRY: So Glen, tell me your story.

MADZ: Okay. So, I’m a Events planner for 10 years already. I’ve been working with my company for
3 years already. I’m a HRM graduate. And now, I’m living with my brother. He’s name is
Gino. How about you?

LARRY: Well I’m a poet obviously. I’ve been writing since I was a teen. It wasn’t my passion back
then but when I got into high school comics are really famous that time. Because of that, I
stated to love reading until I developed the enjoyment of writing some short lines and then my
friend will draw it. That’s how it all started.

MADZ: I see. Do you have your own family already?

LARRY: I had a wife before but we split already. We had one unborn child.

MADZ: I’m sorry.

LARRY: it’s okay. How about you don’t you have your own family yet?

MADZ: Nope. I don’t have one. I just got a lot of things to do and finding or a parter is just a waste of
time for me.

LARRY: Why? Like I can see that you can do things by your own yet don’t you long for someone to
help you?

MADZ: I have my assistant to help me. The company is paying her to do those jobs.

LARRY: I get it but I do promise you. Being in love is greatest feeling you could ever experience,

MADZ: yes it can give you the greatest feeling but it can also give you the worst one right? I mean,
I’ve seen a thousand stories already. I’m no stranger to good and bad relationships. If love can
give you the pleasures you wanted then it also has the power to make you suffer and miserable.

LARRY: I see your point. Let’s talk about another thing. Where do you want to go for a vacation.

*conversation will seem to continue the lights out*

*on the practice day, after the practice*

MADZ: Okay everyone, great job! See you’ll on Saturday!

LARRY: hey Glen! You free tonight? Let’s eat! My treat. What do you want?
MADZ: I can’t tonight. There’s a lot of things that I still need to polish for the competition.

LARRY: Come on! It’s an exhausting day and you need to have a break once in a while. Okay, let’s
just have some ice cream in the park. It won’t take long.

MADZ: yeah you’re right. It is indeed an exhausting day and ice cream sounds so good. But I need to
leave immediately after.

LARRY: no problem. Let’s go?

MADZ: I’ll just get my bag.

*while sitting on a bench, tom and Glen will eat ice cream and will talk about life.*

LARRY: how are you doing today? Any plans for the weekend?

MADZ: I have been busy with work lately. I haven’t got anytime for myself.

LARRY: me too. I Have loads of work to do. So stressed out lately.


LARRY: uhmmm… I have something to tell you. It been bothering me all week and I haven’t slept
for days now. Im really thinking If I should go for it, but I am afraid.

MADZ: what is it? Come on, tell me


MADZ: what do you mean?

LARRY : I have always like you because of that.

MADZ: well thank you.

LARRY: that’s it? I poured my heart out in front of you

Scene 4 AND Scene 5


LARRY: I’m sorry for causing you too much trouble.

MADZ: There’s nothing you need to apologize.

LARRY: Oh dear, there’s so much that I need to apologize. You’re spending your time to look for
me. Instead of managing your business and traveling and enjoying life, you’re imprisoned to
this hospital with me.

MADZ: I’d rather spend time being locked in here with you than being on a beautiful place worrying
because of you.

LARRY: With or without me on your side you’re still worrying about me.

MADZ: Well, I think that it’s not just me who does all these things; everyone here on earth would go
for an extra mile for those who they love.

LARRY: I’ve cost you too much. Not just your resources but also your time, effort, energy,
everything. Things that I don’t deserve. Things that you don’t have to sacrifice.

MADZ: Love is indeed costly my dear. If we want to love then we must all be willing to pay the price
that comes with it. And on my side, this is the price. Don’t you ever think that I regret paying
the price. Yes, it cost me a little bit of a burden but that burden is drowned by by joy. Joy that
I can only feel every time with you.

LARRY: Thank you for everything sweetheart.

MADZ: Words aren’t enough. You can thank me by getting better. I’m just going to buy lunch. Do
you mind if I’ll leave you for a minute. I’ll be back as quickly as I can.

LARRY: Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.

*Madz will buy lunch and when she comes back, Larry is already dead.*

*Madz sees a bunch of nurses and doctor.”

MADZ: What’s going on?

