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j’ . . T 0 our Brother Scouts from the
.i . CO.UNTY S T A F F
* 9
North, South, East and West we qffer this
Booklet aware Of its many deficiencies, *
I) : but assuring them of a hearty welcome to The County Commissioner:
F. 0. PAUL, J.P., ” Overchurch,” Upton, Wirral.
11:: 4;
:I Brynbach. Assistant County Commissionerat
:; ., R. T. BIGLAND, D.C.C..
4 i ” Grcyfriars,” Hcswall, W i m l .
.! , If they do visit us we hope that 1(
N. B. SADLER (Rov& Scouts,
:i .-.; .
.31, Fa1 kland Road, Wallazq.
when winter evenings come they may have -9 G. A. J. BEGG (Scouts),
10, Walnut Lane, Hartford, Chcsh&.- ’ ’
pleasant fireside memories of a real ;L Resident Camp Warden:
Captain N. A. ANDERSON, A.D.C.,
Scouty Camp. F. 0. PAUL.
ti Brynbach. Saran, Dcnbigh. ’
. . o c sent to Hon Count Sccretrry. MajorW.E.Bin#hrm-
.* C/C Cheshire West. ;; p-c ” ‘&d. l s under ;lot IO dl nbigh Ceunry Secretary.
*G The Convaicacc~t Camp ir in charge of
AAA 86 h4n. N. A . &DERSON.
Hon.Mcdical Officer to the Camp: “’
! Dr. DUFF, Beech House, Vale Street, Dcnbigh.
For Copies of this Booklet apply to the Resident i;
l . Hon. County Secretary:
Camp Warden. . Majqt W. E. BINGHAM-GADD,
. ” Shortlands,” Aldulcy Edge, C_hcrhire.
AAA . .
Our thanks are due to Alderman T. J. Roberts, . . WHoHAtH SMELT WOOD-SMOKE At
Ruthin, for Historical and Geological Notes, and
to many friends for the photographs. !I LETMIMFDLLOW WITH tWE O T H E R S : - D+
. . . . . . _. _ . . . . . ...““... . . . .

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(BRYN t hill ; BACH : little.) !

The Camping Ground of the West Cheshire ~pY,,,~C;;t~ In Roman times the inhabitants were Ordovices, and the
&.&tion is available for all Scouts and Cubs.. territory called ” Teginia.”
lovely valle some six miles south-west from Denblgh,eyey se;;; Brynbach is situated in the Parish of. Llanrhaiadr-yn-
miles from f; uthin. The vallev is 900 feet above sea Cinmairch (Llanrhaiadr Y.C. for short), in the Hundred of
camp area is 567 acres. Through its centre runs !he’ Afon Isdulas (below the Dulas=a river), in the Commote of
Conquest-the river of the battlefield. To the north rises Mc$ Rhufoniog, and formed part of the Kingdom of the ancient Welsh
Ytta, 1,250 feet. On the west, at the head of the valley, 1 Princes, Gruffydd and David, which was granted to the Earl of
Mostyn, 1,547 feet. On the south Bryn Ocyn, 1,342 feet: It _is Lincoln by Edward I in 1.282. The house itself, solidly and
upon this hillside facing the camp there is a feature umque fn
Scoutcraft. An Arrow, 200 yards in length, has been plan!ed m substantially built of lotal stone, with external walls a yard thick
Golden Yew. in places, huge beams of oak, black with age, and partitions in
places of primitive ” wattle and daub,” is probably of late
I, .:’ Tudor period. It has the appearance of having been built during
.: . ,..;, the later portion of Queen Elizabeth’s reign by some prosperous
i owner, when agriculture experienced a golden age, and the
i, .
influential gentry lived on their own estates and took a pride in
I them. The Camp is a portion of ” Tir Mostyn ” (the land of
Mostyn), the Mostyns being an important North Wales family,
and the name is variously given as ” Mostyn,” “ Moston ” or
” Mouston ” in old documents. The Mostyns were originally
members of an English colony settled in the locality by de Lady
on confiscated and other land.
Brynbach is rendered on the Ordnance Map as ” Bryn-bat,”
but is variously given in ancient documents as ” Brynbacle,”
” Brynbagle,” ” Brynbagl,” ’ ” Brynbagyl,” etc., of which
” Bryn-bat ” is obviously a contraction. In 1j34, Hugh de
Beckele, or Bockele, drew up a Survey of the Castle and Lordship
of Denbigh. The original MS. is in Latin, and is still preserved
in the British Museum. This is a description of ” B-Qn-b&h ”
in de Beckle’s own words:-
Above is the Scout ” fleur-de-lis ” planted out in greep la._... ” The hamlet of Brenbacle, which contains four hundred
In a few years’ time both these features will be visible for many “ and twenty-seven and a half acres, is said to have at one
miles, and will act as a sure guide to the Scout airplane to tke ” time belonged to the aforesaid township of Pereyon
safe landing place. There is little doubt but that aviation ~111 ” (Priori))) and is wholly an escheat of the lord. And in the
in the very near future bc a feature in the training of “ Scoutmg ” time of the Earl of Lancaster the said hamlet was released
for Boys.” Brynbach will be ready for ” the day.”
The Golden Arrow will remind all Scouts of OUT great ” to eight tenants (to be held in ley) who afterwards built
Chief’s closing words at the x929 Jamboree, as *he handed out ” (on) the same hamlet, and converted one hundred and sixty
the Golden Arrow to a representative of every natlon:- ” acres thereof into arable land, contrary to the letter of the
I give to you the Golden Arrow of Peace and Goodwill. ” said lease, etc. Ten tena’nts now rent the same in eight
Ccr,* it far and wide. that all m&n may know of the ” holdings, rendering annually at Whitsuntide and Michael-
Fathhrhood of God and the brotherhood. of man.”the slope ” mas, sixty shillings, for four hundred and twenty-seven and
of i.
For years to come the living Golden Arrow upon “ a half acres of land and waste.” .’
Bryn Qcyrl will bear silent witness to this great truth.
” _%_~:__bd &I hmiet is at the lord’s will, because G E O L O G I C A L ‘NOT=.
” &e &r-i ot Lancaster, \vho so re-leased the said hamlet to
” them, had no power except during his own lifetime ; and To the west of the village of Llanrhaiadr there is a detached
” because the aforesaid tenants have turned the said hamlet area of carboniferous limestone of a circular form, resting on
” to tillage, contrary to the stipulation of the lease, and two the Wenlock Shale on the south-west, and apparently. faulted
” hundred acres thereof are worth one hundred shillings per against the Trias on the north-east, but the boundary lmes are
” annum, price per acre six-pence. And two hundred and obscured by drift. A mile further west is a large quarry., The
“ twenty-seven and a half acres, which are poor waste, are lower Brown Limestone is remarkable for a section of false-beddmg
” worth, in herbage, with the other land, six shillings and along one side, and for a bed full of chert concretions at the
” eight-pence a year at least. And so the said hamlet might base of the quarry. Fossils, Productus Comoides, Nautilus or
” let at thirty-six shillings and eight pence more. than at Euomphalus. The‘ new and old red sandstones, the limestones
‘I present.” and clay-slate formations in the district seem to be almost blended
The surrounding scenery is remarkably varied and pic- together. There was a local belief that a coal-field existed
turesque. To the east and south-east, the sylvan beauty of the beneath Segrwyd Park. Beautiful specimens of agate, jasper and
Vale of Clwyd, with the far-flung panorama of the Clwydian chalcedony are said to have been found in the rocks above
mountains as background ; from points of vantage on the north, Llanrhaiadr. There are several stones on Brynbach that may prove
to be of meteoric origin, and there are large boulders, of a rock
alien to the local geological formations, which have been dropped
from passing icebergs,

