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October 15, 2009 / Vol. 34, No.


Total elimination of sampling errors in

polarization imagery obtained with integrated
microgrid polarimeters
J. Scott Tyo,* Charles F. LaCasse, and Bradley M. Ratliff
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, 1630 East University Boulevard, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA
*Corresponding author:
Received July 24, 2009; accepted September 2, 2009;
posted September 16, 2009 (Doc. ID 114799); published October 12, 2009
Microgrid polarimeters operate by integrating a focal plane array with an array of micropolarizers. The
Stokes parameters are estimated by comparing polarization measurements from pixels in a neighborhood
around the point of interest. The main drawback is that the measurements used to estimate the Stokes vec-
tor are made at different locations, leading to a false polarization signature owing to instantaneous field-of-
view (IFOV) errors. We demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that spatially band limited polar-
ization images can be ideally reconstructed with no IFOV error by using a linear system framework. © 2009
Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 110.5405, 120.2130, 120.5410.

Recent years have seen the emergence of passive po- recent study demonstrated that the false polarization
larimetric imagery as an important discriminating signatures in these cases are because of an incom-
tool in many areas of sensing. Polarization has been plete demodulation of the intensity image [5].
used to help in target detection, defeat clutter, and Microgrid polarimeters are a class of “snapshot”
see through mildly turbid media, among other appli- polarimeters that determine all of the desired polar-
cations. A recent review paper [1] contains an in- ization information from a single measurement of in-
depth discussion of many of these applications. tensity on a single FPA. Prismatic polarimeters
Polarized incoherent light is often described in [8–10] are another class of snapshot polarimeter that
terms of the Stokes vector, use two spatially varying multiorder wave plates (bi-
refringent prisms) to introduce polarization-
S = 关s0 s1 s2 s3兴T dependent carrier fringes that are modulated by the
= 关IH + IV IH − IV I45 − I135 IL − IR兴T , 共1兲 image intensity, thereby creating polarization-
dependent sidebands in the spatial frequency plane.
where IH, IV, I45, I135, IL, and IR are the intensities Comparing the results of Ratliff et al. [5] for micro-
observed through horizontal, vertical, 45°, 135°, left- grid instruments to those from prismatic polarim-
circular, and right-circular polarizers, respectively. eters led us to the present Letter, which uses a linear
Microgrid polarimeters combine an array of micropo- system framework to create ideal microgrid interpo-
larizers with a focal plane array (FPA) to make a spa- lation kernels that can perfectly reconstruct band
tially modulated measurement of the polarized inten- limited polarization imagery.
sity [2]. The most common configuration is as shown We develop the theory here for the specific configu-
in Fig. 1, where four linear polarization states are in- ration shown in Fig. 1; however, the theory is easy to
terlaced to estimate the three linear polarization extend to an arbitrary micropolarizer layout. We will
Stokes parameters s0, s1, and s2. However, systems assume that the pixels in the FPA are ideal point
have been proposed where other polarization mea- samplers; the effects of finite pixel size and shape can
surements are made, including full polarimeters that be included using the standard sampling theory. The
also measure the circularly polarized component image is described by the spatially varying Stokes
Microgrid polarimeters are attractive because they
are rugged and inherently optomechanically aligned.
The largest drawback of these systems is that the
Stokes parameters are estimated using polarization
measurements from different locations in the FPA.
When there are intensity variations in addition to po-
larization variations across the scene, the different
instantaneous fields of view (IFOVs) of neighboring
pixels complicate the reconstruction process and are
the primary source of false polarization signatures
All studies known to us reconstruct the polariza- Fig. 1. (Color online) Typical microgrid polarimeter uses
tion estimates from the raw microgrid image by us- four interlaced linear polarizer orientations to estimate s0,
ing spatially local interpolation kernels [1,2,4,6,7]. A s1, and s2.

0146-9592/09/203187-3/$15.00 © 2009 Optical Society of America

3188 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 34, No. 20 / October 15, 2009

vector image Si共m , n兲. The intensity measured by the

共m , n兲th pixel can be written as
I共m,n兲 = SA共m,n兲T · Si共m,n兲, 共2兲
where SA共m , n兲 is the analyzer Stokes vector of the
共m , n兲th pixel that is expressed as

冤 冥
共cos共m␲兲 + cos共n␲兲兲
SA = 共m,n兲 1 . 共3兲
共cos共m␲兲 − cos共n␲兲兲
Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) yields
I共m,n兲 = s0共m,n兲 + 2 cos共m␲兲关s1共m,n兲 + s2共m,n兲兴
+ 2 cos共n␲兲关s1共m,n兲 − s2共m,n兲兴. 共4兲
Next we take the discrete-space Fourier transform
(DSFT) of I共m , n兲. We assume that the Stokes param-
Fig. 2. (Color online) Fourier transform of I共m , n兲 for the
eter images are spatially band limited enough to
excitation defined by Eqs. (6)–(8). The outer shaded regions
avoid aliasing (this condition will be made explicit be-
represent the high-pass filters used to reconstruct s1 and
low), and we consider only the positive frequencies as s2. The central shaded area is the low-pass filter used to re-
Ĩ共␰, ␩兲 = S̃0共␰, ␩兲 + 关S̃1共␰ − , ␩兲 + S̃2共␰ −
,␩ 兲兴 construct s0.

