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50 Listening Test 7 ‘A: You know, Mark, | don't think I could pick just one place. | really iked Prague — oh, and Warsaw . That's where | tried to get two train tickets to Vienna and they thought | wanted to go back to Prague! What?! (laughs) Oh, it was because | insisted on trying to speak the local language in each country. It caused us a few problems, but it gave us some laughs, 100 M: Sounds like you had some good times on your holiday, then. ‘A: Yeah, it was great. We did have one bad experience in Rome, though. We were walking along a street ‘and il was su Gruwded | lust sighl of David for & moment. Iwas standing on tiptoe, yalling at him, and ‘someone knocked into me, really hard ... then | looked down and | saw he had his hand in my baa! Walt they always tall you to look out for pickpockets Luckily this one didn’t manage to take anything, M: I can imagine, though ... that’s awful A: Yeah, but it didn't ruin the holiday. You know, Mark, ‘your should really ry hackpacking —Iimaan, you ‘away for slong, you have to make your money last, ‘80 of course you can't stay in expensive hotels. And you have to travel by train or coach, and sure, i's slow, but i's cheaper than flying, plus you really get to see the country as you travel .. Oh, we met such interesting people and saw some amazing places. We'd definitly do it again M; Sounds great. 'm not sure I'm ready .. face) PAUSE 10 SECONDS Now you'll hear Part 4 again. TONE REPEAT PART 4 PAUSE 5 SECONDS That is the end of Part 4 There'l now be a pause of 5 iniiutes for you to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. Be sure to follow the numbering of all the questions. I'l remind you when there is one minute lett, so that you're sure to finish in time. 2s PAUSE 4 MINUTES You have one more minute loft. PAUSE 1 minute: That's the end of the test. Please stop now. Your supervisor will now collect all the question papers and answer sheets. Listening Test 7 Part 1 1¢ 3B 5B 7A a8 aR 6c RA 9 11/eleven months 14 October 40. 4/four 15 America 41 (English) teacher 16 London. 42 university 17 holiday 19. book 410. 19th century/10008, Part 3 19 E 21 B 23 8 20 D 22 FIC Part 4 2c 26 A 28 C 20 8 25 8 27 c 298 Tapescript (Listening Test 7) Express Publishing. Listening & Speaking Skills for the Revised Cambridge FCE, Book 2. Listening Test 7. {I'm going to give you the instructions for this test. 1" introduce each part of the test and aive you time to ook at the questions. At the start of each piece you will hear this sound: TONE You'll hear each piece twice, Remember, while you're listening, write your answers on the question paper. You'll have 5 minutes at the end Of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. There'll now be a pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak during the test. PAUSE 5 SECONDS Now open your paper and look at Part 1. PAUSE 5 SECONDS You'll hear people talking in cight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1 You hear someone giving a shart talk on rabies. Wire isthe lath fr? A. people in Britain B people leaving Britain C people returning to Britain PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE Just one last word, ladies and gentlemen. You probably know how dangerous rabies can be. Just one bite from an infected animal can kill if medical help is not provided immediately. We've been free trom rabies in Britain for over 75 years but it is stil quite common here. So don't be tempted to take animals home with you. They may be infected, and you can be sent to prison for illegally importing animals. Okay, (fade) now | need to tell you PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT EXTRACT 1 PRUSE 2 SECONDS 2 You hear a hotel receptionist giving directions over the phone. How will the person she is talking to travel? A by car B bytrain © by bus PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE Hotel Cottbus, how can | help you? (pause) Yes, you ‘can reach us on the A13. There is an exit on the Berlin to Dresden motorway. (pause) Ah, then you'd do better to drive straight down the A15. That will take you straight into the centre of Cottbus. (pause) That's Tight. Once you get there, follow the signs to the railway station, and we're right opposite. PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT EXTRACT 2 PAUSE 2 SECONDS 3 You hear two people talking about the event they are at, What event is it? A auniversity course B aconterence © a TV chat show PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE ‘A: I see. Oh, do you have a programme? B: Yes, it's here. Youfte due to speak first, just after the introduction by Professor Parker A: Only an hour? There won't be much time for questions