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Practice 000.450.

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ATTACHMENT 1 - SUPPLIER QUALITY ALIGNMENT MEETING (SQAM) .............................................. 5 

ATTACHMENT 2 - SUPPLIER QUALITY SURVEILLANCE (SQS) REPORTING ................................... 11 


REPORT (NCR/NCRR).................................................................................................................. 18 

ATTACHMENT 4 - SUPPLIER OBSERVATION REPORTS ..................................................................... 27 


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This practice establishes the requirements for the completion, transmission, and processing of
Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Reports.


This practice is applicable to SQS personnel who are performing supplier quality surveillances
including reporting, verification and issuance of SQS reports.


 Project Surveillance Manager (PSM)

 Project Surveillance Coordinator (PSC)
 Surveyor
 Project Procurement Manager (PPM)
 Logistics
 Project Quality Manager (PQM)
 Responsible Engineer (RE)
 Construction Quality Manager
 Client

Non-conformance/Non-conformity - The nonfulfillment of a specified requirement. Also see

“blemish”, “defect”, and “imperfection”. Posted with permission from ASQ.
ISO 9001 lists quality system requirements. When your organization deviates from these
requirements, a nonconformity occurs. When a product, process, procedure, system, or structure
deviates from ISO requirements, a formal nonconformity exists.
Non-Conformance Report/Release (NCR-NCRR) Form - Form used for documenting non-
conforming conditions and release of those conditions.
Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) - Refers to a supplier quality surveillance approach that
provides a specific level of assurance that material/equipment released for shipment conforms to
the PO requirements and/or approved project deviation.
Supplier Quality Alignment Meetings (SQAM) - Meetings held with suppliers on POs that
require SQS to ensure alignment of all activities and communications
 Formal alignment meetings are arranged for high critical and high value purchase orders.
The meeting is chaired by the SQS representative with multiple project team member
 Informal alignment meetings are typically requested for medium to low critical and valued
purchase orders. The meeting will be chaired by the SQS representative with no project
team members anticipated in attendance.
Surveillance Assignment Instructions (SAI) – Refer to directions and/or instructions issued for
the performance of surveillance tasks, duties, and responsibilities in a specific assignment.
Surveillance instructions are used to provide the surveyor with the necessary direction, PO
documentation, and requirements to conduct a surveillance of a supplier.

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Supplier Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) - A detailed plan developed with all stages of
inspection and various witness points; includes observations and essential details and is an
attachment to the PO, or to the supplier’s equivalent ITPs; integrates practices and procedures
contained in the Supplier’s Quality Management System
Supplier Surveillance Quality Report- A key deliverable of source inspection is the progressive
inspection reports detailing the documents reviewed, inspection activity performed, observed
and/or witnessed during the source inspection visits. The report is normally on a standard format,
and follows a consistent approach to reporting as specified by the purchaser.

Supplier Observation Reports (SOR) - PSM and/or surveyor identified deviations, problems
and situations which are not by definition NCRs, but which may, if left uncorrected, could result in
NCRs at a later time. The intent is to verbally inform supplier(s) of a potential non-conforming
situation or fabrication practice.

Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Release Report - indicates that the equipment has been
surveyed to the degree outlined in the SAI and its issuance does not imply that 100 percent
surveillance was performed or that the equipment/material was accepted on that assumption.
Quality and Certification Requirements (Q&CR) –
Q&CR has two purposes:
1. Conveyance to supplier as to observations and hold points that are required to be
included in the Supplier’s Inspection and Test Plan, an attachment to the PO, or to
the supplier’s equivalent ITPs.
2. Used by PSM or Project Surveillance coordinator (PSC) as instruction to the
assigned surveyor on the required level and detail of surveillance for a particular
Note: The Q&CR form is NOT used to outline all inspection and quality control requirements.
These are defined by the commodity engineer in the requisition and data sheets.
Surveyor - Person responsible for providing surveillance activities on a PO/Contract, identifying
conditions of non-compliance and reporting surveillance activity results.


5.1 Refer to Attachment 01 - Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting (SQAM) for PSM/Surveyor
5.2 Refer to Attachment 02 - Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Reporting for
PSM/PSC/Surveyor requirements.
5.3 Refer to Attachment 03 -Non Conformance Report / Non Conformance Release Report
(NCR/NCRR) for PSM/Surveyor requirements.
5.4 Refer to Attachment 04 - Supplier Observation Reports for PSM/Surveyor requirements.
5.5 Refer to Attachment 05 - Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Release Report for
PSM/Surveyor requirements.

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6.1 All detailed requirements for the Supplier Quality Surveillance Process are located in the
appropriate attachments to this document.

Not Used


000.200.0077 Criticality Rating System 000.450.1521 Surveillance Assignments
Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting
000.450.F1610 Alignment Meeting Notice 000.450.F1611
(SQAM) Report
Supplier Inspection and Test Plan Quality and Certification Requirements
000.450.F1601 000.450.F2XXX
Review (Q&CR) Series


Attachment 01: Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting (SQAM)
Attachment 02 Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Reporting
Attachment 03: Non Conformance Report / Non Conformance Release Report
Attachment 04 Supplier Observation Reports
Attachment 05: Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Release Report

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Attachment 01 Page 5 of 35




This practice establishes the requirements for conducting a Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting
(SQAM) at the supplier's facility.

This practice is to be used by the Project Surveillance Manager (PSM) and/or Project
Surveillance Coordinator to notify the surveyor that a formal or informal SQAM, is required for
applicable purchase orders (PO) issued on the project.
The Surveyor will use this practice to prepare for, conduct and report the results of SQAM.

See Interfacing Disciplines section in main document


See Definitions section in main document


5.1 Responsibilities of PSM and surveyor per Section 6.2 and 6.3 of this Practice.
5.2 SQS package review per Section 6.4 of this Practice.
5.3 Responsibilities with respect to SQAMs and documentation details and timelines per
Section 6.5 and 6.6 of this Practice.
5.4 Complete excel worksheet, submit and import to update assignment data. See section
6.7 of this Practice.

6.1 General

6.1.1 Supplier quality alignment meetings are held on POs requiring SQS with the exception of
POs requiring only a final surveillance visit prior to release.
6.1.2 For major PO or sophisticated equipment, the PSM may require a formal SQAM. Meeting
participants may include PSM, client, engineering representative, and/or other project
6.1.3 The purpose of the SQAM is to ensure that supplier and those involved in fabrication and
monitoring the quality of the equipment fully understands PO scope of work and
corresponding inspection and quality requirements.
6.1.4 The meeting also serves to confirm that Fluor's surveillance participation is incorporated
into the Supplier's ITP.