Extract from ” Daily Express,” March 2znd, Iq3j:-

“ Scouts to Have a Real Camp.
The planting of a Forest. The establishment of a Bird
and Animal Sanctuary. The security of the land for all time
glimpses of the sea across which. the big liners going to or from for the use of young people. These are some of the plans behind
the establishment of a permanent camping site at Brynbach,
Liverpool may be seen-,* to the west, the vast solitudes of the near Denbigh.”
Hiraethog Moors, dotted over with tumuli, cairns, hut-circles, and \
other vestiges of prehistoric man, now the grazing ground of A Trust has been formed to administer this scheme.
countless sheep and the haunts of the fox, kestral, owl and other We are looking thirty,’ perhaps fifty years ahead, when we
creatures of the wild, the eerie silence broken by the wail of the determined to find a camping site which could be secured for boys
curlew, the shrill whistle of the shepherd, or, perchance, the gu.n for all time.
of the sportsman amongst the grouse. In these uplands, peat 1s By arrangement with the Forestry Commissioners, 308~~0
still an important source of fuel, and black furrows whence the trees have already been planted.
peat has been cut, with stacks of peat, are common features of There will be no shooting qver the camp. All animals and
the landscape. birds will be encouraged to breed.
This can be seen from View Point, marked on map.
6 ’ 7

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This M’;LS once the Granary and Storehouse at Brynbach

Farm, where thg;,winter’s supply of food was kept, when ,for
months on end;‘the farm was cut off from the outside world b>
’ ‘.
snow and ice. J, +,
This building, which will accommodate 200 Scouts (seated),
has been restored ; i’ts rafted oak roof is exposed to view ; its
flagged floor re-laid. A platform, entered from an ante-room,
occupies one end upon which the Scout star artists play their
parts. It is surprising the wealth of talent which a Scout camp
This room will be used for the ” Scouts Own ” and
“ Camp Fire ” when the weather makes an outside gathering
impossible ; a musical instrument is available,
The walls are hung with Buffalo, Deer and other heads.
This is situated in a charming little dell. It lies surrounded
bv all manner of trees, clumps of rhododendron add colour to the
binks of fern which form this sylvan setting. THE STORM HUT.
The pool’is of regulation length and width, and 5 ft. 6 in.
to 3 ft. 6 in. depth. It is made of smooth surface reinforced
At each corner ladders lead into the water. At the deep
end are the usual spring-board and high-diving platforms, and
flagged surround with seats complete the picture. I I
The Pool is constantly fed by a mountain stream of sparkling


During the excavation of’the Swimming Pool, the contractors
f&nd firmly embedded in the cla)7 shale il Glacial Boulder, left
thrre with the break up of the Ice Age, centuries ago-who knows
fJo\v man)‘. It is of Granite, and its deeply-scored sides tell of
its passage, perhaps its former home was some lofty peak. in
Snowdonia, from whence it had travelled to its final rest%
place. lt is now mounted on a cairn of stones at the end of the
S\vimnlillg 1~~11. ;1w1 is suitably insrribrd.

The Camp Fire site is west of the ” Flag Pole.” The, semi- Presented to the Camp by the late A. B. Earle, Esquire ;
circular rising Kroantl has been filled in with log seats, while the would accommodate 400 Scouts in case of any emergency.
green grass, backed by trees, forms a stage for the Camp’s talent.

I .. _.,....._ ..-.--l.-r.,..

I. ,. L. . .I.,.
- ‘..,PL-: ,Y .*.I ._._,.
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T H E B O A T I N G. . ,. L A K E : ‘. ‘:. . ”
( ,.
Lies at the south entrance to the ‘Camp. It is not a product
of Nature, but of man. An area of low-lying, swampy ground,
alongside the Afon Conquest, has been excavated to the extent of
many hundreds of tons ; artificial banks have been made. The
beautiful Silver Birch and Rowan trees remain upon its banks
and on the delightful islands,

” I chatter. chatter, as I .Bow, to join the shining river, Some boais are available, and it is hoped Groups. possessing
For men may come, and men may go, but I go on for ever.” Kayaks will bring them.
It is to be remembered this is a boating, not a swimming
Through the Camp valley flows the Afon Conquest-the lake.
river of the battlefield-which, rising at the valley head, gathers
volume from the many rivulets which flow down the pIlies of The supply of water is from springs higher up the valley,
the hills on cithcr side. After lcnving the Camp the river chnngcs giving R clcpth of 3,) feet to 2 feet.
both its name and character, becoming the Afon Clywedog-the
chattering, noisy Clywed. Thus it chatters over its stony bed The lake is stocked with Rainbow Trout, which are strictly
until it loses itself in.the silent waters of the River Clwvd to preserved.
wend its way through the daisy-covered, cattle-trodden meadow
till the open sea is reached.
Innumerable springs of sparkling water bubble up at many
points in the Cnmp Arcn, giving ;1 ncvcr-cncling supply.
All these sources of water have been analytically and
bacteriologically cxnmincd : the reply to every test being one of
absolute purity.

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I ;
! !
\J’hen you get to Brynbach, you’ &II be sent to camp in !
” Rover Glen ‘I- S O called because, in ,the early days of Brynbach, i i
some Sea Rovers, with a keen eye to their own comfort, bagged i 1
it, and put a metachorical barbed-wire fence round it. Any\19?y, I. /,
it gives good camping, and you can’t hear the scouts drz!mrnmff !
OII their plates wth t h e i r s p o o n s or the small Cub crymg for i


Bqnbach f o r R o v e r s ? ” Surciy n o t , ” y o u w i l l exclaim.

