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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 19 (2007) 513–521

A Review of Bone Substitutes

Solon T. Kao, DDSa,b,*, Daniel D. Scott, DMDc
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry, Augusta, GA, USA
Department of Surgery, Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine, Augusta, GA, USA
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program, Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine,
Augusta, GA, USA

Bone grafting techniques have been used by withstand being washed away by the initial
medical specialists for more than 100 years. In the hemorrhage/inflammation phase. It also must
year 1879, Macewen [1] successfully replaced the allow penetration of host vascular tissue and
proximal two thirds of a humerus in a 4-year-old fibrous granulation with subsequent macrophage
child with allograft bone. Currently, more than action, which leads to proper revascularization
500,000 bone grafting procedures are performed and induction of osteoclasts and osteoblasts,
yearly in the United States in the fields of permitting osseointegration. The topic of bone
dentistry, neurosurgery, and orthopaedics [2]. substitutes is broad in scope. This article presents
There are many applications for using bone and an overview of bone substitutes.
bone substitutes in medicine, including restoring
form and function to the skeletal structure, pro-
viding stabilization, and enabling aesthetic modifi- Overview
cations. The bone-grafting process is not a new
procedure in the field of oral and maxillofacial Many factors are involved in the successful
surgery. Surgeons have been performing autolo- incorporation of a grafted material, including
gous grafts to the cranial facial region for many graft type, preparation site, vascularity, mechan-
years. Increasing popularity of dental implant sur- ical strength, and pore size of the material. These
gery has created heavy demand for dentoalveolar parameters make the use of bone substitutes
reconstruction, such as sinus augmentation proce- challenging in terms of reliability and predictabil-
dures and immediate implant procedures. This ity. Selecting the graft material is based on many
new trend in dentistry for implants has created factors. One such factor deals with the morbidity
a surge in new grafting products for the dental of the harvest site, which occurs in autograft
and medical community. Options currently in- harvesting. Another important area to consider
clude allograft, xenograft, and synthetic grafting is whether the graft primarily provides mechanical
materials, with each manufacturer claiming or biologic support. The individual features also
wonderful results (Tables 1 and 2). Prospective have an effect on the graft material chosen, the
grafting materials most likely will be totally success of the graft, and the overall results of the
synthetic and yield no chance of transmitting surgery.
diseases. Regardless of the advancements in tech- The four desired properties of bone graft
nology, grafting materials must obey the nature of materials are osteogenesis, osteoinduction, osteo-
bone healing. A grafting material must be able to conduction, and osteointegration. The only graft
material that contains all four qualities is autol-
ogous bone. For this reason it continues to be the
* Corresponding author. Oral and Maxillofacial gold standard in bone grafting (Fig. 1). Osteogen-
Surgery, Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry, esis is new bone formation that occurs from osteo-
AD 1207, Augusta, GA 30912. progenitor cells that are present in the graft,
E-mail address: (S.T. Kao). survive the transplant, and proliferate and
1042-3699/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Table 1
Bone substitute synopsis
Graft material Characteristics Examples
Allograft A graft that is Cadaver cortical/
taken from a cancellous bone,
member of the FDBA,
same species as DFDBA
the host but is
Xenograft Grafts derived Bio-Oss, coralline
from a HA, red algae
Fig. 1. Four months status post successful autologous
different species
graft with allograft at the border.
than the host
Alloplast Fabricated graft Calcium sulfate,
(synthetic materials bioactive
materials) glasses, HA, Once at the graft site, the stem cells are triggered
NiTi to differentiate into chondrocytes and osteoblasts.
Abbreviations: DFDBA, decalcified freeze-dried bone The method of recruitment and differentiation
allograft; FDBA, freeze-dried bone allograft; HA, occurs through a cascade of events triggered by
hydroxyapatite; NiTi, porous nickel titanium. graft-derived factors called bone morphogenetic
proteins (BMP) 2, 4, 7, which are members
of the transforming growth factor-b superfamily.
differentiate to osteoblasts [2]. During autologous These BMPs are present in the matrix of the graft
grafting, cancellous trabecular structure with oste- and are accessed after the mineral content of the
oblasts makes an attractive area for bone regener- bone graft has been removed. In addition to the
ation. Marrow elements provide the fusion bed BMPs, a list of other vital factors used in healing
with osteoinductive proteins, potential osteogenic includes platelet-derived growth factors, fibro-
cells, and a local blood supply, which make osteo- blast growth factors, insulin-like growth factors,
genesis possible [3]. granulocyte colony-stimulating factors, mitogens,
The process of osteoinduction entails the and interleukins. Angiogenic factors, such as
stimulation and recruitment of nearby undiffer- vascular endothelial-derived growth factor, also
entiated mesenchymal stem cells to the graft site. are present [2,4].