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Attachment 01 Page 6 of 35


6.2 Responsibilities – PSM

6.2.1 It is required that the SQAM not be conducted until such time that the PSM has received
and reviewed the supplier ITP.
6.2.2 Identify on the assignment instructions to the surveyor when there is a need for a formal
SQAM for a particular PO.
6.2.3 Notify the Project Surveillance Manager / Coordinator that a SQAM is to be held on a
specific date at the supplier's facility via Alignment Meeting Notification.
Note: Notification can be made via E-mail message between the PSM and the PPM with copies
to the applicable engineering personnel.
6.2.4 Notifications are to be issued at least ten working days prior to the meeting date so that
any interested engineering or client personnel can make the necessary arrangements to
attend the meeting.
6.2.5 Receive the minutes of meeting from the surveyor and review, edit, and make the
necessary distribution in accordance with the project distribution list.
6.2.6 Review any meeting actions requiring follow up and closure.
6.2.7 Import the report information into the SQS Material Manager® database using the excel
6.2.8 File the report in the corresponding purchase order assignment file.
Note: For those projects where all reports are processed electronically, an E-mail folder with
the assignment file number is considered an appropriate file.
6.3 Responsibilities – Surveyor

6.3.1 Contact the supplier and arrange for a SQAM in accordance with the assignment
6.3.2 The surveyor will schedule the meeting in the timeframe specified in the assignment after
receipt of the assignment.
a. For a formal SQAM, the date(s) for the meeting will be considered tentative until the
surveyor can confer with the office originating the assignment, in order to give all
interested parties of Fluor, client and supplier the opportunity to confirm the scheduled
date is acceptable.
b. Fluor direct-hire Field surveyors will notify their supervising Regional Manager of the
Alignment meeting for CR 1 or 2 items
c. The surveyor will notify the supplier if the scheduled date is acceptable or needs to be
6.4 Review Package and Prepare Agenda

6.4.1 Review the assignment package to gain a thorough understanding of the PO quality
requirements. It is recommended the surveyor:
 Highlight special requirements on all documents included in the assignment package
 List past and potential surveillance problem(s) with supplier(s)
 List points the surveyor feels will need clarification during the SQAM
 Review Agenda details of Form- 000.450.F1610 – Alignment Meeting Notice

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6.4.2 The SQAM will address all items listed in the SQS Alignment Meeting Report form
000.450.F1611 including but not be limited to the following:
 Introduction of attendees.
 Verify P.O. requirements (type of equipment and scope of work).
 Verify P.O. acknowledgement and confirm delivery date.
 Verify and minute suppliers understanding that any deviation to the PO must have written approval
(Concession) failing that, any deviation will result in a Non Conformity Report.
 Review of the material requisition and minute agreement of the scope of supply.
 Verify applicable specifications, data sheets, PO attachments, drawings, codes and standards.
(Including applicable revision numbers). Minute supplier’s confirmation that they have received and
reviewed all referenced documents. Any exceptions not already agreed to be notedeview of
supplier's drawing and data commitment requirements.
 Review of Non-destructive Examination (NDE) and welding requirements.
 Review correspondence/lines of communication.
 Review production schedule.
 Review of supplier's intended sub-ordered work.
 Obtain and minute supplier’s agreement to include PO requirements in their sub orders and forward
all relevant project specifications to their sub suppliers.
 Review of supplier's ITP.
 Review of Quality & Certification Requirements (Q&CR).
 Review of supplier's NCR history (if applicable).
 Review of meeting notes and determination of action item responsibility.
6.5 SQS Alignment Meeting

Note: The following is a guide to assist the surveyor in conducting the SQAM. This will be the
surveyor's first opportunity to project his/her professionalism to all attendees.
 Try to determine the level of knowledge or background of the supplier's attendees prior to the
meeting by phone contacting the supplier quality control representative prior to the meeting and
obtaining this information.
 Prior to the meeting, a client representative(s) is planning to attend, contact the home office to
obtain this same background information.
 Introduction of attendees
 As each attendee is introduced, ask that they give a little information on their background, such as
years of service with their company, function or duty and their relationship to the scope of work, i.e.,
what they will be doing on Fluor's purchase order, etc.
 Verify the type of Equipment/Material and Scope of Work that is being purchased.
 Ask the supplier to provide an overview of the equipment/materials being furnished.
Note: As sometimes happens, Fluor may increase or decrease quantities before you are aware
of these changes. It is better to confirm right up front if any changes in the scope of
supply were made.
 Determine if the supplier may have a different interpretation of the purchase order scope of work.
 If the supplier determines that there are certain PO requirements that cannot be fulfilled, it will be
clearly understood by the supplier that they have a responsibility to convey, in writing, to Fluor
communication contact identified in the purchase order of any exceptions.
 It is the surveyor's responsibility to list the exceptions in your SQAM report with a statement that the
supplier will take the appropriate action.
 Verify that the supplier has been provided the latest revisions to the applicable specifications, data
sheets, drawings, supplements and attachments, and is aware of the applicable codes and/or
 Review supplier drawing and data commitment requirements as listed in PO attachments and/or

