OTC 4205 - Evaluating Pile Drivability For Hard Clay, Very Dense Sand, and Rock

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OTC 4205

Evaluating Pile Drivability for Hard Clay, Very Dense Sand, and Rock
by Robert S. Stevens, McClelland Engineers, Inc.; Edward A. Wiltsie, Arabian American Oil Co.; and
Thomas H. Turton, McClelland-Suhaimi, Ltd.


This paper was presented at the 14th Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, May 3-6, 1982. The material is subject
to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restr1cted_jfcp_an_abs^tract_of_not more than J3QO wonte.

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . hard driving because blow counts determined by wave

equation analysis are insensitive to variations of soil
This paper presents case histories of 36 and 42- and hammer properties at low blow counts.
in. -diameter piles driven in the Arabian Gulf by ham-
mers with rated energies ranging from 120,000 to Despite these uncertainties, wave equation analy-
325,000 ft-lbs. Results of hindcast pile drivability sis has proven to be a valuable tool for evaluating
studies are presented for sites where hammer perfor- pile drivability when a data base exists to define
mance was monitored using weldable strain gauges to hammer and soil properties.
record force-time histories. Procedures for computing
the soil resistance during pile driving were determine< DRIVABILITY METHODOLOGY
by correlating field and predicted blow counts. Soil
quake and damping parameters for the side and tip of A pile drivability study consists of three parts.
the pile are recommended. First, the driving resistance that can be overcome by
a particular hammer—pile—soil system is computed from
INTRODUCTION a wave equation analysis. Second, the soil resistance
to driving is estimated from soil properties at the
Wave equation analysis of pile driving is based site. Third, these results are compared and an evalu-
on the discrete element idealization of the hammer - ation of pile drivability is made that should be tem-
pile-soil system formulated by Smith^-*-' . One of the pered by judgment and past experience in the area.
two major uncertainties in a wave equation analysis is
the energy transmitted by the hammer to the pile-soil The driving records of piles at a particular site
system. Field measurements have shown that the hammer often show considerable scatter because of variations
efficiency is often significantly less than conven- in soil conditions, hammer efficiency, and cushion pro-
tionally assumed. Cushion properties may vary signi- perties. Additional factors affecting drivability are
ficantly during the service life of the cushion. clay setup during interruptions in driving and plug
Bongossi hardwood cushions soften with use, as opposed behavior. For these reasons, drivability studies
to the stiffening tendency of wire rope. Hammer ef- should be used to predict a range in pile driving blow
ficiency, and the stiffness and coefficient of restitu- counts .
tion of the cushion were monitored during driving for
the case histories presented in this paper. Monitor ing WAVE EQUATION ANALYSIS
hammer performance greatly enhances the value of a cor-
relation study. The parameters selected for a wave equation analy-
sis should model the actual hammer -pile-soil system as
The soil-pile interaction during driving as de- closely as possible. The hammer efficiency and cushion
scribed by the load-deformation behavior of the soil ai properties used in our analyses are measured values
the pile-soil interface and pile point is the other computed from recorded force-time histories. The quake
major uncertainty in a wave equation analysis. Smith and damping parameters recommended by Roussel(2) Were
defined soil-pile interaction in terms of soil quake used in our wave equation analyses. These parameters
and damping coefficients. These parameters are not in- were determined from a comprehensive correlation study
trinsic soil properties, but rather correlation coef- performed for large diameter offshore piles, in which
ficients that incorporate all that is not clearly the driving records of 58 piles at 15 offshore sites in
understood about the process of driving a pile. Some oi the Gulf of Mexico were analyzed . The side and point
the data on which previous correlation studies have quake are assumed equal, with a magnitude of 0.10 in.
been based are for small diameter (12 to 18-in.) closec .for stiff to hard clay, silt and sand. Side damping in
end piles, and may not be applicable to the large dia- clay decreases with increasing shear strength, which is
meter open-end piles used offshore. Other studies in agreement with the laboratory test results of Coyle
performed for each driving may not be appropriate for and Gibson' ' and Heerema^) . For a hard clay, side
References and illustrations at end of paper
damping is 0.03 sec/ft and point damping is 0.15 sec/ where K = coefficient of lateral earth pressure,
ft. For sand, side damping is .0.08 sec/ft and point a = effective overburden pressure, and
damping is 0.15 sec/ft. Average values for side quake
and side damping, weighted according to the relative S = angle of friction between soil and pile
contribution of each soil type to the shaft resistance The value of K is taken as 0.7. The following table
during driving, were used in our analyses. presents values of 6 and f used in our computation
of unit skin friction.
Friction Angle, Skin Friction
Computation of the soil resistance to pile dri- Soil Type S, degrees ksf
ving is analogous to the computation of ultimate axial max'
pile capacity by the static method. The resistance to Sand 30 2.0
driving is the sum of the shaft resistance and the Silty Sand 25 1.7
point resistance. The shaft resistance is computed by Sandy Silt 20 1.4
multiplying the average unit skin friction during dri- Silt 15 1.0
ving and the embedded surface area of the pile. The
point resistance is computed by multiplying the unit Unit end bearing in granular soils is computed
end bearing and the end bearing area. Procedures used using the following equation:
to compute unit skin friction and unit and bearing are a N1
discussed in the following paragraphs. v q
where effective overburden pressure, and
Cohesive Soils . . ,,--. . _ ... , _ N' dimensionless bearing capacity factor.
For piles driven in cohesive soils, the unit skin The following table presents values of N' and
friction during continuous driving, is computed using used in our computations of unit end beaming:
the stress history approach presented by Semple and
Gemeinhardt(5) . xhe unit skin friction is first com- Dimensionless Limiting Unit
puted by the API RP 2A (January 1981) Method (6) in ac- Bearing Capacity End Bearing,
Soil Type Factors, N1
cordance with Sec. 2.6.4, Para. b.2. The unit skin Vax' ksf
friction is then adjusted incrementally using a pile
capacity factor, Fp, determined empirically from wave Sand 40 200
equation analyses performed for six sites. The pile Silty Sand 20 100 -.
capacity factor is given by: Sandy Silt 12 60
Silt 40
0.5 (OCR)0.3 .(1) For carbonate material, 6 is decreased 5 degrees
The overconsolidation ratio (OCR) is estimated using and the values of f , N', and a for the corres-
the equation: ponding soil type are useS.