Osteoconduction is the ingrowth of vascular
tissue and mesenchymal stem cells into the scaf-
Table 2
fold structure presented by the graft material. This
Bone graft material characteristics
is an ordered process that results in the formation
Characteristic Graft material of new haversian systems in a predictable pattern
Osteogenesis Autograft along the host-graft interface, which subsequently
Osteoinduction BMP infuse into the graft material [4]. Osteointegration
DFDBA is described as bonding of the host and the graft
DBM material [2]. This phenomenon is vital to graft sur-
Osteoconduction Bio-Oss vival. For the graft to be functional, an adequate
Calcium phosphates
amount of new bone must exist in the graft and
Calcium sulfate
unite with the host bone [4].
Glass ionomers
HA Allograft
Abbreviations: BMP, bone morphogenetic protein; Although autografts are the gold standard,
DBM, demineralized bone matrix; DFDBA, decalcified allografts are much more accepted by patients as
freeze-dried bone allograft; FDBA, freeze-dried bone the bone grafting material of choice. Allogeneic
allograft. HA, hydroxyapatite; NiTi, porous nickel bone is a graft that is taken from a member of the
titanium. same species as the host but is genetically

dissimilar. Approximately one third of the bone minimize the effects of these fractures, it is advised
grafts in the United States currently are allografts to rehydrate the specimen before use to regain
[2]. The grafts are prepared as fresh, frozen, some of the lost properties [2,4].
freeze-dried, mineralized, and demineralized, and Mineralized grafts contain osteoconductive
each preparation may be purchased as cortical properties but lack osteoinductive capabilities.
chips, cortical granules, cortical wedges, or cancel- Graft incorporation with the host bone is possible
lous powder. The properties of the allograft are by the graft acting as a scaffold that supports bone
directly related to the steps taken in processing ingrowth through the structure. Research shows
the material. Most allografts are harvested, pro- that pore sizes that range from 150 to 500 mm
cessed, and distributed through the American As- provide optimum opportunity for graft incorpo-
sociation of Tissue Banks. Because of the strict ration [9]. The mineral retained in the tissue not
regulations adopted by the American Association only provides framework support but also affects
of Tissue Banks, the rate of disease transmission the host cell response. Graft materials, such as
has almost halted. The risk of contracting HIV freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA), have proved
is estimated to be 1 in 1.6 million, as compared to be successful in osseous grafting. This material
with the risk of 1 in 450,000 in blood transfusions is often used in periodontal regenerative proce-
[4]. Rigorous background checks are performed dures and covered with a membrane. A study by
on the donor and his or her family before the do- Piattelli and colleagues [10] found that FDBA
nor is accepted into the program. performed better than its counterpartddeminer-
Once the grafts are harvested, they are pro- alized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA).
cessed through different methods, including phys- Their research noted osteocytes and haversian sys-
ical débridement, ultrasonic washing, treatment tems found in FDBA grafts, whereas the osteo-
with ethylene oxide, antibiotic washing, and cytic lacunae in the DFDBA mostly remained
gamma irradiation for spore elimination. With empty. The study also noted that FDBA particles
this additional processing, however, the graft’s farthest away from the host-graft interface were
biologic and mechanical properties are weakened embedded in new bone, whereas DFDBA parti-
[5]. The goal of these steps is to remove antigenic cles farthest away from the host-graft interface
components and reduce host immune response were surrounded with connective tissue.
