Essays With Quotes 2nd Year

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English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early

medieval England. The word English derives from the eponym Angle, the
name of a Germanic tribe thought to originate from the Angeln area of
Jutland, now in northern Germany.


Make a mind which never Minds.

Make a heart which never Hurts.

1. Introduction
2. Description of College Life
3. Admission in the College
4. Arrival at the College
5. Ragging by Senior Students
6. Assembly and Principal Address
7. Pre-Break Periods
8. During and Post-Break Activities
9. Conclusion


Cowper said,
"What peaceful hours, I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still!"
Sweet memories are like sweet smelling flowers grown on the strenuous path of life.

Though they change life into a blooming and blaming garden, genuine wisdom is
usually showered on us from the dark clouds of painful past. The man who learn
nothing from his perturbing past should expect nothing from fragrant future because:
"What is bitter to bear may be rosy to remember."
My first day at college is a memorable experience of my life. No doubt, it is also a bit
bitter experience but it will ever shine in my mind‟s eye like a smiling tear. It is marked
with excitement, nervousness and fears.

It is well said;
If there are dreams to sell,
Happy and sad to tell

2 Which one would you bell?

Dreams of future are always more beautiful and charming than the realities of today.
As soon, as I appeared in my matriculation examination, I started thinking of the free
independent and interesting life of college. My elder brother used to tell me that life
in a college is more a fun than a serious effort to get education. A college is a place
for making friends. This description of life was in sharp contrast to the school life, which
I had seen for ten years. So-called discipline at school had bored me and the attitude
of teachers in making us feel that they knew everything on earth had developed a
positive hatred for the school life in me. That is why I was dreaming of college life.

At last, the result of the Matriculation Examination was declared and I came out with
flying colours. I decided to seek admission to Government College. Therefore, I
submitted the admission forms. After ten days, I was informed that I had been granted
admission. I went to the college to deposit dues. I was nervous and afraid. Surprisingly
enough, many of students‟ organizations were welcoming the new comers and
guiding them very kindly and compassionately. I was happy and satisfied. Our classes
were to start on 18th August. I was feeling proud of being collegiate.

As someone said:
"College days are the most beautiful and charming day of one's life."

After a long anxious wait, I got admission in college. My first day at college is so fresh
in my memory that is seems to be a quite recent event. It never seems to be an
incident that happened years ago. 18th August was a beautiful day with a light
monsoon rain. I got up early in the morning, took bath and offered my prayers.
Meanwhile, my mother prepared breakfast for me. I hurriedly took my breakfast and
came to bus station where I met my friends.

About college life someone has said;

"A new world of freedom.... A new world of learning."
I with my friends reached the college. We all were wearing white suits and were
swelled with a great pride. We were talking noisily, singing joyfully and walking vividly.
The first day at the college was considered an important one because there used to
be ragging in the college. The seniors would make the new comers to indulge in
strange actions. As someone said;
“Seniors always approach juniors with an air of superiority.”
As we entered the college, we met a few seniors who were approaching us with an air
of superiority. They were larger in number so they made us to subdue immediately.
Then they asked us to do strange things like singing ridiculous songs and doing monkey
pranks. The sense of self-dignity in me did not allow me to act according to their wishes
until they forced me to obey their orders. I felt a little humiliated but took it sportingly.
Later on we came across a few more groups of the seniors but we were able to outwit
them somehow or other.

Luckily, there appeared our principal to our rescue. He asked the students to gather in
the assembly area where he would address us. We went to assembly ground. The
assembly started with Name of Allah, and then there is a Naat. After it, the principal
addressed the students and advised them not to take part in politics at college and
pay full attention to their studies. As it is said by Edward Evert:
"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."
The principal advised us to try our best to achieve our goals. He delivered an
introductory speech about college. Moreover, he also told us about the rules and
regulations of the college. He also asked us not to forget the school discipline in
college because:
"A disciplined nation makes a country strong."
His speech acted on us very much and we promised him to act upon his advice.
Afterwards, a professor guided us about the college time and classrooms.

We went to the class. Our first period was of Biology. We went to the classroom and set
on the chairs. A professor entered the classroom; we stood up to greet him. He took
our roll call and entered the names of the students in his attendance register. He did
not teach us but advised us about our future life. He addressed that we should not
misuse the liberty here rather we should make full use of the opportunity to achieve our
end. He spoke to us very frankly, much different from the schoolteachers. As one said:
"Life in a college full of confidence but deprived of scariness."

Afterwards we moved to another room where our Islamiat professor came in. He

delivered his lecture on the importance of Islamic education. He told us much about
Islam and the orders of Allah Almighty on us. He also told us about the reward of the
Muslim and a Momin in a life hereafter. That was the first time, I came to know, how
we are wasting our time in this deceiving world. The professor‟s advice made its way
to my heart and I decided to shun all the bad habits.

After that, our chemistry professor entered the room. He explained us the importance

of chemistry in our lives and described the best way to understand it. He delivered his
lecture on basic concepts of chemistry. I realized for first time that chemistry is not as
much difficult as our elders said. There is a break after Chemistry class and I with my
friends went to the cafe area. I also went to the playground but no one made the first
year students to participate in any sports, as it was our first day.

As the break is over, we get a games period but my friends and I went to the library
where the librarian explained us how library plays an important role in our lives. He

said that library is an essential part of every educational institution. This is because
course books cannot be sufficient for a comprehensive education of students. They
must study a variety of reading material to have a good knowledge of the world and
wider outlook of life. That is why the students are always advised by the teachers to
go to their college library whenever they get free time.
Bacon goes so far as to say,
“Libraries, which are as the shrines where all the relics of the ancient saints full of true
virtue are preserved and reposed.”

There came the physics period. Our professor was engaged somewhere due to which

he could not come to our class. After that, the English professor entered the room. He
was a little bit strict. He delivered his lecture on parts of speech explaining nouns and
pronouns. The last period‟s bell rung and our Urdu professor came to the class. He just
described us the rules and regulations for studying the subject of Urdu.

"Impressive are the lectures in college if attended attentively."

I enjoyed all the lectures of my professors. During shifting of classes from one room to
another, the senior students also came to make “first year fools” of us. They welcomed
the new comers with funny comments.

12 "The mould of man's fortune is in his own hand."

The college bell rung, we left the class, shook hands with one another and departed.
Unfortunately, our seniors again caught us but that time they did not boxed, pinched
or kicked us. Moreover, they did not sprinkled ink on us. However, they came to
apologize for their bad behaviour during the whole day. We were very happy to see
that and satisfied. We forgave them and became friends.

After that, I took a bus. When I was quite near my home, a speeding car passed by
and drenched me in muddy water. My neat and clean uniform had changed into
muddy one. My impressions of that day are still fresh in my memory. I found a
considerable difference between school life and that of college. I concluded that
liberty or freedom must not be misused at all. As Robert Green said:
"Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.”
I got socked in the muddy water. I shall never forget these sweet memories.

1. Introduction
2. Definition of Library and its Kinds
3. Kinds of Libraries
4. Our College Library
5. Arrangement of Library
6. Collection of Books
7. Library Staff and Members
8. Library – A Friend
9. Advantages of Library
10. Conclusion


As acquirement of knowledge depends mostly on reading. Man has to read as

necessarily as he has to eat. It adds to what he has already learnt and makes him

strong and fit for rude battle of life. But for financial difficulties most of the persons who
are keen on reading cannot purchase the books they need to read. Hence, it arises
the importance of libraries. Had there been no libraries such persons would have been
deprived of their reading. The teachers and the students would be badly affected if
their institutions had no libraries of their own. It is well-said by Ray Bradbury:
“Without libraries what we have? We have no past and no future.”

