Management Informadtion System: Alemayehu Shiferaw (PH.D)

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Alemayehu Shiferaw (Ph.D)

Part 2: Information
System Infrastructure
3.Data Resource Management
3.1. Traditional File Processing
 Data are organized, stored, and processed in
independent files
 Each business application designed to use
specialized data files containing specific
types of data records
 Problems
 Data redundancy
 Lack of data integration
 Data dependence (files, storage devices,
 Lack of data integrity or standardization
3.2. Database Management
 In all information systems, data resources must be
organized and structured in some logical manner
so that they can be accessed easily, processed
efficiently, retrieved quickly, and managed
 Data structures and access methods ranging from
simple to complex have been devised to organize
and access data stored by information systems

3.3. Fundamental Data Concept
 Data may be logically organized into
characters, fields, records, files, and
databases , just as writing can be
organized into letters, words, sentences,
paragraphs, and documents.

Data Vs Information(Cont’d…)
 Data are raw facts about physical phenomena or
business transactions
 Information is data that has been converted into
meaningful and useful context for end users
 Example:
 Sales data is names, quantities, and dollar amounts
 Sales information is amount of sales by product type,
sales territory, or salesperson

3.4. Logical Data Elements

Logical Data Elements (cont’d…)
 Character
 The most basic logical data element is the character ,
which consists of a single alphabetic, numeric, or
other symbol
 From a user’s point of view, a character is the most
basic element of data that can be observed and
 Field or data item
A field consists of a grouping of related characters.
 Represents an attribute (characteristic or quality)
of some entity (object, person, place, event)
 Example: salary, job title, name, etc

Logical Data Elements (Cont’d…)
 Record
 All of the fields used to describe the attributes of
an entity are grouped to form a record .
 Thus, a record represents a collection of
attributes that describe a single instance of an
entity .
 Example: payroll record with name, SSN, pay rate
 The first field in a record is used to store some
type of unique identifier for the record. This
unique identifier is called the primary key

Logical Data Elements (Cont’d…)
 File or table
A group of related records is a data file
(sometimes referred to as a table or flat file ).
 Any database that exists in a single file in the
form of rows and columns, with no relationships
or links between records and fields except the
table structure.
 Database
 An integrated collection of logically related
data elements
 Databases contain data elements describing
entities and relationships among entities.
Electric Utility Database

3. 5. Database Structures
 The relationships among the many individual data
elements stored in databases are based on one of
several logical data structures, or models.
 Database management system (DBMS) packages
are designed to use a specific data structure to
provide end users with quick, easy access to
information stored in databases.
 Common database structures…
 Hierarchical
 Network
 Relational
 Object-oriented
 Multi-dimensional 13
3.5.1.Hierarchical Structure

 Early DBMS structure

 Records arranged in tree-
like structure
 Relationships are one-to-
many because each data
element is related to only
one element above it.

3.5.2. Network Structure

 Used in some mainframe

DBMS packages
 Many-to-many relationships
 The network model can access
a data element by following one
of several paths because any
data element or record can be
related to any number of other
data elements.

3.5.3.Relational Structure

 Data elements are stored in tables all data elements within

the database are viewed as being stored in the form of
simple two-dimensional tables
 Row represents a record; column is a field
 Can relate data in one file with data in another, if both files
share a common data element
 Database management system packages based on the
relational model can link data elements from various tables
to provide information to users. 16
Relational Operations
 Select
 Create a subset of records that meet a stated
 Example: employees earning more than
 Join
 Combine two or more tables temporarily
 Looks like one big table
 Project
 Create a subset of columns in a table

3.5.4.Multidimensional Structure
 Variation of relational model
 Uses multidimensional structures to
organize data
 Data elements are viewed as being in cubes
 Popular for analytical databases that support
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
 A major benefit of multidimensional databases is
that they provide a compact and easy-to
understand way to visualize and manipulate
data elements that have many
Multidimensional Model (cont’d)

