Environmental Impact Assessment: Course Introduction

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Environmental Impact

Course Introduction
Kamal Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering
January-May, 2020

January 20 1
Today’s Lecture

✔ Basics of the course

✔ Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria

✔ Lecture plan and timeline

✔ Contact management

January 20 2
Basics of the Course

Fundamentals of the course

✔ Course Name: Environmental Impact Assessment

✔ Course Code: CV1590

✔ Lecture (L) & Tutorial (T): 3 h/week (L), No Tutorial

✔ Timing: Refer to your departmental time schedules. Special or extra classes

will be announced when required through CRs or as per the suitability

January 20 3
Basics of the Course

Overall Course Content

The following five points outlines the course:
✔ Understand what is EIA and why it is required

✔ Realize impacts in different components of environment

✔ Learn about quantifying impacts

✔ Learn about the methodologies to formulate EIA

✔ Other relevant topics (legal, policies etc.)

January 20 4
At the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand the concept, historical context and wider importance of EIA including legislative
requirements for developing an EIA and enhance employment.

• Understand the importance different environment factors (air, water, biota, noise) and social
and cultural aspects to be included in EIA

• Gain an overview of methods (for predictions) and instruments (especially with quantification
of impacting factors) that are commonly used to develop an EIA.

• January 20
prepare an EIA report .
Learn a systematic approach to
Basics of the Course

Text Books and Reference Books

✔ 1. Y. Anjaneyulu and V. Manickam, \Environmental Impact Assessment
Methodologies", B.S. Publications; Hyderabad, 2nd edition, 2007.
✔ 2. P. Wathern, \Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice", Taylor &
Francis, New York, 2002.
✔ 3. C.N. Sawyer and P.L. McCarty, \Chemistry for Environ mental Engineering and
Science", 5th Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
✔ 4. A.C. Stern, \Air Pollution", Academic Press New York, 1991

January 20 6
Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria

Teaching Methodology

In general classes will be interactive i.e., two way communication

between teacher and students.

✔ Using overhead projectors: For slides

✔ Using black/white boards: illustrations and clarifications
✔ Using audio/visual: videos, If required (for self study)
✔ Instruction medium: English mostly, some Hindi.

January 20 7
Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria

Grading Criteria
University guidelines will be followed, for this class,
✔ End Semester Exam (ESE): 40%
✔ Mid-Semester Exams (MSE) Two: 30%
✔ Class Assessment (CA): 30%
CA will include:
1. Quizzes/tests: Best 4 scores from 6 quizzes (Using online Apps if possible !)
2. Project: 1 (additional details in slide 10)-will be decided if required.
✔ Group of 05 students, Student group approves topic consulting the teacher
✔ Evaluation: Summary report (before 2nd MSE), Final report (10 days before ESE),
Presentation and Viva-voce (before ESE)

January 20 8
Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria
Assessment Plan
Criteria Description Maximum Marks
  Sessional Exam I (Closed Book) 15
Sessional Exam II (Closed Book) 15
Internal Assessment In class Quizzes (assignments) 5+15+10
(Summative) Project
End Term Exam End Term Exam (Closed Book) 40

  Total 100

Attendance A minimum of 75% Attendance is required to be maintained by a

(Formative) student to be qualified for taking up the End Semester examination.
The allowance of 25% includes all types of leaves including medical
Make up Assignments Students who misses a class will have to report to the teacher about
(Formative) the absence. A makeup assignment on the topic taught on the day of
absence will be given which has to be submitted within a week
from the date of absence. No extensions will be given on this. The
attendance for that particular day of absence will be marked blank,
so that the student is not accounted for absence. These assignments
are limited to a maximum of 5 throughout the entire semester.
Homework/ Home Assignment/ Activity There are situations where a student may have to work in home,
Assignment especially before a flipped classroom. Although these works are not
(Formative) graded with marks. However, a student is expected to participate
January 20 and perform these assignments with full zeal since the activity/ 9
flipped classroom participation by a student will be assessed and
Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria

Quiz/Test method
✔ Quizzes/Tests can be of any formats. Among other, students should be ready for Open book
(and/or network) quizzes, Group quizzes, Surprise tests, Online quizzes
Install Canvas apps on your cell phones/Browse
Signup as ‘students’ and username (nickname) and accept the invitation and connect with your
teacher through on online LMS.
Students are expected to:
✔ Bring their own supplies
✔ Avoid using cell-phones unless allowed
✔ Avoid requesting for extra time.
✔ Work independently unless allowed.

