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Resolution No. 05
Series of 2010



WHEREAS, the Professional Regulatory Board of Agricultural Engineering hereinafter called the
Board issued Board Res. No. 04, Series of 2005, entitled, “Promulgation of Syllabi for Subjects in
Licensure Examination for Agricultural Engineers”;

WHEREAS, Sec. 9(h) of R.A. No. 8981, called as the “PRC Modernization Act of 2000”, empowers
the Board: “(h) To prepare, adopt, and issue the syllabi or tables of specifications of the subjects for
examinations in consultation with the academe; strictly within the scope of syllabus or table of
specifications of the subject for the examination xxxx”;(italicization supplied)

WHEREAS, the First Biennial National Congress on Education held on February 28 and March 1,
2008 called for the strategy “to update licensure examinations to reflect technical and scientific
requirements of business and industry”;

WHEREAS, these requirements can be embodied in the syllabi or tables of specifications (TOS) for
the subjects in the Board Licensure Examination for Agricultural Engineers (BLEA);

WHEREAS, the adoption of the tables of specifications has appropriately rearranged the topics
and sub-topics or concepts and sub-concepts or areas and sub-areas incorporating thereon
competencies under the BLEAE subjects and allocating the percentage weights thereof;

WHEREAS, the TOS was refined by the Board with the assistance of PRC consultants for Test
Construction and Development and was validated by the representatives from business and
industry, Accredited Professional Organization, the CHED, and the Higher Education Institutions
during the national consultation workshops conducted by the Board last May 26,2010 and June
3,2010 in Manila;

WHEREAS, the TOS will bring forth quality Board licensure examinations for Agricultural
Engineers via inclusion of more effective and valid test questions framed therefrom;


NOW, THEREFORE, the Board RESOLVES, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to adopt
and promulgate the “Tables of Specifications (TOS) for the Subjects in the Board
Licensure Examination for Agricultural Engineers (BLEAE)”, an integral part of,
and ANNEX “A” to, the herein Board Resolution.

RESOLVED, FURTHER, this Resolution with ANNEX “A” hereof shall apply in the
Board Licensure Examination for Agricultural Engineers (BLEAE) and subsequent
schedules thereof.

RESOLVED, FINALLY, this Resolution shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
following its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette, or any daily
major newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.

Done in the City of Manila, this _________day of , 2010.



Member Member

Attested :

Secretary, Professional Regulatory Boards





Commissioner Commissioner


Subject 1. Agricultural Mechanization, Power, Machinery and Equipment and allied

subjects- 33%

Competency Weight (%) No. of Items

1. Agricultural Power and Tractor Operation 24 120

1.1 Analyze and evaluate the operation of internal 6 30
combustion engine; be able to identify the parts
and know the functions of each part of internal
combustion engine;
1.2 Evaluate and compare the different sources of 6 30
power in the farm, their applications and limitations
as well as the commercially available farm engines,
their brands and technical specifications; be able to
estimate the power available from each source;
1.3 Determine the physical, chemical, and 6 30
thermodynamic properties of fuels and lubricant,
and determine their most appropriate and efficient
1.4 Supervise tractor operation in trailing works, plowing, 6 30
harrowing, and other relevant field operations; be able to
know its field operation signs and symbols and safety
procedures; and direct preventive maintenance
procedures, trouble shooting and house keeping for
tractors and its farm equipment;
2. Agricultural Machinery Management, Extension 23 115
and Marketing
2.1 Determine and evaluate the operation and 8 40
performance of production machinery and primary
processing equipment
2.2 Prepare and implement marketing and extension 8 40
strategies for agricultural machinery
2.3 Plan and manage agricultural machinery at the 7 35
micro and macro levels.
3 Agricultural Machinery Design, 23 115
Fabrication/Manufacturing and Testing
3.1 Prepare and evaluate designs, technical 12 60
specifications and cost estimates of agricultural
machinery; and be able to determine its power
requirements, capacity and efficiency.
3.2 Test and evaluate fabricated/ manufactured/ 13 55
distributed agricultural machinery and equipment.
Competency Weight (%) No. of Items