unc- = (OCR)0'85 (2) Rock
where: Driving piles into rock is anticipated to severe
= actual undrained shear strength of clay ly fracture the rock layers and reduce the rock to a
having a given PI, and granular material. Therefore, unit skin friction for
= undrained shear strength of the same piles driven in rock layers is computed assuming sand
clay if normally consolidated. parameters. Silty sand parameters are assigned to ro
layers that are interbedded with silt or clay seams a
According to a relationship described by Skempton, layers.
s = 5 (0.11 + 0.0037~PI) . . . ". .(3) For poor to fair quality rock, unit end bearing
unc v
where: is limited to values given for granular soils. For
5 = effective overburden pressure, and more competent rock, unit end bearing is computed usi
the following equation:
PI = plasticity index.
Unit end bearing in clay is computed using the
following equation: where compressive strength of rock, and
= diaensionless bearing capacity factor.
q = s N .(4)
^ u c
A value of 3 is used for N .
where: u
N = dimensionless bearing capacity factor. Lower and upper bound values of soil resistance
A value of 9 is used for N . to driving are computed for both coring and plugged
c pile conditions. When a pile cores, relative movemer
between pile and soil occurs both on the outside and
Granular Soils
inside of the pile wall. Skin friction is, therefore
For piles driven in granular soils, the unit skin developed on both outside and inside pile wall. The
friction during continuous driving is computed using end bearing area is equal to the cross-sectional ares
static pile capacity procedures, and is based on the of steel at the pile tip. When a pile plugs, the soi
equation: plug moves with the pile during driving. Skin fric-
tion is mobilized only on the outer wall. The end
f = K 5 tan 6 (5) bearing area is the gross area of the pile. Unlike
static pile capacity computations, end bearing is not