“ 13rynbach is obviously a starzding Camp, and you will hardly
recommend Rovers to scttlc themselves down with bell tents,
dining tables, and so forth. Rovers worth calling Rovers go hike-
All right, keep your shirts on ! I should hate to think of a
crw planting itself down qvztilzete for a week or two. Of
cm(rsc, thy should hike. Rut, my dcnr mm, you’ w a n t to
see plnccs of intcrcst on your hikes, don’t YOU? ‘Brynbach, one
of thr tincst and best-cq;lippc-d camp sites’ in thr c o u n t r y , will
fhciiia 1,‘ J*OII. Ywl want to hilt through ~onw of the w i l d spots i
il\VA!’ flI~ll1 tl~llllI’ 11i1115 ~Illti lwlr$ j~lllll~>S ; J’OII \V;lllt t0 g:ct SOllll’
” p4 ” sites vii route, d o n ’ t ~OII ?-codd you beat N o r t h
\\‘illCS I

50 i t coin15 t o this-Hiikc t o Br\*nbach. 1 wo11’t sug$?st

rniitcs. Iii!: I’ 31~ iv in his sleep. And if you happen to IK rotten ciimprrs
11 ill1 tlCpWd3 Il~XJll \Vllnt’ timr 1’011 Il:lvca. l-illl
\\.1121l*\~:*1 \‘liII pl;w fl~~llll \‘(l(ll’ fblw-iric$ (hlrt;tr~c*c*. tltm’t f;lil t o
~0 II!* \a;* of liuthiil iilltl’ t;\*f\-lliog. I t ’ s f~~ir\*laiitl all till- \\‘:I\‘.
yomigsti9x won’t we you .
\1(.;1\‘cl1 tile

You won’t pronounce the la&-named place co&ctly, CWII nt the Yes, Rovers, hike to Brynbach.
tltll attempt, but if you want to stay a night thcrc. hfr. JOIIII N. 13. SADLER,
Roberts offers a lovcl!~ site. A.C.C. (Rovers). _
. I2
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,I: ” I
The camp valley ,has been’ from all time an *undisturbed .’
~nnctuaty for Animal and Bird life. : It must still.~.remain’: so.
Rcmcmbcr Law No. 6. ‘Let us see to it that they, become’our
*.. :, frnrlcss friends ; that their nests are untouched ;. ,th$r offspring
a-1; :. .:,.,,i:!.*Witei
.,_’ . . .I. is laid on ; washing and sanilnrL, 1’1 “‘l‘~<!r)fl Ii j::.,r\p ~Inrnolested. Then shall we be awakened in the morning by the
. :: : 1) ,’ , ‘I: ‘* a n d t’in: case of unfavourable weather a GW~IPI, llli~. pr,T\.ir!Pc ckylark high above our tent singing his song of welcome to a new
,. ;j .,: 1.. -’ .‘:,sle&ping accommodation if n e c e s s a r y . day. ,‘, (.., ::.: ., :
,.. . 1 ,,,. s.,.*
;/ ‘,,. :‘, .As special conditions apply to this ground wiII ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
._. i:il::.,”_.
,!, .,‘pk?Se read ” Camp Information ” at end of the ‘hooklet.
._, .* A..”

The ” Little Men ” are in luck, for thcrc is R specially set
1: aside ‘.’ site ” for their own camping.
Consisting of two large fields, with permanent conveniences,
and what further luck-a real wood all to themselves. . . . _, , *

In another part ‘of this booklet you will see the general , WAGTAIL
camp attractions m lake, sing-song rooms, swimming pool, etc
but the fact that the Cubs have a ” den ” all of their own i;
worth a great deal you will agree.
Now, Akela, here is a wonderful setting for a real ” Cubby ”
Camp. Can’t you picture your jungle stunts in real woods-can’t I

you visuahse Mowgli leading the Pack to a thrilling chase after

Shere Khan. TAILED +R ’
The scope you will have for exploiting your Pack’s undoubted
taste for “ letting off steam ” m ’ places where there is nobody to APVIMALS.
disturb or interfere-what frolics-what hunting-the streams-
-the walks-the rabbits-in fact, you will be in the middle of The Otter is JO be found on the banks of many streams.
all that the outdoor Cub loves. There he lives in the spacious cave he has made, and all day long
Good hunting to all that hunt at Brynbach.-SEEONEE. fishes, to his heart’s content.
The Red Squi&l lives in the woods, jumpicg from branch
to branch ; ever busy collecting nuts for winter. I

The Fox. Did you hear a sharp, short bark as you lay
awake in your tent last night ? It wasn’t a dog ; it was a fox ,
calling to his mate.
The Rabbit. This playful little #fellow will do sentry duty
round your tent and guard you as you sleep.
The Wild Duck have made their home in this valley, nesting
on the banks o’f many a stream, and please do not frighten them
off the lake ; and Curlew nesting on the higher ground, leaving
the hills for the shore during the summer.
If you hear a squeal in the stillness of the night The Wagtail, most graceful of..our -smaller water-birds,. loves
last cry of a ybung rabbit caught by his natw-al to hop from stone to stone in the many mountain streams.

:; 17:;: Tl& Hare. As you ramble about, you may put up a hare
r ! ‘-Graceful of form and fleet of foot, he eniovs
- ” the life he has bee; WHITE -THROAT
. i given.

j The Badger is one of the larger burrowing animals. His lair

has many ways in and out. He seldom comes out in the day.
His food is chiefly nuts and roots, but he will eat frogs, and
consider a wasp’s, nest .a rare delicacy.

Upon the hill sides and on the moors,. amid the bracken
BIRD LIFE. and heather, are to be found the Pheasant, Partridge, Snipe, and
.’ The Heron. Wander down the banks of Grouse.
o?e of the many streams and you will possibly In the woodsthe Owl and Wood Pigeon make their home.
disturb the graceful, grey-feathered Heron, busily While, as if they knew no limits to their habitation, are the
fishing for a meal of trout.-The Clwyd valley beautiful finches-the Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Tom-Tit, Yellow
has many of these birds, who fly miles to some Hammer, and Whitethroat.
quiet mountain stream in search of food.
Among the songsters are the Linnet, Skylark, Thrush, and
The Seagull. This watcher of our coast is Blackbird.
to be found many miles inland. He is equally Paying you a visit at
at home on the meadow as beside the restless . meal times will be the Sparrow, Golden
Crested Wren, and Robm.
The Woodpecker noisily hammers with his beak ; the Carrion
Crow flies by ; the Peewit calls, and the Brown Sparrow Hawk
poises overhead.