About a library, college opinion is

"The true university of these days is a collection of books."
Bacon goes so far as to say,

“Libraries, which are as the shrines where all the relics of the ancient saints full of true
virtue are preserved and reposed.”
The root meaning of library is a room or building containing collection of books for
reading. But as there are now circulating or travelling libraries in many countries, the
world has undergone a change in its meaning. By word now indicated a collection of
books for reading or reference. As it is rightly said:
“To build up a library is to create a life. It‟s never just a random collection of books.”
Library plays an important role in life of a nation. It is the treasure-house of knowledge,
wisdom, experience, secrets of success and suggestions for betterment. Popular
libraries reflect the fertile mind of a nation. Library is a parcel part of life. There are main
three kinds of libraries i.e., personal, public and institutional library. A personal library is
one which belongs to a private person, generally of sufficient means. Such libraries
grow out of such person‟s taste for knowledge. But these libraries contain books on
some particular subject or subjects. A public library is one which is set up for public. In
order to cater to the taste and interest of all classes of people, a public library has to
contain different books on different subjects. An institutional library is one which is set
up in a certain institution for the students or the teachers or staff. Such libraries are built
on small scale. But they can guide students and teachers about recent knowledge
and happiness in the world. It is said:
“A library is the delivery room for birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.”

Library is an important part of a college. A library can exist without a college but a

college cannot exist without a library. Hence, we are lucky to have an excellent
library in our college. It is the central block of the college and is easily accessible to all
the students of all the classes. It consists of a hall, three reading rooms, a video spot,
fifty reading cabins and a big hall for reading newspapers, journals and magazines.
“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.”

Book cases are stalled along the two walls. Two rows of cabinets are also stalled in the
middle of the hall that divides it into two parts. There are reading cabinets along the
walls. The students sit there in isolation and study the books without outside
interference. There are also fine catalogue cabinets. Each cabinet contains a list of
more than two thousand books. Books in various shelves have been arranged
alphabetically. Most of the new students are confused because they are unable to
find the book of their interest. It is the library attendant who helps all the students as he
knows about almost all the books. It is well-said:
“If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.”

There are two grassy lawns in front of library. Beautiful plants and sweet smelling
flowers in the lawn make the atmosphere fragrant. The fountains in the lawns keep
them fresh and green. Our college library is rich with new and old, costly and rare
books on Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture, Ethics, Poetry and Fiction and on plays in

English, Urdu, Punjabi and Persian. To right there are books on fiction, poetry and
history. To the front, there are books on Islamic education and research. Reference
books, encyclopedias and atlases are closed to the chair of librarian. One half of the
building is meant for books and other half for students to sit there and study. In one
corner, the newspapers, magazines, and journals are placed on the table. The
students read and compare them. As they cannot afford to purchase all the
newspapers and magazines, only the library satisfies their needs.
“Libraries raised me.” – Ray Bradbury
Library staff contains a librarian, a clerk and a peon. The librarian sits in his small but
grand and well-furnished room. He issues membership cards to the students and also
issues books on them on demand. A student can borrow one or two books at one time
and can keep with him for a week. Reference books, periodicals and encyclopedias

cannot be issued. They can be consulted in the library. Our librarian is a well-read
person. He is a great lover of books and works with devotion. He guides the students in
the selection of books. Our principal inspects the library regularly and persuades the
students to develop the taste and passion for learning. The internet facility is also
available in the library. The photocopy machine is also present there for quick access
to copying. Our librarian equips the library with rare and precious books. It is said by the
American Library Association:
“When you absolutely positively have to know, ask a librarian.”

I have also issued a library membership card. When the card was given to me I was
very happy and excited. I usually visit library to issue books related to my subjects. I
usually issue books like organic chemistry, zoology, botany, and historical book. I

8 usually go to library in my free periods and read stories, Islamic and encyclopedias
books. These books add much in my knowledge. These books are donated by Asia
foundation. These are the best books in the library. The quality of pages is also good. I
read them to enhance my knowledge. I have also donated few books to my college
library and I like to do it. It is said;
“A library is a place where you can lose your innocence without losing your virginity.”

Our college library is also a central part for students and teachers. Students read
books, magazines, newspapers and use encyclopedia. Teachers usually in their free
periods sit and read books of different subjects to enhance their knowledge and to

keep in touch with latest research and knowledge. Many students issue speech and
debates books and prepare for debate and speech competition. They also issue
famous writer‟s and authur‟s books to study their life. They usually sit and get the
material for their learning. Most senior students sit to study different subjects while junior
students go for stories and other interesting books. I usually explore for finding a book of
my interest. It is said:
“Nothing is pleasant than exploring a library.”

Our college library is a good friend of mine. I know about almost every book, their
shelves and place of arrangement. Our college library is indeed a best friend of mine.

I usually go to library when I am tired and sit in the company of books. I feel happy
and safe in the company of books. The books have become my best friend. They do
not complain nor do they demand. I like these qualities of books. They just help us in
our life. Therefore, I usually go the library when I am tired and feel lonely. Neil Gaiman
“Libraries are our friends.”
Our college library is the biggest library of any institution than ever before. Therefore,
the other colleges come to visit our college library. They come and get inspire of our
library. They praise our librarian and the efforts of college to maintain it. Different
outsiders come to study books and to amuse themselves. The principal of our college
has fixed a day for visitors. The teachers of other colleges take great benefit of our
library. But the principal has not issued cards to them. They can only sit and read there.
Therefore, I love my library and I am proud of being its member.

Libraries are not only meant for the serious researchers but also for the ordinary
individual- the growing child, busy house wives and active business man , the diplomat,

the solider, and the manager. Libraries attract people to read and thus create the
habit reading and stimulate the thirst for more and more knowledge. The internet
facility in our library also helps them to get aware of facts and to confirm the facts. The
facility of photocopying has also facilitated us to take copies of important notes and
points. People who cannot issue books take the copies of important notes.
“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answer.”

In short, library is a great gift for the students. It is like a dining hall furnished with all

kinds of dishes. It is like a well- kept garden which provides mental sustenance to
everyone. It is the best resort for those who want to learn, enjoy, refresh and improve
themselves. Moreover, colleges should struggle to maintain their libraries and also to
improve them because it really a great work for humanity.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

1. Introduction
2. Difference between School and College Life
3. Environment of Freedom and Liberty
4. College Education – A Safeguard of Liberty
5. College – A Place for Adopting Good Habits
6. Societies and Clubs for Student Council
7. Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
8. Failures and Lazy Bluffers
9. Conclusion


Memories are magical and precious, and so are hopes. To the young imagination of a
schoolboy the very word college is wonderful and fascinating. It gives him delightful
moments of dreaming. College is a place of learning and enlightenment. Every school-
going student dreams enjoying himself of the college life to his fill. His dreams are not
mere illusions because the college develops his personality manifold. That is why; the
words “No knowledge without college" always regain on the lips of the collegiates. The
very word college is a magical in its nature. It fills the mind with beautiful images,
hopes, dreams and ideas. As the newcomer enters the college gate, his heart swells
up with pride and self-respect and his mind fills with beautiful images, hopes and ideas.
He feels stupefied being so near the paradise of his fancies. That is why Charles
Churchill is constrained to pronounce:
"And solid learning never falls
The verge of college walls.”

The very first pleasure that a student enjoys at college is the difference that he finds

between college life and school life. In school, the rod of the teacher always hangs
heavy on the student's head. He attends the classes with a sense of oppression and
depression. He has no opinion of his own. It is the teacher who decides and
determines his fate. On the contrary, the college provides him complete freedom
and he can move about and act freely. He feels independent to think and do
anything he likes. The professors are very friendly who try to develop his self-respect
and inculcate in him the qualities of great people. As it is well said;
“Impressive are the lectures in college if attended attentively.”