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 Be thoroughly prepared to state exactly what the supplier will furnish to Fluor, and when. If
necessary, make a separate checklist which can be followed, checking off the data requirements as
they are discussed.
 Determine and review all sub-ordered work that may be involved
Example: special materials, fabrications, nondestructive testing, charpy impact tests and/or other
surveillance related sub-ordered manufacturing functions or operations, such as
sandblasting, painting, special coatings or linings, etc.
 Frequently a surveyor can, by virtue of the equipment being ordered, determine what suborders will
be issued by the prime supplier.
Note: Having predetermined knowledge will also enable the surveyor to list the applicable
specifications that would pertain to these suborders for discussion during the meeting.
 The scope of work will also be investigated since a supplier will often subdivide the work with
another sub-supplier, and fail to reveal this to anyone at Fluor prior to the meeting
 Confirm the locations at which the work is being performed
 Verify that the supplier has passed all of the PO quality requirements down to any sub-supplier
 Review and discuss PO requirements regarding welding and nondestructive examination
 If welding is involved as part of the subject order, be sure to have a clear understanding of the
 The welding specification requires that welder qualification tests are to be witnessed by a Fluor
welding engineer.
 Verify the supplier is aware of this witness requirement and has plans to contact the Fluor
communication contact in sufficient time to witness the tests. This notification will consider PO
notification requirements.
 Frequently the suppliers do not have facilities or capabilities to conduct the required NDE.
 Example: NDE is normally sublet to an outside firm. The surveyor will be certain Fluor's
specification requirements are in the possession of the NDE subcontractor as well
 The surveyor is required to share all previous NCR data, by category, with the supplier at the
SQAM (if data is provided with assignment).
 The NCRs will be reviewed to determine what the supplier has done or intends to do to preclude
occurrence of similar problems on the current Fluor order.
 Results are to be documented in the meeting report.
 Review (summarize) all special notes, exceptions and/or action points.
 Indicate if Fluor or the supplier is responsible to respond to the respective action points and a due
date for action completion.
 Ensure that the supplier is advised that all concessions or exceptions are required to be identified
in writing and approved by Fluor.
 As a finale to front-end planning, summarize all of special requirements that are pertinent to SQS
 If radiographs are to be reviewed, indicate to the supplier the provision that radiographs will be
reviewed after the supplier's representative and/or the Code inspector has had the opportunity to
review them first and that you are satisfied radiographs are acceptable per the applicable
specification requirements / acceptance criteria.
 Note any required changes to the Q&CR.
6.6 Reporting

6.6.1 Report the results of the SQAM on the Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting Report, Form
000.450.F1611. Include any content modifications to the Q&CR. issued with the SQS
6.6.2 Complete excel worksheet and submit with alignment meeting report. See section 6.7

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6.6.3 The SQAM report will be transmitted to the PSM within 48 hours of the meeting date.
6.7 Excel Worksheet

6.7.1 The entry information in the excel sheet columns will match exactly to the entry in the
Alignment Meeting Report form.
Note: that none of the columns can be left blank (columns D-I).

Column Column Name Description of required Information

A File Number Pre-populated; do not change content
B PO Number Pre-populated; do not change content
C Supplier Pre-populated; do not change content
D Report Number AMR – (No spaces, dashes, etc.)
E Contact Date MM/DD/YY - date the meeting was
started / conducted
F Report Date MM/DD/YY - date the report was written
G Hours Expended Number of hours expended for
preparation and meeting. (match the
hours expended as indicated on your
H Estimated Date of MM/DD/YY - date of next planned visit
Next Contact (must have date entered)
I Estimated MM/DD/YY - date the purchase order will
Completion Date be completed


Not Used

000.200.0077 Criticality Rating System 000.450.1521 Surveillance Assignments

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Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting

000.450.F1610 Alignment Meeting Notice 000.450.F1611
(SQAM) Report
Supplier Inspection and Test Quality and Certification
000.450.F1601 000.450.F2XXX
Plan Review Requirements (Q&CR) Series



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Attachment 02 Page 11 of 35




This practice establishes the requirements for the completion, transmission, and processing of
Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) Reports.

This practice is applicable to SQS personnel who are performing supplier quality surveillances
including reporting, verification and issuance of SQS reports.

See Interfacing Disciplines section in main document


See Definitions section in main document


5.1 Surveyor will document the supplier quality surveillance results using the SQS Report
template 000.450.sr2XXX applicable to the surveillance activity.
5.2 Surveyor will ensure SQS reports are accurate, complete, objective, and provide all the
necessary and most current information such as NCRs, SORs, activities status to support
surveillance results.
5.3 Surveyor will submit the Surveillance Report within 48 hours of a visit.
5.4 Complete excel worksheet, submit and import to update assignment data. See section
6.6 of this Practice.
5.5 Project Surveillance Manager (PSM)/Project Surveillance Coordinator (PSC) will verify
SQS Reports content adequacy and correctness


6.1 SQS Reports

Prompt reporting is essential to keep project informed regarding quality surveillance activities.
Reports are to be generated utilizing a computer and the predefined templates available in Word
and Excel Spreadsheet format.
6.2 Responsibilities – Project Surveillance Manager (PSM) and Project Surveillance
Coordinator (PSC)

6.2.1 Use applicable Quality and Certification Requirements (Q&CR), Form 000.450.F2XXX to
provide instructions to the assigned surveyor regarding the required level and detail of
surveillance for a project. These instructions are provided with the surveillance
6.2.2 Upon receipt review, and distribute supplier surveillance reports in accordance with the
project distribution list.

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6.2.3 Review any revisions to reports with the Surveyor.

6.2.4 Import the report information into the SQS Material Manager® database using excel
Note: When a project is functioning as a paperless project, printing is only required if a hard copy
is to be kept in the project file.
6.2.5 Import required information into the MaterialManager® SQS Module database.
6.2.6 Notify the responsible engineer and responsible management of any nonconformance or
other quality/schedule concerns reported by the Surveyor.
6.3 Responsibilities – Surveyor

6.3.1 Select the appropriate assignment commodity report form 000.450.sr2XXX. It will be the
same as the assignment Q&CR form. Any modification to the baseline assignment
Q&CR form will be reflected in the matrix section of the report form. Include those items
identified in the supplemental section of the Q&CR form as well as any additions or
revisions identified during the Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting or surveillance
6.3.2 When a surveillance activity is identified as not applicable include a brief explanation.
6.3.3 Complete surveillance report including the appropriate surveillance activities associated
with each visit to a supplier's facility.
6.3.4 Complete excel worksheet and submit with alignment meeting report. See section 6.6
6.3.5 Submit the completed report (s) to the PSM within 48 hours of each visit.
6.3.6 Ensure that all necessary documentation is sent to the PSM at the completion of the
assignment. Typically, documentation includes:
 Final surveillance release report
 Final supplier quality surveillance report
 Nonconformance releases (if applicable), Form 000.450.F1641, Non-conformance Report / Non-
conformance Release Report (NCR/NCRR)
 Measurement of supplier performance, Form 000.420.F1701 (if applicable)
6.4 SQS Report Content

6.4.1 Complete the Supplier Quality Surveillance Report

6.4.2 Directions for completing this form are as follows:
a. Insert Header Information (File Number and Report Number) by double clicking on the
report form in the header area next to “File Number”.
6.5 SQS Report Numbering