3.5.5. Object-Oriented Structure
 An object consists of
 Data values describing the attributes of an entity
 Operations that can be performed on the data
 Encapsulation
 Combine data and operations
 Handle complex types of data (graphics,
pictures, voice, and text) more easily than other
database structures
 Inheritance
 New objects can be created by replicating some
or all of the characteristics of parent objects

Object-Oriented Structure (cont’d…)

Object-Oriented Structure (cont’d…)
 Used in object-oriented database management
systems (OODBMS) popular in computer-aided
design (CAD) and a growing number of applications.
 For example, object technology allows designers
to develop product designs, store them as objects
in an object-oriented database, and replicate and
modify them to create new product designs.
 Supports complex data types more efficiently than
relational databases
 Example: graphic images, video clips,
web pages
3.6.Evaluation of Database Structures
 Hierarchical
 Works for structured, routine transactions
 Can’t handle many-to-many relationship
 Network
 More flexible than hierarchical
 Unable to handle ad hoc requests
 Relational
 Easily responds to ad hoc requests
 Easier to work with and maintain
 Not as efficient/quick as hierarchical or network

3.7. Data Dictionary
 A data dictionary
 Is a database management catalog or directory
containing metadata (i.e., data about data).
 Relies on specialized software component to manage
a database of data definitions, which is metadata
about the structure, data elements, and other
characteristics of an organization’s databases
 It contains information on..
 The names and descriptions of all types of data
records and their interrelationships
 Requirements for end users’ access and use of
application programs
 Database maintenance
 Security 24
3.8. Data Resource Management
 Data are a vital organizational resource that need to
be managed like other important business assets.
 Today’s business enterprises cannot survive or
succeed without quality data about their internal
operations and external environment.
 A managerial activity that applies information
systems technologies like database management,
data warehousing, and other data management
tools to the task of managing an organization’s data
resources to meet the information needs of their
business stakeholders.
 Data stewards
 Dedicated to establishing and maintaining the
quality of data
 Need business, technology, and diplomatic skills
 Focus on data content
 Judgment is a big part of the job

3.9.Types of Databases

3.9.1. Operational Databases
 Stores detailed data needed to support business
processes and operations
 Also called subject area databases (SADB),
transaction databases, and production
 Database examples: customer, human
resource, inventory
 Databases containing data generated by
business operations


Distributed Databases
Distributed databases are copies or parts of databases stored on
servers at multiple locations
 Improves database performance at worksites
 Advantages
 Protection of valuable data
 Data can be distributed into smaller databases
 Each location has control of its local data
 All locations can access any data, any where
 Disadvantages
 Maintaining data accuracy
 Replication
 Look at each distributed database and find changes
 Apply changes to each distributed database
 Very complex
 Duplication
 One database is master
 Duplicate the master after hours, in all locations
 Easier to accomplish
3.9.3. External Databases
 Databases available for a fee from commercial
online services, or free from the Web
 Example: hypermedia databases, statistical
databases, bibliographic and full text
 Search engines like Google or Yahoo are
external databases

3.9.4.Hypermedia Databases
 The rapid growth of Web sites on the Internet and
corporate intranets and extranets has dramatically
increased the use of databases of hypertext and
hypermedia documents.
 A hypermedia database contains
 Hyperlinked pages of multimedia
 Interrelated hypermedia page elements,
rather than interrelated data records
 From a database management point of view, the
set of interconnected multimedia pages on a Web
site is a database of interrelated hypermedia page
elements, rather than interrelated data records.
3.10. Data Warehouses
 Stores static data that has been extracted from
other databases in an organization
 Central source of data that has been cleaned,
transformed, and cataloged
 Data is used for data mining, analytical
processing, analysis, research, decision support
 Data warehouses may be divided into data marts
 Subsets of data that focus on specific aspects
of a company (department or business process)