About college life someone has said;

"A new world of freedom.... A new world of learning."
When a student begins to attend classes, he feels a surprising change in himself. He

experiences bliss everywhere. His ego finds free play. There are no restrictions in the
college. There is no compulsion of attending the classes or of preparing the lessons.
There is no fear of rebukes and beatings. Offences are either overlooked or punished
with appeal to the student's good sense. He is treated like a gentleman whether he is
in the classroom or office or library or laboratory. All these things make him believe that
he is in a land of freedom and dignity. However, someone said;
“Liberty and freedom must not be misused at all.”

Edward Everest said;

“Education is better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.”
In the academic sphere, there prevails the atmosphere of a garden where every
young man can get the knowledge of his choice. There are experienced professors

with specialized knowledge of their respective subjects. To aid this, there is the college
library with its vast reading room. A large number of books on every topic provide the
students a scholarly atmosphere. He comes out of the narrow cell and develops
contacts with renowned authors. He comes to know that there is a vast world of so
many books. He can study them and enrich his knowledge. His outlook is broadened,
vision is widened and wisdom is sharpened. He is enabled to read and think,
formulate opinions and express them for himself. As Robert Green said;
“Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.”

The college moulds and shapes the students character. It teaches him manner
and etiquettes. It teaches him how to speak gently, dress decently and behave

decorously. It develops his sense of humour and love of beauty. It removes from him
vulgarity and coarseness. It helps him to grow into a fine gentleman. It teaches him
how to lead others and gain supremacy over them. The student learns how to use and
protect his freedom. He learns self-help and co-operation with others. He gains
firsthand knowledge of the value of friendship. A wise man says:
"College teaches the future and builds character."

College life is also pleasurable for providing a large company of likeminded young

men of the same age and of similar interests. You can have the acquaintance of a
large number of college fellows, belonging to different families, having different
temperaments, qualities, habits, manners, etc. You are free to make new friends, and
to learn and adopt what is good in others. That is why a student becomes more
polished after entering the college so that his dress and manners improve remarkable.
His timidity shyness disappears, and he starts asserting himself. Such healthy influences
on the mind of a young man prove decisive in moulding his future career and outlook
of life. He is learning all the time, not only from books but also from his teachers
and fellow-students .If he happens to stay-at college hostel, then this process of self-
education becomes more wide and deep. Every college has a student‟s union,
which holds election to its various offices every year. It serves as a platform for their
political training and to produce the qualities of leadership in them. It is well said:
“College days are the most beautiful and charming day of one‟s life.”

There are various societies and clubs to sharpen the latently faculties of the student.
The debating society motivates the student to come to the stage and face the
audience. He gets rid of shyness and develops a sense of confidence. The college

magazine provides him chances to express his inner self. His intellectual power is
developed and literary taste is created in him. Competitions of article writing give him
impulse to write for himself. Moreover, literary meetings, social gatherings, dramatic
societies and performances contribute a lot to the enrichment of his mind. All these
activities are a part of fun, pleasure, entertainment and enjoyment. These inoculate
the students with a sense of thrill and fervour. A wise man says:
"College is like a fountain of knowledge and the students are there to drink."

The college athletics and sports add much to the pleasure of the student. He does

not remain a bookworm. He participates in games and sports, which are perennial
fountains of health and vitality. Many of the great sportsmen of the world are the
product of college playgrounds. That's why, it is said:
"College football is a sport that bears the same relation to education that bullfighting
does to agriculture."

Shakespeare has rightly said that

"There is nothing either good and bad but thinking makes it so."

The same quote may be applied to those who spoil themselves in college. They are
absorbed in the intoxicating fancies of college life. They go beyond their basic aim
and are distracted from the real objective. They go astray and fall a victim to
aimlessness. They should keep their eyes and mind open in order to learn and enjoy the
real pleasures of college life i.e. academic. If a student knows his rights and duties, he
can enjoy the pleasures of college as well as can get position in his examination.

According to Herbert Edwin Hawkes;

“There exist some of the boys who do not reach their natural academic boundary
during the course of their college career, but who fail to get through, there are two
main classes: those who try, and those who do not try.”
From the students who try but fail, nervous habits are the main reasons of their failure.
They attempt seriously to make good, and really have the native ability to do so, but
find it almost impossible to sit at a desk and concentrate on the tasks assigned.
Secondly, the mistaken ambition becomes the cause of their failure when parents
compelled them to study selected subjects. If the student thinks that, he can float
through college with as little effort as he does through school then he is the most
pitiable object among all our failures. The question of poor mental or physical health
also caused number of failures. Few of our students of finest character and excellent
ability are undergoing the financial pressure, which causes detriment to their health
as well as education.

There are always a goodly number of undergraduates whose heads are turned and
whose judgement is perverted by the attractiveness of athletic sports and so called
literary activity. All of these features of college life have their place, and should receive
the support of those students who are interested in them. In my experience, the
awakening of a clear judgement as to what the college is for is not as difficult as is
often supposed. If a boy is too much interested in these sideshows, he ought to get out
of the main tent and become professional. However, most of them really are not, and
if reasoned with by a friend who knows youth and understands the importance of the
college opportunity, they will not allow themselves to be swept off their feet by

A few lazy bluffers drift into college and usually drift out again. Most of them have not
found any serious interest in life, and some of them never will. It is usually wise to let

12 them retire to the cold world for a reason and find out by experience how much
demand there is for a lazy bluffer. Sometimes they learn their lesson and return to do
first-rate work. However, the burden of proof is always on them to show that they are

The student learns self-respect, sportsmanship and respect for rules. He learns how to
help the needy, the injured and the helpless. He becomes a balanced person. He is
upright and honest. He maintains his ego does not hurt anyone‟s feelings. He learns

self-confidence, self-sacrifice, self-control self-discipline self-restraint. He becomes a
useful member of society. Moreover, a college gives the student a passport to the
domain at largest. As a high, he earns a cultural distinction, an athlete ability and a
interpersonal standing. Our college lifetime will transfer equivalent a grateful
woolgather. However, I module ever retrieve those joyous moments, pleasures and
activities of college lifetime. Cowper well said;
“What peaceful hours, I once enjoyed! How sweet their memories still!”

1. Introduction
2. Cities of Pakistan
3. Pakistani Culture and Traditions
4. Life Style of Citizens
5. Cities Court and Affairs
6. Amusements of city dwellers
7. Advantages and Drawbacks of Cities
8. Difference between City and Village Life
9. Responsibility of Citizens
10. Conclusion


“God made the village and man made the city.”

City and village life have its own attractions and pleasures. But it is often said that life in
city is charming and attractive. Every human wishes comfort and enjoyment in life. Life

in a city seems luxurious and it has unique charms. Every human wish to make progress
in life. They want to be advance in life. They want to enjoy their lives. In the past,
people used to live in villages in natural beauty. However, with the passage of time,
man has become greedier of success and comfort. He wants to change his style of
living. He wants to progress in life. There is competition among the people to make
money and enjoy luxurious life. Therefore, every year thousands of villagers shift to city
to lead a comfort life.