4 Agricultural Economics and Marketing 20 100

4.1 Apply agricultural economics and engineering 10 50
economy in agricultural engineering projects; be
able to prepare/evaluate feasibility studies for
agricultural engineering projects and in evaluating
these studies in terms of their feasibility indicators
- net present value (NPV), internal rate of return
(IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), return on
investment (ROI) and payback period;
4.2 Apply agricultural marketing in agricultural 10 50
engineering enterprises; and be able to prepare and
evaluate business plans for agricultural engineering
projects; be able to understand and apply the
principles of international trade agreements for the
marketing/export of agricultural products
5. Agricultural Engineering Laws, Professional Ethics, 10 50
Engineering Contracts, Specifications and Legal
5.1 Apply Agricultural Engineering Law, its 4 20
implementing Rules and Regulations, Code of Ethics
and other policy issuances of the Board of Agricultural
Engineering in the practice of profession;
5.2 Be able to know the agricultural engineering documents 3 15
to be prepared, signed and sealed by licensed agricultural
engineer; and prepare bid proposals, contract documents
and other legal documents necessary in the practice of
agricultural engineering profession;
5.3 Apply and relate relevant laws such as National 3 15
Building Code, AFMA Law, CARP Law, Local
Government Code , New Cooperative Code, Renewable
Energy Law and Environmental Laws (Solid Waste
Management Act and Climate Change Act) in the practice
of agricultural engineering profession,
TOTAL 100 500
Subject 2. Soil and Water Resources Development and Conservation, Irrigation,
Drainage and allied subjects- 33%

Competency Weight (%) No. of Items

1. Hydrology 10 50

1.1 Describe the hydrologic Cycle; Hydrology in 1 5

1.2 Describe the principles of hydrometeorology; 3 15
Weather and hydrology; Precipitation, evaporation
and evapotranspiration; weather instruments
1.3 Describe the principles of watershed/surface 3 15
hydrology; Runoff, infiltration, seepage and
percolation, stream flow, soil erosion and sediment
1.4 Describe the basic theories of groundwater 3 15
hydrology; aquifer systems and lithography, well
hydraulics and well development; water quality analysis
2. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 45 225

2.1 Apply theories and practices in leveling, mapping, 5 25

triangulation, topographic, route, and construction
surveys, and global positioning system (GPS)
2.2 Apply the theories and principles of fluid mechanics in 3 15
the design, construction and management of agricultural
engineering production systems and facilities
2.3 Apply the basic theories of groundwater hydrology in 2 10
planning water resource projects
2.4 Analyze the design, construction, operation and 5 25
maintenance of hydraulics machineries and facilities
(i.e. pumps, and turbines); Pumps size determination
and specifications
2.5 Plan, design, construct, operate and manage 20 100
irrigation and drainage systems and facilities; Design
small canal structures for the conveyance of irrigation
or drainage water;
2.6 Apply the theories and principles in designing 10 50
pressurized irrigation systems and facilities;
3. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 30 150

3.1 Explain and apply the basic soil-water- plant 2 10

relations in crop production
3.2 Apply the principles of hydrometeorology in the 2 10
planning and design and management of water
resources facilities
3.3 Apply the principles of watershed hydrology in the 2 10
planning and design of agricultural engineering
3.4 Design, construct, manage farm ponds, reservoirs, 15 75
including earth dams, and spillways
3.5 Design of soil and water control structures and 5 25
facilities for stream banks and sloping cultivated
agricultural areas
3.6 Design of vegetative and lined water conveyance 2 10
3.7 Maintain water conservation works, drainage and 2 10
erosion control systems;
4. Mathematics, Agricultural Statistics and Operation 10 50
4.1 Apply the theories and concepts of sets, real number 1 5
systems, radical and rational numbers, linear equations,
laws of equalities and inequalities, quadratic equations,
laws of exponents, partial fraction, progression,
permutation, combination and probability, complex
numbers, and to the solutions of algebraic problems;
4.2 Apply the principles of trigonometric functions and their 1 5
relations, logarithms, circular, inverse trigonometric
functions to the solutions of right and oblique triangles
in both plane and spherical surfaces;
4.3 Analyze straight lines functions and graphs, limits, 1 5
continuity concepts, curves, and others, and solve
geometric and physical problems;
4.4 Solve problems relative to the application of the theories 1 5
and basic concepts of functions and limits, continuity,
derivatives and its application, algebraic functions,
polynomial curves, maxima and minima, differential of
exponential, logarithmic, inverse trigonometric and
hyperbolic functions, curvature, indeterminate forms;
4.5 Apply the fundamental principles of integration, definite 1 5
integrals, plane areas, partial differentiation, triple
integrals, series of constant terms, power series,
compute areas between two curves, application of
integration to the solution of fluid pressure, work,
moment of inertia, power series;
4.6 Apply the principles of sampling technique; 1 5
4.7 Construct, analyze, and interpret probability distribution; 1 5
4.8 Conceptualize, design, and implement research studies, 1 5
investigation and experiments in agricultural
engineering, collect and analyze data, and interpret
4.9 Apply the concepts, theories, and principles of 1 5
regression and correlation analysis; Describe and apply
the methods of testing of significance and analysis of
4.10 Apply the theories and principles of allocating 1 5
resources, project scheduling and programming
5. Agricultural and Fishery Sciences 5 25
5.1 Describe the principles of crop science, crop 5 25
protection, soil science, and animal science
TOTAL 100 500
Subject 3. Rural Electrification, Agricultural Processing, Agricultural Structures and
allied subjects- 34%