while retaining the biologic characteristic of the When DFDBA was compared with autologous
graft [4]. Fresh or frozen allografts possess the bone in maxillary sinus augmentations, DFDBA
highest osteoinductive and osteoconductive po- showed 29% new bone formation compared with
tential, but they are rarely used because of in- 40% with autologous bone [11]. It was also noted
creased risk of host immune response and that the DFDBA particles located near pre-exist-
disease transmission. Compared with freeze-dried ing bone were surrounded by new bone, but the
allografts, fresh or frozen allografts induce much particles located near the center of the graft
stronger immune response, which is the primary showed no signs of remineralization or new bone
reason why processed grafts are favored [3]. formation [11]. This product has shown positive
Freeze-dried, or lyophilized, grafts are the least results in periodontal regenerative surgery and
immunogenic, but they possess inferior osteoin- maxillofacial dental implant surgery. From my
ductive properties, mechanical properties, and personal experiences, I have received consistent
strength compared with fresh or frozen [6]. Host great results from DFDBA (Fig. 2). I believe
immune response and infection are reduced by that this material has a wide range of application
eliminating the cellular phase of the allograft. Al- in dentoalveolar grafting procedure at low-stress
though freeze drying kills all cells, the chemical in- areas. DFDBA does not necessarily remove all
tegrity of the graft remains intact [7]. Processing minerals from the graft. I would like to share
freeze-dried demineralized bone involves placing with the readers about the manufacturing process
the graft in antibiotic wash twice at 4 C for 1 of DFDBA. In 1965, Marshall Urist described the
hour. Then the material is stored at 70 C to process of osteoinduction, which was obtained by
dry up to 5% of water. Another favorable finding acid demineralizing the bone before implantation.
is that HIV has not been transmitted in freeze- Acid demineralization is usually done by process-
dried bone [8]. Although the graft undergoes ing graft in 0.5 to 0.6 molar hydrochloric acid.
lyophilization, microfractures form along the col- For adequate osteoinductive properties to be
lagen fibers. These cracks result in a decrease in present, at least 40% of the mineral content
the mechanical properties of the graft. To must be removed [4]. The demineralization

The mineral content of the allograft directly

affects how additional proteins/factors can be
used at the grafting site. Mineralized bone matrix
has no osteoinductive properties, and BMPs are
encased by the bone minerals [9]. By decreasing
mineral content in the graft, the osteoinductive
property is elevated by making growth factors
more available to stimulate mesenchymal cells.
Unfortunately, reduction of mineral content de-
creases mechanical strength of the graft. Deminer-
alization is a compromise. Studies showed that
demineralized implants do not undergo resorption
during bone induction, in contrast to mineral-con-
taining powered implants, which are resorbed
without bone production [15].
Fig. 2. Immediate placement of allograft placed at ex- Another type of grafting material available on
traction site.
the market is collagen based (eg, extracellular
bone matrix). Collagen contributes to mineral
process is sensitive. It has been shown that the deposition, vascular ingrowth, and growth factor
osteoinductive properties of grafts are removed if binding, which provides a favorable environment
the calcium content of the demineralized graft is less for bone regeneration [12]. Additional features of
than 2% by weight [12]. Through this discovery, collagen include its potential for immunogenicity
researchers noted that providing calcium ions in and its diminished structural integrity. Giannou-
the graft shows benefit during mineralization [13]. dis and colleagues [2] noted that collagen is
Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is an a poor graft substitute, but it does significantly in-
option as an allograft material for defect repair. crease graft incorporation when combined with
It is produced through decalcification of cortical BMPs or a carrier such as hydroxyapatite.