DOCTOR: We gave everything that we can do to save him. I’m sorry Ms. Glen.

MADZ: No. no you’re lying. Tom! Tom wake up! Tom


*wife and niece will slowly walk down the aisle. The legal wife will stare blackly on the coffin while
the niece is looking back and forth observing people and looking for familiar faces.*

*wife will stop in front of the coffin*

KIM: I don’t even know what to say or what to do anymore. Seeing your face once again reminds
me of all those pain and sleepless nights that you’ve brought to me. I’m now asking myself, is
it really you who caused this relationship to fall or is it me because I fail to choose to love you
above all. Seeing you breathing nothing makes me feel so guilty of choosing to leave your

*niece will pat the wife’s back*

*Wife will look for a seat in front and will see a vision of the mistress. Looking at her in disbelief.*

KIM: She’s a constant reminder that all the decisions that I made were all right.

*wife will sit down along side with niece*

IAN: Just don’t mind them. Remember, you’re here not to start a fight.

MADZ: I’m aware of that. It’s just that I know deep down in their own hearts, they’re cursing my soul
to burn in hell. I can’t blame them on that. After all, I’m just a mistress. A filthy mistress.

KIM: I can’t stand being on this one place with that woman. People will surely talk about us. I’m not
going to be surprised if tomorrow’s headline will be all about us.

FAYE: Calm down. The last thing you wanted to do is to make a scene with her. You’re the legal
wife. Don’t lower yourself with her level.

KIM: But I need to do something! I don’t want to wait for a reporter to interview me about why and
who really is that woman. We need to talk.

FAYE: You better stop whatever it is that you were thinking. Once you get close to her you’ll draw
more woods to the fire.

KIM: I think it’s already time to teach that girl where she really belongs.

*wife will start to walk towards the mistress*


*wife is facing the mistress*

KIM: We need to talk.

MADZ: I strongly believe that there’s nothing that we need to talk about.

KIM: Don’t you have any little piece of decency left on you? You don’t belong here. You have no
rights to be here.

MADZ: And what kind of rights do you have to tell me the things that I can and cannot do?
KIM: I’m the legal wife and that’s more than enough reason for me to tell you that you don’t have a
place here.

MADZ: Ohh yes! I remember, you’re the legal wife who’s nowhere to be seen during the times that
his dying husband needs someone to support him. What a great legal wife you are.

KIM: Know your place. You’re just a mistress. You’re nothing compare to me.

MADZ: Compare to you? Ha! Yes, I’m nothing like you coz I’m way too far better than you.

KIM: Don’t be so proud of yourself just because Tom died in your arms. I met him first. I was the one
who get married to him.

MADZ: Tell me Tali what have you done for him aside from tying him up?

KIM: I was the one he loves before you came in to the picture.

MADZ: Was. It’s just a was. You may be the first but that doesn’t give you the award. I didn’t do
anything to you the moment that you arrived here. I just want him to have a peaceful and
decent funeral and I thought that we were on the same side when it comes to that point yet
what I can see now is the total opposite of it. I didn’t do anything to you because I do respect
what you and Tom had before I entered his life. Your story is different to ours Tali. I know that
you’ve been hurt a lot. And I can’t blame you with that yet I hope that most of them were your
fault too.

KIM: All that I wanted is to have him in this last moment. Because I lost him for a long time. I lost
him with you. I know that it was my fault. I know that at the moment that we got married I
must marry him with all of his vices. With all of his issues. Yet in the end I failed. All that I’m
asking you now is to just leave and give this last chance to me. You had enough time I know
that you know that.

MADZ: I will leave Tali. I will. But I will not leave defeated. I know that you know that also.

ANNALIE: finally! The words I’ve been wanting to hear was now finally spoken. Don’t mind what
she was saying Tali.

SHAIRA: yes Tali. Everybody knows that you’re the victim here and not her. Stop pretending and
playing victim here Glen. Now, get out of this place.

IAN: I hope that you are now feeling great after what you just did. You don’t know who my sister is.
What kind of person she is. My sister is a good person and she already proved that when she
didn’t do anything the moment she saw you. I thought that you’re an educated and well
mannered yet right now I am questioning my thought towards you.


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