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Name: Ericka Mae I.

Year & Section: BSEE-2B


I. What are your insights about:

1. Religion and Ethics

Religion is very different to ethics but those two are connected or related to
each other. Ethics and religion are helps us to decide on what is wrong and what is
right but ethics is more of a universal weigh of weighing decisions and acts while
religion is more based on a written resource and is more traditional. Certain people
vary their beliefs of wrong and right through different religions, with that,
somethings may be ethical to a specific religion but not on the beliefs of other
religion, which may be unethical to them. All in all, I believe that ethical way to deal
with people with different religion is through respect and understanding.
2. Politics and Society
Society is the main stage of politics. The one produces and presenting politics is
the society, a group of communities or an organization formed by particular goal.
They are the ones that discuss and decide on what is good for them or debates with
each other, the heart of politics. We can say that democracy provides a good
political climate to every society, the freedom to vote and to speak makes them
more active and responsible on their society. All in all, society cannot stand without
politics and vice versa.
3. Ethics and Culture
Culture is described as a collective way of our lives, or our way of doing things;
our attitude, values, goals and practices. Culture was passed through womb to
womb, it means we are influenced by culture from the beginning of our lives. Its
implication is that, our decisions, thinking and values was greatly affected with our
culture, therefore our moral and ethical of doing and acting on circumstances is
greatly affect by norms in our society that may also differ from other society’s
beliefs. After all that, culture intersects with ethics, but the ethics we have in our
lives may differ from others ethics who grew up from another set of culture.
4. Ethics and Science
In field of science, there is still ethical obligations on those who pursue this field.
Scientists must have an ethical guideline on their work or studies like being honest
with the data, careful analysis with every result, and etc. to avoid errors and improve
safety in the workplace. Just like on experiments done in the university, we will be
educated on how to handle chemicals and the effects if it is mishandled which
makes us be more careful and ethical in our group to avoid accidents and have best
result on our experiments.

5. Ethics and Digital age

As the technology progressed, the media and communication developed greatly too.
Specifically, social media that became more popular site or application amongst
individual mostly the teen agers. Its been a good platform to inform and to
communicate with others efficiently through internet or mobile data. However,
some user has been using the internet and their digital tool in a very bad way that
may result to doing something illegal to being arrested for that. Even though we had
access doesn’t mean to be so free and do all the things you just wanted, we still
have ethical obligation upon using these tools. There is netiquette that we can
follow in order to enjoy the use of internet without being illegal and respecting
other users.

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