6.5.1 Every SQS form has its own alphanumeric system requirements.
a. There cannot be more than one report number "01" per document type.
b. The following prefixes and numbering systems will be applied with the applicable
reporting templates listed in the following table:
NOTE: There are to be NO dashes, underscores, or spaces in report numbering
e.g. SR01, SR02, NCR01, NCR02, SOR901, SOR902, RR01, RR02…

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TEMPLATE PREFIX Numbering Sequence

Surveillance Assignment
SAI Not applicable
Assignment Transfer AT 01.02,03 - sequential numbering
Assignment Instruction Revision AIR 01.02,03 - sequential numbering
A, B, C - ”Alpha” sequential numbering for
Quality & Certification
QCR RFQ’s and 01, 02 , 03 - “Numeric” for
Purchase Orders
Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting AMR Not Applicable
Supplier Quality Alignment Meeting
AMN 01,02,03 - sequential numbering
Assignment Acknowledgement AA Not applicable
Supplier Quality System Evaluation SQSE Not applicable
Nonconformance Report & Release NCR 01,02,03 - sequential numbering
Supplier Observation Report SOR Sequence number with prefix number 9
e.g. 901,902,903
Surveillance Report SR 01,02,03 - sequential numbering
Surveillance Waiver Report SW 01,02,03 - sequential numbering
Surveillance Release Reports RR 01,02,03 - sequential numbering

c. Type applicable file and report number for this report.

Note: If needed use computer -keyboard function key F11 to navigate “A” through “R”. (Entire
Word document)
"A" Name of person to whom the report is to be addressed as noted in the
Surveillance Assignment Instructions (i.e. Global SQS Functional Director or
Office SQS Director and responsible PSM/PSC)
"B" Project Purchase Order Number for the Assignment
"C" Current Project Purchase Order Change Order number
"D" Author of the report-Surveyor
"E" Supplier Name to whom the PO was issued
"F" Name of person(s) surveyor communicates with at the Supplier’s facility (“G”)
"G" Name of the supplier of commodity (who will manufacture the product). If the
supplier name is the same as the "Issued To" (“E”) name, enter "SAME" in this
"H" Description of equipment / material as reflected on Purchase Order
"I" Physical location of supplier location
"J" Tag Numbers as reflected on Bill of Material (If there are numerous items, tag
numbers may be listed in the body of the report). At the least reference the tag
numbers that were inspected during the visit.
"K" Date of visit or the last day for multiple day visits

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“L” The Supplier’s scheduled completion date of the final PO line item (a date WILL
be entered. Entries such as “Unknown”, “Unavailable”, “TDB”, etc. will not be
accepted. The date is to be updated on each report as applicable (will
completion date change).
"M" The PSM/PSC will provide cc: distribution as applicable
"N" Surveillance Information Section
Item “1” New NCR(s) issued this report period
Check appropriate box by locating cursor over box and double clicking
Under “Default Value”, select option “Checked / Not Checked”)
If “YES” check the box accordingly and list NCR number
If “NO”, check the box accordingly

Item “2” Total NCR(s) Issued: Include total number of NCR(s) issued to date for this
assignment. If none type “0”
NCR(s) Open: List the total number of NCR(s) considered open pending verification,
disposition, correction, etc.
Item “3” Repeat instruction above (“N” / Item “1”) for new SOR(s) issued this report
Item “4” Repeat instruction above (“N” / Item “2”) for total SOR(s) Issued to date
Item “5” Action/Reply Required this Report Period
Check appropriate box by locating cursor over box and double clicking
Under “Default Value”, select option “Checked / Not Checked”)
If “YES”, include a note with required action/reply under SQS Report section I: Areas of
Concern / Action Items.
If “NO”, check the box accordingly
Item “6” Inspection Release Issued -check appropriate box by locating cursor over the
box and double click; select option, checked / not checked.
If “YES” check the box accordingly and list SQS Release Report number.
If, “NO” check the box accordingly.
Item “7” Type of Inspection Report –Include purpose of the visit
Inspection date(s): Include date(s) when the visit was conducted
Check appropriate box by locating cursor over box and double clicking
Under “Default Value”, select option “Checked / Not Checked”
Item “8” Next Inspection Visit Date:
This is estimated date surveyor anticipates next visit to fabricator's facility.
Note: Entries such as “Unknown”, “Unavailable”, “TBD”, etc. will not be accepted.
Purpose: State short anticipated activities that will be performed during next visit (e.g. verify
material/WPS/NDE, witness bundle insertion, etc.)
Section I: Areas of Concern/Action Items

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This section will be used primarily to elaborate the details of any NCR/SOR and the disposition
The dispositions of the NCR/SOR will be detailed and dated with an explanation of the events that
resulted in clearing/closure of the outstanding NCR/SOR (e.g. Material accepted via e-mail from
Mr. Engineer, 9/23/03. NCR Cleared).
After one report cycle, the deficiency details and disposition for NCR(s)/SOR(s) will then be
dropped from this section of the report.
This section is also to be used for any other type of concerns (quality system failure, slip in delivery
schedule, etc.).
Digital pictures that help demonstrate concerns, observations and / or Nonconforming items can be
referenced here, indicating pictures attached at end of report.
If no concerns/actions are identified, include a note indicating “No concerns during this reporting
period” or a similar statement.
Section II: Surveillance Activity Overview
Item “1” References /Date/Revision Number- This portion of Section II will identify the PO
Specifications utilized (per Tag Item) during this report visit to conduct inspection activities reflected
in this report. Revisions and / or dates will be noted for all document references.
Item “2” Inspection Activity - Surveyor is to describe results of actual activities conducted during
this report period associated with the Inspection Activity in the left hand column. This description
needs to reflect the type of inspection performed, on what items and what referencing documents
were used to validate / verify compliance to the PO quality requirements. In addition, report the
results of the validation as in compliance or satisfactory.
If no activity is conducted on a specific Q&CR activity during visit covered by the report you are
preparing, reflect this as "No activity this report" and make reference to the previous reports
associated with those activities with some degree/percent of the activity that was performed.
The suggested wording can be "No activity this report, refer to Report No's __, __, __".
The activity completion progress (% complete) will be specific to the activity (welding, NDE, hydro)
inspected to date of the inspection.
Section III: Status Reporting
Surveyor is to give a brief narrative status of suppliers engineering submittals, material receipts,
fabrication progress vs. milestone schedule and fabrication completion information.
Digital Pictures that enhance the narrative status can be referenced here, indicating pictures
attached at end of report.
Section IV: Conclusion
Check appropriate box by locating cursor over box and double clicking
Under Default Value, select option “Checked / Not Checked”
Note: If the Surveyor selects “NO”, a brief statement WILL be given by the Surveyor expressing
their opinion of the supplier's inability to meet delivery commitment(s). Include specific reasons for
the opinion.
Digital Pictures taken at the discretion of the surveyor to document concerns, observations,
nonconforming conditions and / or narrative status will be placed at this location.
All pictures will have a description that identifies the content of the photo.
The description may be a written caption under the photo within the SQS report or the file name of
an individual photo.
The photo description will contain the Fluor tag item reference.

