Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi: Mid Exam / Spring 2020 (Paper Duration 48 Hours) To Be Filled by Teacher

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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Mid Exam / Spring 2020 (Paper Duration 48 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: CS-471 Course Title: Mobile Computing

Total Marks: 12 Date of Exam: June 16, 2020
Degree: BSIT, BSCS Semester: 6th , 7th Section: A,B
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher: Usman Ahmad
Who taught the course:Signature of teacher / Examiner: Usman Ahmad

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: ………………………………………….……… Name:……………………………………………………..

Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1 (Marks 1)
Write a code to create a toast which displays “Mid Term paper is very easy” by clicking anywhere on
the screen. (Only write specific code, not system generated)

Answer: relativeLayout.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Mid Term paper is very
return true; }});

Q.No.2. (Marks 0.5)

What is the purpose of setContentView() function. Write its parameters.
Answer: We use setContentView because it loads the layout of the activity. OnCreate() runs
when we first start our app and it also triggers the setContentView() in it. It’s parameter is the
some_activity.xml file as R.layout.some_activity corresponding to the acitivity file in which
setContentView is placed.

Q.No.3. Write a code by following steps. (Marks 2)

1. Create 2 check boxes and a button on your desired layout.
2. Get values from checkboxes and show on TextView boxes by clicking on button.
3. Now Create two TextView, and a button named as Swap.
4. Swap values of these two TextViews on ‘Swap’ button click.
(write Specific code only)
Answer: buttonToPrint.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
text_One = aCheckBox.getText().toString();
text_Two = bCheckBox.getText().toString();

bTextView.setText(text_Two); }});
buttonToSwap.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
first_Text = textViewA.getText().toString();
sec_Text = textViewB.getText().toString();

textViewB.setText(first_Text); }});

Q.No.4. (Marks 1.5)

What is the difference between adapter and adapterView? Give two examples of an adapterView.
(Write specific code only, expand space if require)

Answer: ListView coloursLV = findViewById(;

ArrayList<String> coloursAL = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayAdapter<String> coloursAA = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, coloursAL);
Spinner gameSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById( gameSpinner);
String[] games = { “PUBG”, “FORTNITE”, “SNIPER 3D”};
ArrayAdapter gameArrayAdapter = new
ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, games);
gameArrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout. simple_spinner_dropdown

Q.No.5. (Marks 4)

There are three activities named, and Move a string value
as country code from first activity to second activity. e.g. 0092. Now, On second activity
append country code and operator code. For example, 0092321. Then send this value to
third activity. On third activity, append a seven digit number with this value. e.g.
00923212342345. And now show this resultant string in third activity in the form of toast
(Write Specific code, Expand Space if require)
Answer: Button shiftToSecButton = findViewById(;
shiftToSecButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String countryCode = "0900";
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("countryCode", countryCode);
startActivity(intent); }});

Intent intent = getIntent();

String countryCode = intent.getStringExtra("countryCode");
TextView countryCodeTextView = findViewById(;
Button moveToThirdButton = findViewById(;
moveToThirdButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent1 = new Intent(SecondActivity.this, ThirdActivity.class);
String operatorCode = "aloo_anday";
String appendedCode = countryCode + operatorCode;
intent1.putExtra("appendedCode", appendedCode);
startActivity(intent1); }});

TextView completeCodeTextView = findViewById(;

Intent intent = getIntent();
String appendedCode = intent.getStringExtra("appendedCode");
String extraCode = "--telephone--telephone";
String completeCode = appendedCode + extraCode;
Toast.makeText(this, "" + completeCode, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Q.No.6. (Marks 1)

Discuss all the four states of an android activity and draw activity life cycle by hand and
include picture in answer.

Q.No.7 Print Your Name 100 times using Java (Marks 2)

(Smartest and Shortest Solution will get higher Marks)

Answer: public class PrintMyName {

public static void main(String[] args) {

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

System. out. println("Majid");


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