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A d v i ce . Id e a s .

I n sp i ra t i on

Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 48 19 June 2020

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the forty eighth issue of

my newsletter Anita’s Garden for
Newsletter back issues 2020.
Facebook I hope you have all had a good week.
Instagram Plant nursery closed
Twitter Now that we are officially in winter,
Linkedin the time has come for me to temporar-
ily close my plant nursery to the pub-
Pinterest lic. Depending on what the situation
with Covid is in spring, I look forward
to welcoming you to my plant nursery
and helping you get your summer gar-
Contact me
den sorted. In the meantime, I have
the large task of ordering seeds ahead Holy Basil (Sacred Basil or Tulsi) -
 Feedback
Kings Seeds)
of me. I will start propagating seeds
 Newsletter input in August. I hope to re-open the
10g bag (much bigger than a standard
(tips, recipes, gar- nursery in spring.
packet). Unopened.
den photos etc)
Plant requests
Expires in 3 years’ time
 To be added to my I am currently thinking about what
mailing list $15
seeds to order for my nursery this coming spring. It’s therefore a good
time to get in touch with me with any
requests you may have for plants that
you would like me to sell in my nurse-
ry. I will do my best to accommodate
Inside this issue:
them, but it depends on demand and
availability of the seed. I am only
able to source seeds within New Zea-
Po t t e r i n g ar o u n d 2 land.
Anita’s Garden
Seeds for sale

I currently have the following seeds

Top 5 gardening tasks 2 for sale. Pick up is Papatoetoe, Manu-
for the week
kau in Auckland or I can post them
for a fee.
Bits and pieces 2 Asian Loki Gourd—Kings Seeds
Contact me on 021 02762091 if you
20g packet (much bigger than a
wish to purchase either of these.
standard packet). Approximately 70
How to grow turnip top 3 seeds. Have a great weekend.
Unopened. Expires in 3 years’ time. Anita Kundu

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Here is a selection of photos from
our garden for you to enjoy.

One of the things I love most

about winter, besides spring
bulbs of course, is lemons. We Over the weekend, our lovely
The first of our spring bulbs have have a 20 year old Meyer Lem- neighbour Prakesh gave me a pom-
flowered in our garden! These are on tree on our front lawn and egranate from a tree in his garden.
an assortment of Erlicheer and every year it is laden with lem- I’m going to dry and save the seeds
Paperwhite jonquils which I pur- ons, without fail. I usually so I can propagate my own plants.
chased in previous years. There feed the tree some citrus ferti- It will be an interesting experi-
are lots more buds, too! liser in spring and autumn. ment and I will let you all know
how I get on with it.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

strawberries into the ground. The
1. Plant shallots may miss out!
earlier you plant them, the strong-
Traditionally, shallots are planted 3. Prune roses er their roots will be.
on the shortest day (21st June),
along with garlic, but anytime this This is the time that rose garden- 5. Source seed potatoes
month or next month is fine. ers traditionally prune their roses.
Like garlic, the best varieties tend
Afterwards, spray the canes with
to sell out quickly so get in quick.
2. Source garlic Yates Conqueror Oil to help seal
This year, I’m planting Liseta,
the wounds.
The good varieties tend to sell out Swift and Summer Delight. The
fast. Fortunately Bulbs Direct still 4. Plant strawberries latter was very hard to find and I
have Printanor available but don’t ended up ordering three bags from
leave it too much longer or you Now is the perfect time to get Mitre 10 in Henderson.

Bits and pieces

good disease resistance. previous issues.
Bulbs Direct—seed potatoes
Awapuni—Cultivated News Italian Seeds Pronto—Beeline
Head on over to Bulbs Direct’s
and Seedyworks
website to shop the best range of
Did you know that Awapuni, New
seed potatoes. In addition to stocking a variety of
Zealand’s leading mail order plant
nursery publish a newsletter with seeds in the Franchi Seeds range,
This year, Bulbs Direct have an Italian Seeds Pronto also sell Bee-
exciting new variety called Divaa, lots of gardening tips and infor-
mation about specials and compe- line and Seedyworks seeds which
which is an early crop. It has
titions they run from time to time? are ancient French and Italian
long-shaped, pure-white skin and seeds hand sorted and packed from
flesh tubers and is recommended To sign up to the newsletter, click
here. The link also takes you to a reliable local producer.
for making chips. Divaa has

How to grow turnip top

Although I have grown turnips in Tips for growing turnip top Tips for eating turnip top
the ground before as a root crop, I
had never heard of turnip top until 1. Sow seeds in punnets for  Tender young turnip leaves
the lovely Gillian Hurley-Gordon transplanting in late sum- can be eaten in a salad or
of Italian Seeds Pronto included a mer and autumn. For a con- mixed with other leaves
complimentary packet with a seed tinuous supply, you may
want to sow successive  Here’s a tip from Italian
order a few years ago. I eagerly Seeds Pronto— use in the
sowed some seeds in late summer rounds.
well-known pasta dish from
that year and was amazed by how 2. Keep the punnets moist to Puglia, Orecchiette with
quickly they matured. Turnip aid germination. turnip tops (cime di rapa)
greens are part of the same family and chilli. This sounds ab-
as broccoli and kale. They are a 3. When seedlings are big solutely delicious!
rich source of many minerals, in- enough, prick them out and
cluding calcium, magnesium and pot them into punnets or  They can be used to make
potassium. They have a bitter, seed raising trays for plant- kimchi
peppery flavor with a hint of lemon ing into the garden later on.
and are loved by Italians. Don’t be  Turnip tops make a fantas-
put off by the fact you haven’t 4. You can grow turnip top tic alternative Christmas
heard of turnip top. Some upmar- with your other leafy vegetable. They work well
ket restaurants have started using greens. I grew ours beside in a creamy sauce with
turnip leaf in haute cuisine. our kale, which is in the smoked bacon lardons and
same family and they quite chestnuts, as its bitterness
How to grow turnip top happily grew next to each cuts through the cream
I simply sprinkled some seeds in a
 Turnip top can be used as a
punnet filled with a little seed 5. To keep your plants looking substitute for kale
raising mix in late summer and healthy, you might want to
left them in our patio to germi- liquid feed them weekly  Turnip greens have long
nate. When the seedlings were with a water soluble plant been a favourite in the
large enough to be pricked out, I food or seaweed tonic if Southern states of America.
potted them up in a seedling tray, you’re gardening organical- They are usually eaten with
the way I would do for kale and ly. cornbread and
broccoli. When they were large “Turnip greens are part of hot pepper vine-
enough, I planted them out into 6. Here’s a little
the same family as gar sauce
the garden. tip from Ital-
broccoli and kale. They
ian Seeds  Turnip leaf
For a continuous supply, you can are a rich source of many
Pronto— can be served on
sow turnip top every month from minerals, including
ensure you calcium, magnesium and top of pizza
February to June. pick before potassium”
the florets  Try frying
Varieties turnip top
turn yellow
Italian Seeds Pronto stocks two and go to seed. If left too
 The leaves can be used in
varieties of turnip top—Sessantina long they will go stringy
and Quarantina. Sessantina ma- when cooked.
tures in 60 days, whereas Quaran-  Turnip top can be used in
tina can be harvested in as a little 7. When the weather warms pesto
as 40 days. Both retail for $7.50. up in spring, you may find
that your turnip top has  Try sautéing the leaves with
run to seed. If you wish to some garlic
save seeds from your
plants, simply allow one  Turnip top can be braised
plant in your crop to go to  It can be prepared much like
seed and harvest the seeds spinach
when they turn dry.
Have a great weekend
Happy gardening!

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