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When the whole world is blind,
Shouldn’t someone shine the light?
When people are left behind,
Will there be one to stand the fight?
She is here to save our mother
She skips school to become a voice
Warning adults to stop slaughter
They act like they don’t have a choice 

She might be a fierce teenager

And her reasons explain why
Our world’s climate is in danger
Soon after we will all die

She stands in front of the parliament

Wanting someone to notice the problem
She demands Carbon footprint agreement
Saving our decaying ecosystem 

Like the ocean, she rises

But how high she can reach
If youngers are viewed as unwise,
then our future is hanging on thin leach 

People say kids should obey the older

But they were deep in greed
They don’t see the coming danger
Kids couldn’t stay mistreated
When she was recognized by the public,
 People pass on her idea
 Her name is known across the pacific
 Inspire people to come out and cheer

The frame is what she gains

 The youth begin to follow her
 She starts Friday for Future campaign
 Until the action occurs

In the eye of public, she speaks

Trying to shift the world’s attitude
She expresses the urgency at peak
Empty words cannot delude

Among those who love there are hates

They said she is mentally unstable
This did not make her intention abate
She fights as her body capable

They said kids should be in school

But the world is in crisis
She’ll strikes until the earth is cool
Fighting for environmental injustice

The major problem is world leaders

They have solutions but no action
She gathers a group of strikers
Amplifying voice for world’s transformation

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