B: No, it's okay. Hf you look, you'll see we break for coffee and then the rest of the morning is available for questions and discussion PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT ExTRACT 3 PAUSE 2 SECONDS 4 You hear a young man talking to his friend Saran about music. What is her favourite sort of music? A classical B heavy metal © pop PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE M: Is that classical music you're listening to, Sarah? | Gidn't know you liked this, Listening Test 7 S: [listen to it when I'm studying ~ it helps me relax. M: Ah, I see. S: | stil prefer heavy metal it's just, you know, not so easy to concentrate when it's playing, M: Urgh - | hate that kind of music! S: Well it's better than the pop music you listen to! M: No itisn’t. Anyway, (fade) its all a matter PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT EXTRACT 4 PAUSE 2 SECONDS 5 You hear a mother talking to her son about his day at the 200, Which animals did he like most? A. the elephants 8 the lions C the giratfes PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE M: Did you have a good time at the 200, sweetie? What did you see? 'S: Itwas great! | saw elephants ~ and Mum, | touched one’s trunk, really! It was so brillant .. but you can’t touch the other animals. M: What else did you see? S: Mm ... oh, ions! They're so scary. They were just the best ever of all the animals. M: | thought giraffes were your favourite. 'S: Oh, yeah, | forgot about them. Yeah, I stil ike them but they don't really do anything except stand around. Y'know, Mum, one of the lions roared when we were standing there, really, and (fade) we all got such a fright PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT EXTRACT 5 PAUSE 2 SECONDS 6 You hear a woman talking to her husband about a trip he is going on. Where is he going? A Siberia B Berlin © London PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE F: Now, you're sure you've packed everything? M: Yes, | even wrote out a Ist F: You've got the thermal sacks and the thick pullover? Yes, And your boots? ‘Yes, my newest ones, ‘And your scarf and the hat with the ear muffs? Really, Lucy! You'd think | was going for six months to Siberia. I's just a weekend conference fn Sir Isaiah Berlin. And | probably won't even have time to leave the hotel while I'm in London. ememe 51 52 Listening Test 7 PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT EXTRACT 6 PAUSE 2 SECONDS 7 You hear a doctor's receptionist talking to a patient. What will the patient do? A wait until the doctor is free B come back a little later go out for a cup of coffee PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE R: I'm afraid the doctor is running a little late this maming He won't he able ta see you for at least half an hour. Do you want to come back a bit later? r | could bring you a cup of coffee and you could wait in the patients’ lounge. P: Oh, er ~there’s no point in leaving now I'm here, is there? R: That's entirely up to you, sir P: Um.... actually, | think Ill accept your kind offer of a vollew. PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE REPEAT EXTRACT 7 PAUSE 2 SECONDS 8 You near a conversation between a cashier and a customer in a supermarket. What has the customer been given? A. the wrong change B the wrong products C the wrong discount PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE M; Right, here are your coupons, madam. You can use them to get a discount on all our own-brand products, Rut havan't you givan me too many? Well, it's one coupon for every five pounds you spend, and your total is £17.50. F: But I gave you a twenty and I've got £7.50 in change. M: Lot's havo a look. Oh yoo, corry. Lot's etart again, shall we? PAUSE 2 SECONDS - TONE EPEAT EXIHAGI 8 PAUSE 2 SECONDS That is the end of Part 1. zu Now turn to Part 2. PAUSE b SECONDS You'll hear a radio interview with a popular author called Philip Anderson. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. You now have 45 seconds to look at Part 2. PAUSE 45 SECONDS - TONE F: Good afternoon and welcome to Literary Corner. m2 Actually, on the topic of films Today we're joined by Philip Anderson, author of bestseling book /ne Fear Within. Philip, welcome. Hi, and thanks. So, another bestseller ... you must be getting used to writing successful books by now No, no, not at alll You can never be sure if your latest book will be a hit. This last one took me longer to write than | intended; | spent eleven months on it, rather than the usual seven or eight, just because | knew people were expecting a lot from me. Well, you have done it again with your latest offering, so you must be very pleased. How many bestsellers is that now? : If you include the current book, it's four. I've been very lucky to do so well, (laughs) Surely talent has something to do with it, as woll ac luck? At what ago ld you realize you could write? 