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We will discuss the mathematical model that would be helpful in tacking batch based on volume,
As we know gas is a compressible fluid it highly depends on pressure and temperature so we
consider temperature and pressure as constant.
Here we consider flow rate is given with dimensions of pipeline pressure and temperature is
considered to be constant volume changes with pressure and temperature that can create
complications in batch tracking


Xi = Vi*Δt

For tracking a gas batch in a pipeline we can move forward with two different approaches
1.) Mathematical model
2.) Machine Learning model
Let us discuss the approaches
1.) Mathematical model

The flow is between source and destination at a constant temperature and pressure and we know
flow rate Qi is given by
Q = π/4*(D)2 *V
V = (Q*4)/ (π*D2)
Xi=V* Δt
Q= Flow rate
D= Diameter of pipe
V = average velocity
Δt= time grid of a batch
Xi = length of pipe acquired by a volume of batch
To track a batch, the pipeline is discretized into N grid points, let length of one grid point be
equal to Xi
So total grid points = X/Xi
Where X is the length of the pipeline X = X1+X2+X3………..Xn
Further flow rate is given by
The position of a batch Xi at the next time step is calculated as follows
Xi(n=2)=Xi+Vi* Δt
Further flow rate is calculated from general flow equation:

Q = gas flow rate, measured at standard conditions, m3/day (SCFD)
f = friction factor, dimensionless
Pb = base pressure, kPa
Tb = base temperature,K(273+ °C)
P1 = upstream pressure, kPa
P2 = downstream pressure, kPa
G = gas gravity (air = 1.00)
Tf = average gas flowing temperature,K(2730 + °C)
L = pipe segment length, Km
Z = gas compressibility factor at the flowing temperature, dimensionless
D = pipe inside diameter, mm.
Machine learning model:
Machine learning models simply based on data and its behavior, and its historical trends. A
supervised machine learning model can be built to find out travel time of batches and its
behavior with other parameters used finding a best correlation algorithm of travel time with
other parameter can give us a better result in prediction of travel time of batch.




Here in this case we have inlet source pipeline with diameter D and client
C1 as outlet with pipeline diameter d where d<D
Initial approaches in this case will we same as in test case 1
But as there is change in dimension in pipeline there will be change in node size and time and
velocity for a fixed amount of volume

Let us consider X1 is length of pipe the volume acquired by a batch in pipe with diameter D in
time Δt1 and Considering X2 be the length of pipe in which same volume acquired by the
batch of diameter d in time Δt2

X1=V1* Δt1 …..(1)

X2= V2* Δt2 …..(2)
As we know,
V = (Q1*4)/ (π*D2) …….(3)
v = (Q2*4)/ (π*d2) ……(4)
where V is the velocity in source pipeline and v is the velocity in pipeline
volume in length X1= volume in length X2 formula for volume of cylinder
VOL1= (𝜋 (D2)*X1)/4
VOL2= (𝜋 (d2)*X2)/4
X2=(D2*X1)/d2 …….(5)
From (4) and (5)


As we can have X2 and Δt2

We can easily create grids and predict position of batch in pipe C1 also
But here we have two scenarios
 Pipeline is vacant
 Pipeline containing linepack
In vacant pipeline initial batches tracking will be complicated as intial batches will also fill up
the vacant volume of pipeline
Machine learning model:
Machine learning algorithms works on trends with various parameter it helps us in skipping
mathematical part and gives us result based on historical observation of data if we have enough
data with certain required parameter we can relate travel time and average velocity of both the

Data requirement
Data required for mathematical models
1.)Flow rate in both pipes Q
2.) Dimension of pipeline
3.) Pressure at both ends
4.) Temperature

Practical approach for test case 1

Tracking for 6 hours:
Here we have consider pipeline of 100 km in length with diameter of 36 inch, we inlet flow rate
per hour for 6 hours.
We have created 6 batches,
i.e. volume of batch = flowrate x 1hr
 Flow rate/ hour= 1800 m/hr, 1900m/hr, 2000m/hr, 1950m/hr , 2100m/hr, 1500m/hr
 Length of pipe acquired by batch 1 is 2787.139047307837m
 Length of pipe acquired by batch 2 is 2941.9801054916056m
 Length of pipe acquired by batch 3 is 3096.8211636753745m
 Length of pipe acquired by batch 4 is 3019.40063458349m
 Length of pipe acquired by batch 5 is 3251.662221859143m
 Length of pipe acquired by batch 6 is 2322.6158727565307m

