Research Proposal

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Research Question...............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Research Hypothesis............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objectives.............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the Study......................................................................................................................3
2 Literature Review................................................................................................................................3
2.1 The Period of Ignorance.......................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Out of custom Marriages and Norms of Pakistani Society:.................................................................5
3 Conceptualization...............................................................................................................................7
3.1 Non-Traditional Marriages..................................................................................................................7
4 Operationalization...............................................................................................................................8
4.1 Non-Traditional Marriages...................................................................................................................8
5 Research Methodology........................................................................................................................8
6 Data Analysis Technique......................................................................................................................8
Non-Traditional Marriages in Pakistan; Its Implication on the Lives
of Couples

1 Introduction
A wedding is an admissible understanding between a male and a female in Islam. Own free wills
by both genders are required to inter in an Islamic marriage. A Female particularly has all the
rights to pick a spouse for her and nobody has the option to constrain her to marry without
wanting to..

“Nikkah" is an Arabic word. The word Nikkah is usually used for sex and marital
relations. (Roberts,1982). The genuine significance of Nikah is "to interface in such a way to
ingest each other like the drops of a downpour on the ground, or break up like rest disintegrate in
eyes"(Al-Zubaidi, 1976). For the most part, in the Muslim globe, "love and sexual feelings
between the genders should get a legal structure, a reality which is resounded in Islamic law
where lawful sex (nikah) must be as an agreement ('aqd)".

Marriage fills in as a way to emotional and sexual fulfillment and as methods for tension
decrease. It turns out to be even Ibadah as it is obeying God and the Prophet. It the main
plausible strategy for the genders to join together. one is showing consistence to God by picking
marriage as opposed to invoving him/herself in wrongdoing. Marriage is in actuality a grave
agreement and is definitely not an issue which can be taken coolly. It ought to be gone into with
complete commitment and full information on what it includes. Your accomplice ought to be
your decision forever.

1.1 Research Question

How nontraditional marriages affect the life of couples in urban areas of Pakistan?

1.2 Research Hypothesis

Nontraditional marriages have a negative impact on the lives of couples.

1.3 Research Objectives

Following are the research objectives for our research:

1. To explore the influence of nontraditional marriages on the lives of couples.

2. To analyze the response of nearby community towards such marriages.

3. To examine the joint impact of non-traditional marriages on marital adjustment.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The findings of the investigation will be useful to unmarried individuals and the people of
society overall. Furthermore the information will be helpful to the individuals who somehow
think about marrying the non-traditional way.

2 Literature Review
Sir Abdur Rahim sees that: The establishment of marriage shares both of the idea of ibadat, or
devotional acts and managing among men"(Mulla, 1907). Arranged matrimonial is an old
convention and custom in India. As per this custom, the man of the hour and lady of the hour
can't see each other before taking part in the marriage contract. In an arranged marriage, the
guardians pick an actual existence accomplice for their girl (s) or child (s), and the meeting of
youngsters is not viewed as significant. As per Indraneel Dasgupta "Guardians in South Asia,
particularly in the rural areas, regularly want their married sons to live with them in a
subordinate limit. They anticipate sons, alongside their wives, to submit to parental authority in
decision making" (Etal, 2008). ‟Montse Estañol advocates that marriages put together not
concerning social or monetary fairness, yet on scholarly and moral equality"(Estañol, 2012). The
thought is love marriage is absolutely another consider new age before 1660, families had a
position to tie their kids in the agreement of wedding, because the marriage was viewed as an
approach to build up a social and financial trade. Nonetheless, the circumstance was changed
during the seventeenth and the eighteenth hundreds of years and the families turned out to be
nearer and the connection of love expanded among them bit by bit. It was an incredible change,
which assumed a major job in the public arena (Phegley, 2011).

