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Good Samaritan Colleges

College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions

GSC Vision Statement: CNAHP Vision Statement:

GSC envisions to be a leading educational institution in the region that We envision GSC as a higher educational institution producing health
develops highly competent individuals who are selflessly committed to professionals who are glocally competent and committed to
compassionate service. compassionate service orientation.

GSC Mission Statement: CNAHP Mission Statement:

Toward this vision, GSC aims to: Towards this vision, GSC CNAHP aims to:
• Nurture a learner centered environment.  Nurture health professionals through quality education.
• Adhere to the highest standards of academic excellence.  Inculcate social responsibility.
• Inculcate social responsibility and national consciousness.  Infuse cooperation through holistic approach.
• Instill values exemplified by the Good Samaritan.
Expected Samaritan and Graduate Attribute (ESGA)

 Creative and critical thinkers

 Digitally literate
 Effective communication
 Caring and dedicated lifelong learners

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population, group and community utilizing nursing process
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in delivery of care
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles;
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting culturally-appropriate language
6. Report and document up to date client care accurately and comprehensively
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-intra-and multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general and nursing and health
development in particular
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being Filipino
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in managing resources and programs
13. Display nursing core values in nursing management and leadership
14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in management and leadership


Integrate relevant concepts and Evolution of learning
meta paradigm of theories on a. Introduction to nursing theory
Person, Health, Environment and  History of Nursing Theory
Nursing in nursing practice.  Significance for the
i. Discipline
Apply appropriate nursing ii. Profession
concepts and actions holistically b. History and Philosophy of Science
and comprehensively  Rationalism
 Empiricism
 Early 20th century views
 Emergent views
c. Structure of Nursing Knowledge
Appreciate the value of evidence  Structure level
based nursing practice in the  Metaparadigm
application of nursing and related i. Person
models/theories ii. Health
iii. Environment
Ensure a working relationship iv. Nursing
utilizing relevant  Philosophy
concepts/theories of effective  Conceptual Models
communication and interpersonal  Theory
relationship in nursing practice  Middle-range theory
Nursing Theoretical Works
a. Nursing Philosophies
Discuss relevant concepts of a. Nightingale’s environmental
collaboration with interpersonal, theory
cultural, and related theories b. Watson’s theory of Human
Describe specific management c. Benner’s stages of nursing
and leadership concepts and expertise nursing
principles in selected theories philosophies
d. Eriksson’s caritative caring
b. Nursing conceptual models
Assume responsibility for lifelong a. Roger’s Science of Unitary
learning, own personal human beings nursing
development and maintenance of conceptual model
competence. b. Orem’s self-care deficit
c. King’s general systems
Exemplify love for country in framework Nursing
service of the Filipinos Conceptual Model
d. Neuman’s systems model
e. Roy’s adaptation Model
f. Johnson’s behavioral system
c. Nursing Theories
a. Peplau’s theory of
Interpersonal relationship
b. Orlando’s theory of
Deliberative nursing process
c. Travelbee’s human to
human relationship
d. Hall’s core, care, cure
e. Abdellah’s 21 nursing
f. Henderson’s need theory
g. Pender’s health promotion
h. Leininger Theory of culture
care diversity & universality
i. Newman’s theory of health
as expanding consciousness
j. Parse’s Theory of human
k. Watson’s theory of Human
Discuss the systems of Caring
informatics related to the l. Orlando’s Nursing Process
application of nursing theories m. Locsin’s techonological
competency as caring
Local theories and Models of nursing
Intervention (Philippine setting)
1. Locsin’s Technological Nursing as
Caring Model
2. Agravante’s CASAGRA
transformative leadership model
Demonstrate caring as the core of 3. Divinagracia’s Composure model
nursing, love of God, love of 4. Kuan’s Retirement and Role
country and love of people. discontinuity model
5. Abaquin’s PREPARE ME Holistic
Manifest professionalism, Nursing interventions
integrity, and excellence. 6. Laurente’s Theory of Nursing
Practice and Career
7. Synchronicity in Human-Space-
Time: A theory of Nursing
engagement in a Global
Theories relevant to Nursing Practice
1. Maslow’s Human Needs Theory
2. Sullivan’s Transactional analysis
3. Von Bertalanffy’s General
systems theory
4. Lewin’s Change theory
5. Erikson’s Psychosocial
6. Kohlberg’s Moral Development