've always liked writing. When | was in school, English was my favourite subject and... remember | was fourteen when my teacher told me | had a talent for writing. |, er, started to write stories in my spare time and he'd mark them for me to help me improve. That's when I really got interested. $0 did you go on to train as a writer? Actually, no. | went to university to study English Literature, and that gave me a better understanding of different writing styles... but | never studied creative writing, | just developed my own style by myself. And the focus on writing thrillers? How did that ‘come about? That's the same question my mother always asks ‘me! (laughs) | love being scared! It started with a film | watched when | was at university —ithad a very clever plot and it, you know, it had my attention the whole way through ... Anyway, I decided | wanted to give it a try, but in book form, and that's how it happened! I hear that your first ook is being made into a film. Yes, it's very exciting! Things have been progressing welll meet with the producer n a few weeks to discuss the release date, but they're thinking the middle of October, in time for Halloween - an appropriate time of year for one of my seary plots! Did you aet very involved in the film-making process? No, filming is taking place in America which is so far away from where I'm based, so I've been leaving things to the professionals. But I'l be flying over ext month to promate my hooks aut thare, sa Ill go along and see how things are going. So your fans don't need to be worried about you ‘eaving writing for a career in Hollywood? No, that will never happen, I'l always be a writer. I've got several projects lined up here in London. This coming September I'l start teaching creative waiting to young adults ... | think i's important to encourage new talent, Then | have my next book to start work on, of course = So you do plan to write more books, then? For now | just plan to relax ... ! think 'm going to spend most of the summer on holiday. 1 was tminking of going to New York, but | need to roiax, 0 I'm going to go to my friend's summer house, which is on the beach ... | need to recharge, ready forthe fitth book! = So do you have any ideas for book number five? Alm willing to share right now is that the next one: Is based around true events that took place in 19th century London. I've always loved the history of England's capital, particularly during the 1800s. So that's what I'm basing it on ... but that really is all 'm going to say Sounds intriguing! Well, on that note, Philip, let me thank you for coming in today. For listeners who haven't read Philip's latest book, The Fear Within is available in paperback (fade) from all good bookshops you'll hear Part 2 again, Trat’s the end of Part 2 Now turn to Part 3 Se 5 secon0s «ill hear five ditfererf people talking about sight- seg tours they have been on in England. For estions 19-23, choose from the list (AE) which ement applies to each person. Use the letters only ce. There is one extra letter which you do not need 2 use. -u now have 30 seconds fo look at Part 3 PAUSE 30 Si Speaker 1 PAUSE 2 SEoON: ve spent a wonderful morning just wandering through me old alleyways and into some really old buildings, 4 the one where Shakespeare was born. We were ke" to lunch in the oldest pub in the town and had real igish beer, Actually, | have to say | didn't like it ~ it's warm and bitter, not like the beer back home. Then in me afternoon we were taken to a olay. All that for only Listening Test 7 PAUSE @ SECONDS Speaker 2 PAUSE 2 SECONDS Jessie and | always wanted to see the sights of London so we couldn't miss this tour. We saw St Paul's Cathedral and went up to the Whispering Gallery. Jessie was at the other side of the dome but | could hear her quite clearly. Then the coach went on to Windsor. It's a really old castle where the kings and queens of England have lived for hundreds of years. We went on a guided tour, which was very interesting, We even saw Prince Charles in the castle grounds, talking to a member of his staf! I'm sure it was him, but bet no one will bolieve us back home. PAUSE 3 SECONDS Speaker 3 We had less than a day to spare before flying out, so we took one of those afternoon tours where you sit on the top of an open bus. Goad job it didn't rain! We left after lunch, but we saw protty much everything ~ Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parfiament, Westminster Abbey. Trafalgar Square .. Then it was off to the airport and home. Pity we didn’t have time to see things in