bone. Because of the processing method, it is
found to be more osteoinductive than standard
mineralized allograft while retaining most of the
bone growth factors after removal of the mineral
phase. The advantage to using DBM is its ability Xenografts are derived from a genetically dif-
to be molded to fill the desired area with graft ferent species than the host. One of the most used
material. One disadvantage of this material is the xenografts is bovine bone. The best known
technical challenge associated with its low viscos- example of this is Bio-Oss (Osteohealth, Shirley,
ity. Once placed in the defect, some of the NY). Bio-Oss, deproteinized bovine bone mineral,
material may become displaced and provide no has been treated by having all of its organic
benefit to the grafting procedure. Recently, ex- material removed. This treatment leaves a crystal
cipients have been added to the DBM. Excipients structure that practically matches human cancel-
are usually inert substances that act as transport lous bone in structure. The particle size of this
vehicles. They are often used in drug prepara- material is 0.25 to 1 mm. Pores with these
tions. One popular example is poloxamer 407, dimensions have been shown to promote osteo-
which is a reverse-phase copolymer that becomes genesis [16]. Bio-Oss has 75% of its volume con-
a more viscous gel when warmed to body tained in its porous scaffold. This structure
temperature [14]. Once the DBM and the excipi- greatly increases the surface area and results in
ent are combined, the mixture begins to harden a material that is good for osteoconduction, but
at the surgical site, which allows for better han- because of its large porous nature, the initial sta-
dling and adaptability. Another benefit to using bility may be compromised [17]. This large surface
this copolymer is the slow release of active ingre- area increases angiogenesis and enhances new
dients, such as BMPs [14]. Other copolymers are bone growth [18]. In a study that compared Bio-
available, such as polyglycolic/poly-L-lactic acid, Oss to autologous bone in maxillary sinus aug-
but they have been shown to resorb slower and mentation procedures, Bio-Oss resulted in 39%
leave voids within the healing area, which may new bone formation compared with 40% with au-
result in fibrous tissue healing [9]. tologous bone after 6 months [11]. These results

showed the effectiveness of this substitute material calcification [26]. Another potentially useful xeno-
by almost matching the amount of new bone for- graft material comes from red algae. Researchers
mation as seen with autologous bone. Although have the ability to chemically convert red algae
the results of new bone generation were nearly to hydroxyapatite, which is then used in grafting
similar at 6 months, 31% of the grafted Bio-Oss defects [25].
was still present at the graft site as compared
with only 18% with autologous bone [11]. It is still
Synthetic materials
unknown whether this substitute completely re-
sorbs. In 1992, Klinge and colleagues [19], noted Synthetic grafting materials have been shown
total resorption of Bio-Oss granules at 14 weeks to possess two of the four characteristics of an
after placement in rabbit skulls. Skoglund and ideal graft: osteoconduction and osteointegration.
colleagues [20] reported that granules were present The ideal synthetic graft material should be bio-
even after 44 months. Although all the aspects of compatible and elicit minimal fibrotic changes.
this material have not shown similar results, this The graft should support new bone growth and
material has proved to be a workhorse in oral undergo remodeling. Other features include sim-
surgery. ilar toughness, modulus of elasticity, and com-
Another popular alternative xenograft is cor- pressive strength compared with host cortical or
alline hydroxyapatite, which is made from ocean cancellous bone [21]. Many synthetic materials are
coral. Coralline hydroxyapatite, marketed as available to surgeons, including bioactive glasses,
ProOsteon (Interpore International, Irvine, CA), glass ionomers, aluminum oxide, calcium sulfate,
has been available since the 1970s. This material calcium phosphates, a- and b-tricalcium phos-
was created with the intention of producing a graft phate (TCP), and synthetic hydroxyapatite [21].
material with a more consistent pore size. Coral, The bioactive glasses are nonporous and con-
which is composed mostly of calcium carbonate, is sist of silicon dioxide (SiO2), calcium oxide (CaO),
processed to remove most of the organic content. phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and sodium oxide
Then it is subjected to high pressure and heat in (Na2O). Solubility is directly related to the pro-
the presence of an aqueous phosphate solution. portion of sodium oxide found in the formulation.
When the process is complete, the calcium car- By altering the concentrations of sodium oxide,
bonate coral skeleton is totally replaced with silicon dioxide, and calcium oxide, glasses with
a calcium phosphate skeleton. The material is different properties are produced [27]. These mate-
sterilized in this process concurrently [21]. Hulbert rials exhibit significantly greater strength com-
and colleagues [22] found that a pore size of 45 to pared with calcium phosphates. A positive
100 mm is required for bone ingrowth into ceramic feature with the use of these substitutes includes
materials. They also noted that pore sizes of 100 the formation of a strong bond between the glass
to 150 mm allow for faster ingrowth of fibrovascu- and the host bone, which is accomplished through
lar tissues. Researchers have found that nanopar- hydroxyapatite crystals [28].
