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WHEREAS, in 2017, the Psychology and Social Work programs were merged and housed under one
academic unit;

WHEREAS, in 2017, the Social Work Program was under moratorium, pending review of its
feasibility (faculty, facilities, student enrollment) to be offered in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

WHEREAS, the prevailing constitution and by-laws of the accredited and recognized student
organizations: Ugnayan Tungo sa Aktibong Kaisipan-PLMar (UTAK-PLMar) and LIFEWORK from the
Psychology and Social Work programs, respectively, only accepts membership of students from either
Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Bachelor in Social Work which do not reflect the university's
administrative reorganization and changes in the current psychology curriculum (Bachelor of Arts in
Psychology, minor in Social Work), virtually expunging the two student organizations;

WHEREAS, during the period of transition to a New Constitution and By-Laws, it must be guaranteed
that psychology and social work students' basic rights and welfare as well as and their fundamental
freedom and just representation in the Central Student Government and the university’s organs are


the following PROVISIONAL BY-LAWS forming a new student organization.


Section 1. The official name of the transitional student organization representing both psychology and
social work students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina shall be PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL


Section 1. The following shall be eligible for membership in the organization: a. Bona fide students
currently enrolled in the undergraduate (bachelor of arts and/or bachelor of science) psychology program
as evidenced by the university's registration form, including irregular students carrying at least six (6)
academic units; b. Bona fide student currently enrolled in the undergraduate (bachelor of science) social
work program as evidenced by the university's registration form, including irregular students carrying at
least six (6) academic units.


Section 1. Membership fee of ten pesos (Php 10.00) shall be paid two weeks from the start of each
regular semester or twenty pesos (Php. 20.00) annual membership fee to be paid two weeks from the
start of the first semester.

PSYSOC shall be composed of a core group--students with designations elected from and by the
members of the psychology and social work student body delegated to carry out specific organizational
functions as well as craft and execute policies not contradictory to existing university rules and
regulations and Philippine Laws.

Section 1. Chairperson. The Chairperson is the highest program representative of both psychology and
social work students. As such, the chairperson represents the program's student body in dealing with,
but not limited
to, the PLMar Central Student Government and other PLMar accredited student organizations,
internal and external curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, university officials. For all
intents and purposes, the Chairperson shall also be referred to as the President.

a. As the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the chairperson shall: 1. Preside over all student society
meetings; 2. Point person for all programs, projects and activities; 3. Provides the over-all direction
and general supervision of the society; 4. Communicates with school officials, alumni, members and
outside stakeholders; 5. Coordinates logistical support; 6. Form and create Ad Hoc Committees or
working groups and appoint coordinators and its members when necessary.

Section 2. Co-Chairperson. The co-chairperson is the second highest program representative of both
psychology and social work students and the Chief Operations Officer (COO). As such, the vice-
chairperson substitutes for the society's chairperson if the latter is unable to perform the duties and
responsibilities arising from death, incapacity or resignation. For all intents and purposes, the Vice-
Chairperson may also be referred to as the External Vice-President (EVP) who shall be responsible in
assisting the chairperson in the performance of the expected duties and responsibilities regarding
external functions.

Section 3. Secretary General. The Secretary General is the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the
society. For all intents and purposes, the Secretary General may be referred to as the Internal Vice
President (IVP) and assists the chairperson in the performance of the expected duties and
responsibilities regarding internal functions. The Secretary General is the primary custodian of the
society's documents and forms, provides minutes of the meetings; responsible for documentation and
publication of the activities of the society; as well as keeping and maintaining an updated list of contact
details and other relevant information of the members.

Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer if the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the society. The functions of
the treasurer are, but not limited to: maintenance of financial records, receipts and expenditures;
collection and updating of membership dues; prepares financial statements and liquidation reports;
and prepares budget allocation and cash advances.

Section 5. Block Representatives. The Block Representatives represent and is accountable to their
respective blocks in terms of policy making and information dissemination. They assist the PSYSOC's
chairperson in the delivery of services to the student body.