more detail ~ next time, maybe. Pause 3 SECONDS Speaker 4 Pause 2 5 We had quite a long trip, starting in Greenwich to see the Cutty Sark. Then the coach took us to Leeds Castle. Of course, Leeds is in the North of England, but Leeds Castle is near London. I’s a beautiful olé castle with a huge moat all round it. Imagine what it must have been like to live in a place like that! Then ‘we went on to Canterbury Cathedral, which was even colder than the castle, and saw the tomb of Thomas & Becket inside. We got back at about ten o'clock at night, so it was quite an exhausting day. Speaker 5 Mary and I came to London to celebrate our wedding anniversary. The kids had arranged everything, starting with the Tower of London. We saw the Crown Jowels and the Beefeaters, and those crows they say will never leave the Tower. Then we walked down to ‘Tower Bridge and took a river cruise on the Thames past the Houses of Parliament, In the evening we went to see a show in the West End, which Mary had always wanted to do. PAUSE 10 SECONDS Now you'll hear Part 3 again. EPEAT PaaS 53 54 Ustening Test 8 PAUSE 5 SECONDS That's the end of Part 3. Now turn to Part 4. PAUSE 5 SECONDS You'll hear a conversation between a father and his son, John, who are al a museum. For questions 24-30, choose the hest answer, A, Ror 0 You now have 1 minute to look at Part 4. PAUSE 1 MINUTE ~ TONE J: Is this the place? F: Itis indeed. You're going to really enjoy this museum. trip, John, evon more than the Science Muscum, We're going to spend the whole day looking around como great oxhibite of all the thinge you like dinosaurs, animals, nature J: I-can't wait! Oh, look, there's an ice cream stand! Can I have one, Dad? Please? F: You always want sweets and stuff like that! Come on, John! You mustn't have anything right now, not at this time of the moming - you've only just had breakfast. Let's go and see the exhibits now, and ‘welll see if you still want one later. J: OK ... 80 what are we going to see first? F: Let's see ... The dinosaur room probably isn't a bad idea — it's closer than the insect room, and | don't think the mammal exhibit opens for another hour yet Ohi, | Gan see one fron here! That's excellent! Look! ‘Ah, yes... that's a Diplodocus. Can you imagine something that big walking around on Earth? These creatures lived hundreds of millions of years ago. ‘What's really amazing for something of is size is that it survived on only leaves and areenery. J: Roally? But it looks £0 fiorco F: Well, l0ok at this one - i's even more scary-looking, and it certainly didn't eat plants! i's a crocodile that lived over 70 million years ago. Crocodiles today eat fish, and other small animals. But look at the size of this one — this would have feasted on dinosaurs that got too close! J: That's 50 scary! | want a poster of one for my room. Can we go to the gift shop next. Dad? So | can get one? F: No, let's wait unti just before we leave. 'm sure you'll think of other things you want by then. Let’s head for the deep sea room now ~ i's not far rom here and yyou'lllove it in there. You'll probably want a souvenir {rom that to0, to scare your sister! Jt Does it have living creatures in it? F: No, but it does have something you'll ike - a very well preserved giant squid. It's bigger than you and me ~ i's just under 9 metres long, and apparently has eyes the size of footballs! An even bigger one was found in New Zealand that was over 18 metres long! That's the biggest one ever caught. Can you imagine meeting something like that when you were out for a swim? Do they come near beaches? F: (laughs) No, they live deep in the ocean. But if you were a fisherman you might meet one .. PALISE 10 SECONNS Now you'll hear Part 4 again. TONE REPEAT PART 4 PAUSE 5 SECONDS That io the ond of Part 4. Inere'll now be a pause of > minutes for you to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. Be sure 10 follow the numbering of all the questions. Ill remind you when there is one minute left, so that you're sure to finish in time. PAUSE 4 MINUTES You have one more minute left. PAUSE 1 MINUTE: That's the ond of the test. Ploase stop now. Your supervisor will now collect all the question papers and answer sheets. Listening Test 8 Part 1 18 BC 5A 78 28 4c 6B ac art 2 © October 14. lunch 10 Joo 19 help 11 degree 16 four 12 three 17 tour 13. weeks 18 June Part 3 9B Ziv 2c 20 A 22 € Part 4 248 26 B 20 800A 25 B 27 0 20 ¢ Tapesoript (Lictening Test 8) Express Publishing. Listening & Speaking Skills for the Revised Cambridge FCE, Book 2. Listening Test 8. 1m going to give you the instructions for this test. 1 introduce each part of the test and give you time to ook at the questions.

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