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Pathology and pathophysiology of pneumoconiosis

Naoki Fujimura, MD, PhD

Cellular and molecular mechanisms, as well as associated Silicosis

gene expressions, in silicosis and asbestosis are widely inves- Silicosis is caused by inhalation of dust containing crys-
tigated, and compound mechanisms involved in initiating talline silicon dioxide (silica) [1]. Quartz is the most
inflammation and progression to fibrosis are comprehensively common form of crystalline silica. Occupations such as
studied, though not yet totally understood. Recent advances in quarrying have been recognized to increase the risk of
this field, especially concerning pathophysiology of these exposure to crystalline silica [1].
pneumoconioses, are reviewed in this article.
Silicosis and asbestosis are two major types of pneumoconio- The development and severity of silicosis depend on
sis. Although the clinico-pathologic features presented are the total amount, intensity, and duration of exposure to
apparently different, silicosis and asbestosis are both intersti- quartz, and whether the presence of other minerals
tial lung diseases caused by chronic exposure to airborne inor- interfered with the toxicity of the silica. The nature and
ganic dusts, and the pathology of these two diseases is properties of minerals play a key role (eg, quartz is less
essentially a fibrosis. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2000, 6:140–144 © 2000 fibrogenic than tridymite and cristbalite)[1]. The higher
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. the free silica content of the particles, the more the
particles tend to induce silicosis. The worker’s individ-
ual susceptibility is also an important factor in the devel-
opment of silicosis.
Department of Medicine, National Hira Hospital, Shiga, Japan.

Correspondence to: Naoki Fujimura, MD, PhD, National Hira Hospital, 298
Clinical types of silicosis
Wani-naka, Shiga, Shiga, Shiga 520-0526, Japan; tel: +81-77-594-1122; fax: Two types of silicosis occur. Acute silicosis presents as
alveolar silicolipoproteinosis, following intense expo-
sure to quartz. Classic silicosis is divided into two
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2000, 6:140–144 groups by the chest x-ray film findings—simple,
Abbreviations nodular silicosis and complicated silicosis with large
BAL bronchoalveolar lavage
conglomatous opacities [1].
FGF fibroblast growth factor
ICAM intercellular adhesion molecule
IGF insulin-like growth factor
Pathology of silicosis
IL interleukin Silicotic nodules consist of fibrotic lesions and more
MIP macrophage inflammatory protein
PDGF platelet derived growth factor
apparently distribute in the upper part of the lungs. The
VCAM vascular cell adhesion molecule nodule is typically an “onion skin lesion” of concentri-
TNF tumor necrosis factor
cally arranged collagen fibers. Cells inside the nodule
are dust-laden macrophages and lymphoid cells.
ISSN 1070–5287 © 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Consequently, nodules become acellular and hyalinized.
Particles of silica may be demonstrated as birefringent
particles under polarized light. The pathology of acute
silicosis is quite different from the classic silicosis, a
sever alveolitis with alveolar filling and a PAS-positive
substance consistent with alveolar lipoproteinosis.

Asbestosis, one of several asbestos-related diseases,
involves interstitial fibrosis of the lung induced by
chronic exposure to asbestos fibers. Other asbestos-
related diseases include benign pleural effusion and
plaques, malignant mesothelioma, and bronchogenic
carcinoma. Asbestos is a collective term for some of the
metamorphic, fibrous, mineral silicates of the serpentine
and amphibole groups. Asbestos is widely used in indus-
tries for its tensile strength and heat resistance. Major
forms of industrial use are chrysotile (95% of total
Pathology and pathophysiology of pneumoconiosis Fujimura 141