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Example: Surveillance Report – next page

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6.6 Excel Worksheet

6.6.1 The entry information in the excel sheet columns will match exactly to the entry in the
Surveillance Report form.

Column  Column Name  Description of required Information  

A  File Number  Pre‐populated; do not change content 
B  PO Number  Pre‐populated; do not change content 
C  Supplier  Pre‐populated; do not change content 
D  Report Number  SR01, SR02, SR03,…– (No spaces, dashes, etc.) 
E  Contact Date  MM/DD/YY – last date of the visit   
F  Report Date  MM/DD/YY – date report is written 
G  Hours Expended  Number of hours expended for resulting in this visit / 
report (match the hours expended as indicated on your 
H  Estimated Date of Next  MM/DD/YY ‐ date of next planned visit (must have date 
Contact  entered if more visits are planned per the assignment 
Note: For final visit, no date required in this row.
I  Estimated Completion Date MM/DD/YY ‐ date the purchase order will be completed 


Not Used

Supplier Quality Surveillance


Quality and Certification
000.450.F2XXX 000.450.sr2XXX Activity Reporting Form – Series
Requirements (Q&CR) – Series



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This practice outlines the roles and responsibilities of a quality representative when a product or
service presented for Fluor acceptance fails to comply with a Purchase Order (PO) or Contract
quality requirements.

A Non-Conformance Report (NCR) will be issued to supplier(s)/Contractor(s) when findings

deviate from quality requirements of the Purchase Order (PO), Contract, specifications, drawings,
Codes, Standards, and datasheets.

See Interfacing Disciplines section in main document


See Definitions section in main document


5.1 Surveyor will document the nonconformance results using the Nonconformance Report
template 000.450.F1641.

5.2 Surveyor will ensure SQS reports are accurate, complete, objective, and provide all the
necessary and most current information such as NCRs, SORs, activities status to support
surveillance results.
5.3 Surveyor will submit the Nonconformance Report on the day of detection.
5.4 Complete excel worksheet, submit and import to update assignment data. See section
6.6 of this Practice.
5.5 Project Surveillance Manager (PSM)/Project Surveillance Coordinator (PSC) will verify
NCR Report content adequacy and correctness.
5.6 PSM will categorize the NCRR in the MaterialManager® SQS Module as Low, Medium,
or High.


6.1 Responsibilities

6.1.1 Project Surveillance Manager (PSM)

 Receives, processes, and distributes NCR-NCRR issued on the project in accordance with the
project distribution list.
 Expedites the resolution of each NCR with the applicable commodity engineer.
 Import the information from the NCR-NCRR form into the MaterialManager® SQS Module using the
excel worksheet. See section 6.5 of this practice.
 File a copy of the report in the corresponding PO SQS assignment file.

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 Copy and distribute the NCR-NCRR form once the release portion at the bottom of the form has
been completed.
 File the completed NCR-NCRR in the SQS assignment file
 Import the information into the MaterialManager® SQS Module to close the NCR

PSM will categorize the NCRR in the MaterialManager® SQS Module as Low, Medium, or High.
To select the NCRR category, Highlight and Click open the NCRR in file

Select NCR Category based on below involvement progression and save

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The category is determined based on involvement to disposition and is progressed as outlined below:

6.1.2 Surveyor
 Complete the NCR at a supplier's facility when a product or service, presented by the supplier for
Fluor acceptance, fails to comply with the PO quality requirements.
 Documents findings that deviate from the quality requirements of the PO, specifications, drawings,
Code, Standards, and datasheets through the issuance of an NCR
 Provides a copy of each NCR-NCRR to the supplier's Quality Control (QC) representative prior to
leaving the shop
Note: An NCR will not be issued for equipment, materials, or parts rejected by the supplier's QC
 Notify, via telephone, the PSM, or responsible commodity engineer responsible for the project that
originated the assignment whenever an item that requires an NCR is identified
 Release of non-conformance issues only when the authorized corrective action has been
 Document corrective action by completing the release portion of the NCR-NCRR form (Refer to
Section 9.0 Attachments)
 Submit the NCR-NCRR form to the PSM to open/ close the NCR in the MaterialManager® SQS
Module using the excel worksheet See section 6.5 of this practice
Note: The NCR-NCRR may be used to partially clear a non-conformance when only some of
several items on an NCR have been corrected.
 Provide a copy of each NCR-NCRR to the supplier's QC representative prior to leaving the shop
6.2 Conditions for issuance of Non-Conformance Report (NCR)

6.2.1 When equipment, materials, or parts, fully inspected by the supplier, and offered to Fluor
for acceptance deviate from the requirements, a non-conformance report will be
completed, Form 000.450.F1641. (This finding may occur during an in-process
surveillance visit.)
6.2.2 The supplier’s personnel are utilizing procedures deviating from the requirements, even
though the equipment, material, or part has not been offered for acceptance.
6.2.3 Each separate type of non-conformance description identified will be documented on
separate NCRs.