Tracking for continuous 34 hours

Fig: Alternative colors showing batches in squences with volume occupied by each batch

Here we record flow rate for 34 hours and plotted per hour showing how batches are filling the
volume of pipe per hour
Fig: graphical representation of volume occupied per batch per hour
Effect of change in Pressure on the volume of batch
As we know gas is compressible fluid it changes its shape according to pressure, and in situ
condition pressure varies that can leads to change in volume of batches to solve this condition
we use Boyles law
Boyles law: A law stating that the pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely
proportional to its volume at a constant temperature
Assuming temperature to be constant
We applied the law on our model results in change in volume as pressure deops from 85 bar to
75 bar at some point T meters
Length of pipe acquired by batch 1 is 3158.757586948882m
Length of pipe acquired by batch 2 is 3334.244119557153m
Length of pipe acquired by batch 3 is 3509.7306521654245m
Length of pipe acquired by batch 4 is 3421.9873858612887m
Length of pipe acquired by batch 5 is 3685.2171847736954m
Length of pipe acquired by batch 6 is 2632.297989124068m

Fig: change in volume due to pressure drop

ΔL =(length of batch in pipe under 75 bar) – (length of batch in pipe under 85 bar)
ΔL1= 371.6185396410451m
Pressure plays an important role in determining the volume of batches at certain point of pipeline
Effect of pressure on volume throughout pipeline:
We consider we have 5 pressure gauge at 20 km each in 100 km pipeline
To find average pressure change on in the whole pipeline we linearly interpolate these pressure
readings calculate the change in length due to pressure at every point and how batch is varying at
every point in pipeline
Here are the


DBPL Analysis is on Daily Data (Yesterday Flow). Here we take a case study of Natural gas
pipeline that lies between Dhabhol to Bangalore. The pipeline have 4 GC meter. Here we try to
map batches that are divided per day as the amount of gas moved in the pipeline is on daily
basis and try to predict their location with in the pipeline from Dhabhol to Sullivara as shown in
fig marked with red line. Here we take the simple case with no outlet from the branches

Fig: DBPL network, batch position that to be predicted is highlighted with red line
Here we divide the pipeline in to two section first from Dhabhol to IP03(Palmaldini) with length
249844.187m and diameter 36 inches and second section is divided from IP03(Palmaldini) to
SV-22 (Sullivara) with length 486629.237m and 30 inch in diameter
We traced 25 days flow rate everyday and created a batch for every day computed the length of
pipeline acquired by the volume of gas each day under varying temperature and pressure
Equation used:

Data analysis
Pressure analysis: We plot the pressure at the three station at Dhabhol , IP03-Palmadini and

There is as drop in pressure from Dhabhol to SV-22as notices there is no compressor throughout
Fig: Pressure at the different stations

the pipeline, major drop is due to friction factor along with other reasons
Temperature Analysis: Temperature plot at three different stations

Fig: Temperature variation at three stations

Here the temperature varies from 25o to 30o Celsius. SV-22 notice higher temperature from other
two stations. Dhabhol and IP03 have similar temperature variation

Gas composition analysis: Here we 3 Gas Chromatographs one at Dhabhol and others are at
Goa and Bidadi

Fig: Methane composition mapped at three stations Dhabhol, Goa, Bidadi

As observed methane composition matches at Dhabhol and Goa with certain time delay the time
required by each batch to travel from one Dhabhol to Goa , but at Bidadi composition varies


Table: Flow at Dhabhol SCM/day), temperature(Celsius),

Pressure(kg/cm2 )
Flow of natural gas through pipeline :
we plot flow of each batch in pipeline in python (matplotlib) tracking each batch per day for 25
Fig: Flow of batches showing through the two section first from Dhabhol to IP 03(36
inch) and
Practical second fromfor
approach IP03case
to SV-22(30
2: inch)

Here we consider there is a branch at IP03 that leads to Goa, so there is considerable amount of
gas that passes through that branch as shown in table:
Table 2: Recorded outlet from IP03 to Goa with temperature and
pressure volume to the length of pipe acquired at particular temperature and subtracting that
from the batches we plot the map for 25 days

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