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Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

Would you like to know more

about how a project
manager maintains the
billing details for a customer

If so, follow this interactive


1. To open the app, select

the Plan Customer Projects

2. The customer projects

display on the left pane. On
the right pane, you can view
the details of the selected
customer project.

You can select a project to

view its details.

To maintain the customer

project, choose Edit.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

3. Note that the Billing tab is

not active as the project is in
planning. To add billing
information, the project
should be in the contract
preparation stage.

To change the project stage,

open the Stage list.

4. Select Contract

5. Choose Save.

6. The Billing tab is now

active. To add billing items
to the customer project,
choose Billing.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

The SSP ("Stand Alone

Selling Price”) is only
relevant for customers using
the bundling functionality in
the context of IFRS15.

• Amount Cap: If a
maximum amount to
be billed for time and
expense projects has
been agreed with the
customer, it can be
entered here.
• Cap Notification
Threshold: The value
is related to the Cap
Amount. If an alert
using reporting
functionality needs
to be realized, a
threshold value (which
could be for example
80% of the Cap
amount) can be
specified here.

7. Open the Contract Type


Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

8. Select Fixed Price.

9. Open the Assigned Work

Package(s) list.

10. Select Tutorial.

11. In the Amount to Be

Billed field, enter 1050 and
press Enter.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

Other Contract Types have

been added for you.

12. Choose Save.

13. Choose Close.

14. You can choose More

Details of a billing plan item
to view its details.

For this tutorial, choose

More Details for Fixed Price

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

15. Open the Billing Due

Date date picker.

16. For this tutorial, select

January 01, 2019.

17. You can add a note in

the Note field. For this
tutorial, enter First Chunk
and press Enter.

18. In the Amount field,

enter 500 and press Enter.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

19. Open the Billing Due

Date date picker.

20. For this tutorial, select

January 14, 2019.

21. You can add a note in

the Note field. For this
tutorial, enter Second
Chunk and press Enter.

22. In the Amount field,

enter 550 and press Enter.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

23. Choose Back.

24. To add billing due dates

for the time and expenses
item, choose More Details.

The Billing Due Dates have

been added for you.

25. Choose Back.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

26. To add billing due dates

for the perodic services item,
choose More Details.

27. Open the Billing Due

Date date picker.

28. For this tutorial, select

January 31, 2019.

Enter the Amount + Start

Date + End Date

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

29. Choose Back.

30. To add billing due dates

for the usage based
services, choose More

31. Open the Billing Due

Date date picker.

32. For this tutorial, select

July 24, 2019.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

33. Choose Back.

34. Choose Save.

35. Choose Back.

36. Choose Manage Prices.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

37. Choose Create.

In this tutorial enter the

Condition Type as PCP0
and Condition Table as 4PB.

38. Open the Material field.

39. In the Search field enter

T001 and press Enter.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

40. Choose Go.

41. Choose Junior


42. To scroll right, use the

scroll button.

In this tutorial enter the

Customer Project ID:
Valid From: 07/08/2019
Valid To: 12/31/9999
Condition Amount and
Currency: 100USD

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

43. Choose Save.

44. Choose Back.

45. Choose Edit.

46. Choose Information.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

47. To change the stage of

the customer project,
open the Stage list.

48. Select In Execution.

49. Choose Save.

50. Choose Close.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

51. Choose Team.

Due to the fact that

Advanced Resource
Management capabilities
(scope item 1KC) is
activated, you don't need to
confirm the staffing.

If you are not using

Advanced Resource
Management, please make
sure to confirm the staffing
here or in the work packages
of the project.

52. To return to the

launchpad, choose Home.

Maintaining Customer Project Billing

Explanation Screenshot

You have successfully

maintained the customer
billing information for a

This concludes the

interactive tutorial.


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