Integrate relevant concepts and Introduction to Health Assessment
principles of Anatomy and
Physiology in health assessment. Overview of Nursing Process (ADPIE)

Discuss the concepts, principles Health Assessment in Nursing Practice

and techniques of health 1. Types
assessment  Initial Comprehansive
 On-going or partial
 Focused or Problem-oriented
Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment

Steps in Health Assessment

Assess one’s/peer health A. Collection of subjective data through
status/competence utilizing interview and health history
correct assessment techniques a. Biographic data
b. Reasons for Seeking Health
Integrate evidence-based practice c. Chief complaint
in conducting health assessment. d. History of
i. Present illness
Manage resources (human, ii. Past Health History
physical and time) efficiently and iii. Family Health History
effectively in health assessment. iv. Current Medications
v. Lifestyle
Maintain a safe environment in vi. Developmental Level
conducting health assessment. vii. Psychosocial History
B. Collection of Objective Data
Document health assessment a. Physical Examination
data properly. i. Preparation
ii. Positioning
Ensure accuracy, completeness iii. Techniques
and integrity of health b. Diagnostic Test and
assessment data Procedures
c. Other sources
Adhere to guidelines in C. Validation of Data
documentation related to D. Documentation of Data
confidentiality of health a. Guidelines for documentation
assessment data. i. Written Notes
ii. Electronic
Use appropriate technology in Documentation
performing health assessment. Holistic Nursing Management
1. General Status and Vital Signs
Apply systems of informatics in 2. Mental Status
health assessment a. Children and Adolescent
b. Adults
Customize health assessment 3. Psychosocial, Cognitive and Moral
process based on the culture and Development
values of the client/family. 4. Pain
5. Violence
6. Culture and Ethnicity
7. Spirituality and Religious Practices
8. Nutritional Status
Physical Assessment
1. Skin, Hair, Nails
2. Head and Neck
3. Eyes
4. Ears
5. Mouth, Throat, Nose and Sinuses
6. Thorax and Lungs
7. Breast and Lymphatic System
8. Heart and Neck Vessels
9. Peripheral Vascular System
10. Assessing the abdomen
11. Musculo-skeletal System
12. Neurologic System
13. Male Genitalia and Rectum
14. Female Genitalia and Rectum
Adhere to relevant ethico-legal Relevant Ethico-legal Guidelines in
principles in conducting health Conducting Health Assessment
assessment. 1. Ethico-Legal Considerations
a. Informed Consent
Protect clients rights based on 2. Patients’ Bill of Rights
“Patient’s Bill of Rights and 3. Data Privacy Act

Implement strategies/policies
related to informed consent as it
applies in health assessment.

Utilize appropriate Guidelines of an Effective Interview and

communication/interpersonal Health History
techniques in conducting health 1. Phases
assessment 2. Types of Communication
3. Special Considerations
Related to age, cultural, and
emotional Variations

Describe the harmonious Health Care Team in Health Assessment

relationship among members of 1. Team-based approach
the health team in conducting 2. Roles of the Nurse and Other
health assessment members of the Health team

Engage in self-directed learning Program Instructions in Health Assessment

to enhance competence in health

Demonstrate caring as the core of Core Values of Nursing in Conducting Health

nursing, love of God, love of Assessment
country and love of people when
performing health assessment
Integrate relevant principles of social, Overview of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines
physical, natural and health sciences
and humanities in a given health and A. Global and National Health Situations
nursing situation. B. Definition and Focus
1. Public Health
Discuss appropriate community health 2. Community Health
nursing concepts and actions 3. Public Health
holistically and comprehensively 4. Community Health Nursing (CHN)
5. Standards of Public Health Nursing in the
6. Evolution of Public Health Nursing in the
Assume responsibility for lifelong 7. Roles and responsibilities of a community
learning, own personal development health nurse
and maintenance of competence. The Health Care Delivery System
A. World Health Organization
Engage in advocacy activities to 1. Millennium Development Goals
influence health and social care service 2. Sustainable Development Goals
policies and access to services B. Philippine Department of Health
1. Mission-Vision
Model professional behavior as a 2. Historical Background
community health nurse 3. Local Health System and Devolution of Health
4. Classification of Health Facilities (DOH AO
5. Philippine Health Agenda 2010-2022
C. Primary Health Care (PHC)
1. Brief History
2. Legal Basis
3. Definition
4. Goals
5. Elements
6. Principles and Strategies
D. Levels of Prevention
E. Universal Health Care
1. Legal Basis
2. Background and Rationale
3. Objectives and Thrusts
The Family
A. Family as Basic Unit of the Society
B. Types
1. Family as a Client
2. Family as a System
C. Functions Developmental Stages
D. Family Health Task
E. Characteristics of a Healthy Family

