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Cite this article (rece Rona) Keyword exotic Ceuta ICE publishing An engineering solution for a hillside project in Hong Kong Alvin K. M. Lam ete, MSe, ng, MICE, MHKIE, RE, RGE 25 Hong Kong Limited, Hor Ke PRChina (atklartzgmallcom) (Orit 0000-0002-7708-2716), With the increasing land demand in Hong Kong, some developments encroach into existing hill slopes or even natural terrain, which presents a big challenge to geotechnical engineers to produce costeffective site formation and foundation designs. This paper showcases an example of a large-scale site formation work with the use of a 3m dia, permanent contiguous bored pile wall supported by permanent tie-backs to facilitate a 38m deep excavation against a sloping terrain. With the use of the tie-back system, the movement of the cent ground was substantially reduced. This paper discusses the exceptional constraints and the construction challenges in this project, which include the limited site access, the difficult terrain with lack of suitable working platforms or flat grounds within the site, exposure to natural terrain hai rds and the highly unbalanced excavation across the site. These constraints result in extensive temporary steel and earth platforms for facilitating the foundation construction and the excavation and lateral support works with a complex construction sequence. In addition, the findings of the back- Notation ¢ effective cohesion at failure E stiffness modulus of the soil clastic modulus Fy secant siness modulus at 50% ofthe failure deviatoric stress stiffness modulus for primary loading in a drained triaxial test Bocas stiffness modulus for primary loading in an ‘oedometer test, , _stifiness modulus of the bored pile wall Eo stiffness modulus for unloadingreioading in a rained triaxial test © void ratio G shear stiffness ofthe soil Gas Teference shear stiffness at small strains K, coefficient of earth pressure at rest permeability J, moment of inertia ofthe bored ple wall im modulus exponent for stress dependency j mean effective stress, pf = 1/3(a4 + 05 + 05) Pros reference pressure equal tothe atmospheric pressure "Poisson's ratio for loadinghunloading Yami weight (N/m?) ‘oy shear strain at which G has reduced t0 70% effective major principle stress (of, effective minor principle stresses 9 fective friction angle at failure y dilation angle at failure Introduction The site was located between Stubbs Rosd and Bowen Road tothe south-west of the Happy Valley Racecourse in Hong Kong, The lyses are presented to compare the predicted and the actual ground deformations using different soil models. Datum (taPD) at Stubbs Road to +123 mPD clase to Bowen Road ‘with artificial and natural slopes in various geological settings including soil and rock, The elevation along the site boundary at the upper hillside vasied fiom +95 fo +115 mPD. The site location snd topography are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively The slopes along the westem boundary were seep with slope angle generally over 35-40°, while those along the southem boundary were gentler with slope angle of around 30°. The proposed residential development comprises five sevenstorey residential blocks, 13 three-storey houses, six two-storey houses and a clubhouse with a total gross flor area amounting 10 16 800m? A ‘wvo-storey car patk basement and vehicular accass were provided generally across the sits, making the final formation level vary fom 170-0 mPD at the entrance level st Stubbs Read to +85-0 mPD at the level immediately above an existing drainage tunnel and descending ‘to *8/-0mPD at the westem ond of the sito. The existing drainage ‘unnel fell within the Drainage Tuanel Reserve Zone (DTRZ) regulated by the government Ground conditions The site comprised occasional fll and cotuial materials near the surface, which are then underlain by highly decomposed granite (HDG) to completely decomposed granite (CDG) with various

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