A person from the rural area may find himself lost in a big city. Life in a city looks
attractive and glamorous. People are progressive. They are constantly keeping

abreast with the developments in the world and even the government takes care to
see that the big cities begin to look like any other big city in the world. There is a great
hustle and bustle in cities. Life in cities has its unique comforts but it seems tough. There
are grand buildings, banks post offices, schools, banks and many recreational places
in cities. The life is very easy in cities. There is always rushing of vehicles on the roads
and the roads are flooded with people. All necessities of life are available in cities.
Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Peshawar and Multan are some of
the big cities of Pakistan. These cities of Pakistan are thickly populated. About 62% of
our population lives in cities. They enjoy and work. Mostly people do jobs but some run

their own business. Some people work in government offices and some do job in
private institutions. They go to job in the morning and return to their homes in the
evening. In evening, they amuse themselves in parks, restaurants and snack bars.
Pakistani cities reflect the real picture of Pakistan. A Pakistani city is epitome of
Pakistani culture. The houses are well built. The roads are kept clean and are paved
and well drained. There are no wandering animals in the streets. They are kept far
away from population. City dwellers lead a happy and luxurious life.

Different people in cities have different nature of job. Some do business while others

do jobs. Men go to job early in the morning. Most women do job but some are
housewives. They send their children to school, do house work and make launch and
dinner for their family. The children go to school. After the school time, they enjoy and
relax. They usually go to parks, cafes and recreational places. It is rightly said:
“Recreation is not only joy but need of a man.”

There are courts in cities to resolve the issues and other affairs. The city dwellers bring

their cases and disputes to the judge of the court who settles the issue on the basis of
witnesses. Everybody is given justice while culprits are warned and are given severe
punishments and fines. Hence, these courts work for the welfare of people and
promote justice. A wise man said:
“The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.”

People living in big cities enjoy many facilities of life. There are many recreation
centers in a big city. Zoo, museum, historical buildings, gardens and shopping centers

6 are the salient features of a big city. In weekends, people go for outings. They go to
beach, cafes and clubs. The marriages are major source of recreation for women.
They go to marriages late at night and enjoy there. The ceremony starts late at night
and ends in the early morning. People meet each, sit together and share the
beautiful moments of bride and groom.

Someone said;
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and
only when, they are created by everybody.”

There are many advantages of being a city dweller. The life is full of facilities. There are
clubs, universities, industrial centers and public parks. Conveyance is available all the
time. Usually the houses are electrified. Nearly every house contains water connection.
Every big city has a drainage system. The streets, roads and drains are washed and
cleaned regularly. Health departments take care of the health of the people. Besides
this, the streets and roads are always well-lighted. There is always hustle and bustle of
life in the streets and bazaars of a big city.
Nearly all necessities of life are available. Fresh vegetables, fruits and meat can be
had all the time. In a big city a man can earn his living very easily. The jobless people
can work on daily wages. They can work as labourers in factories and mills. In cities,

8 the problem of unemployment is solved to a great extent. There are proper medical
facilities in the city. The patients are given proper medical care. They are treated in
hospitals. The shops remain open until late at night. The city dwellers can even visit
parks at other places at night.
It is said:
“Cities have always offered anonymity, variety, and conjunction.”

But we must keep in mind that all glitters is not gold. So let us look at the other side of
the picture. There are many advantages of living in a city. But the disadvantages are
even more than advantages. There is always a mad rush of life and traffic in a big city.
Some streets are narrow and they are always full of great noise. Many people fall a
prey to road accidents due rash driving of youngsters. A few of them are crushed to
death. People live like strangers in well-built houses. They do not know about their
neighbours. Selfishness is a common trait of people. There is no co-operation and
sincerity among the people. Always there is great rush of people in shopping centers.
So many crimes are committed. Children are kidnapped, thefts are committed,
pockets are picked and people are robbed. Cinemas and clubs spoil the character of
young boys and girls.

“We are in danger of making our cities places where business goes on but where life,
in its real sense, is lost.”
Another big growing problem faced by the citizens of the city is the frequent power
breakdowns. Every other day, Pakistan Electric Supply Corporations cuts down the
electric supply without notice. It has become a great hurdle for industries and

10 professionals in order to use electric machinery for their work. Disturbance and
shortage of water supply is also a cause of discomfort among the citizens. Sometimes,
the dirty and unfiltered water becomes a major factor in food poisoning, which
usually takes place on celebrations, when demand of water in the city increases. Any
measure to improve the supply of filtered water has also not been adopted by the
government. Problems due to improper drainage system are also becoming a matter
of concern among the people. We have malaria, cholera and dysentery still
destroying our children because such things exist.

Bomb blasts and firings at public spots are resulting in great loss of human life. The
terrorists deserve no less than capital punishment. It is the duty of the police to intensify

their investigation to stop such activities. Mills and machines work incessantly. People
cannot sleep at night because of the din and noise of these machines. These
machines emit smoke and pungent smell. The city is always covered with clouds of
smoke, which pollute the air. Nothing pure is available. Everything is adulterated.
Cheating and fraud are the order of the day.
There is a world of difference between cities and villages. Villagers have advantages
cannot have in cities. Fresh air, simple living and beautiful natural surroundings make
village life very attractive. Everything is fresh. There is no smoke or dust and so no
suffocation. The villagers spend most of their time in open fields in fresh air. Therefore,

12 they enjoy happy and sound life. The villagers help each other. The villagers enjoy
weather. Summer and winter have their own marvels. Fairs, festivals and marriages are
the special occasions for rejoicing and merry-making.
“Happiness is what you make it.”
Although, there are no clubs and cinemas but villagers spend most of their time
walking in open fields. However, villagers are devoid of modern facilities.

Now days, some cities even look like villages. This is the result of negligence of people
and carelessness of authorities. Our country is very beautiful. The cities are the asset
of Pakistan. But unfortunately, we are destroying our cities. We should be careful
about our act. We should not destroy our country by polluting our cities. It is not only

the responsibility of authorities to keep the cities clean. Their duty is to punish the
violator of law. However, it is our duty to keep cities clean and throe garbage in
dustbins. We should clean our streets regularly. We should not throw our household
waste and other refuse into the streets. However, it is not mean that authorities are
free from this duty. They should punish the violators and should charge fines. The
violator should be taken to jail and should be given severe punishments. Only then,
our country will prosper in a better way.
“Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

Despite all these, the city still holds our interest as it promises a life of action and
progress. There are unlimited opportunities. Any one, who wants to, can grab these

14 opportunities and improve their lifestyle. Overall, after comparing and contrasting the
merits and demerits of life in a big city, we conclude that its merits are greater than its
demerits if laws are obeyed. That is why; everybody is attracted to the jingle jangle in
the big city.

What is Science?
Blessings of Science
 Electricity and Electronic Devices
 Travelling
 Better Control of Diseases and Sanitary Conditions
 Better Food and Attitudes
4. Evils of Science
5. Conclusion


In the early stages of civilization, man used to be scared of the natural forces like
thunder, storm and lightning. He used to worship every object of nature like sky, earth,

trees, air, sun and moon and even animals were worshipped. It was because man
could not understand the natural phenomenon. He was, dependent on nature. Today,
man has increased his knowledge and so has his power. The moon and other objects
no longer fills man with fear. The earth has few secrets that are not known to man until

The word science derives from the Latin word "scientia" meaning knowledge.
According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is;
"Science is knowledge attained through study or practice, or knowledge covering

general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through
scientific method and concerned with the physical world."
Science has been classified into two major fields i.e. natural sciences including
physics, chemistry, geology and biological sciences including anatomy, botany,
zoology. Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses
observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
All of us have benefited greatly from science in solving problems such as those dealing
with the maintenance of health, the production and preservation of foods, the
construction of our homes, and the improvement in communication and

transportation. Science has revolutionized so far that it has not only changed our way
of living, but people themselves have also been changed. Today we are better able
to explain happenings, which used to be considered strange and mysterious. Now we
are generally, more critical in our thinking and less fearful than our ancestors were.
Impact of science on humanity is undeniable. On the face of it, science and its
inventions appear to be an unalloyed blessing. However, if we ponder a little,
disturbing signs too appear. It is well said:
"Society Lives by faith, and develops by science."