Family Nursing Process

Assess with the individual and family A. Family Health Assessment
one’s health status/competence 1. Tools for Assessment
 Initial Database
 Typology of Nursing Problems in Family
Nursing Practice
 Family Health Task
 Family Coping Index
2. Family Data Analysis
 Socio-Economic and Cultural
 Home environment
 Family Health Status
 Family Values and Health Practices
B. Family Nursing Diagnosis
Formulate with the client a plan of C. Formulating Family Nursing Care Plan
care to address the health conditions, 1. Priority Setting
needs, problems, and issues based on 2. Establishing Goals and Objectives
priorities 3. Selecting Appropriate Family Nursing
D. Implementing Family Nursing Care Plan
Implement safe and quality 1. Categories of Intervention
interventions with the client to address  Promotive
the health needs, problems, and issues  Preventive
 Curative
 Rehabilitative
Provide health education using 2. Tools of Public Health Nurse
selected planning models to targeted  PHN Bag and Contents
clientele (individuals and families) in  Principles and Techniques in the Use of
the community. PHN Bag
3. Types of Family Nurse Contact
 Clinic Visit
 Home Visit
 Group Conference
 Telephone Calls
 Written Communication
Participate in a research study as E. Family Health Care Researches
member of a research team 1. Related Studies
2. Evidence-Based Practices
Provide safe, appropriate and
evidence-based nursing interventions
in the different categories of health

Ensure a working relationship with

individual and family based on trust,
respect and shared decision-making
using appropriate

Ensure intra-agency, inter-agency,

multidisciplinary and sectoral
collaboration in the delivery of health

Implement strategies/approaches to
enhance/support the capability of the
client and care providers to participate F. Interprofessional Care in the Community
in decision making by the inter- 1. Rural Health Unit Personnel
professional team. 2. Local Government Units
3. Government Organizations
Maintain a harmonious and collegial  DSWD
relationship among members of the  Nutrition Council
health team for effective, efficient and  Population Commission
safe client care. 4. Non-government Organizations
 Socio-Civic Organizations
Coordinate the tasks/functions of other  Religious Organizations
nursing personnel (midwife, BHW, and  Schools
utility worker).
G. Evaluation of Family Nursing Care
Collaborate with other members of the 1. Evaluation Process and Outcomes
health team in the implementation of 2. Re-assessment
programs and services.

Apply principles of partnership and

collaboration to improve delivery of
health services.

Collaborate with GOs, NGOs and other

socio-civic agencies to improve health
care services, support environment
protection policies and strategies, and
safety and security mechanisms in the

Evaluate with the client the health


Institute appropriate corrective actions

to prevent or minimize harm arising
from adverse effects

Document client’s responses/nursing Records in Family Health Nursing Practice

care services rendered and A. Importance and Uses
processes/outcomes of the nurse client B. Types of Records and Reports
working relationship.

Ensure completeness, integrity, safety,

accessibility and security of

Adhere to protocol and principles of

confidentiality in safekeeping and
releasing of records and other

Manage resources efficiently and DOH Programs Related to Family Health

effectively. A. Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI)
B. Integrated Measurement of Childhood Illnesses
Apply management and leadership (IMCI)
principles in providing direction to C. Early Essential Intrapartal and Newborn Care
manage a community based program. (EEINC)
D. Newborn Screening
Use appropriate strategies/approaches E. BEmONC/CEmONC
to plan community health programs F. Nutrition
and nursing service. G. MhGap
H. Other Related Programs
Evaluate specific components of health
programs and nursing services based
on parameters/criteria.