production), crocidolite, and amosite. Anthophyllite, the alveolar wall and alveolar epithelial surface (initia-
tremolite, and actinolite are used less. Use of asbestos tion of alveolitis) [2,4].
and sources of exposure, such as asbestos cement, are
reviewed in detail by Browne [3••]. Irritant and associated inflammatory mediators also
increase airway mucin biosynthesis by inducing mucin
Clinical and pathologic features of gene MUC5AC message levels in epithelial cells, this is
asbestosis studied in acrolein and inflammatory mediators such as
Asbestosis presents as diffuse interstitial pulmonary prostaglandin E2, 15-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (15-
fibrosis in clinical symptoms, physical findings, HETE), TNF-α, and proteinkinase C activator stimu-
pulmonary function tests, chest radiography or lated human lung carcinoma cell line in vitro system [5].
computed tomography, and histopathology. An addi-
tional finding on chest radiologic images is plural thick- Alveolar macrophages are the main cells forming alveoli-
ening or plaques. And specific pathologic finding is the tis, although lymphocytes and neutrophils are also
presence of asbestos bodies in the lung [3••]. involved. These activated inflammatory cells damage
the pulmonary architecture and form the basis of fibrotic
Mechanisms of pathogenesis of scars [2,4].
The pathophysiology of silicosis and asbestosis is a Evidence that alveolar macrophages play a key role in
chronic inflammation of the lung (alveolitis) and result- lung inflammation, expression and activation of cytokines,
ing fibrosis. These mechanisms are reviewed systemati- chemokines, and the transcription of nuclear factor (NF)-
cally and in detail in recent reviews [2,4] (Fig. 1). κB are suppressed by depletion of alveolar macrophages
in immune complex-induced acute rat lung injury.
Inflammatory process Bronchoalveolar lavage levels of TNF-α, neutrophil
After reaching the alveoli, silica particles or asbestos chemotaxins, macrophage inflammatory protein 2, vascu-
fibers are phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages. lar cell adhesion molecules (VCAM-1), and neutrophils
Macrophages are damaged or activated and released inducing accumulation and development of lung injury
cytotoxic oxidant or protease and inflammatory media- were also substantially diminished. Initial activation of
tors cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, NF-κB occurs in alveolar macrophages, and the ensuing
interleukin (IL)-1, and arachidonic acid metabolites, production of TNF-α may propagate NF-κB activation in
which provoke recruitment of inflammatory cells into other cell types in the lung [6••]. TNF-α induces the

Figure 1. Proposed mechanisms involved in pathophysiology of pneumoconiosis

The chronic inflammation of the lung (alveolitis) and Inorganic dust

resulting fibrosis are main mechanisms of pneumo-
coniosis. 1. Inflammatory process: Inhaled dust parti-
cles are phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages. Lymphocyte Epithelial cell
Macrophages are damaged and activated to release Autoantibodies
cytotoxic O or lysosomal enzymes and inflammatory Altered immune control?
cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, AAM, CINC, and
MIP, which recruit inflammatory cells into the alveoli
(initiation of alveolitis). Epithelial cells are also Macrophages Epithelial cell
damaged, and they release inflammatory cytokines. Damage
Immune reguratory activity of macrophages is altered Cytokines Cytokines
and may induce autoimmune lung injury. Alveolar
TNF Macrophages
macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils are the IL-1
main cells forming alveolitis. These activated inflam- TNF TNF FGF
matory cells damage the pulmonary architecture and NIP AAN IL-1 IL-1 PDGF
form the basis of fibrotic scar. 2. Fibrotic process: CINC Lysosomal Enzymes IGF
Following the inflammatory process, the reparative
and fibrotic phase emerges. Growth factors (TNF, IL- Neutrophil
1, FGF, PDGF, IGF) stimulate the recruitment and Lymphocyte
proliferation of type II pneumocytes and fibroblasts Fibroblast
and induce overproduction of fibronectin and colla- Proliferate
gen, resulting in the development of fibrosis. TNF, Inflammatory
Collagen synthesis
tumor necrosis factor; IL-1, interleukin-1; O, oxygen cell recruitment
radicals; AAM, arachidonic acid metabolites; MIP,
macrophage inflammatory protein; CINC, cytokine-
induced neutrophil chemoattractant; FGF, fibroblast Inflammatory process Fobrotic process
growth factor; PDGF, platelet derived growth factor; = alveolitis
IGF, insulin-like growth factor.
142 Obstructive, occupational, and environmental diseases

intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) and VCAM-1 and proliferation of type II pneumocytes, fibroblasts,
on cultured human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro, and fibronectin, and collagen, resulting in the development
this VCAM-1 expression is inhibited by treatment with of fibrosis [2,4].
glucocorticoids [7].
As dominant inflammatory cells involved in lesion of
Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory pneumoconiosis, alveolar macrophages release many
mechanisms of the lung pro-fibrosis growth factors—such as the fibroblast
In addition to classic mechanisms such as antiprotease, growth factor (FGF), platelet-derived growth factor
novel factors inhibit or attenuate lung inflammation. (PDGF), and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)—recruit
Airway epithelial lining fluid forms an interface between and proliferate the fibroblasts [2,4]. FGFs are regarded
the airway epithelial cells and external environment, as an important cytokine in upregulation of collagen
representing the first biologic matrix to interact with biosynthesis, which leads to fibrosis.
inhalants. In bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), obtained
human epithelial lining fluid contains multiple low A worker’s individual susceptibility is recognized as a
molecular-mass antioxidants such as ascorbate, urate, important factor that influences the disease, although in
glutathione, and α-tocophoerol that act as defense human leukocyte antigen (HLA) phenotyping studies
mechanisms against oxidative reactions initiated by there are controversies [1,3]. A recent study in assess-
inhaled pollutant and endogenous oxidants generated ment of polymorphisms in coal workers within the
during inflammatory process at the respiratory tract TNF-α gene revealed significant overpresentation of
surface [8]. Heme, released from hemoglobin and heme the A–308 genotype in mineral-dust-induced lung fibro-
proteins, promotes the formation of oxygen radicals that sis [12••], providing some clue to the possible predispo-
lead to cellular injury. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) catab- sition among workers exposed to dusts.
olizes heme and protects from heme-mediated oxidative
injury [9]. Pathophysiology of silicosis
In BAL fluids of patients with silicosis, cells, mainly
15-HETE is one of the major arachidonic acid metabolites dust-laden macrophages, are increased. Lymphocytes
involved in lung inflammation and is catalyzed by 15- and neutrophils are also increased [1,2]. The immuno-
lipoxygenase (15-LO). In cultured normal human tracheo- logic process, induced by silica, may play some role in
bronchial epithelial cells, IL-4 induces enhanced expres- the inflammatory process through the adjuvant effect
sion of 15-LO and inhibits inflammatory mucus secretion and modulation of immune-control system, resulting in
attenuating MUC5AC and MUC5B messages [10]. the formation of antihuman lung autoantibodies [1].
Whether this immunologic process really involves
Programmed cell death or apoptosis of macrophages and human silicosis remains to be established.
expression of TNF-α are induced by particulate matter (a
by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels). This apop- Recruited inflammatory cells release toxic oxygen deriv-
tosis is mediated by TNF-α. In turn, TNF-α activates atives and proteolytic enzymes, which cause cellular
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity, which damage and destruction of the extracellular matrix [1,2].
also mediates apoptosis and TNF-α release. Whether Silica-stimulated macrophages release TNF-α and IL-1
these phenomena protect against or aggravate lung injury [1,2,]. Even after exposure to silica has ceased, mice
is still unclear. TNF-α induced apoptosis in activated lungs show persistent overexpression of IL-1β and
macrophages stops macrophages from releasing major TNF-α. IL-1β and TNF-α expression localized to
cytokines and minimizes the inflammatory process; on mononuclear cells in the alveolar spaces, cells within the
the other hand, TNF-α provokes further recruitment and aggregate lesions, and even cells in BALT and lymph-
cellular damage of inflammatory cells, such as noid nodules. Therefore, the continuous cellular
neutrophils, and additional macrophages to release production of IL-1β and TNF-α appears to be strongly
inflammatory factors [11]. The role of apoptosis in mecha- associated with the evolving lesions of silicosis [13].
nisms in lung inflammation must be investigated.
Recently, an in vitro test-system was developed using
The result that TNF—induced VCAM-1 expression is human macrophages, human pneumocyte type II cells,
suppressed by some inhaled glucocorticoids, given the human diploid lung fibroblasts, and human tracheo-
role of some of these agents in controlling of acute inflam- bronchial epithelial cells. In this test-system, quartz-
mation early and in minimizing fibrotic progression [7]. treated human macrophages release insulin-like growth
factor (IGF)-1 and transforming growth factor beta
Fibrotic process (TGF-β) to stimulate cell proliferation and collagen-
The inflammatory process is followed by a reparative synthesis of fibroblasts [14••]. This system may
phase in which growth factors stimulate the recruitment contribute to further investigations.
Pathology and pathophysiology of pneumoconiosis Fujimura 143

