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1. What is the importance of studying good governance and social responsibility?

The importance of studying good governance and social responsibility is for us to

know how to be effective and efficient in governing the society without violating
anyone’s rights. It improves our decision making in providing the needs of the
community without sacrificing anyone’s safety. Studying good governance and social
responsibility will improve the ability or the capability of a firm in making a good
decision that can give the society confidence and security. Good governance and social
responsibility will give trust and respect to the members and elected leaders.

2. What is the relationship between good governance and social responsibility?

Good governance is the complete set of principles and guidelines in compliance to

social responsibility. In order to have a good governance, one should set regulations
related to social responsibility which include the safety of the community. Good
governance and social responsibility should and will always work together. A country
won’t have good governance without knowing their social responsibilities.

3. Cite at least 5 practices to which USL manifests good governance and social

 USL gave announcements about this pandemic. USL considers the views of its
stakeholders at all costs. They conducted a survey in order to know if they will
implement the flexible learning.
 USL gives complete information to students on how to settle their payments and they
have deducted some of the fees due to the current situation.
 USL never sacrificed the learning of students, they find a way where students can still
learn even if they are at home. USL gave requirements and modules to students.
 USL also gives students time to relax and enjoy, they have various activities that make
students learn while having fun.
 USL is also a Catholic school in which they participate to all of the activities of the
Catholic Religion.

4. How can good governance and social responsibility be of help to you as a future

Good governance and social responsibility teach me how to act like a true
professional. It teaches me morality that can help me to become a successful member of
the society. Good governance and social responsibility makes me responsible on the
actions that I will do, it helps me to be a good decision maker not just for the good of the
firm but also to others. It also teaches me how to be responsible to the power that I have.
To sum it all up, good governance and social responsibility improves humanity and
efficiency to the society.

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