January 20 10
Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria

Project: Report(If required) Format

My expectations: You are able to make a write a technical reports
Report Format (Maximum 10 pages)
1. Introduction: points to be included
2. General introduction to the topic
3. Specific introduction to the topic,
4. The focused topic in the report.
5. Literature Review: to include Previous study.
This should include graphs (copied and pasted) from the reference material.
• Continued in the next slide

January 20 11
Teaching methodology and evaluation criteria

Project: Report Format

✔ Methodology and Result: Mention the methodology Include the
✔ Discussion: points to be included, present what can be done to
improve results.
✔ Conclusion and Recommendation: to include
✔ Summary of your finding
✔ Your recommendations
✔ References: to include standard referencing methods must be used.
Project will be graded based on timely submission of reports (group grading) and
the final presentation (individual grading).

January 20 12

Performance Appraisal of Onsite Sanitation Systems in

Ambient Environment of Jaipur City

Submitted By

Department of Civil Engineering

Manipal University Jaipur
November 2017

January 20 Dr. Parwez M Akhtar 13

Lecture Plan and Time-Line-38L (approx.)
Relevant page nos. of
Topic No. of Lectures
the Text Book (TB)
LE Unit-A Introduction and Policies 4  
CT Topic 1. Introduction and Scope 1
URTopic 2. Effect of human impacts on environment 1
TB: 1- 24
E Topic 3. Concept of eco-system imbalances 1
Topic 4. Definition of EIA, EIS, EMP 1
Topic 5. Policy of the Govt. of India 1 To be provided
PL Unit-B Prediction & Assessments of Impacts (PA): Air
Topic 1. Air quality indices 1
Topic 2. Impact of industry transport systems 1
Topic 3. I mpact human settlements. 1 TB: 207-230
Topic 4. Methods of assessment 1
Topic 5. Litigation of impact 1
Unit C PA: Water Quality 12  
Topic 1. Water quality criteria 5
TB: 95-122, TB:
Topic 2. 20Standards and indices
January Dr. Parwez M Akhtar 3 14
Lecture Plan and Time-Line
Unit D PA: Biota and noise 10  
Topic 1. Impact on fauna and flora 2
Topic 2. Mitigation measures, alternatives 2
UR TB: 160-196
Topic 3. Effects of noise on human 2
E TB: 231-241
Topic 4. Noise scales and rating methods. 2
Topic 5. Estimating transportation noise
PL 2
Unit E PA Cultural and socio economic
Topic 1. Effect of developmental projects on
cultural, social settings. and economic profile 1 TB: 256-258
of the community.
Unit F Methodologies for EIA 4
Topic 1. Preliminary assessment and
January 20
TB: 32-83 15
Lecture Plan and Time-Line

Quizzes Time line

As a guideline, we will adhere to the following time-line .
✔ 1st Quiz: 3rd Lecture Week
✔ 2nd Quiz: 5thLecture Week
✔ 1st Mid-Semester Exam: To be announced
✔ 3rd Quiz: 8th Lecture Week
✔ 4th Quiz: 10th Lecture Week
✔ 2nd Mid-Semester Exam: To be announced
✔ 5th Quiz: 11th Lecture Week

January 20 16
Course Management

Learning Management System

(CANVAS plateform)
We will set-up a Learning Management System (LMS) for the course. Each one of you will
have their own account. To set-up your account you must provide:


2. your valid email address

Login-name: e.g. for Anuj Sharma the login name is: sanuj
Password: changeme (you will be asked to change password when you first log-in)
All documents, slides, grades, information, your comments will
be available in the LMS.

January 20 17
Contact hours and contact details
Instructor Contact

My contact details are:

Name: Mr. Kamal Kumar
Location: Faculty Block- 3 (DoCE),Building: 1AB
Phone No: +91 9414810488

email: kamal.kumar@Jaipur.manipal.edu
Contact hours: 3:00 -4:00 PM every MONDAY
January 20 18
Welcome to the course!

January 20 19

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