Competency* Weight (%) No. of Items

1. Rural Electrification 25 125

1.1 Prepare plans, designs, technical specifications and cost 8 40
estimates of electrical systems for agricultural buildings
and structures to include lighting plan/lay-out;
appropriate sizing of wires; determining the wattage
requirements of outlets, voltage requirements of circuit
breakers and the main circuit breaker
1.2 Supervise the installation and energization of electrical 2 10
systems in agricultural buildings and structures;

1.3 Prepare plans, designs, technical specifications and cost 3 15

estimates, and supervise the operation and maintenance
of electric motors and generators.
1.4 Prepare plans, designs, technical specifications and 4 20
cost estimates, and supervise the operation and
maintenance of renewable energy projects/systems for
farm electrification
1.5 Develop and utilize the potential of renewable 4 20
energy resources – waterfalls, biomass, animal
waste, bio-fuel crops, ocean current, volcanoes, solar,
wind etc.
1.6 Apply the theories, principles, and practices of 4 20
electronics, instrumentation and control in the design,
construction and operations of agricultural engineering
facilities and projects
2.0 Agricultural Processing 30 150
2.1 Prepare and evaluate plans, designs, technical 8 40
specifications and cost estimates of agricultural
processing system and facilities, to include primary
and value adding processes
2.2 Apply the theories and principles of psychometrics in 2 10
2.3 Analyze the spectral properties and radiation energy 2 10
distribution network
2.4 Analyze and apply the principles of steady state, 3 15
transient conduction, and radiant heat transfer in the
design of heat transfer equipment and facilities
2.5 Describe and apply natural and forced convection 2 10
transfer of heat and mass in boundary layers and in
fluids with phase change
2.6 Prepare and evaluate plans, designs, technical 6 30
specifications and cost estimates, and supervise the
operation and maintenance of refrigeration systems and
facilities for agricultural products

2.7 Describe and apply the basic concepts, theories and 2 10

principles, processes, and laws of thermodynamics
2.8 Compute the cooling loads and determine the power 2 10
requirements of refrigeration and ventilation systems
2.9 Analyze and design process flows of agricultural 3 15
products with application of the theories and principles
35 175
3.0 Agricultural Buildings and Structures
3.1 Prepare and evaluate plans and designs, technical 6 30
Specifications, program of works, and cost estimates of
agricultural buildings which include site development,
floor plans, elevation, cross sections, foundation plans,
roof framing plan, ventilation requirements; pest and
rodents control; and water supply requirements and
3.2 Apply the theories and principles of engineering 4 20
mechanics (statics and dynamics) and strength of
materials in the design of agricultural buildings
3.3 Apply technological software in the preparation plan and 2 10
cost estimate of agricultural buildings and structures
3.4 Prepare and evaluate plans and designs, technical 6 30
specifications, program of works and cost estimates of
farm-to-market roads, farm bridges and other horizontal
agricultural structures
3.5 Supervise or manage the construction, operation and 4 20
maintenance of agricultural buildings and structures
with the application of PERT CPM, CPES etc.
3.6 Apply theories and principles of structural analysis, 4 20
including for moving loads
3.7 Plan and design farmstead for efficient and cost- 2 10
effective agricultural production systems
3.8 Apply the theories and principles of psychometrics in 4 20
the design, construction, operation, and management of
greenhouses and appurtenant structures and facilities
for the production of high value crops
3.9 Prepare agricultural machinery and equipment plan 3 15
based on the agricultural process that will serve as the
reference for the design of the floor plan etc.;

4.0 Waste Management 10 50

4.1 Prepare and evaluate plans, designs, technical 4 20
specifications and cost estimates, of agricultural
(animal) waste management systems and facilities
consisting of biogas digesters, waste treatment
lagoons, organic fertilizer production and
4.2 Apply governmental regulations and technical 2 10
requirements in the design, operation and maintenance
of agricultural waste management facilities

4.3 Supervise or manage the construction, operation and 1 5

maintenance of agricultural waste management systems
and facilities
4.4 Apply the theories, principles and methodologies of re- 1 5
use of waste water
4.5. Describe and analyze the impact of CDM, climate 2 10
change, global warming and others in relation to
agricultural waste management
TOTAL 100 500

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