Marshall McLuhan said:

“New electronic interdependence recreates village in the image of global village.”

Scientific studies have revolutionized everything. Electricity is one of the many gifts of
scientific invention. All one has to do is to press a button and the room gets
brightened up, the fans give refreshing air, an air conditioner turns the room into a hill
resort. Various kinds of machines are working by using electricity: room-heaters, ovens
cooking ranges and several other household appliances. Big industrial units and
factories, which produce countless things of our daily use, are running on electricity.

“Science is the sky which unlocks for mankind the storehouse of nature.”
The progress in information technology is greater than most other blessings of science.
This is the age of information technology in which computers are used to spread out
maximum information and knowledge all around the world instantly. Because of the
rapid development in the field of information technology, the whole world is in our
pocket. We can talk to our kith and kin at thousands of miles away from us with the
help of modern scientific devices like telephone, mobile phone; wireless, etc. internet is
the fastest mode of communication. It is of the immense utility in the field of
entertainment. Someone has said:
“In front of my tastes and the exploration of the nature,
Oh! Elements of my heart and the liver trembles”
Through the facility of Internet now man can get access to the latest information about
the happenings of the world. In this modern era, we can also send messages and
emails to different parts of the country and even to all corners of the world within a few
seconds. On the television, we cannot only hear the voices but also can see what is
being telecast. However, the revolutionary changes in the field of information
technology have made the whole world a global village.

Doctor Allama Muhammad Iqbal said:
“Whatever the eye is seeing cannot be described by the lips. I am lost in amazement
as to what the world will become!”
Miracles of science have made travel a luxury. There are various modes of traveling
available to us. We can travel by railway trains, motor cars, buses, steamers etc. The
aero plane has brought different countries quite close to one another. Within a few
hours, we can travel thousands of miles and reach different corners of the world.
Hence, all the nations of the world have become one family i.e. global village. The
world has really become small. The bicycles, motor- cycles, ships and Jumbo jets of
the twentieth century are the beautiful gifts of science.

Anton Chekhov said:

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
Science has revolutionized the field of medicine and surgery by improving the control
of disease and better treatment. In past, small pox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet
fever, yellow fever, malaria, typhus, cholera, typhoid fever and influenza became the

hosts of community. Life was at great risk. A person that had lived through the age of
more than thirty was considered a lucky one. Now the science has explored the ways
for better prevention, treatment and control of disease. All these diseases have
marked their boundaries. Surgery can remove tumors, discovery of antibiotics has
made the cure of infectious diseases, open-heart surgery and treatment of even
cancer have become a possibility and immunity against certain diseases can be
ensured with the help of vaccination. Atomic energy is being used to cure diseases like
cancer; radioactive isotopes are increasingly used for this purpose. Today, we are on
the verge of cloning of different species.

Someone has said:

"Every morning is a time of new changing colours
Each evening a new stage facing the heart "
Hygienic conditions were at great risk a century age. All the household garbage was

8 thrown in narrow, unpaved, bumpy, and poor drained city though which animal
wandered feeding upon them. Toilets were out door and water for drinking purposes
was contaminated as it came from wells used for draining of human wastes. Bucket
system was common. Now by the blessings of science, streets are paved and well
drained. It is against law to throw garbage outside. Disposal plants are working for
making sewage less toxic. Hygienic conditions are improved as better control of
diseases is developed. Water is purified and carried to houses through aqueducts.

As Julia Child said:

“People who love to eat are the best people.”
By using science, we have learned that it is useful to eat many kind of foods. It is also

true that people who lived a century age probably enjoyed eating as much as we do
today but they could not have as many different kinds of food. They preserved their
homegrown vegetables and fruits by canning, pickling and drying. Salting, drying and
freezing preserved meats. However, no method had been discovered for preservation
of seafood yet. Now quick-freeze, dehydration, selecting, grading and processing
foods have removed the risk of poising from canned food. Removal of water from milk,
eggs, potatoes and apples has proved a practical method of food preservation.
Bill Gates have said:
“The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.”
The use of computers and super computers has further revolutionized our life and
work with the dawn of scientific era, the barriers of the nations are crumbling fast and
the international living and interaction are very much in sight. Nations and countries

have come closer and isolation has been eliminated. A new composite culture
marked with greater tolerance and understanding, and secularism is now assured. In
a sense, science has unified the world and reduced differences in outlook and
thinking. By removing many superstitions and blind beliefs, modern science has
inculcated scientific temper and spirit in man to great extent. Because of science
and technology there has been tremendous progress in the fields of industry,
commerce and human resources development as well. Consequently, there is a new
world economic order in sight and the gaps between the developed and developing
countries are being reduced.

However, if in certain respects science has proved as a blessing, it has also acted as a
curse in certain fields. It has not given a man peace of mind yet. Our industries are
producing chemicals, which at the same time produces the highly poisonous smoke.
Chemical refuse is another big problem. Our environment is going to be badly polluted
Internet also proves destructive in various modes. It is a double-edged weapon. Mostly
the students are seen busy in playing Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc. In this age of
progress and prosperity, science has made man dependent on machines, which
made him a mechanical device. John Boyd Orr said:
“Science has produced such powerful weapons that in a war between great powers
there would be neither victor nor vanquished. Both would be overwhelmed in
During the World War II, millions of people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when
the USA dropped atom bombs over them in 1945. Due to production of missiles and
weapons, man was never as insecure as he is today.

Human values have been pushed in the background and man has become more
selfish, cruel, sensual, violent and destructive. There is no more simple living and high
thinking. But let us hope that ultimately wisdom prevails and science is used more and
more for the benefit of mankind. However, it is not easy to differentiate whether

12 science is a boon or bane. Nevertheless, in reality there is no wrong with science. No

doubt, it is man‟s greatest achievement. As Shakespeare said:
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
Science is such a knowledge that can be turned into either a blessing or curse.
However, man should always use science for the promotion of peace and happiness
of humanity. It should never be used for destructive purposes.

1. Introduction
2. Definition of Ideal Student
3. Education and Four “S” {Service, Skill, Sport, Study}
4. Qualities of Ideal Student
 Educational Qualities
 Professional Qualities
 Executive Qualities
 Intellectual Qualities
 Qualities of Personality
5. Conclusion


“The child is the father of the man.”

He who is a student today will be a responsible citizen tomorrow. Childhood is a stage

of formation of character. A child is sent to the school for essential training for his future
life. Educational school or college is a place where a student learns the value of
discipline in life. Here he is under the direct training and control of his teachers who
appraise his talent and guide him in his studies and in the improvement of his habits.
Here he is given the shape of a perfect human being who has to face the world in

In this training ground, all efforts are made to mould a student's life into an ideal

character so that he may not have any problem in his later life. He is praised for his
good work, and punished for his folly. Thus he comes to know what is good and what
is bad in this world. When this sense in him is properly developed, he becomes as ideal
student. He can prove himself to be honest, obedient and bold in his character.

An ideal student is someone who is thirsty for knowledge. Such a student will not be
distracted in class. After all him, is what every teacher desires. Someone has said true;
“Young men and young women are the wealth of a nation.”
Ideal students are rare gems among the youth. They can bring laurels to their country.
An ideal student is one who considers study his first love. He is hard working and is ever
eager to acquire more and more knowledge. He is obedient, punctual, and always
fully attentive to the teacher in the classroom. He is not merely satisfied with studying
the prescribed textbooks. As he has thirst for knowledge, he reads books outside the
syllabus because he wants to make his future secure and lead a peaceful life. Scott
Reed said
"This is one step... choosing a goal and sticking to it... changes everything."