Maintain a positive practice


Adhere to ethico-legal considerations Ethical Considerations in Community Health Nursing

when providing safe, quality and
professional nursing care. Public Health Laws
A. Magna Carta for Health Worker
Adhere to established norms of B. Sanitation Code
conduct based on the Philippine C. Clean Air Act
Nursing Law and other legal, D. Generic Act
regulatory and institutional E. National Health Insurance Act (PhilHealth)
requirements relevant to safe nursing F. National Blood Services Act
practice. G. Laws on Notifiable Disease
H. Senior Citizen Laws
Protect client rights based on Patients’ I. Revised Dangerous Drugs Law
Bill of Rights and Obligations J. Act on Cheaper Medicine
K. Save the Children
Implement strategies/Policies related L. Violence Against Women
to informed consent as it applies in M. Disaster Risk Reduction Management
multiple contexts. N. Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
(Milk Code)
O. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Law of 2012
P. Mandatory Infants and Children Health
Immunization Act of 2011
Q. Children Safety on Motorcycle Act of 2015
R. Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection
Act of 2016
S. Child and Youth Welfare Code of the
T. Tobacco Regulation act of 2003 (RA 9211)
U. Other Related Laws

Filipino Culture, Values, and Practices in relation to

Exemplify love for country in the Health Care of Individual and Family
service of the Filipinos and family.
A. Family Solidarity
Customize nursing interventions based B. Filipino Family Values
on Philippine culture and values 1. Communication
2. Helping Others and Gratitude
3. Respect
4. Independence
5. Service
6. Trust
C. Filipino Family Culture and Tradition

New Technologies Related to Public Health Electronic

Use appropriate technology to support Information
the delivery of care individuals and A. Government Sites
families. B. Nursing and Health Care Sites

Nursing Core Values as a community health nurse

Demonstrate caring as the core of
nursing, love of God, love of country
and love of people.

Manifest professionalism, integrity and

Project the positive professional image
of a Filipino Nurse.
Health-Related Entrepreneurial Activities in the
Identify opportunities for Community Setting
entrepreneurial nursing practice.

Apply strategic interventions to

address health-related concerns of
individuals, families, communities and
population groups to any health care


Integrate Concepts, theories and Framework for Maternal and Child Health
principles of sciences and humanities Nursing
in the formulation and application of
appropriate nursing care during A. Goals and Philosophies of Maternal and Child
childbearing and childrearing years. health Nursing
B. Maternal and Child Health Goals and
Apply maternal and child nursing Standards
concepts and principles holistically and C. Theories Related to Maternal and Child
comprehensively. Nursing
D. Roles and Responsibilities of a Maternal
Child Nurse
E. WHO’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Reproductive and Sexual Health
A. Concept of Unitive and Procreative Health
B. Female/Male Reproductive System
C. Human Sexuality
D. Responsible Parenthood
Provide maternal and child care Evidence-based practice in Maternal and Child
utilizing evidence-based practice. Health

Assess mother and child’s health status 1. Care of the Mother

with the use of specific methods and  Assessment
tools to address existing health needs.  Antenatal Visit
 Birthing Plan
Formulate nursing diagnosis/es  Nursing Diagnosis
focusing on health promotion and  Planning and Intervention
disease prevention related to mother  Evaluation
and child health  Documentation
2. Care of the Fetus
Implement safe and quality nursing  Assessment
interventions addressing health needs  Development and Functions of
affecting women from pregnancy to the Placenta and Fetal
postpartum and children from perinatal Membranes
to adolescent stage. B. Intrapartal care
1. Theories of Labor
Conduct individual/group health 2. Assessment
education activities based on the 3. Nursing Diagnosis
priority learning needs of mother and 4. Planning and Intervention
child. 5. Early Essential and Newborn Care (EENC)
6. Evaluation
Evaluate with the client the health 7. Documentation
outcomes of nurse-client working
relationship. C. Postpartal Care
1. Mother
Institute appropriate corrective actions  Assessment
to prevent or minimize harm arising  Nursing Diagnosis
from adverse effects.  Planning and Intervention
 Evaluation
Manage resources (human, physical,  Documentation
financial, time) efficiently and 2. Immediate care of the Newborn
effectively.  Assessment
 Nursing Diagnosis
Use appropriate technology to support  Planning and Intervention
the delivery of care to the mother and  Evaluation
child.  Documentation
3. Health Education on Post-Partum and
Adhere to protocols and principles of Newborn care
confidentiality in safe keeping and 4. Discharge Planning
releasing of records and other
information. Growth and Development
A. Theoretical Approaches to the Growth and
Development of Children
B. Nursing Process for Promotion and Normal
Assume responsibility for life-long Growth and Development
learning, own personal development 1. The Family with an Infant
and maintenance of competence. 2. The Family with a Toddler
3. The Family with a Pre-schooler
4. The Family with a School-age Child
5. The Family with an Adolescent
 Assessment
 Nursing Diagnosis
 Planning and Intervention
 Evaluation
 Documentation
C. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in
Adhere to ethico-legal considerations Different Stages of Growth and Developemnt
when providing safe, and quality
maternal and child nursing care based Scope and Standards
on the Philippine Nursing Law and A. Scope and standards of Maternal and Child
other legal, egulatory and institutional Practices in the Philippines
requirements. B. Legal Considerations of Maternal-Child
C. Ethico-moral Considerations of Maternal-
Child Practice
D. Ethical and Social Issues in Peri-natal
E. Contraception
F. Advances in Genetics and Genetic
G. Alternative Methods of Birth
H. Reproductive Health Bill and other existing
Protect maternal and child rights based DOH Programs on Maternal and Child Care
on “Patient’s Bill of Rights and
Obligations”. Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligations

Ensure a working relationship with

individual and family based on trust,
respect and shared decision-making Communication and Teaching with Children
using appropriate and Families

Collaborate client care as a member of

a health care team in the
implementation of programs and Nursing Care Planning: Interprofessional Care
services for mothers and children. Maps

Participate in preparing a research

proposal complying with ethical
principles in nursing research as a Related Studies on Maternal and Child Nursing
member of a research team:
 Identify a researchable  Researchable Topics/Problem
problem in maternal and child  Related Literature Search
care based on gap in

Customize nursing interventions for

mothers and children based on
Philippine culture and values. Filipino Culture, Values an Practices in
Relation to Maternal and Child Care
Demonstrate caring as the core of
nursing, love of God, love of country A. Nursing Care Planning to Respect Cultural
and love of people in the care of Diversity
mother and child. B. Myths and Beliefs related to Pregnancy
1. Birth Practices of Selected Cultural
Manifest professionalism, integrity, and Groups

Project the positive professional image

of a Filipino nurse with respect to
cultural diversity.

Identify opportunities for

entrepreneurial nursing practice in Maternal and Child Care Entrepreneurial
maternal and child care. Opportunities
A. Birthing Clinics
Apply strategic interventions to B. Day Care
address health-related concerns of
mother and child.


Integrate concepts, theories, and Framework for Maternal and Child Nursing
principle of sciences and humanities in (MCN) focusing on At-risk, High Risk, and
the formulation and application of Sick Clients
appropriate care during childbearing
and childrearing years A. National Health Situation on MCN
B. Statistics on MCN
Apply appropriate nursing concepts C. Genetics and Genetic Counseling
and actions to at-risk/high risk/sick
clients during childbearing and
childrearing years holistically and

Assess the at-risk/high risk/sick mother Care of At-risk / High Risk and Sick Mother
and child with the use of specific and Child
methods and tools to address existing
health needs. A. Nursing Care of the Pregnant Client
B. Nursing Care of the Client during Labor
Formulate with the client a plan of and Delivery
care to address needs/problems of at- C. Nursing Care of the Postpartum Client
risk/high risk/ mother and child. D. Nursing Care of Male and Female Clients
with General and Specific Problems in
Implement safe and quality nursing Reproduction and Sexuality
interventions to address needs/ E. Nursing Care of At-Risk /High Risk /Sick
problems of at-risk/ high risk mother Client
and child. 1. Newborn
2. Infant and Young Infant
Conduct individual/group health 3. Toddler
education activities based on the 4. Preschool
priority learning needs of at-risk/ high 5. School Age
risk mother and child 6. Adolescent
Evaluate with the Client the health
outcomes of nurse-client working

Institute appropriate corrective actions

to prevent or minimize harm arising Nursing Care of Children with Alterations in
from adverse effects. Health Status (Acute and Chronic)