TNF-α induces the macrophage inflammatory protein TNF-α, IL-1 β, and IGF-1 do not contribute to this activ-
(MIP)-2 and cytokine-induced-neutrophil chemoattrac- ity [19••]. This finding may lead to a novel proliferation
tant (CINC) to recruit neutrophils into the lungs after factor.
silica exposure [2••]. The TNF-α release also increases
the expression of ICAM-1 on vascular endothelium cells Clearly, fiber length and mineralogic characteristics of
to enhance the attachment of neutrophils to the asbestos are important in pathogenicity of asbestosis.
endothelium of blood vessels in silica-exposed mice For equivalent weights, long fibers produce a much
[2••]. In the quartz-induced acute inflammatory phase, greater fibrogenic effect than short fibers. Specific
these recruited neutrophils secret TNF-α or IL-1 to pathogenecity of asbestos fibers only exists at lengths
upkeep alveolitis [15], and connective tissue breakdown greater than 5 µm. While chrysotile fibers are frag-
is by neutrophil-derived proteases [16]. mented and disappear from lung tissue in a relatively
short time, amphibole asbestos as amosite or crocidolite
While silica challenge to lungs induces inflammation by persist for a long time. The difference in bio-persistence
cytokines, IL-10 expression in rat lungs downregulates of these asbestos groups results in chrysotile being asso-
quartz-induced inflammation and cell activation. In ciated with less disease in human beings [3,4].
experiments using recombinant murine IL-10 and anti-
IL-10 antisera, this anti-inflammatory action of IL-10 A recent investigation, which used dielectrophoresis to
after quartz administration involves, at least in part, separate glass fibers into groups of different lengths,
attenuation of MIP-2 expression [17]. TGFs upregulates studied the effects of length on the interaction between
collagen-synthesis and leads to fibrosis. TGF-α and glass fibers and macrophages by focusing on production
type I procollagen gene expression are coincidentally of TNF-α in a mouse macrophage cell line [20]. Long
observed in silica-exposed rats [2••]. Also, overexpres- fibers (17 µm) were significantly more potent than short
sion of TGF-β is reported in human silicosis [2••]. fibers (7 µm) in inducing NF-κB activation, the gene
These inflammatory and fibrotic processes contribute to promoter activity, and the production of TNF-α [20••].
the pathogenesis of silicosis. The results support the hypothesis that fiber length
plays a critical role in fibrogenic potency.
Pathophysiology of asbestosis
Asbestos fibers injure alveolar macrophages and epithe- References and recommended reading
lial cells directly, and they cause macrophages to Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review,
produce and release groups of mediators and growth have been highlighted as:
factors for fibroblast and inflammatory cells. The inflam- • Of special interest
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This article reports a new test-system of cultured human lung cell lines This study analyzed the effects of length on the interaction between glass fibers
(macrophages, pneumocyte II cells, diploid lung fibroblasts, tracheal epithelial and mouse macrophages in production of TNF-α separating fibers according to
cells) that enables the influence of various cytekines produced by the fiber lengths, and directly showed that longer fibers are more potent in inducing
macrophages to be studied. NFκB activation and production of TNF-α.

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