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10 concepts that every programming language share:

1- Events: signal on that something has happend like refreshing page or clicking
on a button.
2- Comments
3- Print:allows to put things on screen, in Js DOM is used (document.write())
4- Variables: storage location, holding info that passed into program, can be
changed, manipulated in computer program.
5- Concatenation: putting things together: two strings into a variable.
6- Data Types: in JS there are Primitives and Objects, Primitive Data types are:
Bollean, null, undefined, strings, numbers, symbol, ##bgint(new one)##
7- Functions: it is a section of program that perform a specific task using one
or more program statements and optionally return a value.
8- Conditionals: allow for different scenarios so that one piece of code can
result in several different results depends on whether a specified boolean
condition is true or false.
9- Arrays: it is a data structure used to store multiple values in a single
10- Debugging: about identifying and problem solving issues in code so that
software runs properly.

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