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Name: CRISTOBAL, Alyssa Oleen O.

Year/Section: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering- First Year

Subject: GE2: Readings in Philippine History

Schedule: MT/ 3:30-5:00

Date: March 15- April 14, 2020

Lesson/ Topic: Corazon Historic Speech before the U.S. Congress


Corazon Aquino, in full Maria Corazon Cojuangco Aquino was a

Philippine political leader who served as the first female president
of the Philippines in the year 1986-1992, restoring democratic rule in
that country after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos who had
her husband assassinated. She served as the 11th president of the
Philippines and the most prominent figure of the 1986 People Power

Corazon Aquino accomplished and appointed a commission to write a

new constitution that had been abolished by Marcos. However, she
failed to undertake fundamental economic and social reforms. She was
also known by being a gracious hostess, a shy, and a wife of Benigno
Simeon Aquino Jr., a prominent opposition politician that had been
jailed for eight years by Marcos. This event charge opposition to the
Marcos government. Millions of Filipinos attended into the streets of
Manila for the funeral of her husband. Corazon led the procession with
quiet grief and went on the lead protests. She made herself the center
of anti-Marcos politics by her calm strength under horrific conditions
this movement is called “People Power”. She was declared as the winner
against Marcos and finally, Ferdinand Marcos and his wife were forced
to flee into exiled in other country.

How many rulers and people with power do we truly recognize as

true and compassionate who deserves to be a great leader? One of those
honored is Cory which makes her actions like that of a “Hero”. I
salute her for her unyielding courage and pure intentions to free the
Philippines towards democracy. Mrs. Aquino had a courageous attitude,
stepping into politics and a mother of four daughters and a son. I
also acknowledge her because she comes from nowhere and with no
knowledge about politics and was expected to fail but she showed her
enthusiasm and commitment will prove justice. She accepted full
responsibility for her new title, showed courage and moved millions of

Her ability to make pure, conscious, moral decisions with the

intention to better the government makes her a hero. After winning the
presidency and removing Marcos from his position, she worked on
rebuilding what is left by Marcos. I believe in her strength even
after her husband’s death. It causes them a breakdown for the whole
family but Cory stays strong and let her courage rule them all.
Through her shyness, she managed to deliver a speech over a millions
of people. Even she is a women, no one can stop her will to reach her
goal. She received an uncountable support from the people and that
makes her strong and independent. She may be cursed by Marcos’s
supporters but she let them and says that all opinions must be heard
so that the world can know the situations we need to resolve. Her
faith, courage and integrity made the people’s victory.

Her legacy had a tremendous impact on the nation and on the

world’s perception of women in power. She was described as the
“housewife who led a revolution” and the “mother of Philippine
democracy”. Corazon Aquino has been honored, both during and after her
lifetime, with major international awards. We should all salute her
courage and headstrong attitude to complete her goal. Cory had brought
the corrupted political landscape into a renewed state, with a horizon
of hope for a better future to bring happiness to her people.
Name: CRISTOBAL, Alyssa Oleen O.

Year/Section: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering- First Year

Subject: GE2: Readings in Philippine History

Schedule: MT/ 3:30-5:00

Date: March 15- April 14, 2020

Lesson/ Topic: An Open Letter to Governor Wood

April 2020
The Major General Leonard Wood
Governor General
Chief of Staff US Army
PO Box 6500
United States

Dear Mr. Wood,

As a mere Filipino citizen, I just want to express my feelings through

this letter and I hope that this will help you realize what things
should still need to improve, change and develop. In your governance
here in the Philippine Islands, many were put in critical situations
and you have gone so far over the line that made it unacceptable in
this country. As the majority of the Filipinos, they are not aware of
who are you and they only has the idea that the whole American nation
deceived us. Filipinos were patient and diligent to the task given to
them, along with the promise given by you to conserve and develop our
country because they have their full trust on you. Yet, the result
shocked everybody because our constitutional system reduced and
destroyed by your policies.

But beside your flaws, Southern Islands and Mindanaoans accepted your
service which you are appointed at. We appreciated your concern in our
industry and trade that might be ruined because of the idleness of
Filipinos, the lawlessness, and hunger.

