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Tanvi Kamani

Register No: 1927048

Topic of CIA: Employee Well-Being

S. No. Full APA reference Citation Article Title Notes
1. Consequences of
conflict on
Being over time.
2. Full engagement:
the integration of
engagement and
3. The impact of
environment on
commitment in
call centres: The
meditating role of
Employee Well-
4. Strategies to
employee well-
being and
performance in a
5. The ‘what’,
‘why’ and ‘how’
of employee
well-being: A
New Model.
6. The influence of
job, team and
level resources
on employee
commitment and
7. Workplace
conflict and
employee well-
8. HRM, company
performance and
Employee well-
9. Employee well-
being in call

The Job-Characteristics Model is a concept constructed on the knowledge that a task is itself a
key to the motivation of an employee[CITATION RIC76 \l 1033 ]. Precisely saying a repetitious job
is very harmful to an employee’s motivation whereas a challenging and interesting job which
keeps the employee engaged has a positive effect on the employee’s motivation [ CITATION
GEO15 \l 1033 ]. This theory mentions five job characteristics that are forecast to benefit the
psychological state and work-related outcomes. This study also mentions some other factors that
may function as mediators to show the relation between job characteristics and work-related
outcomes[ CITATION Syu14 \l 1033 ]. The idea of work redesign arose to enrich the jobs in a way
such that it would boost motivation and avoid monotonous tasks in a job. Hackman and
Oldham’s job characteristics model states that there are five core job characteristics namely skill
variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback[CITATION RIC76 \l 1033 ]. These
job characteristics impact the psychological states of an employee that are experienced
meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for outcomes and knowledge of outcomes [CITATION
RIC76 \l 1033 ]. These in-turn affects the work outcomes that are job satisfaction, performance and
work motivation[CITATION RIC76 \l 1033 ]. In addition, it is possible to combine the five core job
characteristics to calculate a motivating potential score for a job that can be used as an index of
how likely a job is to affect the behaviour and attitude of an employee [ CITATION Syu14 \l 1033 ] .
Work redesign is becoming increasingly popular as a strategy to simultaneously improve the
productivity and quality of employee work experience in contemporary organizations [CITATION
RIC76 \l 1033 ]. In this article ahead, the job characteristics, psychological states and work
outcomes are explained in detail.

1 Theoretical context
The following article deals with the detailed explanation of the Job-Characteristics Model. The
variables of model are dealt with here. The core Job-Characteristics, the psychological states
which determine how an employee reacts to job characteristics and the several Job outcomes
which are the synthesis of core characteristics and psychological states.
1.1 Job Characteristics
A monotonous job with repetitive tasks doesn’t help the employee to develop a huge variety of
skills. A worker who does rotating tasks is probably happier and more satisfied with his job
rather than one who does a routine work each and every day. [ CITATION Syu14 \l 1033 ] Skill
variety refers to the degree to which a job requires different task execution activities, where
different skills and talents are used by the worker[CITATION RIC76 \l 1033 ]. Having changing
tasks, more independence and responsibility will be useful to a person’s inner motivation. Task
Identity refers to the degree to which a job requires completion of a piece of work [ CITATION Bri85
\l 1033 ]. Completing a whole process is often more satisfying than doing just a small part of it as
it enables the worker to take pride in the final outcome. This kind of work ensures that the
employees are more involved in their work and hence also feel more responsible towards the job.
An employee considers a job more satisfying if people tend to believe that their job makes a
significant difference and is of real value to the organization or the larger community. Feeling
the meaningfulness of work is very important factor for employee motivation [ CITATION RIC76 \l
1033 ]. The degree to which an employee can work independently refers to autonomy within a
job. When someone gets to set new procedures and plan each workday, the sense of
responsibility is increased which in turn aids motivation [ CITATION Syu14 \l 1033 ]. This is mainly
common in employees at higher positions in an organization. The other employees can also have
a strong sense of autonomy when they’re given the liberty to initiate and carry out tasks
independently[ CITATION GEO15 \l 1033 ]. The feedback of an employee’s performance can have a
positive effect on the performance. If the impact of the work he/she does is very good, they are
motivated to work even more efficiently and effectively, whereas if there are some drawbacks
one may be eager to improve the performance[ CITATION GEO15 \l 1033 ].
1.2 Psychological States
There are three psychological states that facilitate between the core characteristics and work
outcomes. If an employee considers that all the core characteristics apply to him then it is
considered that the employee is highly motivated and is very efficient. Skill variety, task identity
and task importance decide the meaningfulness of work.[ CITATION RIC76 \l 1033 ] It shows that the
given work has some meaning to the employee, something that is relatable and thus leads to
intrinsic motivation. The amount of autonomy a job offers and demands leads to the formation of
experienced feeling of responsibility[ CITATION Bri85 \l 1033 ]. If an employee is given an
opportunity to be a success or failure at the job when a sufficient amount of freedom is given,
they learn to be more accountable for their job outcomes. The knowledge of an employee’s
outcomes is necessary for them to know[ CITATION Syu14 \l 1033 ]. If they have been
underperforming, it motivated them to learn from their mistakes but if they have been
performing well it helps them to maintain that level of efficiency in the work.
1.3 Personal and Work-Related Outcomes
The final part of the Job-Characteristics Model deals with the outcome of work when the core
job characteristics and psychological states are applied [ CITATION Rab10 \l 1033 ]. A high level of
internal motivation is attained through responsible, autonomous and valuable work, which can’t
be achieved through external sources like monetary rewards. [ CITATION Rab10 \l 1033 ]The
performance and effectiveness of one’s job is most important. All organizations want quality
work to be delivered and this can be done only when the employee experiences the psychological
states. When an employee feels that the job is meaningful, that optimistic psychological state
contributed to a sense of satisfaction[ CITATION RIC76 \l 1033 ] . Also, the absenteeism and job
turnover are reduced when employees are intrinsically motivated[ CITATION Rab10 \l 1033 ].
Even though this model helps to a great extent, it is not completely true. Different individuals
have different perspectives of how motivating a job is. The same job might have different
motivating potentials for two different people. One of the reasons may be knowledge and skills.
The employee may be more motivated towards his job is he thinks he has the competency for
that job. One’s desire to grow and develop in a particular organization is an important cause.
He/she is more likely to respond to new opportunities and challenges if there is an urge to grow.
Overall a manager should redesign the job in such a way that it is enriched and not in a way that
it just increases the workload. Some techniques like job rotation, job enlargement (in respect to
autonomy) can be used along with the practice of core characteristics and psychological states in
order to achieve a positive outcome in organizational behaviour.

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