limited to the frictional resistance developed by the counts are badly underestimated using either the static
soil plug. pile capacity, or the soil resistance to driving for
both the lower and upper bound coring cases. Good
The resistance to driving should be based on a agreement is obtained for the lower and upper bound
reasonable upper bound in contrast to static pile plugged cases. The driving records for all six piles
capacity, which is based on a reasonable lower bound. are shown on Figure 4. Blow counts were computed using
When a pile cores, a lower bound value is computed the measured hammer properties for each pile. The low-
assuming that the skin friction developed on the in- est blow counts predicted for the lower bound plugged
side of the pile is 50 percent of that on the outside case and the highest blow counts predicted for the up-
of the pile. For the upper bound coring case, the in- per bound plugged case are also plotted in Figure 4.
ternal skin friction is assumed equal to the external Our predicted range in blow counts is in good agreement
friction. with the scatter observed in the field. The plugged
cases give higher predicted blow counts than the coring
When a pile plugs, a lower bound value of the cases not only because the soil resistance to driving
resistance to driving is computed using the procedures is larger, but also because the percent tip resistance
presented in the preceding paragraphs to compute unit is larger.
skin friction and unit end bearing. For the upper
bound plugged case, values of unit skin friction and A comparison of observed and predicted driving
unit end bearing for granular soils are developed by records for a second site in the Safaniya field is
increasing the lower bound values of unit skin frictioi presented in Figures 5 and 6. A Vulcan 340 hammer
by 30 percent, and increasing unit end bearing by 50 with a steel plate and wire rope cushion was used to
-percent. A_corr espojnd ing_inereas_e_ ia_ 1 imit ing values drive two piles to jlesign^penetration,, and_tp^nitial-
for unit skin friction and unit end bearing is assumed ly drive the remaining four piles. Final driving of
For cohesive soils, end bearing is computed using N = these piles was accomplished using a Vulcan 560 ham-
15, an increase of 67 percent. Unit skin friction mer. As was done previously, we have plotted the pre-
is not increased. dicted blow counts determined from the hammer data
giving the minimum value for the lower bound plugged
CASE HISTORIES case, and the maximum value for the upper bound plugged
case. Good agreement is obtained assuming a. plugged
The purpose of the case histories was to confirm pile.
the soil quake and damping parameters used in our wave
equation analysis, and to determine the best proce- HARD CLAY PROFILES
dure for estimating the soil resistance to driving.
Our evaluation was made by comparing predicted and Our experience with pile driving in hard clays in
observed driving records. The estimated soil resis- the Arabian Gulf has shown that blow counts may be con-
tance to driving at a given penetration was used to stant with penetration, blow counts may be very erratic
determine the corresponding blow count from wave equa- due to seams and thin layers of rock, and driving de-
tion results obtained using the measured hammer per- lays will result in an increase in blow counts during
formance data. redriving.