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6.2.4 When a Notification of Inspection is received and material is not ready for inspection on
the specified date of inspection.
6.2.5 Multiple tag items can be listed on a single NCR-NCRR form provided all tag items have
the same type of non-conformance description (such as testing, welding, or dimensions).
6.3 Non-Conformance with Conditional Release and Punch List

6.3.1 If release is based on certain conditions being met prior to shipment and these conditions
are not being met, the following actions will be initiated by the assigned SQS
representative, PSM, and Responsible Engineer (RE):
a. The Surveyor will advise supplier immediately when materials/equipment cannot be
released for shipment due to the existence of non-conforming conditions at time for
release for shipment.
b. The surveyor will prepare a SQS Non-Conformance Report Punch List identifying all non-
conforming conditions and discuss with supplier what action they intend to correct,
schedule impacts, or what will be deferred to site for correction.
Note: All corrective actions/work deferred to site will have Project Management Approval prior
to shipment.
c. The Surveyor will provide the PSM copy of the non-conformance report and punch list if
the supplier is planning on deferring any non conforming conditions/work to site for
d. The PSM will provide the Project Manager, Project Procurement Manager, Site Receiving
Manager, Owner Representative, and Responsible Engineer a copy of SQS Conditional
Release Report highlighting all non conforming conditions/work the supplier is deferring
to the site for correction.
e. The Project Management Team will collaborate with all affected parties (i.e. logistics,
construction, procurement, Client, and RE) prior to issuance of conditional punch list
acceptance of the supplier’s intention to defer non conforming conditions/work to site for
6.4 6.4 NCR-NCRR Form Completion

6.4.1 Directions for completing the form are as follows (see example forms below):
"A" Provide an “X” in the box for a Non-conformance Report
"B" Provide an “X” in the box for a Non-conformance Release Report
"C" Person to whom report is to be addressed. (Quality Technical Lead for Supply
Chain person's name)
"D" Fluor Project Purchase Order Number
"E" Surveyor name writing the report
"F" The supplier to which the Fluor Purchase Order is issued to
"G" Supplier representative or contact person at the supplier
"H" Supplier name if different from who the purchase order was issued to
"I" Location (City, State, Country) where the surveillance activities are taking place
"J" Assigned Operation Center File Number

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"K" The Prime Item Code that appears on the most recent Purchase Order/Change
Order Bill of Material (BOM)
"L" The date in which the non-conformance report is issued
"M" Report Number (NCR01, NCR02, etc.)
"N" The Supplier Shop Order Number
“O” The current promised completion date of the purchase order
“P” Description of the equipment that appears on the most recent Purchase
Order/Change Order Bill of Material (BOM)
“Q” Provide an “X” in the box for the description of the non-conformance.
Note: Only one box (Category) will be checked. Should there be more than one category of
non-conformance identified for a given item a separate NCR will be issued. When the “Punch
List Attached” option is selected, the surveyor will complete the non-conformance punch list
information and follow the above.
“R” Detailed description of the nonconforming condition
“S” Detailed Commercial or Technical Requirement in which the equipment does not
comply with
“T” Information obtained from the supplier in order to correct the material
“U” Who was the NC reported to (Fluor Coordinator, Supplier Rep., etc)
“V” How was the NC reported. (Via Email, Telephone, etc)
“W” Date in which the NC was reported
“X” Does the NCR have a schedule impact, if so, describe the schedule impact
“EE” Provide an “X” in the box if the NCR was issued to the supplier.
Note: Items C – X are the details for the non-conformance report. Once the NCR is issued, this
information will not change even when the non-conformance release report is issued.
Important: do not change the report date in section “L”.
6.4.2 Corrective Action or Non-conformance Release Report
"B" Provide an “X” in the box for a Non-conformance Release Report
“Y” Provide an “X” in the box with the associated corrective action item
“Z” Description of the corrective action taken by the supplier
“AA” Provide the date the corrective action was completed
“BB” If there was a deviation from the requirements approved, who approved the
“CC” Date in which the deviation was approved
“DD” How was the deviation approval received? (Email, Official Change Order, Etc.)
“EE” Provide an “X” in the box if the NCRR has been issued to the supplier and if the
NCRR has been released in its entirety or if this is a partial release with
additional work/reports to follow.

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Note: For Non-Conformance Punch List items to be repaired at site, the surveyor will select the “Repair
at Site” box. The non-conformance will be closed and the NCR Punch List will be transferred to the Site
Quality Manager via distribution and be logged in the Project Quality Management System for tracking
and disposition at site.
Example Non-Conformance Report

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Example Non-conformance Punch List

6.5 Excel Worksheet

6.5.1 Nonconformance Report

The entry information in the excel sheet columns will match exactly to the entry in the
Nonconformance Report form.

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6.5.2 Non-Conformance Release

The entry information in the excel sheet columns will match exactly to the entry in the
Nonconformance Report form. When releasing an NCR, use the same NCR row entry you
Opened the NCR with to Close it. DO NOT CHANGE THE NUMBER FROM NCR01, NCR02,
NCR03, …!!!

Column  Column Name  Description of required Information  Description of required Information 

Alpha  For NCR Input ‐ OPEN For NCR Input ‐ CLOSED
A  File Number  Pre‐populated; do not change content No Change 
B  PO Number  Pre‐populated; do not change content  No Change 
C  Supplier  Pre‐populated; do not change content  No Change 
D  Report Number  NCR01,  NCR02,  NCR03,…– (No  No Change 
spaces, dashes, etc.) 
E  Report Date  MM/DD/YY – last date of the visit   No Change 
F  Status  Open / Closed ‐ choose OPEN from  Open / Closed ‐ choose CLOSED 
drop down menu. (highlight box and  from drop down menu. (highlight 
dropdown shows up at bottom –  box and dropdown shows up at 
arrow)  bottom – arrow) 
G  PO Completion  MM/DD/YY ‐ date the purchase order  No Change 
Date  will be completed
H  NCR Type  NCR Category‐ choose Category from  No Change 
drop down menu.  Matched Category 
on NCR Form.  One Category per NCR 
(highlight box and dropdown shows up 
at bottom – arrow)
I  Description of  unlimited text – row will expand as  No Change 
Nonconformance  text is entered.  Text is to give full 
detail as to why NCR was written.  Be 
sure to “double click” in the applicable 
row/column field where text is to be 
entered (cursor will blink in field). 
(match description in NCR form – copy 
and paste)
J  Corrective Action  unlimited text – row will expand as  No Change 

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to be taken by  text is entered.  Text is to give full 
Supplier  detail as to why NCR was written.  Be 
sure to “double click” in the applicable 
row/column field where text is to be 
entered (cursor will blink in field). 
(match description in NCR form – copy 
and paste)
K  Corrective Action  Blank  Corrective Action Category‐ choose 
Category from drop down menu.  
Matched Category on NCR Form.  
One Category per NCR (highlight 
box and dropdown shows up at 
bottom – arrow) 
L  Disposition  Blank  unlimited text – row will expand as 
text is entered.  Text is to give full 
detail as to what corrective actions 
were completed or who 
dispositioned the NCR.  Be sure to 
“double click” in the applicable 
row/column field where text is to 
be entered (cursor will blink in 
field). (match description in NCR 
form – copy and paste) 
M  Corrective Action  Blank  MM/DD/YY ‐ date the corrective 
Date  Action was completed 
N  NCRR Date  Blank  MM/DD/YY ‐ date this report was 
written to release the NCR 


MaterialManager® SQS Module Training – Quality & CPI Connections - KOL


Supplier Quality Surveillance

000.450.1521 SQS Surveillance Assignments



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This practice is to be used by the Project Surveillance Manager (PSM) / Surveyor to document
those deviations, problems, and situations that are not by definition non-conformances, but which
could, if left uncorrected, result in NCRs at a later time. These types of deviations, problems and
situations will be documented as Supplier Observations.