Ensure a working relationship with at A. Alterations in Oxygenation

risk/high risk clients based on trust, 1. Responses to Altered Cardiac and
respect and shared decision-making Tissue Perfusion
using appropriate communication/ 2. Responses to Altered Transport
interpersonal techniques/strategies B. Alterations in Fluid and Electrolyte and
Acid-Base Balance
C. Alterations with Infectious, Inflammatory
and Immunologic Responses
D. Cellular Aberrations
E. Alterations in Nutrition and
Gastrointestinal, Metabolism and Endocrine
F. Alterations in Perception and Coordination
Nursing Care of a Child with Life Threatening
Conditions /Acutely Ill /Multi-organ
Problems /High Acuity and Emergency
Situations (Acute and Chronic)

A. Assessment
1. Subjective Data
 Health History
2. Objective Data
 Physical Assessment
 Diagnostic/Laboratory Tests
B. Nursing Diagnosis
Manage resources (human, physical, C. Planning and Implementation of Care
financial, time) efficiently and 1. Health Promotion and Risk
effectively. Management
Maintain a positive practice 2. Health Restoration and
environment. Maintenance Therapies
 Pharmacological
 Basic Cardiac Life Support
(BCLS) and Advanced
Cardiac Life Support
(ACLS) in Neonates and
 Surgical Interventions
 Nutrition and Diet
 Complementary and
Alternative Therapies
D. Client Education
E. Evaluation of Care
Document client’s responses/ nursing F. Documentation
care services and outcomes of nursing
care rendered.

Ensure completeness, integrity, safety,

accessibility and security of

Adhere to protocol and principle of

confidentiality in safekeeping and
releasing of records.

Apply evidence-based practice, when G. Evidence-based interventions

providing nursing care and preventing 1. Nursing Care of the At-Risk/Sick
injury to at-risk/high-risk mother and mother
sick child. 2. Nursing care of At-risk and sick
child applying integrated
management of childhood illnesses

Ethico-Legal Considerations and Issues in

Adhere to ethico-legal considerations the Care of Sick Mother and Child
when providing safe, quality nursing A. Assisted Reproductive Techniques
care to mother and child at risk. B. Alternatives to Childbirth
C. Protection of Women from Domestic
Apply ethical reasoning and decision- Violence Act
making process to address situation of D. Protection of Women Against Sexual
ethical distress and moral dilemma. Harrassment

Adhere to established norms of

conduct based on the Philippine
Nursing Law and other legal,
regulatory, and institutional
requirements relevant to safe nursing

Protect client rights based on “Patient’s

Bill of Rights and Obligations”

Implement strategies/policies related

to informed consent as it applies in
multiple contexts.
Roles and Functions of the Nurse in the Varied
Ensure intra-agency, inter-agency, Settings in the Delivery of Care to At-Risk/High
multidisciplinary and sectoral Risk/Sick Mother and Child
collaboration in the delivery of health
care. Interprofessional Care Maps

Maintain a harmonious and collegial

relationship among members of the
health team for effective, efficient, and
safe client care.

Collaborate with other members of the

health team in the implementation of
programs and services.
Online Databases/Journal Articles Related to
Interventions and Provision of Maternal and Child
Participate in conducting research on
at risk/high risk/sick mother and child Critical Thinking Case Studies
Filipino Culture, Values and Practices in relation to
Difficult Childbearing and Childrearing

Exemplify love for country in service of

the Filipinos.

Customize nursing interventions based Online Databases/Journal Articles Related to

on Philippine culture and values. Interventions and Provision of Care

Use of appropriate technology to

perform safe and efficient nursing Use of IMCI Computerized Adaptation and Training
activities. Tool

Implement system of informatics to Roles and Responsibilities of a Maternal Child nurse

support the delivery of health care in Challenging Situations

Demonstrate care as the core of

nursing, love of God, love of country,
and love of people.

Demonstrate professionalism, integrity, Career options in Maternal and Child Nursing

and excellence

Project the positive professional image

of a Filipino nurse

Assume responsibility for life-long

learning, own personal development
and maintenance of competentce.