Unless otherwise stated, each case history is the The soil stratigraphy and curves of estimated
installation of a six pile platform in the Arabian soil resistance to driving are shown in Figure 7 for
Gulf, consisting of 42-in.-diameter piles having a con- a site in the Zuluf Field. The pile capacity factor
stant 1.5-in. wall thickness, with a 5-ft long driving computed for this site is equivalent to a sensitivity
shoe having a wall thickness of 1.75 in. The case of 2.18. The piles were driven through a hard calca-
histories are divided into the following categories: reous clay stratum present from 26 to 69-ft penetra-
very dense sand, hard clay, mixed profile, and rock. tion. The clay contains gypsum seams and layers at 43
to 46-ft and 54 to 55-ft penetrations, and numerous
VERY DENSE SAND PROFILES fragments of gypsum and claystone. Final pile driving
was accomplished with a Vulcan 560 hammer with a cushioi
Blow counts generally increase with depth in most made up of alternating layers of 0.25-in.-thick steel
sand profiles encountered in the Arabian Gulf. Erratic plates and two layers of 0.25-in.-thick Ascon. Shown
blow counts with depth and between adjacent piles are in Figure 8 are observed hammer performance data for
partly a result of cemented sand seams and layers. pile B-l. The stiffness of the Ascon cushion has' been
found to be fairly constant until the Ascon discs dis-
The soil stratigraphy and curves of estimated soi3 integrate.
resistance to driving are shown in Figure 1 for a site
in the Safaniya Field. A Menck 1800 hammer with a The curves of soil resistance to driving plotted
Bongossi hardwood cushion was used to drive the piles in Figure 7 differ by only 33 percent between 42-ft
through the very dense fine sand layer from 21 to 58- and 64-ft penetration. Consequently, the range in pre-
ft penetration. Shown in Figure 2 are values of ham- dicted blow counts is a narrow band. Blow counts pre-
mer efficiency, cushion stiffness, and cushion coeffi- dicted for pile B-l for the upper bound plugged case
cient of restitution measured during the driving of are roughly two blows per foot less than observed to
pile B-l. A decreasing cushion stiffness with in- 48-ft penetration, as shown in Figure 9. The driving
creasing hammer blows is typical of a wood cushion. records for all six piles presented in Figure 10 show
Use of an average value of stiffness in a wave equation considerable scatter. During the first few feet of
analysis would underestimate blow counts and overesti- redriving, blow counts are higher than predicted due
mate driving stresses when a worn cushion is used. to setup occurring when pile driving was interrupted
to change hammers. Scattered high blow counts at
A comparison of observed and predicted blow counts deeper penetrations are due to the rock fragments,
for pile B-l is presented in Figure 3. Predicted blow seams, and layers in the clay.
The field blow counts during final driving of a histories presented in this paper. Although these
three-pile well protector in the Zuluf Field, plotted conclusions are directly applicable to the Arabian
in Figure 11, are constant with depth with little Gulf, they may be used at other locations with some
scatter. Final driving of the 36-in.-diameter piles discretion.
was accomplished with Vulcan 540 hammer and Ascon
cushion. Increased blow counts at the completion of 1. For very dense sand, hard clay, or mixed soil
driving are due to a gypsum stratum encountered 5 ft profiles, a reasonable prediction of field blow counts
higher than indicated by the boring. Good agreement is obtained using the lower and upper bound curves of
is obtained with blow counts computed for the lower soil resistance to driving for a plugged pile.
bound plugged case.
2. When computing the soil resistance to driving
MIXED PROFILE for a plugged pile, end bearing should not be limited
to the frictional resistance developed by the soil
A platform installation in the Abu Safah Field plug.
was selected for our mixed profile. The soil condi-
tions consist of a medium dense carbonate sand from 3. For a sand profile, blow counts predicted
35-ft to 79-ft penetration, a very stiff to hard car- using the static pile capacity or the resistance to
bonate clay from 79^-ft and 117-ft, dense carbonate driving computed for a coring pile will badly under-
silty sand from 117-ft to 131-ft, and a very stiff to estimate the field blow counts.
hard calcareous silty clay from 131-ft to 147-ft. Ex-
cept for the first pile section, piles were driven 4. For a clay profile, the range in blow counts
-wtth-a—Menek 3000-hammer -and- a- Bongossi-hardwood _. - -predicted-assuming- either a-coxing -pile on a_plugged _
cushion. pile may be fairly narrow. When the clay strata con-
tain numerous seams and thin layers of rock, field
Curves of estimated resistance to driving for blow counts will be erratic, and may exceed predic-
both lower and upper bound coring and plugged cases tions for the upper bound plugged case.
are presented in Figure 12. Blow counts were computed
at six penetrations. The coring and plugged cases 5. For a mixed soil profile, blow counts pre-
give similar predictions, as shown in Figures 13 and dicted assuming either a coring pile or a plugged pile
14. may be very similar.