How you deceived the Filipinos is what matters to us the most, on how
you reversed the policy of Filipinizing the service of the government
by not appointing Filipinos even they have proven their capacity and
chose Americans instead. You also violate laws just because they are
in conflict with your personal views. Aside from that, you, Mr. Wood
unduly interfered in the justice and has used public funds to grant
public officials request for additional compensation. You also do the
act of pointing office nominees even when it is against the Senate and
continuously violate Philippine Government. These are just a few of
your bad acts, there are still tens or even hundreds of mistreatment
you have given to us and how you easily manipulate us because you are

I know that what is put on your shoulders, you should carry it until
the end without giving up. But actions you have made are not very
ideal for a leader. You are followed by many people and you should not
show them bad acts but instead, be an aspiration to many. Your system
doesn’t even be seen as a good economy even you have done good things
because it was overwhelmed by your multiple mishandling of the
government. You are like an untouchable human that even protests
cannot bring you down.

This letter might be one sided but it is important for you to know
what wrongdoings you have to be able to change it and liked by your
people. How great it is that even you left or died, you will stay
remarkable to our minds if you have done good things unlike how you
left and give us only hatred.


Alyssa Oleen Cristobal

Name: CRISTOBAL, Alyssa Oleen O.

Year/Section: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering- First Year

Subject: GE2: Readings in Philippine History

Schedule: MT/ 3:30-5:00

Date: March 15- April 14, 2020

Lesson/ Topic: Taxation

Taxation is to raise the revenue and to meet huge public

expenditure. Taxation also affects the total volume of production,
consumption, investment, choice of industrial location and techniques
and many more. Its purpose is to distinguish between objectives of
resource allocation, income redistribution, and economic stability. It
is also to avoid the negative externalities or the unintended bad
results. The objective of the redistribution is to lessen inequalities
in the distribution of income and wealth.

According to a study, taxes are primarily to raise revenue for

government expenditures. They are presumably collected for the welfare
of taxpayers as a whole and the individual taxpayer’s liability is
independent of any specific benefit received. Other objective of
taxation is the full employment since the level of employment depends
on effective demand.

Taxes thus affect an economy in various ways, although the

effects of taxes may not necessarily be good. There are some bad
effects of taxes too. Taxation on rich persons has the least effect on
the ability to work than poor people. Since rich people save more than
the poor, progressive rate of taxation reduces savings potentially.
Effect of taxes on the price level may be favorable and unfavorable,
and it bothers the problem of inflation

In this era, nothing comes for free unlike before and they add
taxes on almost every transaction. The Tax Reform Act of 1997 states
the types of taxes that every individuals and businesses have to pay.
According to the law, there are two basic types of taxes: national and
local. National taxes are those we pay to the government through the
BIR (Bureau of Internal revenue), while local taxes are the ones
collected by LGUs (Local Government Units).
There are different types of national taxes namely: Capital Gains
Tax in which businesses or individuals pay when they sell an asset for
profit. Second is the Donor’s Tax, relief goods sent during calamities
is an example. Another is Excise Tax where tax imposed on goods
produced for sale and sold for the country. Next example is the Income
Tax which is deducted to a person’s income or profit from property or
conduct of business. VAT (Value-Added Tax) is a form of consumption
tax that is imposed on a product whenever value is added at a stage of

We also have different types of taxes from the Local Tax. This are
the franchise tax, business of printing and publication tax,
professional tax, amusement tax, community tax, barangay clearance and
barangay tax, etc.

Tejvan Pettinger stated that lowering income tax rates increase the
spending power of consumers and can increase demand, leading to higher
economic growth and possibly inflation. It may also increase
incentives to work leading to higher productivity.

If the economy shows signs of slowing down, then the administration

should request more extensive excise tax cuts as a means of
stimulating sustained growth for having maximum employment,
production, and of course, the purchasing power.
Name: CRISTOBAL, Alyssa Oleen O.

Year/Section: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering- First Year

Subject: GE2: Readings in Philippine History

Schedule: MT/ 3:30-5:00

Date: March 15- April 14, 2020

Lesson/ Topic: Agrarian Reform

Agrarian reform is the redistribution of the agricultural resources

of a country. In a broader sense it includes related changes in
agricultural institutions, including credit, taxation, rents, and
cooperatives. Although agrarian reform can result in lower
agricultural productivity, it may increase productivity when land is
redistributed to the tiller.

The Philippines is an agricultural nation and where power is

concentrated in foreign business and landlords. Filipino workers
actually works in agriculture but many of them do not own the land.
Farmers earn the least yet contribute the greatest in society.

