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What is your favourite thing about the night?

Night is awesome. Wait all day for this...Many things are favourite. Few are:

1) Quality Time Spending with loved ones-

One can spend undisturbed & quality time with loved ones (Spouse/Children/Parents
etc) in peaceful environment which Night provides.

2) Thinking Time(Self-Retrospection)-
If you missed early morning, then Night is the second best time for deep introspection
and thinking activity. This is that part of the day where you review your day actions,
realise your mistakes, make yourself promises and hope for a better tomorrow.

3) Books Reading-
Similarly, if you couldn't find much time during all day for your favorite book, just grab
that book in night and enjoy reading in your bed.

4) Sleep-
It's sleeping time..Put all your worries-tensions-day 'dramas' events aside and get into
the comforts of recharge for the next big day..

The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep- E. Joseph Cossman

Sleep is the Best Meditation-Dalai Lama

5) Others are:
Movie Watching
Whether alone or loved ones/friends..

Listening Music
Listening your favourite music in parks/balcony/terrace/walking

Feel the nature & watch its beauty (Sky/Moon/Stars/Trees) either from your balcony or

Cold Air
The feel of cold breeze

Something terrifying yet beautiful, Something unspoken

“Stars can’t shine without darkness”

Get Together
Late night snacks/gossiping with friends

ENJOY Night!
Enjoy NOW!

Do share in comments box your favourite thing about Night….

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