ticular hydroxyapatite not only provides the Glass ionomers are porous, which leads to
benefits of traditional hydroxyapatites but also bone ingrowth through their osteoconductive
resorbs. The material provides only minimal nature. One possible advantage to using this
dimensional stability, but when combined with product is its ability to be impregnated with
25% autogenous bone, the dimensional stability antibiotics for slow release. One disadvantage
was found to be sufficient [23]. with the use of this product is that it does not
Other xenografts that are being studied by resorb [21]. Glass ionomers have been considered
researchers include chitosan, gusuibu, and red as replacements for polymethylmethacrylate bone
algae [24–26]. Chitosan is a product of the exo- cement, which generates significant heat during
skeleton of crustaceans, and it shows the ability polymerization [29]. Glass ionomers possess
to stimulate mesenchymal stem cells to differenti- a working time of approximately 5 minutes. After
ate into osteoblasts. When this product is com- 24 hours, they possess a modulus of elasticity and
bined with hydroxyapatite, the osteoconductive compressive strength that is similar to cortical
potential of the graft is increased [24]. Gusuibu bone [30,31]. Glass ionomers have been used to
is a rhizome of the perennial pteridophyte seal defects in the skull, but care must be taken
Drynaria fortunei. This herb shows osteoinductive not to let them come into contact with cerebrospi-
capabilities and increased alkaline phosphatase nal fluid or neural tissue. These precautions are
activity and has a positive effect on promoting taken because aluminium ions and polyacid in

its unset form are neurotoxic [32]. Other than its of human cancellous bone [41]. Although the
uses in dentistry, glass ionomers have been used compressive strengths are comparable, this mate-
by otorhinolaryngologic surgeons for auditory rial yields a tensile strength that is much lower
ossicular reconstructions and sinus augmentations than that of human cancellous bone [42]. This
[21]. product undergoes long-term remodeling, and
Aluminum oxide is found as a component of the graft is eventually replaced through new
multiple bioactive materials, but this material also bone formation. Research shows that this mate-
can be used by itself as a graft material. One rial initially displays osteointegration, which is
feature of this type of graft is that the chemical succeeded by incorporation [2].
does not exchange ions with the host; therefore, An important aspect about a-TCP in the form
there is no osteointegration. Aluminum oxides are of calcium phosphate cements is that it is tech-
rigid and have been used as graft expanders [21]. nique sensitive. If the material does not set in the
Uses of this substitute include orbital implants, defect before the incision is closed, it may become
ossicular replacements, and prosthetic joint lin- contaminated by fluid. Postoperatively, the unset
ings [33]. material dissociates into small particles, which
Calcium sulfate (CaSO4 $ 1⁄2 H 2O), also known leads to giant cell–related inflammatory reactions
as plaster of Paris, has been used for more than [9]. A study by Kurashina and colleagues [43]
a century. In 1892, Trendelenburg’s clinic in showed that unset a-TCP had flown away from
Bonn reported the use of a mixture of plaster of the grafting site and failed to set in the presence
Paris with a 5% solution of phenol in the treat- of blood. Pioletti and colleagues [44] confirmed
ment of defects in various bones in eight patients additional findings that showed that small partic-
[34]. After this initial trial, calcium sulfate was not ulate-sized calcium phosphate cements are phago-
reported to be used again until 1925. Since then, it cytized by macrophages and multinucleated giant
steadily grew in popularity and use for many cells. This process results in the accumulation of
years. Key features of this alloplast material in- calcium in the mitochondria and eventually leads
clude its biocompatibility, rapid resorption rate, to lysis and cell death. These findings concerning
and unique ability to stimulate osteogenesis [35]. the potential disadvantages of a-TCP–related cal-
An additional use for calcium sulfate is its re- cium phosphate cements cannot be ignored.
ported use as a binding and stabilizing agent b-TCPs have been in use for many years. Many
[36]. The matrix is osteoconductive, which leads features of this material make its use appealing.
to new vessel ingrowth and fibrous and osseous in- b-TCP shows great osteoconductive potential
growth. One critical feature is that the material because of its macroporosity (ranging from 1–
must be near viable periosteum or endosteum. 1000 mm), which leads to good bone ingrowth
After the graft is placed, it is resorbed over the [45]. Approximately 90% of this material is inter-
next 7 weeks through dissolution [37]. In 1981, connected void spaces [2]. b-TCP also bonds di-
Beeson [38] noted that calcium sulfate is normally rectly to bone, which facilitates healing [46]. The
resorbed concurrently with deposition of new healing of a b-TCP graft occurs in multiple phases.