16 17
,’ :



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j-c ‘i., ‘. .,
4. Route from Manchester and South-East Lancashinr-
; I, .’
M a n c h e s t e r . Altrjncham. NoGhwich. C h e s t e r . M o l d .
Bodfari, Denbigh.
I. Route from Preston and further North:- = 67 miles.
From Denbigh follow Camp Signs = 631 ,,
Preston. Liverpool. Mersey Tunnel. Birkenhead. _ _- .’ .
Queensferry. Mold. Bodfari. Denbigh. 734 miles.
= 68 miles.
From Denbigh follow Camp Signs = . A: 61 ,,
..: 5. Route from Derby:- .
Y ‘744 miles. Uttoxeter. Stoke-on-Trent. Newca;&&rnde;~~fr;.
Nantwich. Tarporley. Chester. . .
Route from Sheffield and South Yorkshire:- ! Denbigh.
= 982 miles.
Sheffield. Bakewell. Buxton. Macclesfield. Knutsford. = 6) 8,
Northwich. Chester. Mold. Bodfari. Dcnbigh. From Denbigh follow Camp Signs
= 104) miles. 105) miles.
From Denbigh follow Camp Signs = 64 $9’ _ /
., .,i..
III miles.
In all Routes we recommend from Mold an alternative route
of approach, the same mileage, via Ruthin to Gyfyl!iog. In which
village you will find a Brynbach Sign Post denotmg one second
class road for motors, and another road, the more attractive, for
walkers, cyclists or motor cyclists, but not wide enough for motor

% .
,.;... . .
‘ i’

: ,
.3.’ Route from Birmingham and Midland Counties:- : 4,’
I.’ Birmingham. Gailey. Newport. Whitchurch. Wrexham.
Caergwrle. Mold. Bodfari. Denbigh.
.: ,a 101 miles.
From Denbigh follow Camp Signs == 64 ,,
,. I 1074 miles.
A’-.’I\, .
‘8 8 888 ,s,sss smm 8
,.. ,,s,, 8,) ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,/,,, ,, ,.,, , , ,, ,,” ,,_,,/ , ” ,,,,

‘.. .
sacked: ,by , Owen Glyndwr’s followers. ,:‘They hid themselves in
I’,‘.,’ PLACES OF INTEREST. the:, thickets of Coed Marchan till the gates of the town were
‘. 3 - * thrown open for the people coming to the Fair (September,
‘. Gyfylliog.-(Gloomy with foliage.) 1400) f ” and then the Lord of Brynlluarth rushed in at the head
of his company.” This proves that Brynlluarth was a place of
This pretty little Welsh village is easily reached from thy some consequence in those days, and, incidentally, that Ruthin
Camp. Follow the line of posts along the river bank to the road ; was a walled town. In 1701 ” John Lloyd of Brynlluart,
a walk of two miles brings one into +c village, through which Esquire,” was the High Sheriff for the County of Denbigh.
flows the noisy, chattering Clywedog. There is a monument to the Lloyds in Llanrhaiadr Church.
The Parish Register contains the following interesting note:-
“’ Saturday, September 27th, 1643, bee it remembered that St. Asaph. (Distance ffom Denbigh, 6 miles.)
” King Charles I was this day and year above written making his
” rendezvous in the Parish of Gyfylliog in a place then called Transport, L.M.S. Railway or Crosville ‘bus.
;‘ Ccnfesydd. St. Asaph is one of the two Cathedral Cities of North Wales.
” 'l'llt* skg:c* IZulhin lllC 25111 tl;lJ* Ol J;\llll;ll.y, 1040.
Ik'~illl ill Its principal fc~turc is the Cathedral, which is the smallest in
, ,,; “.?he ditty began at D c n b i g h , April 17th. 1 6 4 6 . Gyfylliog
., ” Register.”
Charles I saw his army defeated on Rowton Moor, Chester,
Septcmbcr 24th, 164.5. Fled on horse to Dcnbigh Castle, sta)rccl
there two nights. A I’nrlinmcntary force approaching was held in
check whilst C.harles I escaped to Gyfylliog.
The return to Brynbach m a y b c made by keeping to the
valley to Bryn Ocyn .Farm, thence o\*cr the hill Bryn Ocyn into
Distance for the round trip, 6 miles.

Nantglyn (3 Miles from Camp).

It is interesting to recall that Dr. David Samuel, who was
also a poet of some note, was born at Nantglyn Vicarage. Hr
was surgeon upon the ship ” Discovery,” under Captain Cook.
He accompanied Cook on his voyages in 1776, and was an eye-
witness of Cook’s murder by the cruel and treacherous Sandwich
Islanders. Dr. Samuel wrote an account of the murder for the.
“ Biographica Britannica,” which was reprinted in 17S6 under
the title ” Narratives.” He died in x798, and was buried in
St. Andrew’s, Holborn, London.

Brynlluarth (4& lMilcs from Camp-turn right at Prion).

Between Pantpastynog and Part Postyn is a farm called
Brvnlluarth. We are told by de Beckle, the ancient surveyor,
t h a t t h e r e i s one w a t e r m i l l thcrc held free by Iorwrrth ap thr United Kingdom. It was burnt down by Owen Glendower,
L l e w e l y n . B u t Iorwcrth . dots not get
. .off . cntircly
* free, because ; rebuilt 1482. In the Choir the carved stalls are good.
we find that he has to pay ” 12s. yearly tor havmg a water-course ?fzVestry contains a good collection of Welsh and English Bibles.
to his mill at Brenthluer ” (Brynlluarth), ‘the water-course being The view obtained from the top of the tower of the Vale of
apparently in the township of Llewesog. The mill is still in Clwyd is of surpassing beauty.
existence. In the time of Henry IV the town of Ruthm was
: “I
C o n w a y .
This .walled and castellated town lies at the mbuth of the
river of that name. Its chief point of interest is the ruins of the
Castle, built by Edward I in 1284. It played its part in the
Its rhic>f plory lies in the rtlirls of ;I 011ct’ s;tro~lp ant1 benlltiflll border wars. During the Civil War it was held for the King :
fortress, built in the reign of Etl\\nrd I. was taken by the Parliamentary Forces after a siege. Charles II
granted it to the Earl of Conway, by whom it was dismantled.
Charles I took rcfugr \vithin its ~~111s after his retreat from
Chester. C\:alls: 14 miles of these defensive works, with their ,towers.
encircle the town. *
Drnbigh Castle \vas the last \\‘&I~ fortress to hold out for
Charles I, surrendering after a sic,nc lastiq nine months. After
thr restoration o f thr monnrch~*, i t was blown up b y order o f Plas Mawr.
Chnrlcs II. h mosl mnK:liificxnnt slxcimc*ll o f Eliz:ihc*th;ln arrhitc*clllr~..
\vllic.ll is 110w IIN* Ii~nw o f Ihr I<oy;~l (‘;~ml)rinn ~Ariitllmy of ;\r:.
Rltthitl. (I)isl:lll(x* frotti 1~r~~111~11.11. 7; lllilc-s.) should not bc missrd.
A picturcsquc busy Welsh to\vn, with many old buildings
dating from 1400. ‘I’hc fine Parish Church, built 1310, is
famccl for its oak roof of .joo pnnels, pivcn bv Henry VII.
Ruthin Cnstlr was built b!. I<d\vartl I. ‘Dliring the Civil \Var :,
it was hcltl for ~‘harles 1 : surrendcrctl after three months’ siege
and demolished.
The present structure (which is modern) is used as a sana-
torium and is not open to visitors.

