Reading Discussion Journal 1: Submit Assignment

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14/06/2020 Reading Discussion Journal 1

Reading Discussion Journal 1

Submit Assignment

Due 26 Jun by 23:59 Points 75 Submitting a file upload

Throughout the course, you will keep a reading discussion journal to document your understanding of assigned texts and your contributions to class
discussions. The journal is an offline collection of your online reading discussion work. Your reading discussion journal will also help you and the
instructor evaluate your progress. You will submit your journal to Canvas for a grade three times during the course; this will be how your participation
in discussions will be graded. Remember that a self-assessment must accompany each of these discussion journals.

Journal Contents
Your first reading discussion journal will include posts from Discussions 1-4.

The journal will include the following for each discussion:

Your initial post

Your required reply posts. In addition, include other substantial comments that you make in response to postings and comments from your
classmates (no need to include brief agreements, thanks, or the like).
An informal self-assessment (what you are doing well, what you need to work on, what you are learning) that is approximately three paragraphs
Optional: If you did not complete discussion posts or wish to correct or elaborate on your discussion posts, you can also include explanations of
what you would like to have posted in your discussion journal; you may earn partial credit for posts that were not completed during the
discussion but were included in the journal.

NOTE: The journal should focus entirely on your reading discussion contributions and self-assessments. Do not include posts for group work
assignments (which will be included in your course grade separately). 1/6
14/06/2020 Reading Discussion Journal 1

How to Start a Reading Discussion Journal

1. Create and save a new document in the program of your choice (Word, Googledocs, etc).
2. Name the file "Reading Discussion Journal."
3. Include a title and date for each journal entry and self-assessment.
4. Add your first reading discussion posting. If you prefer to work directly in Microsoft Word, you can type your reading response directly in the
journal, copy it, and paste it into the Canvas discussion forum.
5. Add your major responses to classmates' postings. To provide a context for your response, you can copy and paste a classmate's question or
comment into your reading journal. Use quotation marks and distinguish between your writing and discussion comments from classmates.
6. Every time you participate in a reading discussion, update your journal by adding your new discussion contributions to the journal.

Journal Guidelines
Writing for online discussion forums is informal compared to writing literary analysis essays. You don't need to spend a lot of time revising and
editing your reading journal. However, your journal (like your discussion posts) should follow basic academic writing conventions for spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. You may edit and proofread your discussion contributions when you prepare your journal for feedback and grading.
The journal should focus on your major contributions to reading discussions. You don't need to include every single comment that you make in
discussion forums--select the ones that you consider to display your strongest contributions in addition to selecting the required posts.
If necessary, copy a classmate’s question or comment into your workshop journal to provide a context for one of your responses; however, make
sure that you clearly distinguish between your ideas and your peer’s by using quotation marks and giving the student’s name. This will be
necessary when you are documenting your achievement of the following course learning goals
Do not include group work posts in your reading discussion journal, as those will be assessed separately.
You need to include a self-assessment (what are you doing well, what do you need to work on, what are you learning) that is approximately
three paragraphs long

Discussion Journal 1-4 2/6
14/06/2020 Reading Discussion Journal 1

Criteria Ratings Pts

D1 Analysis 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
and Ideas Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not
Post is thoughtful and Contributes thoughtful ideas and/or Post is brief and either touches Post does not Acceptable
significant, and includes extends the ideas of others. Original on each aspect of the address the No
depth and insight. post and/or responses do not reach the assignment without any detail tasks required contribution
Response(s) engage level of detail or the level of depth of an or does not address all aspects in the or no useful 5.0 pts
others in depth. Excellent post. of the assignment. discussion content. or
prompt. Post is

D1 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Understanding Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not
and Use of Acceptable
Post and responses Post includes some references to Post and responses include Post and
directly refer to readings readings and/or lecture. Post does not no significant or relevant responses include Post
and lecture material. Post discuss those specific references as references to course no reference to includes a
and responses use these part of the analysis; or, original post material. OR references to course materials misuse or
references to specific includes in-depth discussion of specific course material may at all OR an
parts of readings and references to the text but responses do demonstrate some demonstrates a unethical
5.0 pts
lecture as support of your not mention any specific references. significant lack of use of
analysis. misunderstanding of the understanding of materials.
material. course material. 3/6
14/06/2020 Reading Discussion Journal 1

Criteria Ratings Pts

D1 Fulfills 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Discussion Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not
Requirements Acceptable
Post thoroughly fulfills Post addresses most of the tasks Post minimally Post does not address
each of the tasks required by the discussion prompt, all addresses tasks the tasks required in Post is
required by the deadlines were met, and all of the required by the the discussion prompt. unrelated to
discussion prompt. All required posts were completed; or, all discussion prompt. Deadlines were not assigned
deadlines were met, as criteria were met within posts and replies Some deadlines were met; the number of tasks. 5.0 pts
were the required but the post was late by less than 12 met, and all of the required posts not Extremely
number of posts. hours. required posts were completed. late posts
completed. or all posts

D2 Analysis 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
and Ideas Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable 5.0 pts

D2 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Understanding Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable
and Use of 5.0 pts

D2 Fulfills 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Discussion Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable 5.0 pts

D3 Analysis 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
and Ideas Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable 5.0 pts 4/6
14/06/2020 Reading Discussion Journal 1

Criteria Ratings Pts

D3 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Understanding Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable
and Use of 5.0 pts

D3 Fulfills 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.75 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Discussion Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable 5.0 pts

D4 Analysis 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
and Ideas Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable 5.0 pts

D4 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.5 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Understanding Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable
and Use of 5.0 pts

D4 Fulfills 5.0 Pts 4.25 Pts 3.75 Pts 2.75 Pts 0.0 Pts
Discussion Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable 5.0 pts

Self- 15.0 Pts 12.75 Pts 10.25 Pts 8.0 Pts 0.0 Pts
Assessment & Excellent Very Good Good Poor Not Acceptable
Journal 15.0 pts

Total points: 75.0 5/6

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