Pertemuan 9. Torsi

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Torsion 5.1_Introduction Consider a bar rigidly clamped at one end and (wisted at the other end by a torque (iwisting moment) 1 = Fd applied in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the bar, as shown in Fig, 5-1. Such a bar is in torsion, An alternative representation of the torque is the curved arrow shown in the figure. 9 F Fig. 5-1 Torque applied to a circular shaft Occasionally a number of couples act along the length of a shaft. In that case it is convenient to introduce anew quantity, the twisting moment, which for any section along the bar is defined to be the algebraic sum of the moments of the applied couples that lie to one side of the section in question. The choice of side is arbitrary. Polar Moment of Inertia A mathematical property of the geometry of the cross section which occurs in the study of the stresses set up in a circular shaft subject to torsion is the polar moment of inertia J, defined in a statics course. It is included for quick reference in Table 5.1 on the next page, for several common shapes. For a hollow circular shaft of outer diameter D,, with a concentric circular hole of diameter D, the polar moment of inertia of the ‘cross-sectional area is given by t opt_ps J FW - Ds) 61) ‘The polar moment of inertia for a solid shaft is obtained by setting D, ‘Occasionally it is convenient to rewrite the above equation in the form. Fp? sph 1-50 +0; Fw +d} 6 Fz; + BP), +D) O, -D) CHAPTERS Torsion Table 5.1. Properties of Selected Areas Shape Centroid Moment of Inertia 5 oc xe = BD = ona » x 1, = BR ye = hs T, = bE = OnAD se =0 1, = na'i4 r= nap Ye = 4al3 1 =a’ ‘This last form is useful in numerical evaluation of J in those cases where the difference (D, - D)) is small. See Problem 5.3. Let us derive an expression relating the applied twisting moment acting on a shaft of circular cross section and the shearing stress at any point in the shaft. In Fig 5-2, the shaft is shown loaded by the two torques T in static equilibrium. One fundamental assumption is that a plane section of the shaft normal to its axis before Toads are applied remains plane and normal tothe axis after loading. This may be verified experimentally for circular shatts, but this assumption is not valid for shafts of noncircular cross section. Fig. 52 Torque acting on a section of a shart. ‘A generator on the surface of the shaft, denoted by 0 ,A in Fig. 5-2, deforms into the configuration 0,B after torsion has occurred. The angle between these configurations is denoted by at By definition, the shear- ing strain 7 on the surface of the shaft is yetna =o ‘where the angle cris assumed to be small. From the geometry of the figure, 8 CHAPTER 5 Torsion Hence ree 63) But since a diameter of the shaft prior to loading is assumed to remain a diameter after torsion has been applied, the shearing strain at a general distance p from the center of the shaft may likewise be written Y= POIL.. Consequently the shearing strains of the longitudinal fibers vary linearly asthe distances from the center of the shaft Fig. 53. Shearing stress act- ing on a differential area element. Since we are concerned only with the linear range where the shearing stress is proportional to shearing strain, itis evident that the shearing stresses of the longitudinal fibers vary lineatly as the distances from the center of the shaft. Obviously the distribution of shearing stresses is symmetric around the geometric anis of the shaft, They have the appearance shown in Fig. 5-3. For equilibrium, the sum of the moments of these distributed shearing forces over the entire circular cross section is equal to the torque T. Thus we have T= J span 6 where dA represents the area of the shaded element shown in Fig. 5-3. However, the shearing stress varies as the distance from the axis; hence