Rhyl. (Distance from Denbigh, 12 miles.)

Transport, L.N.S. Rnil\vn!T or Crosville ‘bus.
Rh!*I is one of the popular North Wales Coast holida\.
resorts. .A promcnaclc, t\vo m i l e s l o n g , with golden sands i;i
froilt, and lqmntl o p e n sea hathint: attract thousands tlurin;:’ tllc
summer. Coupled with this are all the amusements which go
to mnkr an attractive resort.
Rhuddlan. (Distance from Denbigh. g miles.)
Transport. L.N.S. Railway or Crosville ‘bus.
‘fhc it-;~iwt- oi interrst is the estcnsivc ruins of the Castle,
b u i l t car-l\. in the XI Century, d u r i n g the struggle f o r W e l s h
indc~pc~ntlcncc. It f r e q u e n t l y c h a n g e d hancls ; ti~~Jlv captured
and rebuilt by Edward I, 1277. During the Civil %Var it was
held for the Kinp, taken by the Parliamentary forces and
‘. III tlw town i s ;I fra~tncnt o f stoiic>\vork k~low~l ;s t h e Olcl Bettws-y-Coed.--” The Chapel or Sanctuary in the Wood.”
” I’;~rliamunt House ; upon! it is inscribed: Claims to be the beauty spot of Wales. It lies lvhere three
” This fragment is the remains of the building where xlalleys converge. Down one runs the Afon Conway, in which are
‘King Edward 1 held his Parliament in 1283, securing to the situated the Conway Falls, and that paradise of artists-The Faiq
Principality of Wales its judicial rights and indcpendcnce.” CrlPll.
. . ‘_.

?J :
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..,I.. ,,”
.; ‘r
.., : 24
Snowdonia. . , , .r.
. -.
,: ,e ‘.
DOW miothcr delightful valley runs the Afon Lledr. , ,. .1.
, ‘.
,,!.: ’
:. ,. For iugged splendour, for majestic beauty, Great' Britain has
*‘, In the third valley flows the Afon Llugwy, which has its
source in Llyn Mymbyr, at Cape1 Curig. Upon this river arc thr nothing to xompare’ with the area which goes under the term
‘. celebrated Swallow Falls. Snowdonia. It is approached through mountain passes of sur-
passing majesty.
Nowhere in Wales, in so small an area, is there to he formd
. . . : ,a, such a riot of beauty in mountain, wood and torrent. Its central feature is Snowdon, which rises 3,560 feet. It
. 1,:’
.I’. . ‘1. ., : consists of five peaks, the highest being Wyddfa.
,. ,.I ; :. ! : ; .I.,‘_ .L;’ . . :,: ‘.’ , Llatlrwst. )( The ascent can be made by five routes ; that fro; Llanberis
‘: ?...: .,ei.I :I L .,::.
. .
,. ; ‘:;. \ *- :“:, A busy market town in the Conway valley, whose chief glory
” :,,_; ( i. ,,::. ‘: being the most popular. A mountain railway runs from here
’ ,, .‘:f >’ ‘: ii its river bridge, designed by that celebrated architect, Inigo to the summit ; the length of line being 42 miles. Given good
_. I.’ -,’ Jones, 300 years ago. visibility, the view from the summit reveals the Irish Sea as a
,. :. s.,/ &- The Parish Church is full of interest ; the Gwydyr Chapel land-locked lake, bounded by England, Scotland, Ireland and
i ~-! ’ is an nrrhitcrtural g:cm. Wales. Turning inland, the view is of the countless lesser peaks
., _‘.,,
‘_ ,I 1,. In the Church the rood screen, brought from Maenan Abbey, stretching away to the far distant ranges of Cader Idris and
:.: .\vhich formerly stood two miles distant, is without equal in Wales. Plynlimon.
‘. <’ ‘i ‘:
:., ,‘,;. .’ Llandudno.-” The Church of St. Tudno.”
..::, .‘. (D%ance from
:. . Denbigh, 28 miles.)
.’ .b.,:,’ .’ II
I ,: ‘: Llandudno lies in a beautiful crescent bay, terminating in
..‘,., .
.,. ..a “,- . massive headlands: tq the west, the Great. Orme ; eastwards, the
. :,
/ Little Ormc. Between these two lies the town, with its sweep of
/ promenade, hotels and floral gardens. All those amenities which
, ?’
i .
go to make an attractive watering-place are here. As a tourist
centre it is ideal, seeing it is within easy reach of the beauty
I spots of North Wales.

Caernarvon .-The fortress opposite Anglesey. (Distance from

Denbigh, 50 miles.)
Lies on the Menai Straits.
Its chirf glory is the Castle, regarded as the finest in Great
Britain. The view from across the Afon Seiont is one of unfor-
gettable beauty.
Built by Edward I, A.D. 1283, it covers an area of three
acres. It was garrisoned for the King in the Civil War, but was
taken by the Parliamentary Forces, A.D. x646,* and partially
destroyed. An order for its complete demolition was issued in 21st June, 1936.
1660, but fortunately never carried out.
The Chief Scout Cutting First Sod
Only portions of the town walls remain.
Caernarvon Castle was the scene of the investiture of the
Storm Hut, Brynbach.
Chief Scout for Wales as H.R.H. The Prince of Wales in 19x1.

Bettws-y-Coed : The chapel in the wood.