His educational qualities include high intelligence, which helps him to solve intricate
problems, face difficulties, come to quick and right decision, reason well and take
proper stand. Knowledge of various subjects, talent in certain fields and skills in some
arts, over and above what is found normally, places an ideal student, certainly at the
head of the group. It is well said;

“Student who is ideal is adjudged or considered as an asset to the institution he
An ideal student achieves success in life by using time properly. He hardly forgets
about the value of time and does not fleet time carelessly. He builds up his body and
mind within the limited span of time in the educational institution. He does not reduce
the work available to him and utilizes his time in the best possible way. An ideal
student distinguishes between what is fair and what is foul and accordingly plans his
life. As Bacon said:
"The mould of man's fortune in his own hand."

The life of an ideal student revolves around the four “s” along with the education.
First “s” stands for “Service”. Real life lessons that come through service allow an ideal
student the opportunity to learn effectively through the practical experience of serving
the society in one way or another. He takes active participation in social services. It not
only equips him with the sense of morality but also the knowledge that will help him
had better understand the world. “Skill” is the second “s”. Life skill based education
enables the student to develop within itself the ability of self-awareness, problem
solving creative thinking, interpersonal relationship, critical thinking, decision-
making, effective communication etc.

“Sport” belongs to third “s”. Sport is fundamental to the early development of children
as it acquaints the children about the importance of some key values such as social
cohesion, teamwork, fair play, respect for themselves and others, and adherence to

6 rules. It also makes children to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope
with both winning and losing. Fourth “s” stands for “Study”. Study is the most
important component of education. It includes approaches and devotion of time to
learning. In order to make students understand better with less difficulty, interactive
learning study approaches should be applied in addition to the traditional study
techniques of reading, listening etc.
An ideal student is blessed with many professional qualities including progressive
outlook and good organizing. He does not put off any piece of work till tomorrow
which he can do today. An ideal student never neglects his studies and is never
unmindful of the lessons imparted to him by his teachers. He is attentive to his studies,

comes to his class in time and never intends to miss the lessons. It is well said for ideal
students by Emerson;
"Hitch your wagon to a star."
An ideal student cultivates punctuality from the very childhood. He is disciplined and
does not apply his own method in all things. He avoids things that are injurious and not
lugubrious for his idealism. An ideal student leads an ambitious life because he knows
the Napoleon famous saying;
"Great ambition is the passion of great character."

An ideal student has tactfulness, sense of humour, moral values and sociability, which
serves as his executive and intellectual qualities. An ideal student respects and loves
his parents and teachers. He behaves, in both his family life and his school life, like a

8 sensible person, and shares equally the joys and sorrows of others. He is truthful, loyal
and disciplined and is the future ideal citizen of the world. It is well said;
“The best people are those who make others useful citizens.”
Further he tries to know the what, how and why of things to become a useful member
of society. He is obedient and studious and devotes a greater portion of his time to
study with enormous zeal and interest.

An ideal student is self-reliant who makes his own judgment and powers in facing
difficulty. He is never disrespectful to the elderly ones and very amiable. He is

kindhearted and helps others in time of their need. He is painstaking, honest, truthful
and industrious. An ideal student is never intemperate or haughty and bears a smile on
his face as he talks to others. He is practical and hardly swayed away by emotions. He
does not forget the mission of life in the midst of pleasures and enjoyments. He makes
sincere efforts for achieving good things in life. He knows what Rob Richards said:
"Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work equals miracles."

Co-operative attitudes, self-assertion, open-mindedness and inspiring qualities are

important constituents of his grooming personality. An ideal student practices to live
on a simple diet, to wear simple dress and always thinks of the well-being of others. He

wins the heart of others by his gentleness and politeness. The spirit of service to
humanity never deserts him. He is attracted by the idea of a saintly man with nobility
of character and participates in many extracurricular activities conducted in the
institution where he reads. The habit of diligence is the most important element in the
life of an ideal student. He does not make friendship with the lazy and wicked
students. He cultivates good habits and avoids forming bad ones. He is guided by the
elders and draws the attention of everyone.
An ideal student is a true patriot. He does not hesitate to sacrifice his personal interests,

when the question of safety of his motherland comes. In a natural calamity anywhere
in the country, he volunteers himself for the service to the distressed. He gives
preference to humanity than anything else in life.

An ideal student is an asset to his parents his educational institution, his state and his
country. With his polished manners and speech, he wins the hearts of all who are
around and bears a good moral character He is not a broken reed and is dependable

for his sterling qualities of character. He is honest and sincere and shuns bad company.
He has an optimistic outlook on life and does not waste time in idle gossip.
“No gold but only men can make
A people great and strong
Men who for truth and honour‟s sake
Stand fast and suffer long.”

For an ideal student, life is continuous struggle. He knows;

“If we rest, we rust. If we work we shine.”

Our country needs such students who have muscles of iron and nerves of steel. They
can dive deep into the secrets and mysteries of the universe. They should be
determined to do their duty even at the risk of their lives. For them;
“The soul of success lies in assiduity and honesty.”
However, every student should try to be an ideal student because it is the key to
success in life.

1. Introduction
2. Villages of Pakistan
3. Pakistani Culture and Traditions
4. Life Style of Villagers
5. Village Court and Affairs
6. Amusements of Villagers
7. Advantages and Drawbacks of Villages
8. Difference between Village and City Life
9. Responsibility of Villagers
10. Conclusion


"God made the village and man made the town."

City and village life both have its own attractions and pleasures. Life in a village may
seem tough but it still has its unique charms. Villages are full of natural beauty, lush
green fields, vast plains and flowing streams are seen everywhere. The atmosphere is
clean and fresh. There is no contamination and no harmful gases in the air. Thus, life is
more peaceful and healthier in villages.
“Man's heart away from nature becomes hard.”

Pakistan is an agricultural land of villages. Approximately sixty five percent of our

population lives in more than 50,000 villages because agriculture is the main

occupation of our people. Life in a typical Pakistani village is monotonous. There is no
activity as compared with the hustle and bustle of the town. Everyone seems to be
doing everything in a peaceful and leisurely manner. There is no rush of traffic no
hurrying of bicycles and motor cars. There are no grand buildings to attract the
people. The whole of the village consists of mud built houses. The only building is worth
the name are the village mosque.
A Pakistani village reflects the real picture of Pakistan. A Pakistani village is the very
epitome of Pakistani culture and tradition. The village life is made up of farmhouses,
mud houses, uneven dirt lanes and ponds. Numerous orchards and gardens of

different fruits are found in the village. The streets are usually narrow and made up of
dirt. There is fresh and pure food available in the villages, which are free from all kinds
of impurities. Villagers lead a simple contended and happy life. They get to eat pure,
simple but a healthy diet. They live a happiness of their fellows. It is well said by Albert
“But what is happiness except the simple harmony between persons and life they

Hazat Inayat Khan has said;

“Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful – these are
Women, in the villages spend their spare time doing embroidery, decorating their
houses, making marvelous handicrafts, which entertain them and provide financial

4 support. There is a temporary school in the village where only a single teacher
teaches all the classes. The children sit on the jute mats under the open sky.
The beauty of nature can easily be seen and felt. The day begins with chirping of the
birds and with the musical sound of morning wind. Rainy season is the most pleasant.
The whole atmosphere looks clear and brilliant. Summer and winter have their own
marvels. There is a season of sowing and harvesting crops in which there is a
great hustle and bustle. Fairs, festivals and marriages are the special occasions for
rejoicing and merry-making. Happiness is what you make it.

“Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

Villagers spend a lot of time in the fields, as their major profession is agriculture. They
remain busy in their healthy occupations. The farmers take rest during their leisure time

under the shady trees. They work from dawn to dusk and earn an honest living.
“Honesty is the best policy. If I lose my honour I lose myself.”
In villages, "choppal" is the meeting place where elderly people meet in the evening to
have their conversation about the local problems. The life is centered on the big
landlord who passes most of his time either in talking or in settling village disputes. There
are different cultivators in the village such as a blacksmith, a carpenter, a potter, a
barber, a weaver, a physician and a not very qualified teacher.

“Recreation is not only joy but need of a man.”

Life in village is not devoid of its amusements. Although there are no cinemas, clubs
and recreational places in villages, set one can enjoy long walks in the open fields,
valleys and on the banks of rivers. Very amusing and simple games are played in the
village, which brings pleasure in the lives of the villagers.
“Happiness is what you make it.”
The villagers are very lively people. Their liveliness is represented in their songs and
stories. Villagers, although poor are not only hospitable and caring but they also like
to share the sorrows.

Charles H. Spurgeon said;

“A village is a hive of glass, where nothing unobserved can pass.”
There are great benefits of a village life. Villagers have advantages, which we cannot
have in towns. Fresh air simple living and beautiful natural surroundings make village life
very attractive. Everything is so fresh. There is no smoking any dust, no overcrowding
and suffocating. It is true that Pakistani villages are not mostly clean as they ought to
be and the houses also are not so well built but the villagers spend most of their time in
the open air in the fields and under the trees. Villagers are strong and sturdy and their
red faces show that they have plenty of blood in their bodies. Their joys are also simple
and they are more frank and straightforward and more sympathetic and hospitable
than the city people. A marked improvement is now visible in the dwellings in the
villages and there is more cleanliness. Now in villages there are different facilities. Some
of them are the same as in the cities.

“The sun does not forget a village just because it is small.”

This is only one side of the picture. Villages have their drawbacks too. The people lack
new and modern facilities. There are no proper hospitals and medication centers.
Due to the lack of quality education, the illiteracy rate is very high. There are no

transportation and communication facilities. However, rural life can be reformed. With
a little attention, villages can become the pride of Pakistan and it is hoped that things
will change in the near future. Confucius said;
“Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated.”
Medical facilities should be provided to them and the villagers should be taught to
observe the laws of health. Cooperative credit societies should be established in the
villages. In these and many other ways, life in a Pakistani
village can he made better than what it is to-day.

Sri Eurobond has beautifully said;

“The village is the cell of the national body, and the cell life must be healthy and
developed for the national body to be healthy and developed.”

According to Economic Survey of Pakistan 2010-11, backward agricultural sector
contributes 20.9 % to GDP. Agriculture sector is playing an important role in the
economic development of Pakistan. Our all-economic activities are based on
agricultural sector. However, unfortunately, it is still backward and government should
take some effective steps for its improvement. Villages of Pakistan affect per capita
income, employment, poverty, food supply, surplus labour supply, national income
and raw material source greatly.
Development of industrial sector, balance of payment position, improvement in living

standard, extension in market size, capital formation, increase in investment,
economic development, self reliance policy, direct foreign investment, controlling
inflation, reduction in regional disparities, balanced growth economy and increase in
Govt. revenue are some of the important economic factors greatly influenced by the
villagers and agricultural sector of Pakistan.

Fisher said;
“In country, people are quiet but few are lonely.”
There is a world of difference between cities and villages. Villagers have advantages
cannot have in cities. Fresh air, simple living and beautiful natural surroundings make
village life very attractive. Everything is fresh. There is no smoke or dust and so no
suffocation. The villagers spend most of their time in open fields in fresh air. Therefore,
they enjoy happy and sound life. The villagers help each other. The villagers enjoy
weather. Summer and winter have their own marvels. Fairs, festivals and marriages are
the special occasions for rejoicing and merry-making.
“Happiness is what you make it.”
Although, there are no clubs and cinemas but villagers spend most of their time
walking in open fields. However, villagers are devoid of modern facilities.

It is said that village life is sweet. It is true no doubt. The greatest of the poets have sung

the praise of it. Prophets, too have the greatest admiration for the village life. Great
thinkers and philosophers have spent their invaluable lives in the countryside. Hence,
village life is highly cherished, in all ages by every soulful man. Yannick Noah said;
“You arrive at a village, and in this calm environment, one starts to hear echo.”

1. Introduction
2. Visit to Rohtas Fort
3. Construction of Fort
4. Gates and Baolis
5. Shahi Mosque and Rani Mahal
6. Attractive Architects
7. Mixed Architecture
8. Return to Home
9. Conclusion


Cowper said:
“What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still.”
In this modern age, we remain busy day and night like a machine. Our minds are all
the time pre occupied with the worries and responsibilities of everyday life. We are
unable to understand the need of pleasure in human life. In this hurly burly world of
tumult and turmoil, people become dull in soul and drab in spirit. Round the clock, they
are engrossed in materialistic pursuits. They feed their big bellies but do nothing for their
vexed souls. They have confined themselves to the small stinging nooks of the houses
or the offices. They toil from dawn to dusk to make loads of money. Life has become
flat, boring and monotonous for them. They spare no time to enjoy a fresh nutritious
breath. They have no time to spend in the company of balmy nature.

W. H. Davis says:
“What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.”
I, like men of today, live a busy hectic life but I do spare some time for the

2 enlightenment of my soul. In this age of hurries and worries, a picnic provides an

escape from monotonous routine of life. Visits are a great source of information. When
we go from one place to another, we are sure to learn a lot. Particularly, visits to
historical places teach us so many things. Sometimes such places tell us stories better
than the books on history. It is well said,
“Architecture is a frozen music.”
Historical Places are defined as:
“Historical places are character of history based on or concerned with events in
A visit to historical place is always valuable for a student. It enriches his knowledge and
increases his vision. As it is said,

“All the history is the biography of great men.”
Last Saturday, our college decided to go for outing. We had not seen Rohtas Fort.
Therefore, we agreed that this historical place should be visited. Rohtas Fort is situated
near the city of Jhelum. After two hours, we reached there by bus. We were much
excited. The magnificent Fort was before our eyes. This is a masterpiece constructed by
the great Afghan King who is known in the history as Sher Shah Suri and whose actual
name was Farid Khan. This fort was built in order to resist the Army of Humayun after
defeating him. Rohtas Fort and Grand Trunk Road are the most significant
constructions, raised during his reign.

The Rohtas Fort is a mega military architecture, which is spread over a circumference
of four kilometers. Rohtas Fort is a magnificent piece of art near to many

4 archaeologists due to its commanding location and it has many high and massive
walls along with huge trap gates. The outer fortification walls are presently lacking
symmetry but they have a length of more than four kilometers. They have the
average height of about 14 m and the thickness of 10 m. The wall of the Rohtas Fort
has 2 or 3 terraces, which are linked by staircases.