tf, B= % = constant P where the subscripts on the shearing stress denote the distances of the element from the axis of the shaft Consequently we may write 1 Jean a fe aA since the ratio 4,/p is a constant. However, the expression [, p°dA is by definition the polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area, Hence the desired relationship is tol Tp ro -B Tks to be emphasized that this expression holds only if no points ofthe bar ate stressed beyond the pro- portional limit ofthe material 65) CHAPTERS Torsion 5.2 Torsional Shearing Stress So, for either a solid or a hollow circular shaft subject to a twisting moment T the torsional shearing stress ‘Tat a distance p from the center of the shaft is written as Tp PB (66) For applications see Problems 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.10. This stress distribution varies from zero at the center of the shat (if itis solid) to a maximum at the outer fibers, as shown in Fig. 5-4. It is to be emphasized that no points of the bar are stressed beyond the proportional limit. Fig. 4 Shearing stress distribution in a solid shaft, 5.3. Shearing Strait ‘The amount of twist of a shait is often of interest, Let us determine the angle of twist of a shaft subjected to a torque T. The ratio of the shear stress 7 to the shear strain is called the shear modulus and, in Eq. (2.2) is given by =F 67 Again the units of G are the same as those of shear stress, since the shear strain is dimensionless. ‘Using Eq, (5.6) for Tand Bq, (5.3) for ¥ along with Eq, (5.7), we find the expression for 810 be m 56 6.8) ‘where at the outermost fiber, p = r 5.4 Combined Torsion and Axial Loading In Chapters 3 and 4, equations were formulated for determining normal and shearing siresses on particular planes in shafts being twisted by a torque, in axially loaded bars, and in pressure vessels. The shearing stress is T= Tpi in a torqued shaft, the normal stress is = P/A in an axially loaded bar, and the hoop stress is prihin a thin-walled pressure vessel. Any of these members can be simultaneously subjected to both torque and axial loads. Providing the strains are small so that a linear relationship exists between loads and strains, the stresses can be superimposed on the same element at any point of interest, Mohr’s circle, or the stress transformation equations, can then be used to determine the stress on any plane passing through the point of interest Consider a circular shaft subjected to both torsion and an axial load, as sketched in Fig. 5-5. An ele- ‘ment on the outermost fibers is shown in Fig. 5-5(a) and enlarged in Fig. 5-5(6) with 6, = P/A and 1, = Toll, Mohr’s circle, as sketched in Fig. 5-5(c), can then be used to find the maximum normal stress and the ‘maximum shearing stress. It is very important to calculate the maximum stresses since they are used in the design of structural and machine members. Interest is focused on the outermost fibers since they must resist the largest normal and shearing stresses. On the centerline of the shatt the shearing stress is zero and only CHAPTER 5 Torsion the normal stress would act on an element, The maximum normal stress in Fig. 5-5(c) is obviously larger than G, so the largest normal stress exists on the outermost fibers, but at an angle with the x-axis, Problem 5.12 illustrates the application of combined loading. =: (@) The loaded sash (©) The clement (© Motes cece Fig. 55 Acircular shaft subjected to torsion and an axial load. EE 5.1, If atwisting moment of 1100 N-- m is impressed upon a 4.4-cm-diameter shaft, what is the maximum. shearing stress developed? Also, what is the angle of twist in a 150-cm length of the shaft? The material is steel for which G = 85 GPa, SOLUTION: The polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area is 1 = 50, = Fx 0.044" = 3.68107 m’ ‘The torsional shearing stress 1 at any distance