4 关S̃1共␰, ␩ − 兲 − S̃2共␰, ␩ − 兲兴 ,
共5兲 pixels that contact that node [5]. The NLPN interpo-
lation is the most widely used reconstruction method
where ␰ and ␩ are the horizontal and the vertical spa- for microgrid polarimeters [2,4,6,7].
tial frequencies (in cycles per pixel), respectively. In The general notion in the polarization imaging
Eq. (5) there is a baseband signal carrying s0, a hori- community is that the NLPN interpolation can be
zontal sideband signal at ␰ = 21 that represents s1 + s2, used to create good reconstructions by simply choos-
ing the point spread function of the optics to band
and a vertical sideband at ␩ = 21 that represents s1
limit the image. A second notion is that microgrid po-
− s 2.
larimeters can only reconstruct accurately scenes
To demonstrate an ideal reconstruction we use the
that have features that are constant across a single
simple polarized scene described by
4 ⫻ 4 superpixel. Figure 3 clearly demonstrates that
s0共n,m兲 = e−36共n , 共6兲 these notions are false. What error is present in Figs.
3A and 3B is because the images defined in Eqs.
1 (6)–(8) are not in fact band limited, resulting in small
s1共n,m兲 = 2 s0共n,m兲erf共2m兲, 共7兲 aliasing effects. Other more complicated interpola-
s2共n,m兲 = 2 s0共n,m兲erf共2n兲. 共8兲
The Fourier transform of I共m , n兲 for this excitation is
shown in Fig. 2. We see both the baseband signal that
corresponds to the Fourier transform of s0 and the
horizontal and the vertical sidebands predicted in
Eq. (5).
We can use Fig. 2 to form a quantitative descrip-
tion of the band limit requirements. There are many
ways that the spatial frequency information among
s0, s1, and s2 can be distributed to allow a perfect re-
construction. However, if we assume that s0 is spa-
tially band limited to 冑␰2 + ␩2 ⬍ W0 and s1 and s2 are
spatially band limited to 冑␰2 + ␩2 ⬍ W1, a sufficient
condition to avoid aliasing is that W0 + W1 ⬍ 21 .
The reconstruction errors for s0 and s1 using the fil-
ters indicated in Fig. 2 are shown in Fig. 3 for our
method (Fig. 3A) and the standard nearest like-
polarization neighbor (NLPN) interpolation strategy Fig. 3. s0 (left column) and s1 (right column) error distri-
(Fig. 3B). The NLPN method reconstructs the Stokes butions for the ideal reconstruction strategy presented here
vector estimates at each node in Fig. 1 using the four (top row) and NLPN interpolation (bottom row).
October 15, 2009 / Vol. 34, No. 20 / OPTICS LETTERS 3189

tors than the NLPN method can do a better job of re- and inherent optomechanical alignment, but they
constructing the polarization information than the lost favor because of the polarimetric aliasing prob-
NLPN [5], but the improvement in those cases is by lems near contrast edges in images apparent in Fig.
less than 1 order of magnitude (data not shown). This 4D. In this Letter we have presented a reconstruction
occurs because the interpolation kernel for the NLPN paradigm that eliminates these artifacts, making mi-
is a 2 ⫻ 2 rectangular window. This interpolation ker- crogrid instruments competitive with other polari-
nel will have a corresponding sinc-function filter in metric modalities [1]. By operating in the frequency
the frequency domain that allows significant spectral domain, it is possible to perfectly reconstruct spa-
leakage of the sidelobe signals into the reconstructed tially band limited polarization scenes with no IFOV
baseband signal, and vice versa. This can be inter- error for the first time known to the authors. In cer-
preted as a form of polarimetric aliasing. tain instances it might be preferable to perform the
A comparison between the NLPN and the linear reconstruction without taking a Fourier transform.
system method presented here is shown for real data For example, several researchers have developed
in Fig. 4. The object here is a 45 cm diameter brass methods to perform the polarimetric reconstruction
sphere painted with krylon flat black paint and in hardware at the FPA by making local arithmetic
heated with an incandescent light bulb to 50° C. The computations [2,6]. The results derived here can be
sphere is located in a laboratory with a nominal room used to derive spatially local interpolation kernels
temperature of 23°C. It is expected that the predomi- that have greatly improved error performance over
nant polarization signature around the sphere will be the methods currently employed [5]. Finally, going to
p polarized, since the emitted radiation dominates the frequency domain allows us to consider the appli-
the image. The degree of polarization is expected to cation of superresolution methods that can exploit
be maximal near the edges where the photons leave aliasing to improve the resolution beyond the super-
the sphere near grazing, and the degree of polariza- pixel or even individual pixel levels. This is an active
tion near the center of the sphere should be approxi- area of current work [13].
mately zero. Figures 4C and 4D are colored using a
transform that maps the angle of polarization into The work presented here was supported by the
color hue and the degree of linear polarization into U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
color saturation [11]. To mitigate the effects of alias- under award FA9550-07-1-0087 and an AFOSR De-
ing we used Hamming windows for our frequency do- fense University Research Instrumentation Program
main filters. award FA9550-08-1-0295.
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popular area of research owing to their ruggedness
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