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 Determinism is the philosophical theory that

all events, including moral choices, are

completely determined by previously existing
causes and your class.

Class determinism - The theory stresses that

societies are divided into competing
economic classes whose relative political power is
determined by the nature of the economic

Born in poor environment – no possibility to get

good education – no well-paid job – get money
just to immediately spend it on your liabilities.

Born in abusive family - higher possibility to be

abusive person in future just because you were
grown up in this environment.

Born in Christian environment means that

potentially you follow the same religion or at least
same life attitude.
Black people are less likely to have well- paid jobs
than white people because of the stereotypes
which lead to a lot of conflicts (mostly American),
it has been rooted in history, colonialism etc.


Estonian employers are more likely to hire an

Estonian speaking person despite of the big
Russian minority in Estonia. People named with
traditional Russian names are less respected in
society in Estonia, so consequently if you have
Estonian name you are the lucky one, you
probably will get the job you want of course if you
meet the required needs. The society in Estonia is
divided, either Russian and Estonian teenagers
have certain prejudices (преджюдисес) about
each other, either they speak English because the
education system in Russian schools don’t give
good level of Estonian.

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