ROCK 6. Pile drivability for rock may be evaluated

qualitatively. Refusal is likely when the RQD is
Our experience with pile installation in the greater than 50 percent, the percent recovery is
Arabian Gulf has shown that piles may be driven throug] greater than 85 percent, and the unconfined compres-
poor quality rock of weak strength using large hammers sive strength of the rock is greater than 100 ksf.
with rated energies greater than 300,000 ft-lbs. Blow
counts exceeding 250 blows per foot have been required ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
to drive piles through weak rock. Piles will probably
refuse in moderately strong or stronger rock. The authors wish to thank the Arabian American
Oil Company for permission to publish the hammer per-
The evaluation of pile drivability for rock should formance data and pile driving records presented in
be based on the RQD (Rock Quality Designation) , the this paper. The authors are thankful to the employees
percent recovery, and the compressive strength of the of McClelland Engineers, Inc., who contributed to this
rock. The RQD is defined as the percent ratio of the paper by performing analyses, typing and reviewing the
cumulative length of core samples 4-in. long or longer paper, and drafting the illustrations.
to the length of of the core run. The percent recover}
is defined as the percent ratio of the length of sample REFERENCES
recovered to the length of core run. Very poor to pool
quality rock is considered to have an RQD of less than Smith, E.A.L., "Pile Driving Analysis by the Wave
50 percent. Rock having a compressive strength of less Equation," Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 127, pp. 1145-
than 100 ksf is considered to be weak. 1193, (1962).
Roussel, H.J., File Driving Analysis of Large Diameter
During the installation of five platforms in the Sigh Capacity Offshore Pipe Piles* Ph.D. Thesis,
Zuluf Field, none of the piles could be driven through Department of Civil Engineering, Tulane University
gypsum layers of 5 to 16-ft thickness. RQD ranged fron New Orleans, LA, (1979).
40 to 77 percent, and the unconfined compressive Coyle, H.M. and Gibson, G.C., Soil Damping Constants
strength varied from 107 ksf to 301 ksf. The minimum Related to Common Soil Properties in Sands and
percent recovery was 88 percent. At two other sites, Clays, Texas Transportation Institute, Research
only one pile of six at each site reached refusal. Report 125-1, Texas A&M University, (1968).
RQD was 0 and 47 percent, percent recovery was 83 and Heerema, E.P., "Relationships Between Wall Friction,
70, but no unconf ined tests could be run. The maxi- Displacement Velocity, and Horizontal Stress in
mum blow counts observed for the remaining piles Clay and in Sand for Pile Drivability Analysis,"
ranged from 32 to 391 blows per foot, with an average Ground Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 55-56,
value of 160. None of the piles refused in gypsum (1979).
layers at two locations where the RQD was 0 and 67, Semple, R.M. and Gemeinhardt, J.P., "Stress History
and the percent recovery was 52 to 80. Approach to Analysis of Soil Resistance to Pile
Driving," Proceedings, 13th Offshore Technology
CONCLUSIONS Conference, Houston, Texas, Vol. 1, pp. 165-172,
The following conclusions are based on the case

American Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practice for
Planning, Designing and Constructing Offshore
Platforms, API RP 2A, 12th Edition, (1981) .

Estimated Soil Resistance to Driving, Kips

10QP__- 2000 _3000 400Q 5000 6000
1 Loose
B to Dense
Clayey Sand
ft*^"^*s Interbedded Sandstone
20 I \\ and Clavev Sand
1^ \ N\ i
w, \ \ LEGEND
Static Pile Capacity

\ X\ \\
Coring - Lower Bound Very Dense
• Coring - Upper Bound Fine Sand
40 V, V \ V Plugged - Lower bound -
<L> Plugged - Upper Bound
\ \
VI \
•^ ~- \.^- .— '
i f

§ 60 v\ ^ Interbedded
•H \ NN
\^\\ Very Dense
Clayey Fine
Sand and
''\v 1
''•••AJ* ^
" ._
— —^~
"\X \ \ \
Very Dense
\\\ \ I
\ Fine Sand
100 \\\ \ \

Fig. 1 — Estimated resistance to driving — Case 1

Hammer Efficiency, Cushion Stiffness, Coefficient of
% k/in. Restitution
40 60 80 0.40 , 0.60 Q.80
20,000 40,000 60,000



Fig. 2 — Measured hammer performance data—Case 1

Blows Per Foot

40 60 80 100


1- 40


80 - Static Pile Capacity
••• Coring - Lower Bound
— Coring - Upper Bound
— Plugged - Lower Bound
— Plugged - Upper Bound

