Sanjida Jahan 114171027 Updated

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Partnership Deed

The partnership agreement is made on 1st April, 2020 between

1. “Javed Ali” son of “Kashem Ali” residing at “Tolarbag, Mirpur 1, Dhaka 1216”
hereinafter referred to as First Partner.
2. “Harun Hasan” son of “Kibria Hasan” residing at “Uttora sector 2, J Block, Dhaka
1230” hereinafter referred as Second Partner.
3. “Ridita Jahan” daughter of “Rifat Rahman” residing at “Hazaribagh, Zigatola, Dhaka
1209” hereinafter referred as Third Partner.

Name and Business

The parties hereby form a partnership under the name of Rupali Poultry Farm to produce high
quality poultry chickens. The principal office of this business shall be in Satarkul, Dhaka.


The partnership shall begin on 1st April, 2020 and shall continue for a foreseeable future.


 The capital of the business is “Taka 50 lac” of which “Taka 10 Lac” has been
contributed by “Javed Ali” by account payee cheque dated on “March 30, 2020” at
“Standard Chartered Bank”. If additional capital is required it shall be contributed by
the partners in the ratio of 10:10:10:10.
 The capital or credit in the current account of the partners shall not bear any interest.
However, if any partner overdraws from his current account, such overdraw or debit
balance in his current account shall bear interest at 13% per annum payable to the firm.
Decision Making

 The main partnership group will make decision. When possible group members will try
to achieve consensus. If partners do vote on any issue then the decision will be carried by
majority vote.
 If one partner remains absent while making decision then the rest of the partners will be
able to take decision on behalf of the absent partner.
 When there is a conflict, dispute of difference within the partnership, in the first place
partners will try to resolve the matter. If there is no resolution then they will involve a
third party. This will be another member of partnership.

Introduction of a New Partner

If all partners agree, a new Partner may be introduced into the business of the Partnership on
such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed between the Parties to this deed and the
new partner.

Death or retirement of a Partner

 In the event of death of a partner, the Partnership shall continue with the nominee/ legal
heir of such Partner, joining the firm.
 Or If, during the continuance of the partnership, any partner retires or dies, the remaining
partner or partners shall have the option, by giving a notice in writing to the retiring
partner or to the legal representatives of the deceased partner, as the case may be, within
a period of ___ days after the retirement or death, to purchase the share of the other
partners, at the date of his retirement or death, in the capital and assets of the partnership.
The purchase price, in such an event, shall be such price as is mutually decided by and
between the parties.
Dissolution of Partnership

 The Partnership is at will and may be dissolved at any time mutually or by giving one
month notice in writing by the outgoing party to the others.
 In the case of dissolution of the firm the net realization on the sale of assets shall be
distributed amongst the Parties equally after meeting the liabilities of the firm.

Arbitration Clause

Every dispute or difference arising between the partners as to the interpretation, operation, or
effect of any clause in the partnership which cannot be mutually resolved, shall be referred to the
arbitration of ____________(name of the Arbitrator) failing him, to any other arbitrator chosen
by the partners in writing. The decision of such an arbitrator shall be binding on the partners.


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1st partner 2nd partner 3rd partner
Javed Ali Harun Hasan Ridita Jahan

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