2.1 The Period of Ignorance

At the point when we view the historical backdrop of Arab in the time of obliviousness, it is
uncovered that women were utilized to act like creatures and couldn't get even the essential
rights for her. She was denied off from conjugal, monetary, social, political, and inheritor rights.
It was her father and sibling who used to take practically all choices for her future. A widow was
conveyed like properties in legacy. The Holy Quran says: "O you who have accepted, it isn't
legal for you to acquire ladies by impulse" (Al-Quran, 4:19). Additionally, ‟Allah says in
refrain 23 of the section, Al-Nisa, of the Holy Quran in regards to the regard of
relationship": "Precluded for you (in marriage) are your mothers, your daughters, your
sisters, the sisters of your fathers, the sisters of your mothers, the daughters of your sibling, the
girls of your sister, your nursing mothers, the young ladies who breastfed from a similar lady like
you, the mothers of your spouses, the girls of your wives with whom you have fulfilled the
marriage, if the marriage has not culminated, you may marry the daughter. Additionally
disallowed for you are the women who were hitched to your hereditary children. Likewise, you
will not be hitched to two sisters simultaneously, yet don't separate existing relationships. Allah
is the Forgiver, Most Merciful" (Al-Quran, 4:23).

2.1.1 Out of custom Marriages and Norms of Pakistani Society:

An individual has been allowed a high rank by Allah. It is a masterpiece of His manifestations.
Naturally, he is social; so he desires to live respectively. He likes the chance to deal with his
issues with others in a social area. In public activity, he needs to confront an alternate sort of
circumstance that might be financial, practical, economic, political, and social. This conversation
has an immediate connection to non-traditional weddings and relationships. Pakistani culture has
various styles of relationships. There might be arranged marriage, child marriage, exchanged
marriage, the secret marriage, and forced marriage. Even though, the woman in Pakistan has the
option to embrace a marriage contract without a wali as expressed in the law "assent of wali isn't
required and a sui juris Muslim female can enter a substantial Nikah/Marriage by her own free
will"(PLD, 2004). They may ask and ask the will and want of the husband to be and the woman
too. This style of marriage is called traditional marriage. This style is acknowledged in the
general public. Various styles of marriage are being referenced here. Love Marriage

At the point when guardians show their understanding of their children’s marriage, it is called an
arranged marriage, such relationships and customs are commonly rehearsed in an indo-pak
culture (Mullatti, 1995). The connection of preferring isn't acknowledged and acknowledged in
Pakistani society before a wedding. The longing for love marriage for the most part makes an
upsetting domain and just as, it makes a purpose behind the irritation of the parent too(Grover,
2009). Eloped Marriage
The eloped style of marriage depends on the freedom of a young lady and a boy. They arrange
marriage. They leave their homes without the consent of the guardians. Ordinarily, they arranged
their marriage in court. Some of the time they organize nikah khawn for this reason. Pakistani
society thinks about it as rebellion. It is a rising practice in Pakistan. In some cases, the outcome
is respect murdering. Court Marriage

Even though there is no understanding of romance or enrolled relationships in Islam as it is
polished in the west however shockingly it is normal and in any event, expanding step by step in
Pakistani society. It occurs over the globe as per the marriage guidelines and lawful procedures
of that country or district... Thought processes of Nontraditional Marriages

There are numerous causes behind to acknowledge the nontraditional ways for marriages. Some
significant reasons are clarified beneath:

 Love is assuming a significant role to energize such marriages

 Convincing the new age to stand the executed traditions and customs of society
 Doing whatever it takes not to know concerning the liking and disliking of a couple
 Media is assuming a crucial role in empowering for such activity
 Awareness concerning the employments of rights
 The sentiment of hardship and disappointment in life advance such conditions in the
public arena
 To have high expectations with one another in the wake of falling in love

3 Conceptualization
3.1 Non-Traditional Marriages
A marriage that deviates from the traditional examples of marriage in general society. In the
United States and western Europe, such relationships may incorporate those that license the
accomplices to have sexual relations with others. (APA Dictionary of Psychology).
4 Operationalization
4.1 Non-Traditional Marriages
Non Traditional Marriages are the act of going against the cultural values and marrying with
your own will and it is usually opposing guardians/parents willingness.

5 Research Methodology
Our research was conducted by using Qualitative and exploratory method. Data collection was
done from secondary sources i.e. Journals, books, articles and websites. The Population for this
research is the married couples of Pakistan and the sample taken the couples of urban areas who
married nontraditionally. Sampling technique used was the snowball technique where couples
were asked to bring out more couples who married the same way.

6 Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis technique includes Thematic Analysis where the couples will be asked to do an
in-depth interview and the interview will be done in the light of research objectives.

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