Section 6.
a. The Chairperson, Co-chairperson, Secretary General and Treasurer shall be elected by the entire
PSYSOC members in a general election not later than two weeks before the final examination week of
the graduating class of the second semester. This is to allow the outgoing set of officers to turn-over the
files as well as to let the new set of officers plan activities during summer. However, for this provisional
by-laws, the set of said officers shall be elected immediately after its promulgation and shall immediately
assume the powers and perform the duties and responsibilities upon oath of office.

b. Except for the Chairperson, any member from any year level may run for the positions stated in
Sections 2 to 5. Only sophomore, junior and senior students from psychology and social work program
may run and be elected as Chairperson.

c. Block Representatives are nominated and elected by a simple majority of the members of the
blocks, not earlier than two weeks from the first day of the start of each regular semester. Irregular
students may be nominated and elected as long as 75 percent (75%) of credit units are spent with the
d. Members of PSYSOC vying for the positions stated in Section 1 to 4 should file their certificate of
candidacies on or before 18 July 2018. Campaign period will be from 19 July to 25 July 2018. Elections
will start on 26 July 2018, 8:00am and end on 27 July 2018 at 3:00pm.

e. Positions stated in Section 1 to 4 shall be elected by a simple majority of the members of


f. Incumbent officers of UTAK-PLMar and LIFEWORK are the automatic members of the Election
Committee (EleComm) who shall oversee the speedy enforcement and transparency of elections under
this provisional by-law. Upon assumption of office of the core group during the 1st semester 2018-2019,
a new EleComm shall be created by the core group en banc that will oversee the elections at the start
of second semester 2018-2019 (for block representatives) and two weeks before the final examination
week of the graduating class of the second semester (for positions of Chairperson, Co-chairperson,
Secretary General and Treasurer or any other officers in the new organization by-laws approved
through a plebiscite). Members of EleComm who wish to run for positions stated in Sections 1 to 5, they
are automatically expelled from EleComm to avoid conflict of interest.

Section 7. Terms of and Removal from


a. Upon assumption of office, officers elected thru this provisional by-law shall serve for one academic
semester (for block representatives), or one academic year until two weeks before the final examination
week of the graduating class of the second semester (for positions of Chairperson, Co-chairperson,
Secretary General and Treasurer).

b. Officers of the PSYSOC may be removed from their designations upon the following: 1. Failing
grade in any academic and non-academic course, both major and minor subjects; 2. Final verdict on
violation of university and program's policies; 3. Failure to enroll at least 80 percent of a regular
load. 4. Incapacity to perform duties and responsibilities, initiated through a formal complaint
forwarded to the Program Head and determined by three fourths majority vote of PSYSOC
members after a fair trial to be determined by the core group excluding the complainee and
c. Elected members of the core group, sitting en banc, may fill vacant positions stated in Section 1 to 5
by appointing any qualified member of the PSYSOC in an acting capacity until special elections are
held to fill the vacant position.



Section 1. All existing obligations and contracts entered into by the UTAK-PLMar and LIFEWORK shall
remain operative until amended, modified or repealed after being reviewed by the PSYCHSOC core
group en banc.



Section 1. Within sixty (60) days a committee shall be formed by the Chairperson that will draft a New
Constitution and By-Laws. The Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) representatives, not
holding any position in any student organization, including PSYCHSOC. They shall be chosen by the
PSYCHSOC en banc.

Section 2. The committee shall convene and hold regular meetings and complete its work within as short
a period to draft a document truly reflective of the ideals and aspirations of its members. The meetings
shall be observed by the PSYCHSOC en banc and the minutes of which shall be recorded and
documented in detail by an assigned member of the committee.
Section 3. The New Constitution and By-laws shall be presented to the members during a designated
place, date and time or during a general assembly, to hold a plebiscite. The New Constitution and By-
laws shall become valid and effective two weeks before the final examinations of graduating students
in the second semester of 2018-2019, requiring the ratification by a simple majority of all members
present during the plebiscite.

ARTICLE 6. EFFECTIVITY. This provisional by-law shall take effect upon the promulgation by the
incumbent officers of UTAK-PLMar and LIFEWORK shown through the signatures below.


Sgd. Marissa Avila (UTAK) Sgd. Francesca Edralyn Rempillo (UTAK) Sgd. Donita Linzo (Lifework)

Sgd. Janh Loran Siron (UTAK) Sgd. Roger Mari Jr. (UTAK) Sgd. Janice Matignas (Lifework)

Sgd. Joyce Durian (UTAK) Sgd. Joshua Delos Reyes (Lifework)

Noted by:
Dr. Ver

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