Applications and Data Marts

3.11. Data Mining
 Data in data warehouses are analyzed to reveal
hidden patterns and trends
 This analysis can be used to help managers make
decisions about strategic changes in business
operations to gain competitive advantages in the
 Market-basket analysis to identify new
product bundles
 Find root cause of qualify or manufacturing problems
 Prevent customer attrition
 Acquire new customers
 Cross-sell to existing customers
 Profile customers with more accuracy
3.12. Database Management System
 In mainframe and server computer systems, a
software package that is used to…
 Create new databases and database
 Maintain the quality of the data in an
organization’s databases
 Use the databases of an organization to
provide the information needed by end users

and Networks
4.1.Network Concepts
 Businesses have become networked
 The Internet, the Web, and intranets and
extranets are networking business processes
and employees together and connecting them to
their customers, suppliers, and other business
 The term network means an interconnected or
interrelated chain, group, or system.

4.2.Telecommunication Trends
 Telecommunications is the exchange of
information in any form (voice, data, text,
images, audio, video) over networks.
 The Internet is the most widely visible form
of telecommunications in your daily lives.


 Middleware
 A general term for any programming that
mediates between two separate programs
 Allows a particular database to access other
databases without custom programming
 Commonly known as the “plumbing” of an
information system
 It routes data and information between back-
end data sources and end user applications
 An essential component of any IT
4.4.Digital Network Technologies
 Telecommunications are being revolutionized by
switch from analog to digital
 Analog: voice-oriented transmission
 Digital: discrete pulse transmission
 Benefits
 Higher transmission speeds
 Moves larger amounts of information
 Greater economy and much lower error rates
 Transmits multiple types of communications
(data, voice, video) on the same circuits

4.5.Business Application Trends
 The trend toward more vendors, services, Internet
technologies, and open systems, and the rapid growth
of the Internet, the World Wide Web, and corporate
intranets and extranets, dramatically increases the
number of feasible telecommunications applications.
 Telecommunications networks now play a vital and
pervasive role in Web-enabled…
 E-business processes
 Electronic commerce
 Enterprise collaboration
 Other applications that support operations,
management, and strategic objectives

4.6.Internet Applications
 Most popular Internet applications and uses
 E-mail
 Instant messaging
 Browsing the Web
 Newsgroups
 Chat rooms
 Publish opinions, subject matter, creative work
 Buy and sell
 Downloading (data, software, reports, pictures, music,

Business Use of the Internet

Business Value of the Internet

 Intranets are protected by…
 Passwords
 Encryption
 Firewalls
 Customers, suppliers, and other business
partners can access an intranet via extranet

Business Value of Intranets
 Intranets support
 Communications and collaboration
 Business operations and management
 Web publishing
 Intranet portal management

 Network links that use Internet technologies to
connect the intranet of a business to the
intranets of another
 Virtual Private Networks
 Direct private network links, or private secure
Internet links between companies
 Unsecured Extranet
 Link between a company and others via the
Internet, relying on encryption of sensitive
data and firewall security systems

Extranet Connectivity

Business Value of Extranets
 Web browser technology makes customer and
supplier access to intranets easier and faster
 Another way to build and strengthen strategic
 Enables and improves collaboration between a
business, customers, and partners
 Facilitates online, interactive product development
and marketing

4.7.Telecommunications Network Model
 A telecommunications network is any
arrangement where
 A sender transmits a message
 To a receiver
 Over a channel
 Consisting of some sort of medium

4.8. Telecommunications
Network Components
 Terminals
 Any input/output device that uses networks
to transmit or receive data
 Telecommunications processors
 Devices that support data transmission,
 Telecommunications channels
 Media over which data are transmitted,
 Computers
 All sizes and types
4.9.Telecommunications Network
 Telecommunications control software
 Controls telecommunications activities
 Manages the functions of telecommunications
 Includes network management programs of all
 Telecommunications monitors (mainframes)
 Network operating systems (network servers)
 Web browsers (microcomputers)

Network Component Alternatives

4.10.Types of Communications
 Primary types of communications networks
 Wide Area
 Local Area
 Virtual Private
 Client/Server
 Peer-to-peer

Wide Area Network (WAN)
 Telecommunication network that covers a large
geographic area

Local Area Network (LAN)
 Connects
computers within
a limited physical
area, such as an
classroom, or

Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
 Used to establish secure intranets and extranets
 The Internet is the main backbone network
 Relies on network firewalls, encryption, and
other security features to build a “pipe” through the
 Creates a private network without the high
cost of a separate proprietary connection

Virtual Private Network

Client/Server Networks
 Clients
 End user personal computers or networked computers
 Servers
 Used to manage the networks
 Processing
 Shared between the clients and servers
 Sometimes called a two-tier architecture
 Larger computer systems are being replaced with multiple
client/server networks

Client/Server Network

4.11.Telecommunications Media
 Twisted-Pair Wire
 Ordinary telephone wire
 Copper wire is twisted
into pairs
 Coaxial Cable
 Sturdy copper or
aluminum wire wrapped
with spacers to insulate
and protect it
 Fiber-Optic Cable
 One or more hair-thin
filaments of glass
fiber wrapped in a
protective jacket
Wireless Technologies
 Wireless telecommunications technologies rely on radio
wave, microwave, infrared, and visible light pulses to
transport digital communications without wires between
communications devices.
 Terrestrial Microwave
 Earthbound microwave systems transmit
high-speed radio signals
 Follows a line-of-sight path between relay systems
spaced about 30 miles apart
 Communications Satellites
 Serve as relay stations
 Use microwave radio signals
 Earth stations beam signals to the satellites
 Not suitable for interactive, real-time processing
Wireless Technologies
 Cellular and PCS Telephone and Pager Systems
 Geographic areas are divided into cells
 Each cell has a low-power transmitter or radio relay
 Computers and other communications processors
coordinate and control the transmissions to and from
mobile users
 Wireless LANS
 Uses wireless radio-wave technology to
connect PCs within an office or a building
 Can be high-frequency, similar to digital
cellular, or low frequency (spread spectrum)

Wireless Technologies
 Bluetooth
 Short-range wireless technology
 Connects PCs to devices, such as a printer
 Fairly low cost to implement
 Other Wireless Systems
 Cellular phones
 Mobile radio
 PDAs
 Telecommunications networks now play vital and
pervasive roles in
 Web-enabled e-business processes
 Electronic commerce
 Enterprise collaboration
 Other applications that support business operations,
management, and strategic objectives 65
4.12. Telecommunications Processors
 Telecommunications processors such as modems,
multiplexers, switches, and routers perform a variety
of support functions between the computers and
other devices in a telecommunications network.
 Modems
 The most common type of communications
 Converts a digital signal to an analog frequency
that can be transmitted over phone lines, then
back into a digital signal
 Modulation and demodulation

 Telecommunications networks are interconnected
by special-purpose communications processors
called inter-network processors , such as switches,
routers, hubs, and gateways.
 Switch…
 Makes connections between telecommunications
circuits in a network
 A bridge is a device that connects two or more
local area networks that use the same
communications rules or protocol.

 Router…
 intelligent communications processor that interconnects
networks based on different protocols
 telecommunications message can be routed to its
 Hub…
 a port-switching communications processor
 Advanced versions of both hubs and switches provide
automatic switching among connections called ports for
shared access to a network’s resources.
 Gateway…
 connects networks with different communications


 Multiplexer… allows a single communications channel to
carry simultaneous data transmissions from many
 In frequency division multiplexing (FDM), a multiplexer
effectively divides a high-speed channel into multiple
slow-speed channels.
 In time division multiplexing (TDM), the multiplexer
divides the time each terminal can use the high-speed
into short time slots
 Multiplexers increase the number of transmissions
 Does not increase the number of physical data

4.13. Network Topologies
 Topology - The structure of a network, or structures, in
telecommunications networks.
 Star Network - Ties end user computers to a central
 Ring Network - Ties local computer processors together in a
ring on a relatively equal basis
 Bus Network - Local processors share the same
communications channel
 Mesh Network - Uses direct communications lines to
connect some or all of the computers in the ring to
each other
 Switch - A message-switching computer that handles
data communication between autonomous
local computers
Network Topologies

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