If I will stand on the feet of peasants for 3 days, I will realize

how hard to be on the lowest hierarchy. They worked long hours every
day just to ensure their family has something to eat and a place to
stay. Most of the peasants are farmers and they leased their land and
also paid taxes to the lord and to the king. The lifestyle of a
peasant was extremely hard and harsh

Land reform in the Philippines began with the American occupation,

when land reform was fated to fail because farmers lacked the
infrastructure and expertise to retain their farms.

Land reform guarantees most rural societies neither equity, nor

growth, nor progress toward modernity. In order to sustain itself,
land reform must be accompanied by agrarian reform, defined as the
creation of the infrastructure necessary for small holders to maintain

No matter how the intention of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program

or CARP to uplift the living conditions of farmers, it is still
falling due to lack of educational programs.
Previous administrations boast high land acquisition and
distribution performance simply because CARP during the earlier
periods focused on disposable lands of the public domain and unused
government-owned lands.

Despite the difficulties, the CARP under President Duterte is in a

period of awakening. This is the second phase of agrarian reform. What
sets the Duterte administration apart from its forerunner is the fact
that this presidency has agrarian reform in its heart.
Name: CRISTOBAL, Alyssa Oleen O.

Year/Section: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering- First Year

Subject: GE2: Readings in Philippine History

Schedule: MT/ 3:30-5:00

Date: March 15- April 14, 2020

Lesson/ Topic: Philippine Constitution

Every state has a constitution which collects rules and elaborate

documents. It is impossible to imagine how a state could exist without
a constitution of some form. The foundation of the system of
government of the Philippines is the constitution.

The term “constitution” refers to the body of rules and principles

in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty is regularly
exercised. It is also a written document by which the fundamental
powers of government are established. Its nature and purposes serves
as the supreme or fundamental law and establishes the basic framework
and underlying principles of government.

The 1897 Constitution of Biak na Bato is a provisionary constitution

of the Philippines Republic during Philippine Revolution and
promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary Government on Nov. 1,
1897. Its three main organs are the Supreme Council, the Supreme
Council of Grace and Justice, and the Assembly of Representatives.

In 1899, the Malolos Constitution, the first Philippine Constitution

was drafted and adopted by the First Philippine Republic, which lasted
from 1899 to 1901.

The 1935 Constitution or what we call The Commonwealth Constitution

was amended by the National Assembly of the Philippines. The amendment
changed the term limit of the President of the Philippines from six
years with a possibility of being reelected for a second term.

The Second Philippine Republic was a state in the Philippines

established on October 14, 1943 under the Japanese occupation.
President Manuel Quezon declared Manila as an “open city” and the
capital as well. Japanese entered the city on January 2, 1942 and
fully captured the Philippines on May 6, 1942. All political parties
were replaced by the KALIBAPI (Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong
Pilipinas) and its director-general was Benigno Aquino. After three
days, Jose P. Laurel was inaugurated on October 15, 1943 and declared
as the President of the Second Republic of the Philippines.

The 1973 Constitutional Authoritarianism had been ratified by an

overwhelming vote of the members of the highly irregular Citizen
Assemblies. There are three independent Constitutional Commissions
namely Civil Service Commission, Commission on Elections, and
Commission on Audit.

Freedom Constitution form of Government is Parliamentary Republic.

Constitutional freedom refers to those freedoms guaranteed by the
Constitution. Such freedoms are granted by the Constitution to its
citizens to fully enjoy their protection. On February 11, 1987, by
virtue of Proclamation no. 58, President Aquino announced the official
canvassing of results and ratification of the draft constitution.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution is thus a conventional, written,

and rigid constitution. This new constitution was drafted by an
appointed Constitutional Commission of 48 members and ratified by
people held on February 2, 1987.

1987 Constitution established a representative democracy with power

divided by three separate and independent branches of government: the
Executive, a bicameral Legislative, and the Judiciary.

Executive branch is headed by President and his appointed Cabinet.

The president is the head of the state and the chief of executive, the
President can still declare martial law, but not for period longer
than 60 days.

The legislative power is vested in a Congress which is divided into

two Houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The 24
members of the Senate are elected and can serve no more than two
consecutive 6-year terms. The House is composed of 234 elected

The judicial power of government exercises Court system in the

Philippines. The Supreme Court is a 15-member court appointed by the
President without need for confirmation by Congress.

All of these Constitutions are important to establish justice and

ensure peace of the nation, on how the government can run itself, to
keep the state balanced and an effective government to the state and

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