Apply knowledge of Integrate knowledge of Fundamental Concepts of Pharmacology
physical, social, physical, natural, and
natural and health health sciences and A. Drug definitions and Classification
sciences and humanities in nursing B. Drug Standards and Drug Information
humanities in pharmacology C. Pharmacodynamics
nursing 1. Therapeutic index and Drug Safety
pharmacology Apply appropriate 2. Graded dose response Relationship
nursing concepts and and therapeutic response
actions holistically and 3. Potency and Eficacy
comprehensively 4. Cellular Receptors and Drug Action
-discuss the 5. Types of Drug Receptor
pharmacodynamics of interactions
specific drugs D. Pharmacokinetics (LADME)
-explain the 1. Liberation
pharmacokinetics of 2. Absorption
given drugs 3. Distribution
-analyze the factors 4. Metabolism (Biotransformation)
affecting responses to 5. Excretion
drugs E. Factors influencing Responses to
F. Drug Legislation Controlled
Substances, Generic Drugs, Orphan
Drugs and Over-the-counter drugs

Practice nursing in Nursing Process in Pharmacology

accordance with Practice nursing in
existing laws, legal, accordance with A. Assessment
ethical and moral existing laws, legal, and 1. Drug history
principles ethical and moral B. Planning
principles in C. Intervention
Provide safe, pharmacology. 1. Drug Administration
appropriate, and 2. Medical Orders
holistic care to 3. Medication safety
individuals, families, 4. Seven rights
population group Assess with the client 5. Dosage calculation
and community one’s health status/ D. Client education
utilizing nursing competence in relation E. Evaluation
process as applied to drug administration F. Recording and Reporting
to pharmacology
Formulate with the Drugs affecting the Body System
client with reference to A. Reproductive
the prescribed
medications a plan of B. Cardiovascular
care to address the
health needs/problems C. Respiratory
Based on priorities
D. Gastro-intestinal
Determine the specific
nursing considerations/ E. Endocrine
precautions in safe
drug administration: F. Renal System
-interpret a medication
order accurately G. Central Nervous
-relate the rights in Autonomic and Peripheral
drug administration to
patient safety H. Other Drugs
-compute accurately
the drug dosage for a
given medication order
-practice correct
decision making skills in
safe drug

Provide appropriate
health education
related to drug therapy

Evaluate compliance
and response of client 1. Chemotherapeutic agents
to the medications 2. Drugs for eye and ear disorders
prescribed 3. Drugs acting on the immune
Apply guidelines and Use available clinical 4. Dietary supplements
principles of evidence that can 5. Alternative and complementary
evidence-based ensure safe medication therapies
practice in nursing administration.

Document client’s Document client’s

care related to drug condition/ response/
therapy outcomes related to
drug therapy
Practice beginning
management and Manage resources
leadership skills (human, physical,
using systems financial, time)
approach in nursing efficiently and
pharmacology. effectively in safe drug

Communicate Use appropriate

effectively in communication / Appropriate communication techniques
speaking and writing interpersonal on the pharmacodynamics /
using culturally techniques / strategies pharmacokinetics of specific drugs
appropriate to ensure a working prescribed to clients
language in relationship with the
medication client and/or support
administration system in medication

Work effectively in
collaboration with Ensure intra-agency,
inter-, intra-, and inter-agency, Institutional Policies and Guidelines on
multi-disciplinary multidisciplinary and Safe Drug Administration
and multi-cultural sectoral collaboration in
teams using basic medical administration. Inter-professional Practice Related to
knowledge in Pharmacology
nursing Maintain a harmonious
pharmacology and collegial
relationship among
members of the health
team for effective,
efficient, and safe client

Collaborate with other

members of the health
team (prescriber /
doctor), pharmacist,
nurse, and client) in the
implementation of safe
drug administration.

Apply principles of
partnership and
collaboration to
improve delivery of
health services
Engage in lifelong
learning with a Assume personal
passion to keep responsibility to keep Current trends and Clinical Alerts in
current with national abreast with current Nursing Pharmacology
and global trends in nursing
developments in pharmacology.
general, and nursing
pharmacology and
health developments
in particular.
Apply techno-
intelligent care Discuss the various
systems and technological advances A. New technologies related to drug
processes in safe in ensuring safe administration
medication medication B. Internet information
administration administration. 1. Government sites
2. Nursing and Health Care
Adopt the nursing Sites
core values in the Manifest
practice of the professionalism and Nursing Core Values as Applied in
profession as excellence in planning Pharmacology.
applied in safe for safe medication
medication practice.

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