autogenous cancellous bone. The first phase results in absorption of the host
Calcium phosphates do not possess osteogenic bone, which is followed by new bone apposition
or osteoinductive properties. They use their os- on the graft material. The next phase includes ab-
teointegrative property by the formation of hy- sorption of the graft material, with remodeling tak-
droxyapatite on the surface after the graft is ing place. Another feature of b-TCP is that no
placed [39]. These materials have a good history macrophages or giant cells are found during the
of biocompatibility with no reported foreign healing process [45]. Recent studies have focused
body reactions [40]. Examples of calcium phos- on creating biphasic TCPs composed of alpha and
phates include a- and b-TCP and hydroxyapatite. beta forms of TCP. The combination of the two
a-TCP is available in an injectable form (Norian- phases of TCP yields a material that is more biode-
SRS) combined with calcium carbonate and gradable that b-TCP alone [47].
monocalcium phosphate monohydrate. This mix- Synthetic hydroxyapatite, C10(PO4)6(OH)2,
ture is prepared and injected into the defect, at has been available for more than 30 years. It is
which time it hardens with minimal thermal gener- the primary mineral found in bone. Synthetic hy-
ation. Once hardened, this material yields a maxi- droxyapatite can be found as porous or nonpo-
mum compressive strength of approximately 55 rous and in ceramic or nonceramic forms. The
MPa, which is similar to the compressive strength ceramic forms are virtually nonresorbable,

occurring at a rate of 1% to 2% per year [33]. In multiple structures depending on the clinical need
block form, synthetic hydroxyapatite is hard to for defect repair. Synthetic substitutes create
shape, and it does not allow fibro-osseous in- a new avenue for clinicians to explore as adjuncts
growth [21]. These materials have been used to in surgical procedures. These materials may not
coat implants because of their great osteointegra- necessarily be used solely for reconstructive pro-
tive capabilities [48,49]. cedures, but when used in the right situations in
Composite grafts have developed a history of combination with autologous, allograft, or other
use over the last few decades as a material for use synthetics, the results have the potential for more
in repair of open alveolar clefts. Composite grafts desirable results. The future of bone graft sub-
are composed of autogenous corticocancellous stitutes will continue to expand with increasing
bone mixed with hydroxyapatite, collagen, blood, technologic advances, which allow us to better
and bacitracin powder [34]. Although this material understand bone healing, the role that factors such
has a history of high success, it is often overlooked as BMP, transforming growth factor, platelet-
by surgeons because of the development of newer derived growth factor, and others play in this
products. Nickel-titanium is currently being stud- process, and how to better induce these processes
ied as a material used in grafting because of its when desired. Researchers are steadily under-
good strength and elastic modulus properties. Un- standing materials better and learning how to
der nonloading conditions, good bone ingrowth manipulate those materials and harness the
can result using nickel-titanium with pore sizes of desired properties while removing the undesired
50 to 125 mm [50]. Another feature that is required properties to create ideal graft substitutes.
for bone ingrowth using metal implants is the need When bony reconstruction is presented to the
for interconnecting fenestrations that provide surgeon, many choices must be weighed before the
spacing for vascular tissue, which, in turn, allows proper graft material is chosen. The site of
for continued mineralization of the bone [51,52]. reconstruction, size of the defect to repair, objec-
Another synthetic material available is PepGen tives of the surgery, examination of the patient,
P-15 (Dentsply Friadent CeraMed, Lakewood, desires of the patient, and knowledge of graft
CO). PepGen P-15 is a peptide that is 15 amino materials are all factors that must be entertained
acids in length. It is identical to the 15 amino acid before the surgery begins. There are many options
sequence between 766 and 780 amino acids of type in graft materials from which to choose, all with
1 collagen’s a-1 chain [53,54]. This peptide is then advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of this
combined with anorganic bovine bone to yield information distinguishes a good surgeon from
a successful substitute with a multifocal approach a great surgeon.
to bone healing. The mineral content present in
the bovine bone provides a structure that is highly References
osteoconductive [11]. The P-15 is available to at-
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