Documenting Supplier Observation Reports (SORs) will provide a means to track those situations
where the surveyor has taken a proactive role in avoiding potential quality problems and/or
shipping delays. It will also contribute to a more accurate quality profile of a Fluor supplier.

See Interfacing Disciplines section in main document


See Definitions section in main document


5.1 SQS Surveyor will identify and document observations that meet the criteria defined in
this practice using an SOR.
5.2 PSM/PSC will verify SOR are documented and the condition described by the SQS
Surveyor has the necessary information to support the observation.
5.3 Surveyor to submit Supplier Observation Reporting within the Action Items/Area of
Concern section of the Surveillance Report and the excel worksheet.
5.4 Complete excel worksheet, submit and import to update assignment data. See section
6.3 of this Practice.
5.5 SQS Surveyor will obtain the objective evidence needed to address the condition
described in the SOR prior to the supplier presenting the material/equipment for Fluor’s
acceptance. Failure to do so will result in an NCR.

6.1 Responsibilities- PSM

6.1.1 Receive, review, process, and distribute SQS reports in accordance with the project
distribution list.
6.1.2 Assist in resolution of any SORs, which might require project input/action or support.
6.1.3 Import the SOR information included in the SQS Reporting excel worksheet into the
MaterialManager® Supplier Quality Surveillance Module. See section 6.3 of this practice.

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6.1.4 If the PSM feels an NCR will have been issued in lieu of an SOR, the Surveyor will be
contacted to discuss the circumstances surrounding the issuance of the SOR prior to
report distribution.
6.1.5 Each observation will be entered as a separate report using sequential numbers
beginning with SOR901 as reported by the Surveyor. The category, description and
open/closed status of the SOR will be entered in the same manner as an NCR.
6.1.6 Upon resolution of the SOR, the PSM will reflect the SOR as "Closed" in the
MaterialManager® SQS Module.

6.2 Surveyor

6.2.1 Document SORs when a situation merits a SOR is detected during surveillance/shop visit

6.2.2 Include overall observation verification results in the Surveillance Quality Surveillance

6.2.3 Each Surveillance Quality Report requires SOR documented under section I of the report,
"Action Items/Areas of Concern".

6.2.4 Number the SORs is a sequential order with prefix 9 starting with SOR901 (e.g. SOR901,
SOR902, SOR903,…)

6.2.5 Each reported observation will also have a category of type aligned with those of non-
conformances (Material, Welding)

6.2.6 Complete excel worksheet and submit with alignment meeting report. See section 6.3

6.2.7 Note: Categories and description will be the same as those identified in the SQS report
and will indicate if the SOR is “Open” or “Closed”.

6.2.8 Following is an example of how to report SORs:

SOR901, WORKMANSHIP (Open): During surveillance visit to contractor, the writer

noted that some areas that had been galvanized needed additional cleaning. These
areas had sharp burrs left from galvanizing. Non-conformance

6.2.9 Observations will also be reported when discrepancies are discovered during a joint
inspection and the supplier issues an NCR.

6.2.10 Note: If the supplier issues an internal non-conformance, the Surveyor issues a SOR to
monitor suppliers NCR through closures. Surveyor then closes the Observation in the
SQS Report.

6.3 Excel Worksheet

6.3.1 The entry information in the excel sheet columns will match exactly to the entry in the
Surveillance Report form in the Action Items / Areas of Concern section.

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Column  Column Name  Description of required Information  

J  SOR #  SOR901, SOR902, SOR903,…– (No spaces, dashes, etc.)
K  SOR Description  unlimited text – Begin with category (same as NCR 
Categories‐ Material, NDE, Workmanship, etc.) 
row will expand as text is entered.  Text is to give full 
detail as to why SOR was written.  Be sure to “double 
click” in the applicable row/column field where text is to 
be entered (cursor will blink in field). (match description 
in SR form – copy and paste)
L  Status  OPEN / CLOSE (drop down)
M  SOR Closed Date  Blank

Note:  There may be more than one entry of SOR per report.  Just use the next row and add the next 
SOR number as shown by 902 above.  Do not enter the report information (columns D‐I), only the SOR 
information (columns J‐L) 


Column  Column Name  Description of required Information  

J  SOR #  SOR901, SOR902, SOR903,…– (No spaces, dashes, etc.)
K  SOR Description  unlimited text – Begin with category (same as NCR 
Categories‐ Material, NDE, Workmanship, etc.) 
row will expand as text is entered.  Text is to give full 
detail as to why SOR was written.  Be sure to “double 
click” in the applicable row/column field where text is to 
be entered (cursor will blink in field). (match description 
in SR form – copy and paste) 
ADD – Brief disposition of SOR Closure 
L  Status  OPEN / CLOSE (drop down)
M  SOR Closed Date  MM/DD/YY – date SOR was dispositioned 

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Not Used


Supplier Quality Surveillance


000.450.sr20xx Surveillance Reports Forms



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Attachment 05 Page 31 of 35




This practice establishes requirements for issuing, processing and distribution of a Supplier
Quality Surveillance (SQS) Release Report.

The Project Surveillance Manager (PSM), Project Surveillance Coordinator (PSC), and Surveyor
will use this practice when the Surveyor, in the execution of an SQS surveillance assignment, has
found surveyed equipment/materials conform to the Purchase Order (P.O)./Contract
requirements including any conditional items.


See Interfacing Disciplines section in main document


See Definitions section in main document


5.1 SQS Release Report will be issued once completed required surveillances identified in
the SAI have been completed.
5.2 SQS Release Reports will have an associated Supplier Quality Surveillance Report
issued reflecting the surveillance activities performed to allow issuance of release report.
5.3 SQS Release Reports will be issued to the supplier's QC representative prior to leaving
the shop.