p from the center of the shaft is given by Eq, (5.6). The ‘maximum shear stress is developed at the outer fibers where p = 0.022 m: sug = IOOK0.02 65 gy toh Pa or 65.8 MPa 68x10 ‘The shear sess varies linearly from zero athe cester of the sat (665.8 MPa atthe outer bers as shown in Fig. 5-4, ‘The angle of twist 8 in a 3-m length of the shaft is TL 1100x1.5 FE __100x1.5 ____ 9.9527 rad GT” §5x10B.68x 107) 5.2. A hollow 3-m-long steel shaft must transmit a torque of 25 KN- m, The total angle of twist in this length is not to exceed 2.5° and the allowable shearing stress is 90 MPa, Determine the inside and outside diameters of the shaft if G = 85 GPa. SOLUTION: Let D, and D, designate the outside and inside diameters of the shaft, respectively. The angle of twist is 8 = TL/G. Thus, in the 3-m length we have (25000)(3) aw) @By0F = ‘The maximum shearing stress occurs at the outer fibers where p= D,/2. At these points from g. (5.6), we have (206%10°) m* o 6 _ (250000, /2) (250000, /2) bo 90x10 (i320; =D) = Df = a41sd,yao-*) m* ® ‘Comparison of the right-hand sides of equations (1) and (2) indicates that 206 x 10° = 1415D, 00%) and thus D, = 0.146 m or 146 mm, Substitution of this value into either of the equations then gives D, = 0.126 m or 126 mm, ap—— CHAPTERS Torsion $8.3. Letus consider a thin-walled tube subject (o torsion. Derive an approximate expression for the applied torque if the working siress in shear is a given constant ¢,. Also, derive an approximate expression for the strength-weight ratio T/W of such a tube. SOLUTION: The polar moment of inertia ofa hollow circular shaftis J = (1/32)(D$ — D').IF R denotes the cuter radius of the tube, then D, = 28, and ifr denotes the wall thickness of the tube, then D, = 2K ~ 2 “The polar moment of inertia J may be written inthe altemate forza Flew - aR - 204] - a ry ty fy efoaela) fel | Neglecting squares and higher powers of the ratio /R since we ae considering a thin-walled tube, his becomes, approximately, J = 2m" ‘The ordinary torsion formula (Eq, (5.6)] is T = applic torque i U8 (= 0' Zane oR see") ..JIR. For a thin-walled tube, the expression for the T= 2nk'tt, ‘The weight W of the tube is W’= yA, where 7is the specific weight of the material, L the length of the tube, and A the cross-sectional area of the tube. The area is given by Again neglecting the square of the ratio 1/R for a thin tube, this becomes A = 2rRr. The strength-weight ratio T/W is given by T _2nRe, Ry Wo TaRiLy ~ Ty ‘The ratio is of considerable importance in aircraft design, 5.4, Consider two solid circular shafts connected by S-cm- and 25-cm-pitch-diameter gears as in Fig. 5-6(a), Find the angular rotation of D, the right end of one shaft, with respect to A, the left end of the other, caused by the torque of 280 N - m applied at D. The left shaft is steel for which G = 80 GPa and the right is brass for which G = 33 GPa. a=em Fig. 5.6 CHAPTER 5 Torsion SOLUTION: A frec-body diagram of the right shaft CD [Fig. 5-6(6)] reveals that a tangential force F must act on the smaller gear. For equilibrium, Fr=T 0.025 F = 280 11200 N ‘The angle of twist ofthe right shalt is 1, 280% 1.00 98. Gr Samexa0s aE GT” G3 x10) x 0.08732 0.1067 rad A free-body diagram of the left shaft AB is shown in Fig. 5-6(c). The foree F is equal and opposite to that acting on the small gear C, This force F acts 12.5 em from the center line ofthe left shaft; hence it imparts a torque of 0.125011 200) = 1400 Nm to the shaft AB. Because of this torque there is a rotation of end B with respect to end A given by the angle @,, where 6, = 0.0165 rad 1400 x 1.20 (60x 10") x 0.067732 ‘This angle of rotation 6, induces a rigid-body rotation of the entire shaft CD because of the gears. Infact, the rotation of CD will be in the same ratio to that of AB as the ratio of the pitch diameters, or 5:1, Thus a rigid-body rotation of $(0,0165) rad