Cape1 Curig : The chapel of Curig (VII Century).
Caernarvon : The fort of Arvon.
‘in) From Brynbach Camp entrance to a point !lcnr Alwcn Lnke, l,in Clwyd, Vale of : The warm vale.
Denbigh, Bylchau, over the Denbigh hdoors, on to the l’entrcvoelas
Road.-Return over same route.-(40, miles.) Corwen : The white circle.
I Denbigh : The small hillock.
(2) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh, Bylchau, over Dcnbigh
Moors, to Pentrevoelas, Cerrig-y-druidion, to Alwen Feservoir Llandudno : Church of St. Tudno.
(Birkenhead Waterworks).-Return over same route.--(62 mllcs.) Rhuddlan : The red church.
(3) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbi~~tt~~~~~d.~~et~~~ Ruthin : the red fort.
Moors, to Pentrevoelas, The Fairy Glen, to St. Asaph : A Welsh saint.
via Llanrwst, Llanfairtalhaiarn, Llansannan, Bylchau, aud Denbigh.
-(66 miles.) The first village in Anglesey is ” Llanfair “-its full spelling
(4) From Brynbach Camp rntrnncc, v i a Dcnbigh, 13ylchau, over hloors. is : -
t o Pcntrcvoclns, Thr Fairv Glor, to Bctt\\,s-j,-C.octl.-Returtl by t h e
Swallow Falls, Cape1 Curig, Lake Ogwen, Nant Ffrancon Pass, ” ~lanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych~vyrndrobwll-llantysiliogogogoch.”
Bethesda, Llanfairfechan, Penmaenmawr, Conway, Colwyn Bay,
Abergele, St. Asaph, and Denbigh.-(go miles.) The meaning of which is :-
(3) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh. Bylchau, over Moors, ” The Church of St. Mary near the pool of the white hazel
Pentrevoelas. Bettws-y-Coed, Swallow Falls, Cape1 Curig, to wood, and hard by the swift red St. Tysilio whirlpool.”
Llanberis (for Snowdon).-Return via Ca el Curig, Bettws-y-Coed.
Llanrwst. Llanfairtalhaiaru, Llansannan, gylchau, a n d Denbigh.-
(98 miles.)
(6) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh, Bylchau, over Moors,
Pentrevoelas, Bettws-y-Coed, Swallow Falls, Cape1 Curig, to WELSH-ENGLISH WORDS. _,
Llanberis (for Snowdon) .-Return via Caernarvon, Bangor, Llanfair-
fechan, Penmaenmawr, Conway, Colwyn Bay, Abergele, St. Asaph,
and Denbigh%(roS miles.)
(7) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh, St. Asaph, Bodelw ddan, Aber : mouth of river. Glyn : glen.
Abergele, Colw n Bay, to Conway.-Return via Conwa8 ]F;ridge. Afon : river. , Hafod : summer dwelling.
, Deganwy. LlanJudno, Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay, Abergele. t. Asaph, Bach : little. Isaf : lowest..
and Denbigh.-(64 miles.)
Bedd : grave. Llan : church.
(8) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh, Bylchau, Llansannan, Bryn : hill.
Llanfairtalhaiarn, Llanrwst, through the Conway Valley on the Caer- Llyn : lake.
narvonshire side of the river Conway, to Conway.-Return via Conway Bwlch : a pass. Mawr : large.
Bridge, Deganwy, Llandudno, Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay, Abergele, Caer : a fort. Moe1 : bare hill.
St. Asaph, and Denblgh.-(78 miles.) Cape1 : chapel. Mynydd : mountain.
(9) From Bybach Cam entrance, to Llangollen. via Denbigh, Ruthin, Cefn : ridge. Nant : brook.
and the -Iorse Shoe f:ass.-Return via Corwcn, Ruthin and Denbigh.
-(70 miles.) Coed : wood. Newydd : new.
(IO) F r o m B r nbach C a m p cntmucc, via Drnbigh. Ruthin, o v e r t h e Cwm : valley. Pont : bridge.
‘Ruthin rxoors. to Cerrrg-y-druidion, return via Pentrevoelas, over the Ddu : black. Tref : village.
Denbigh Moors, Bylchau, aud Denbigh.-(36 mi!es.) Dwr : water. Ty : house.
( II) From Brvnbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh, Ruthin, to The Logger- ! Gelli : a grove. \ Uchaf : highest.
heads.-Return via Mold, Bodfari, and Denbigh.-(47 miles.) Yr : the.
i. (12) From Brynbach Camp entrance, via Denbigh, to Tremeirchion.-
Return over same route.-(24 miles.)

Snowdon Excursion.
Distance to Pen-y-Pass from Camp, approximately 33 miles. From
this point it will take boys five hours (three up and two down) to climb

Llys Gwenllian (Gwenllian’s Court) .-Latitude 53” IO’ 5”;
longitude 3” 24’ 42” . - A n example of a mound castle, with
rnclosure, situated ‘at the junction of Afon Ystrad with another
small brook. About 1230 A.D., Prince Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, a
native Welsh Prince, being then in full possegion of the Vale
of Clwyd, granted four ” vills ” to his daughter Gwenllian,
when this castle was probably formed, taking its name from the
Princess. Gwenllian married William de Lacy, younger brother
of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln. On the death of Gwenllian
in 1281; Edward I excluded her patrimony from the lands granted
to her nephew, Prince Dafydd ap Gruffydd, and, in 1282; bestowed
the commote of Cinmeirch, with the two ” hundreds ” of
Rhufqniog and Rhos-practically the whole of the country between
thr: rivers Clwyd and Conway-upon Henry de Lacy, Earl of
Lincoln, who thereupon commenced to build his stone castle.
. H& DQabFcb iOld Dcrbigh).-Latitude 53’ 5 ’ 41"; longi- still rentig at Denbigh.
. ', tudc 3’ 30’ 2S".-_. kn enclGrure containing the foundations of a
. *... stone bn.Mnp 2) mile to s.ou-SI-~~-~~: of Bnntuch. This iniere_;t- ~Umlllif~3d, Ihe fLC*& Bie S'nGdy Z fGl!GKs :-
inr smcture has been considered by some investigators to have
1230A.D .-Yale pf ClwTd was i n thl: pc,~~~+,n r,f Prjnrk
. h&n n small Rom,an ,\Iilitary Station. Local tradition, however,
Llewelyn ap Ionverth. On his daughter’s marriage, Princess
favours the virw that it was a hermitage or a shelter erected by Gwenllian to William de Lacy, her father gives her ” Cinmeirch ”
IIII~ t’hnn*lr, l~rolxl!,ly i n the (*:lrly Ihirlccnth century, f o r the
protection of travel,lcrs ?Fross the desolate Hiraethog Moors. -(this was the name of the ancient Parish in which Brynbach
was in xqo)-with other land as a wedding present.

1281 A.D.-Princess Gwenllian dies and leaves her land to

her nephew, Prince Dafydd. ‘This included Brynbach.
This arrangement became inoperative when E&ard I sub-
jugated North Wales and granted Cinmeirch to Henry ‘de,‘Lacy,
Earl of Lincoln. At his death it reverted to the Crown, and was
given to the Earl of Lancaster for life.

Some of the local place-names bear witness to an old badi-

tion that ancient armies had encamped in the neighbourhood and
that battles had been fought here, of which there is nothing
recorded in any authentic history.