6.1.1 This practice addresses the responsibilities of the Surveyor and the PSM/PSC with
regard to the SQS Release Report process.

6.2.1 An SQS Release Report is issued to a supplier when the SQS representative has
completed the required surveillance activities identified in the SAI and found the activities
associated with the product(s) meet the PO/Contract quality requirements
6.2.2 Issuance of the SQS Release Report does not relieve the Seller from any obligations
related to the PO.

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6.3 Responsibilities

6.3.1 Project Surveillance Manger (PSM)

a. The PSM/PSC is responsible for the following:
 Receiving, reviewing, processing, and distributing SQS Release Reports issued on the project in
accordance with the project distribution list.
b. Should the release contain conditions, the PSM/PSC will provide the Project Quality
Manager, Project Manager, Project Procurement Manager, Site Receiving Manager,
Owner Representative, and Responsible Engineer (RE) with a copy of SQS Conditional
Release Report with the high-lighted conditional release items that are deferred to the
site for correction. The distribution may vary per project.
Note: Surveyor will contact the PSM and discuss conditional releases before releasing any
materials with conditions as some projects will not allow.
c. File an electronic copy of the report in the corresponding PO, SQS assignment file.
6.3.2 Surveyor
a. The Surveyor is responsible for writing and issuing an SQS Release Report at the
supplier's facility when a product(s), presented by the supplier for Fluor acceptance and
has been found to comply with the surveillance activities performed by the assigned SQS
representative as outlined in the SAI developed specifically for the subject PO/Contract.
b. The surveyor will issue the SQS release report to the PSM who after review will issue it to
the project. The project will then issue a shipment release to the supplier, attaching a
copy of the SQS Release report.
Note: This will: 1) stop the supplier assuming SQS release is shipping release and stop
them from prematurely shipping goods.
2) provide the PSM a chance to review the release report prior to
3) ensure the project waits for the SQS release prior to issuance of the
shipping release.

6.4 Completion of SQS Release Report

6.4.1 Directions for completing this report are as follows

Note: See below for Example “SQS Release Report”. Sections of the Example are identified
alphabetically for explanation purposes.

“A" Assign Operation Center file number.

"B" Self-explanatory (01, 02, 03, etc.).
"C" Person to whom report is to be addressed. (Quality Technical Lead for Supply
Chain person's name)
"D" Author of the Report (Assigned SQS Rep.).
"E" Self-explanatory.
"F" Assigned PO number.

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"G" Company name to whom the PO was issued.

"H" Name of the supplier of commodity (who will manufacture the product). If the
supplier name is the same as the "Issued To" name, enter "SAME" in this blank.
"I" Location of the commodity supplier if different than the "Issued To" company.
Location of the "Issued to" company if the supplier is marked "SAME."
"J" End user (e.g. ExxonMobil, Conoco, etc.)
"K" Multiple tag items can be listed on a single SQS Release Report and will be
listed by P.O. Item Number in the same order as the items appear on the most
recent Purchase Order/Change Order Bill of Material (BOM).
"L" The surveyor will list by tagged item the material(s)/equipment(s) primary
document(s) revision number, revision date and project document review status
code that the assigned SQS representative used to validate the surveillance
activities performed as denoted within the issued SAI (exceptions will be for
structural steel. shop fabricated pipe, bulk materials).
"M" The Surveyor will detail any deviations to the purchase order requirements along
with who (company, name, title) authorized the deviation.
"N" The Surveyor will indicate with an “X” in the appropriate box(es) the Order Status
and Final Condition update with each Inspection Release.
This update indicates if there are any open NCR’s on the items being released,
Note: In the event an NCR is open on item(s) being released, shipment can only take place if
authorization is provided by Fluor Project.
In such a case, the details will be noted in the deviation section of the report if the release is for
partial or full order completion.
If the release is based on certain conditions being met prior to shipment and these conditions are
not being met, the following actions will be initiated by the assigned SQS representative, PSM
and RE:
 The Surveyor will advise supplier immediately if materials/equipment cannot be released for
shipment due to the existence of nonconforming conditions at time for release for shipment.
 The surveyor will prepare a “Supplier Quality Surveillance Report” and “SQS Non-conformance
Report (NCR) Punch List” identifying all non-conforming conditions and discuss with supplier what
action they intend to correct and schedule impact or defer to site for correction.
Note: All corrective actions/work deferred to site will have Project Management Approval prior
to shipment.
 The Surveyor will provide the PSM a copy of the SQS Release Report with conditions and the SQS
nonconformance report with associated punch list if the supplier is planning on deferring to the site
for correction any non-conforming conditions/work.

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Date 10Mar2017
Attachment 05 Page 34 of 35


Example SQS Release Report

Copyright © 2016, Fluor Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Supplier Quality Surveillance
Practice 000.450.1600
Date 10Mar2017
Attachment 05 Page 35 of 35


Release statement on Form - This release indicates that the items/equipment was surveyed to
the degree outlined in the surveillance plan, Quality and Certification Requirements (Q&CR)
form(s), and Surveillance Assignment Instructions (SAI). The release issuance does not imply
that 100% surveillance was performed or that the equipment/material was accepted on that
6.4.2 The PSM will provide to the Project Manager, Project Procurement Manager, Site
Receiving Manager, Owner Representative, and Responsible Engineer a copy of SQS
conditional release document, high lighting all non-conforming conditions/work the
supplier is deferring to the site for correction.
6.4.3 The Project Management Team will collaborate with all affected parties (i.e. logistics,
construction, procurement, Client, and RE) prior to issuance of a conditional punch list
acceptance of the supplier’s intention to defer non-conforming conditions/work to site for
correction / completion.
6.4.4 Upon receipt of project acceptance of the supplier’s intention to defer non-conforming
conditions/work to site for correction, the surveyor will prepare SQS Release Report
indicating with an “X” in the appropriate conditional release box(es).
6.4.5 The Surveyor will provide a hard copy or .pdf copy of each SQS Release Report and
SQS Conditional Release Report to the supplier's QC (Quality Control) representative
prior to leaving the supplier’s facility.

Not Used

Supplier Quality Surveillance

000.450.1521 Surveillance Assignments

Non-conformance Report / Non-
000.450.F1641 conformance Release Report 000.450.F1652 SQS Release Report



Copyright © 2016, Fluor Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Supplier Quality Surveillance

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