is imparted to shaft CD. Superposed on this rigid body movement of CDis the angular displacement of D with respect to C. previously denoted by 8, Hence the resultant angle of twist of D with respect to A is 0-50, +0, =5X0.0165+0.1067=0.189 rad or 10.8" ‘A solid circular shaft is required to transmit 200 kW while turning at 90 rpm (rev/min). The allowable shearing stress is 42 MPa. Find the required shaft diameter. SOLUTION: The time rate of work (power) is expressed in N mys. By definition, 1 N. mjsis 1 W. Power is thus given by P = Te, where T's torque and «is shaft angular velocity in rad/s. Or, alternatively, P = 2nfP, where f is revolutions per second or hertz. Thus we have 0x ae 00 T=21220N-m 200 000 = ‘The outer fiber shearing stresses are maximum and given by Teaj2) _16T ma B2 ad Thus, 42x 10° = 1921220) d=0.137m ad ‘A solid circular shaft has a uniform diameter of 5 cm and is 4_m long. At its midpoint 65 hp is delivered to the shaft by means of a belt passing over a pulley. This power is used to drive two machines, one at the left end of the shait consuming 25 hp and one at the right end consuming the remaining 40 hp. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the shaft and also the relative angle of twist between the two extreme ends of the shaft. The shaft turns at 200 rpm and the material is steel for which G = 80 GPa, SOLUTION: In the left half of the shaft we have 25 hp which corresponds to a torque T, given by 200 x2 a where we have used 1 hp = 746 W. Similarly, in the right half we have 40 hp corresponding to a torque T, siven by P=To 25x 746=T, T,=890N-m 20x 2 40746 = 7, OX2E 1, =1425N-m 58. CHAPTERS Torsion ‘The maximum shearing stress consequently occurs in the outer fibers inthe right half and is given by 1) 4p _ 425% 0.025 = 58.110" Pa 7 x 0.05732 ‘The angles of twist of the left and right ends relative to the center are, respectively, using @ = TL/GI, 890x2 -oose3rad and. 14252, Dui axodFaD = Jona ro osa 7 2 058I ad 30x10 Xx 0.0572) 30x10" x 0.05732) Since 0, and 0, are in the same direction, the relative angle of twist between the two ends of the shaft is = 8, - 8, = 0.0218 rad. A circular shaft is clamped at one end, free at the other, and loaded by a uniformly distributed twisting moment of magnitude f per unit length along its length [see Fig, $-7(a)]. The torsional rigidity of the bar is GJ. Find the angle of twist of the free end of the shaft. i 1 joe el @ ® Fg 87 SOLUTION: A free-body diagram of the portion of the bar between the left end and the section x is shown in Fig. 5-7(). An element of length di is shown in that figure and we wish to determine the angular rotation of the cylindrical element of length de. For equilibrium of moments about the axis ofthe bar, a twisting moment tx ‘must act at the right of the section shown, This twisting moment cx imparts tothe clement of length di an angular rotation [fom Eq. (5.8)] _ ae GF ‘The total rotation ofthe left end with respect tothe sight end is found by the integration of all such elemental angles of twist to be 0 fayde _ a ee J “Orie A steel shaft ABC, of constant circular cross section and of diameter 80 mm, is clamped at the left end A, loaded by a twisting moment of 6000 Nm at its midpoint B, and elastically restrained against twisting at the right end C (see Fig. 5-8). At end C the bar ABC is attached to vertical stel bats each of {16-mm diameter. The upper bar MN is attached tothe end N of a horizontal diameter of the 80-mm bar ABC and the lower bar PQ is attached to the other end Q of this same horizontal diameter, as shown in Fig, 5-8(a), For all materials E = 200 GPa and G = 80 GPa. Determine the peak shearing stress in bar ABC as well a the tensile stress in bar MN. SOLUTION: Let us consider that bars MN and PQ are temporarily disconnected from the bar ABC. Then, from Bq, (5.8) the angle of twist at B relative