Llanrhaiadr Parish Church ‘(6) miles from Camp).-The

Boncyn Aiian ‘(Silyer Bank).-Latitude 53” 6’ I O”; longitude ’
I. Western Tower attached to the Nave is embattled and probably
3” 3x’ 7”.-4 tumulus on Corsmaenllwyd. The barrow is fro? belongs to the thirteenth century. There is some beautiful carving
6 to 8 feet high, and over 60 feet in surface diameter. There IS in the drum ceiling over the chancel. The church is celebrated for
a depression of about 3 feet at the top. It was opened about 50 its fine Jesse window, which is dated 1533. The window at the
.* . , , years ago, when burial urns containing ashes were dlscovered. west end of the aisle contains fragments of glass of the year x508.
. . 30 31
. . . ., .‘.
,. . .
.. . ., . . .
., . . ‘.* j,.. : ,.
,. ! :.. . . ,_ .
,: . ‘. . _: .: . *, : .,’ *.
Hon. Camp ‘Chaplain: The ~\iicar of Prion; :.
I \
Celebrations of Holy Communion are held in the Old Barn or
:II the Open-Air Altar at 9 a.m. on Sundays during the full
~xnping season. ,‘.,!
Prion : Church. of Wales. Distance 34 miles. i
English Service first Sunday in month,, 6-30 p.m.
All other Sundays, II a.m.
Gyfylliog : Church of Wales. Distance 3i’miles.
During the Summer months-April-September-I hold
, *, .: : L ‘,> ?
a special English Service at g-30 a.m. and 8 p.m. every
.il.<. .
.)(’ .
,. ”‘:
THE BRYNBACH CONVALESCENT C A M P . Sunday for Members of the Y.H.A. at the Hostel here.
. : : : i:
.' ,'‘. ,: I shall be very pleased, indeed, to welcome you to
* ./ : ,.: .,. .I ._-.__ the Services at our Parish Church here, and I shall be
..J, <. ,.'c, *,.:.. ;. ., 1 only too pleased to arrange any Service-Celebrations
.,., . . . . ..I : .. .,...s.“e This is a detached, self-contained building, alongside the of the Holy Communion, or any other special Service
: .‘, .; ,
: , A T ;..,i ; ! i,.Warden’s house. to meet your convenience at any time.-Rector.
; Denbigh : English Churches are to be found here belonging to
It consists of series of cubicles, each containing beds fitted all denominations.
‘. on the ship’s bunk plan, one above the other. The full Nantglyn : Church of Wales.
accommodation is twelve Scouts, in four rooms. Every Sunday throughout the year. English Service,
1 ‘. with Sermon, 1030 a.m. On Fourth Sundav in the
‘. : .‘.”
., Bathroom,. washing and saniiary conveniences are alongside, month, Matins, followed by Holy Communion:
.’ ‘.while a well-furnished *playroom, at the end of the building, During June, July, and August, English Service at
I... ..“,. completes the scheme. 6 p.m., every other Sunday.
;., .‘. ’
,:*: . ’ The object is to provide convalescent Scouts with a few weeks’ On Sundays the Camp Wagon is available to take R.C.‘s
I ~ ., recuperation in the pure mountain air of Brynbach, and it is I/ for early Service to Denbigh free of charge.
q ,(; available to SCOUTS UP TO THE ACE OF SIXTEEaN. i,
_.,., !/ - - -
‘. A Scouts’ Own is held in the Camp at II a . m .
: ., Application to be made to the Camp Warden, Captain N. A. ii
: Anderson, Brynbach Camp, Saron, Denbigh. This must be i
accompanied by a medical report of the cast.
‘.. i:
., .’ No case involving risk to any other patient can be entertained,
. . ‘. or which entails any nursing. 1
. ...
... f
,. . ‘I’hc charge per week, inclucljng food, will be the sum of 10s. I I
for Cheshire West Scouts and &I (one pound) for other Scouts. j !
. All will be under the medical supervision of the Hon. Medical
Officer to the Camp :- ;4 ’!
,’ Dr. Duff, ‘I~ecch House. Vale Street. Dcnbigh. 1’
*. . I!
.I :

. .C. , :..
_: i, “L’_ ‘.I.

.; If Scouters require the

‘? P.C. II should be sent to Hon. Sec., Cheshire West, iMajor Wagon’. from the station to
. . W. E. Bingham-Gadd, Not to Hon. County Sec. of Denbigh. Camp they ‘MUST advise the
There is a Camping Fee of One Penny per head per peek or Warden when they send their
part of week.
P.C. II.
On arrival, they must fill
Flag Break ... ... ... 9 a . m . in a slip stating date and time
Flag Down ... ... ... 7 p.m. their train leaves Denbigh, and
Each Troop and Crew will be asked to provide a Duty Patrol
for One Day to assist the Warden and to report to him at Flag if they wish the use of the
Break. Wagon.
Troops are met at Denbigh Station and conveyed free of
charge to and from Camp. You must arrange so that you all There is wood available
arrive at the same time. The Camp Wagon cannot return at odd for gadgets, etc., therefore, do
hours to pick up stragglers. Such must take their chance of the not help to load the Camp
Wagon returning for another Troop and thereby getting a lift, or Wagon with unnecessary gear.
having to hike the seven miles to Camp 1 Please reduce your
baggage to a minimum, not increase it because transport‘is free !
Camp Trek. Carts are available. No room in Camp Wagon
for yours.
If you have any particular tradesman in Denbigh, order your There is a Camp Shop for the purchase of sweets, ice cream,
foodstuffs through him. If not, send your orders to the Warden minerals, tobacco and tinned goods for emergencies.
” AT LEAST THREE DAYS IN ADVANCE of arrival. He will
.pass your orders to lock1 firms. Be sure, however, to send separate .
: lists for each tradesman. One for the butcher, one for the baker, Sanitation.
one for the milkman, and so on. Remember-separate sheets for Groups need not bring latrine screens, permanent latrines are
separate orders ! ! And don’t send any money for the Warden available and temporary screening if required.
will not pay any bills. This is the Scouter’s job and must be done
by him before leaving Camp. Modern sanitation, including washing basins, shower baths,
There is a playing field available, which can be used at all etc., are available:-
‘times. For Rover Scouts and Scouts.
At east end of farm buildings.
At east end of Rover Glen.
For Cubs only.
Ir\ Wood on Cub Camping Area, with facilities for Lady
.:,Cubmasters (also facilities for ladies at end of farm
‘:; buildings).
’ ek
‘. ,. :’ ; ;: For, serious cases First Aid Appliances, Splints and carrying
al 1 Stretcher are immediately available from the Warden’s Office.
*, .’ .^ ,y.* i.i,t,,



