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Name :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Grade :………

Last name :…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Section :……….

I. Observa y responde cada pregunta planteada de la siguiente imagen mostrada de un salón de



a) Where is the blackboard?

It’s on the wall._

b) Where is the clock?

c) Where is the pencil?

d) Where is the laptop?

e) Where is the cat?

II. Completa en los espacios en blanco con las preposiciones que corresponden: in, on, at
a) I live _in_ a house.
b) We will meet 5:00 pm.
c) My birthday is May 5th.
d) The last Olympics were held 2012.
e) I usually study Sundays.
f) My books were this table, where did they go?
g) They left 9:00 am.
h) We met the park.
i) I like taking a nap the afternoon.
j) It rains a lot spring.
III. Observa el plano de ubicación de los estudiantes y responde:

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