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Lean Six Sigma DMAIC Roadmap

Purpose Key Tools Key Outputs

Primary Metric Process Map Project Charter Project Plan * Process Map
To establish a quantified
* Gather VOC
problem statement,
* Translate VOC to CTQ's
objective and business

case that will become the

foundation to your Six
* Primary & Secondary Metrics
Sigma project. Conduct
* Establish Project Charter
stakeholder analysis,
* Stakeholder Analysis
select team members
* Team Selection
and kick-off your project.
* Project Plan
C&E SIPOC FMEA Cpk * Early Y=f(x) Hypothesis
Refine your * Detailed Process Map
understanding of the * SIPOC

process. Assess process * Cause & Effect Diagram

capability relative to * Cause & Effect Matrix
customer specifications. * FMEA
Validate measurement * Basic Statistics
systems. Brainstorm * Normality Test
potential x's. * Capability Analysis
* Gage R&R
Normality Test ANOVA 2 Sample t-test Equal Variances * Narrowed Y=f(x)
* 1 & 2 Sample t-tests
Conduct data collection
* 1 & 2 Proportions tests
and planned studies in

* Equal variance tests

order to eliminate non-
* Normality tests
critical x's and validate
critical x's. Establish a
* Moods Median
stronger and quantified
* Mann Whitney
Y=f(x) equation.
* Paired t-test
* Chi-Squared test
Pugh Matrix Linear Regression Binary Logistic Regression DOE
Design, test and * Refined Y=f(x)
implement your new * Pugh Matrix

process or product under * Correlation

live operating conditions. * Simple Linear Regression
Pilot solutions if feasible * Multiple Linear Regression
before broadly deploying * Binary Logistic Regression
expensive improvements * Full Factorial DOE
or products. * Fractional Factorial DOE

Control Plan SOP's Communication Plan SPC

Plan, communicate, train * Control Plan
and implement your * Training Plan
product or process * Refined FMEA

solutions. Ensure control * Communication Plan

mechanisms are * Standard Operating Procedures
established. Use Poke * Five-S Audit
Yoke, visual controls, * Poke Yoke
SOP's and SPC * Visual Controls
wherever possible. * Statistical Process Control

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