Fig. 3 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 1

Blows Per Foot
0 20 40 60 80 100


S-i Upper Bound - Plugged

--- O

Lower Bound - Plugged'
c 60




Fig. 4 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 1

Blows Per Foot
60 120 180 240 300
Medium Dense
Carbonate Fine Sane

20 Very Dense "

Silty Fine Sand



Very Dense
CQ Fine Sand
o 60 _
•H LOWER 82/6"

80 _


Fig. 5 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 2

Blows Per Foot
0 60 120 180 24-0 300




o Very Dense
Fine" Sand

§ 60



Fig. 6 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 2

Estimated Soil Resistance to Driving, Kips

0 iooo aooo 3000 woo 5000 eoo


Loos>e to
Very Dense
— — Corincj - Upper Ba jnd Claye y Fine
•^•^-—— Plugge;d - Lower B<Dund to M edium
20 ——— nugg<;d - Upper B<jund
)\\/V2 ' r
—_ _

M Heird
(0 Calcaireous
CO Clay with
Frag nents
0 ^^^


60 \r
^"^> \ ~~^> Poor Quality Gypsum
OJ t
(D \
\x *
He rd
80 ~ Calca reous"
CJ ay
\ \"
\ N ^^ ir

Fig. 7 — Estimated resistance to driving — Case 3

Hammer Efficiency, Cushion Stiffness, Coefficient of
k/in. Restitution
60 80 0.60 0.80 1.00
60,000 80,000 100,000





g 5.0


60 \

Fig. 8 — Measured hammer performance data — Case 3

Blows Per Foot
0 20 40 60 80 100








Coring - Lower Bound

—•— Coring - Upper Bound
100 — — — Plugged - Lower Bound
— — Plugged - Upper Bound


Fig. 9 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 3

; Blows Per Foot
0 20 '46' "" " '* 60 80 100

(107, 125, 60, 79)
o; (105)


o 60


Number in parentheses are delay times in minutes


Fig. 10 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 3

Blows Per Foot
80 120 160 200
Very Dense
Clayey Sand


Very Dense
20 Fine to
~Or Sand


O 30


(3, 5 and 5) Hard Clay

PLUGGED Number in parentheses are delay time in hours


Fig. 11 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 4

Estimated Soil Resistance to Driving, Kips
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
V 4
"Iedium Dense
25 Fi rm to Very
Stif f Calcareous
Silty Clay
j L

V •

K — — — — - .... -
50 ' \ v ^s Med ium
^ >X\
•••-N*\ Derise

Fine Sand
o m
75 — \r
^— —• — i
cn \ V%xfX"
\ .
*v- \"'-N \ X Very Stiff
to hiard
- Carb<jnate -

\ -
::V- \.
Cl ay

N\ ~~x^\
125 Carbonate . SK
Silty Sand
Very : Stiff to
3 '
V" \s p
Hard Calcareous \
Silty Clay \
150 Silty Sand.) "**«t *^^_

ig - Lower Bound
— •— Coririg - Upper Bound
Plugcled - Lower Bound
Plugc ed - Upper Bound
17 S

Fig. 12 — Estimated resistance to driving — Case 5

Blows Per Foot
20 0 .60 80 100
I Medium Dense
Carbonate Sand
Firm to
Very Stiff
Calcareous Silly Clay

CD Medium Dense
S-i Fine Sana

ro 80
in (94,97,13 and 12)Very Stiff
o to Hard
(U Jpper Bound - Coring Carbonate Clay
•H 120
-P Dense Carbonate
Silty Sand
Very Stiff to
Hard Calcareous
0> Silty Clay
QL Eiltv Sand
160 Lower Boun

Number in parenthesis are delay times in hrs


Fig. 13 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 5

Blows Per Foot
20 40 60 80 100
Medium Dense
Carbonate Sand
Firm to
Very Stiff
Calcareous Siltv Clav

Medium Dense
--o Eine Sand
CO -(94,97,13 and 12) Very Stiff
to Hard
Upper Bound - Coring Carbonate Clay
12 (97,90) Dense Carbonate"
(0 Silty Sand
P Very Stiftto
CO Hard Calcareous
CD Siltv Clav
Q. Lower :y Sanrl

Number in parenthesis are delay times in hrs


Fig. 14 — Comparison of observed and predicted blow counts — Case 5

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