to A is (6000)(0.75) GT GOX10") (132) 0.08)" Since no additional twisting moments act between B and C, this same angle of twist due to the {6000-N - m loading exists at C. called 6. From Fig. 5-8(6) the horizontal diameter NQ of bar ABC must rotate to some final position, indicated by the dotted line. This is due to extension A of each of the vertical bars, which is accompanied by an axial force P in cach bar. Fora small angle of rotation 8, we have A = (0,040 m)@,. The axial forces P constitute a couple of mag- nitude P(0.08 m) = T,, which must act atthe end C of bar ABC when the vertical bars are once again considered to be attached to the horizontal bar ABC. This couple must actin @ sense oppasite to the 6000-N m load since the elastic vertical bars tend to restrain angular rotation, o= = 0.01399 rad CHAPTERS Torsion o © Fie 58 ‘The elongation of each vertical bar may be found to be (F,f0.08)01.5) F009) = 4 66107 {F/4)(0.016) (200 1 ‘The angular rotation of end C of bar ABC may now be determined by (a) considering the effect of the twisting moments of 6000 Nm and the end load T,, and by (B) considering the angular rotation caused by the axial force P in the vertical bars. Thus, for the same rotation of end C we have Tox1.S 4.66% 1071, 0.01399-—__1e*15_ 4.60 x10" Te BOX 10" (rx 0.08°/32) 0.08 Solving, , = 857 N. m and P= 7.0.08 = 10 720N. ‘The twisting moment between # and C is 857 N - mand between A and B it is 6000 ~ 857 = $143 N- m. ‘Thus, the peak torsional shearing stress occurs at the outer fibers at all points between A and B and is = 2p _ 5143x0.04 fam = 7P 2 12x10°Pa or S12 MPa x 0.08732 ‘The axial stress in each of the vertical bars is 10720 (0.008) =53.3x10°Pa or 53.3 MPa 5.9. Determine the reactive torques at the fixed ends of the circular shaft loaded by the couples shown in Fig, 5-9(a), The cross section of the bar is constant along the length, Assume elastic action, Fie 59 ap»——_ CHAPTERS Torsion SOLUTION: Let us assume that the reactive torques T, and Ty are positive inte directions shown in Fig, $.9(0). From statics we have 1, -T,+T,-T, a ‘This isthe only equation of static equilibrium and it contains two unknowns. Hence this problem is statically indeterminate and itis necessary to augment this equation with another equation based on the deformations of the system, as was done in Problem 5.8 ‘The variation of torque with length along the bar may be represented by the plot shown in Fig. 5-10. ‘The free-body diagram of the left region of length L, appears as in Fig. 5-11(a). Working from left to right along the shaft, the twisting moment in the central region of length L, is given by the algebraic sum of the torques to the left ofthis section, ie., T, ~T,. The free-body diagram of this region appears as in Fig. S-11(b). Finally, the free-body diagram of the right region of length L, appears as in Fig, S-11(c), — (eames) Let 8, denote the angle of twist at the point of application of 7, and @, the angle at T,. Then from a consideration of the regions of lengths L, and , we immediately have and @ GF ‘The original position of a generator on the surface of the shaft is shown by a solid line in Fig, 5-11, and the deformed position by a dashed line. Consideration of the central region of length, reveals that the angle of twist ofits right end with respect to its left end is 0, + 0,, Hence, since the torque causing this deformation is T,-T,, we have @-Tt, 0,40, at eo Solving (1) through (3) simultaneously, we find +h ky pp -1 and tis of interest to examine the behavior of a generator on the surface of the shaft. Originally it was, of course, straight over the entire length L, but after application of 7, and T, it has the appearance shown by the broken line in Fig. 5-12, a Fig. 5:12 CHAPTER 5 Torsion 5.10. Consider a composite shaft fabricated from a 6-cm-diameter solid aluminum alloy, G = 28 GPa