., . _ : _.__ _. .._ _

___. __-._____ ___.__ .__. -._ . ..-.-- ----- --- . ,, .-k--y-

The Post rcachcs Brynbach about IO a.m.; the collection
y, s,. is atthe same time. Letters should be asked for at the Camp
,&’ ,~ ,_ Church Services. Chop. It will make delivery easier if number and name of Group
.,._‘._’ _:y.,.‘1. Skxning Pool I--Inilrs
,..; : ‘. j Boating Lake FTnllrz,
,; >’ E X A M P L E :-
;,;;..:,. %I, .’ ..‘\ L.
C a m p S h o p HOII~S.
, ;r ,: . : ). ‘*. Postal Informatior~. .t T. Johnson,
:. ::. t: .i:
.‘. ) ,Boiindaries. 6th Chester Group,
.., Brynbach,
.* It is hoped that every Scot!ter \vill obtain oilc of the small
maps Of the Camp on sale in the Camp Shop \vllich sjlolI.s Saron, Denbigh.”
exactly the boundaries, and what part of Ihe c:R,~ is out o/
bounds on account of Tree Plantiny. Notepaper, envelopes, postcards and stamps can be obtained
,’ This m a p also sho\~ thr &otp;lt~,s \\,tlir./l c‘;, 1) I),- f2~.:r%i: .II lh(* Camp Shop.
through’ the ~~lillll~IliOllS. The ringing of the Camp Post bell tells of the arrival of the
,_ i;
’ : There are about 1 0 0 boundary* notices rnill>rI II!’ (‘;II, ), ;jlIli posi.
“five means of entrance and exit, but only OII(- n\.niIn t)Ic q,i-’ \\.i,,yr.;
t r a f f i c . One exit is by a footpath by the side of ~IJC ri,& I\‘~~~I~_ -
‘East pf the *Boating Lake and is marked by IYIlitc PO&. KEEPING THE CAMP ROAD CLEAR.
’ path IS outside the Camp, but permission has been given to *rllii;
this path down the valley, provided users of it keep strict]\: to it ,fsr Visitors and Scouts are particularly requested not to leave
It is most important that no one should stray 011 thk Grouse any cars on the camp road thus blocking the traffic.
? Jioors, westward of the Camp, which are preserved for shooting,
’ There arc ~CWS 07 moorland within the Camp Arc;l. All cars must be parked in the parking ground by t h e
Camp Headquarters.
q___ a..- --.v -- --__-. -- ___ _


: :

Wives of Scouters, parents or friends, wishful to spend ,a few
days in the vicinity of the Camp, can obtain accommodation at
Save up your. Money and ..
, the farm houses as given below :-
* On the Camp Estate :
Miss Roberts, Drws-y-buddcl Farm, Saron, Denbigh ; one
sitting-room, one bedroom. By LORD BADEN.PO+ELL.
The rign:which
One mile distant : indiram the
wny to
Mrs. Hughes, Bryngoleu Farm, Saron, Denbigh ; one sitting- Brynbarh Camp.
room, two bedrooms.
One mile distant :
Mrs. G. Davies, Fen-y-ffhdd Farm, Saron, Denbigh ; one
sitting-room, one bedroom.
Mrs. Jones, Hafotty Dhu, Saron, Denbigh ; one sitting-room, W HEN you are hiking in North IVales. in Denbighshire, you will come across
the sign shown above, in many places along the road. When you see it,
follow it and it will bring you to one ti the most delightful Scout camp
one bedroom. grounds, and the largest, in the British Isles.
Two miles distant : It lies seven miles from Denbigh among steep green hills and valleys. The
Mrs. Davies, Caermynydd, Saron, Denbigh ; one sitting- hills have purple heather moorland on their upper parts and mountain streams
flow through the woodlands in the valleys. There are 567 acres of hill and dale
room, one bedroom.
The following are houses in Gyfylliog, 2$ miles from the
Camp :
Mrs. J. E. Jon&; Gwynfryn, Gyfylliog, by Ruthin ; one ,
sitting-room, one bedroom. I
Mrs. W. T’. Jones, Glandwr, Gyfylliog, by Ruthin ; one
sitting-room, one bedroom;
Mrs. Lloyd, Arosfa, Gyfylliog, by Ruthin ; one sitting-room, i
one bedroom.
Mrs. H. Lloyd, clwydfa, Gyfylliog, by Ruthin ; one sitting- ”
room, one bedroom. ‘1;
Mrs. 0. Evans, Fron Farm, Gyfylliog, by Ruthin ; one
sitting-room, one bedroom.
Mrs. Stevens, Red Lion Hotel, Gyfylliog.
Mrs. Evans, Hyfrydle, Gyfylliog, by Ruthin, one sitting- j!,
‘room, one bedroom.
IN BR YNBACH CAMP-Part of Brynbnch Cump showing A-CLWVQ Hmdquartwt, B-Bathint
Pool, C-Camping Grounds. D-Mr. Paul’s (County Commirriomr) Hottsr. Takm from th rlo~u
o/ Mt. Ocyn (1,341 ft.) also in the camp estate. (Sphlly drawn by the Chief Suwtt.)

for you to wander over. High up on the mountain side of Bryn Ocyn (1,342 feet)
c~verlooking the camp, there is a huge Scout sign of the Golden Arrow of Goodwill
plwted in golden yew trees.
The farmhouse, whirl: is over 300 years old, is the central store and camp
headquarters. Captain AiJderson, retired sea captain and now a Scouter .aud
Warden of the Camp lives here. There is a canteen, a shop, a concert room for
wet weather, store houses. etc. There is also a house where convalescent Scouts
can stay while getting ~~11 after illness. Mrs. Anderson takes care of them.
servc8 as n bus Ior Ixinginx S c o u t s ;III~I Lhcir kit IIUII I~,CIIIJI~II bllr.11 ,\ I~lCSSlll$ ’
, .:
. . .;
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There are lots of sites for camp that you can choose from. Ccout, have‘ a
wide range over the hills. The Cubs have a special ground of their onn, n,i:h -
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.* fine,big covered Den for wet weather.

There is a concreted swimming pool and also a lake with boats upon i:’
There are also permanent lavatories and shower baths near thr di!Tcrcnt campin:
grounds. Good water is laid on.
Yes, there is about everything you can want here for campi~~g in as romantic
a country as you could wish. For those who are fond of nature thcrc is a great
.: variety of animal life. Forty-one different kinds of birds have so far been obscrtcd
. ..
here, and there are a number of red squirrels, harmless grass snakes. rainbolL
trout, stoats, rabbits, hares and others.
Yes-altogether Brynbach is a glorious place. It was only started last year
aa a Scout camp, but in that short time already over a thousand Scouts have
camped here and hundreds arc sending in their applications for camping in the
course of the next few months.
The camp is not confined to Cheshire Scouts, a big Ilumber are coming from . . . . . .., ,_
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London this summer. As I sit writing this, in the camp, I can see several tents
. where single Scouts and Rovers and a Commissioner or two have come, on their
own accounts, to spend the week-end here. OriginalSketch designed by the Chief Scout, for
Far up on the moor I can hear a grouse calling, and nearer on the next hill Entrance Gate, at Brynbach Camp, June 21st, 1936.
a curlew is whimpering. I love the curlew’s call as much as any-it means you
are in real \?tild upland country. And there are lots of them here in Brynbach.
It is a lovely spot, and belongs to the Scout brotherhood.
.’ .?
So my advice to you is.” Save up your money for the railway journey and
w come to Brynbach.” You only pay one penny a week for use of the camp instead
of the usual one shilling a week charged by farmers.

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