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Mary Hysen Alumbro BTTE-FT-3C

1.Define Adolescent Psychology.

Adolescence may be defined as the life span period in which most of a

person's biological, cognitive, psychological, and social characteristics
are changing an interrelated manner from what is considered childlike to
adult like but adolescent psychology deals with behavior and growth
development. (Introduction to Psychology. Lumen. Retrieve from

2. How Adolescent Psychology related to your course and why we need to

study Adolescent psychology?

Adolescent Psychology is related to my course which is in line with the

Industrial Technology in a way that, since Industrial Technology field
needs to employ creative and proficient individuals, the role of the
adolescent psychology plays an important role in molding one person to
become one. Industrial Technology is responsible for implementing
designs, also organize the plan of any sort of important processes. With
this, Industrial Technology will be needing their inner cognitive
development so that they can bring new ways of learning as they
develop cognitively, they also think in an abstract way.

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