surrounded by a hollow steel circular shaft of outside diameter 7 cm and inside diameter 6 em, with G = 84 GPa, The two metals are rigidly connected at their juncture. If the composite shaft is loaded by a twisting moment of 154 kN - m, calculate the maximum shearing stress in the stec] and also in the aluminum, SOLUTION: Let 7, = torque cartied by the aluminum shaft and ‘equilibrium of moments about the geometric axis we have torque carried by the steel, For static 1, +7, =T =154000 Nom where 7 -xternal applied twisting moment, This isthe only equation from statics available in this problem, ‘Since it contains two unknowns, 7, and 7,, iis necessary to supplement it with an additional equation com- ing from the deformations of the shaft, The structure is thus statically indeterminate. Such an equation is easily found, since the two materials are rigidly joined; hence their angles of twist ‘must be equal, Ina length J of the shaft we have, using the formula 8= TLIG. TL TL 28x10 Hx 0.06732) | 84x10 [H(0.0T 0.08/32] This equation, together with the st $s equation, may be solved simultancously to yield T, = 43000 Nm (carried by aluminum) and 111000 Nm (carried by steel) ‘The maximum shearing stresses in the steel and the aluminum are, respectively, 111.000 x 0.035 = thos 3.58% 10" Pa and 1, = 3.000 0.05 0.07 0.05 _ 1.01% 10" Pa 0.06732 x 0.06/32 S.IL A stepped shaft has the appearance shown in Fig. 5-13. The region AB is aluminum, having G=28 GPa, and the region BC is steel, having G= 84 GPa. The aluminum portion is of solid circular cross section 45 mm in diameter, and the steel region is circular with 60-mm outside diameter and 30-mm inside diameter. Determine the maximum shearing stress in each material as well as the angle of twist at B where a torsional load of 4000 N - m is applied. Ends A and C are rigidly clamped, a (—12m— Fig, 5-14 SOLUTION: The frce-body diagram of the system is shown in Fig, 5-14. The applied load of 4000 N- m as well as the unknown end reactive torques are as indicated. The only equation of static equilibrium is IM, =T, +1, - 4000-0 Since there are two unknowns T,, and T,, another equation (based upon deformations) is required. This is set up by realizing that the angular rotation at J is the same if we determine it atthe right end of AB or the left end of BC. Using Eq, (5.8), we thus have T,. x12 T,x2.0 QSXID)AXO.OAT IRD (BAX 10") H(0.06" — 0.03/32 1875 T CHAPTERS Torsion Solving for T,, and Ty, we find T,=632Nem and 7, =3368Nom ‘The maximum shearing stress in AB is given by (632)(0.0225) (0.045732 = 35.6 MPa and in BC by 85.0 MPa — Tp ___G370)(0.030) ac =P (0.06 — 0.03°)/32 ‘The angle of twist at B, using parameters of the region AB, is mL, (632)01.2), 0, = HE = __320.2) __ (28x 10")(a x 0.045°/32) =0.0673 rad or 3.86" 5.12. A hollow shaft of outer radius 140 mm and inner radius 125 mm is subjected to an axial force and a torque, as shown in Fig. 5-15. Calculate the maximum normal and shearing stresses in the shaft, Fig. 5.45 20 rs CF SOLUTION: The 68-KN force produces a uniformly distributed compressive stress given by Fig. 5-46 68.000 = — 8000 is. 45 va (0.140) = (0.125)"] as shown in Fig. 5-16(a). The torsional shearing stresses due to the 35 KN m torque at the outer fibers of the shell are given by = Tp __5.000y0.140) O00)(0-140)_ 99.3108 Pa or 22.3 MPa T H(0.28 = 0.25/32 as shown in Fig. 5-16(a) From Moht’s citcle the principal stresses are found to be =-2.72+ 92.72" + 22.3 =19.75 MPa Guy 2-2 N2TE 42.9 = 25.2 MPa and the peak shearing stress is 22.47 MPa. CHAPTER 5 Torsion Ginna 5.13. Ifa solid circular shaft of 3.2-cm diameter is subject to a torque T of 300 Nm resulting in an angle of twist of 45° in a 2-m length, determine the shear modulus of the material. Ans. G=74GPa 5.14, Determine the maximum shearing stress ina 10-cm-

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