George Orwell has said;

“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
Rohtas Fort has twelve main gates, which were built in ashlars stone. We visited all
these gates and our teachers told us about their importance and reason of
construction. Sohail Gate is a double gate, which was named after Saint Sohail
Bokhari. Shah Chandwali Gate connects the main fort to the citadel and was named
after Saint Shah Chandwali. Kabuli Gate is a double gate with two bastions on either
side faces Kabul, hence it is named as so. Shishi Gate is named because beautiful,
blue, glazed tiles decorate the outer arch of this gate. Langar Khani Gate is also a
double gate, which is named due to the canteen attached to it called Langar Khana.
Talaqi Gate has two citadels on both sides. Mori Gate opens into a chamber, which
leads into another one, and it faces Kashmir. Suri‟s greatest general, Khwas Khan,
earned the honor of having the gate named after him, Khwas Khani Gate. Gatali Gate
is a single gate, which is named because it faces the village Gatiyalian. Tulla Mori Gate
is an entrance rather than a gate. Pipawala Gate is a small entrance to fort. Next to
the Sar Gate, there is a Baoli and a bastion hence it is named because of water. We
were very excited to know about all these gates.
There are three Baolis in the fort, which were made by cutting deep into the lime rock.
The Main Baoli is in the middle of the Fort for soldiers, elephants, horses etc having 148

6 steps. The upper portion has been cut in stone. It has three arches that span the
length of the Baoli. The Shahi Baoli is near the Kabuli Gate for the Royal family. It has
60 steps and has small chambers that were used as baths by the Royal family. Sar
Gate Baoli was most likely used by soldiers. We all were very afraid to look in these
Baolis; hence, we could not try to enter inside them.

The decoration of the Fort Rohtas is very masculine. It pays attention to function not
form because initially, the fort had no building that allowed permanent residence.
Stone carvings can be found in the mosque and its gates. Mostly, these are flowers
and Arabic engravings. Calligraphic inscriptions also decorate parts of Rohtas Fort and
most of them can be found in the Royal Mosque. The outer wall is inscribed with Kalima
Tayyaba in beautiful calligraphy. Plaster has been used in the Shahi Mosque. Hundreds
of Machicolations are built into the walls of the fort; each is adorned by intricate
geometric patterns. These are actually drains that lead from inside walls to those

Rohtas Fort is an ideal location having few of the amazing must-visit places around.
The Shahi Mosque is situated near Kabuli gate. It is a highly decorated building. The
building has a prayer area and a small chamber and has always attracted the locals

8 and tourists alike. The outer wall is beautified by decorations and Islamic verses in
Naqsh Script. The Rani Mahal was not originally a part of the Rohtas Fort. It was built
with Haveli Man Singh. Now it is a part of the fort, and is a single storey building with
only one room still standing, which is decorated on the inside and the outside. The
roof of the dome like room is like a flower. The inside of the roof is decorated with
flowers, geometrical patterns and fake windows.

Haveli Man Singh, Phansi Ghat, the museum near Sohail Gate, Rani Mahal, Royal

Mosque, Talaqi, Shishi and Langar Khani gates are the places inside the mosque that
hold a particular interest for us. While visiting gates we stop at Langar Khani Gate in
order to take some rest and have a lunch there. I captured many photos with my
friends. It was very exciting sunny day with dancing clouds.

A wise man said:

“The places are indeed great, enclosing the great people.”

This fort was built in the Afghan-Persian architectural style. Afghans and Persians Kings
had been coming to the South Asia for at least five centuries before the construction
of this fort. Before the construction of this fort, the combination of these styles had not
been harmonious. Rohtas Fort is the earliest example of the successful mixing of these
two styles with the Afghan style being more prominent. The elements of Hindu
architecture are balconies on Sohail Gate, decorations on Shahi Mosque derived
from Hindu architecture and Haveli Man Singh (Pure Hindu architecture). The
elements of Afghan architecture include serviceable construction, use of stone
instead of bricks in building wall, no living quarters and comparatively less

At last, we went up to the terrace at Mori gate and had a view of the surrounding
areas of Jhelum. It was a beautiful sight. The cool breeze and deep blue sky had a

magical effect on us. We had some light refreshment. Soon it was evening and the
light began to fade. The silence and peace of the place affected us strangely. A very
beautiful fort with beautiful structures as my quest for forts and castles will go on. We all
agreed with Shakespeare:
“In Nature‟s infinite book of secrecy a little I can read”

We spend the whole day looking the ruins of this great historical place. Indeed, it was a
memorable visit, which we enjoyed most. It will pilfer through the windows of memory,
till a long time. Our minds were full of solemn thoughts and colourful memories. In the

twilight, it appeared to us as if we were in a fairyland. The whole scene was presenting
a beautiful picture. We were much impressed by the scene. It was time to go back. We
did not feel like coming back but we had to. It was our unforgettable visit to the
historical place. Pearl Buck has said:
“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.”
We came back tired at college from where my father took me home.

1. Introduction
2. What is Ambition?
3. Different People Different Aims
4. My Aim in Life – Teacher
5. Prophet Hazart Muhammad SAAW as a Teacher
6. Reasons for Selecting the Aim
7. Measures Taking for My Aim
8. Conclusion


C. S. Lewis said;
“Aim at heaven and you will get the earth thrown
Aim at earth, and you get neither.”
Life is not bed of roses. It is a bed of thorns. It is full of hardships. We have to face
calamities and catastrophes at every step. It is often said that life is a challenge and
struggle. Therefore, in order to make our lives great and comfortable, we should make
strenuous efforts. If we want to lead a successful life, we must have to clear aim in view
because no human being can live without ambitions and desires. And also,
“When a man does not know what harbour he is making for, no wind is right wind.”

Emerson said:
"Hitch your wagon to a star."
An ambition is a guiding star in our life. It stimulates our courage, energy and
enthusiasm. Without ambition, life becomes dull, drab and boring. Those who have no

2 definite aim in their lives cannot rise in life. A profession is usually considered a scale
by which a man‟s prosperity is estimated. It works like a guiding star and a lighthouse
top. It directs the gone astray people to the right direction, and finally brings them to
their destination. It helps us to focus our heed and efforts on a particular target. It
motivates and compels us to be diligent, honest and steadfast in our efforts it makes
us contented cheerful prosperous and rich. It is rightly said;
“Man who has ambition to be considered as the best among good men.”
As it is the famous saying of Napoleon:
"Great ambition is the passion of great character."
A good profession brings about peace and calm of body and brain while a wrong
profession results in physical suffering and mental agony. It marks the delight of body as
well as of soul. Therefore, one should be very cautious in choosing a profession. There
are heaps of professions. It is an uphill task for a young man to decide about his
profession. Many desire to be rich or to become businessmen. Some people dream of
becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers while most of the students aspire to
become engineers, doctors, lawyers, military officers and scientists. Scott Reed has said
"This is one step... choosing a goal and sticking to it... changes everything."
Everyone has his own dreams and desires but the future profession must be selected
keeping in view the taste and talent of the person.

There are many honorable professions lying before me also. However, I love to teach.
Therefore, I want to become a teacher in future. Teaching is work of prophets, priests,

4 saints and moralists. I have a good temperament and taste for teaching. It brings
about profound happiness of soul and mind. It showers a pleasing light of knowledge
in the pitch dark of ignorance. It uplifts human work. All the prophets were teachers.
They taught people good moral values. As it has been said by a famous philosopher:
"Teaching is the second profession of all the professions."

As a good mother rears good children, a good teacher builds up a good nation. This
profession is according to my taste and temperament. I am fit for this profession. By
adopting this profession, I would be able to increase my knowledge. I would ever read
fine and fascinating books. I would also build up an extensive library for this purpose. I
would study, examine and analyze the education systems of the developed countries.
I would endeavor to inculcate their excellent educational qualities into our education
system. In this way, we would be able to adopt what is good and appreciable in their
educational system. As Bacon said that:
"The mould of man's fortune in his own hand."

Since teaching is a profession of prophet, so there is no doubt of its sacredness. Our

beloved Holy prophet Muhammad SAAW was also a teacher. He preached Islam by
adopting the profession of teaching. He also ordered us to learn Islam and teach it to
others, and he announced the very person, the best amongst us. That is why I have

6 adopted the profession of teaching. This will help me in preaching my religion and
dispelling misconceptions, about it. Then it will become a source of my cordial and
spiritual satisfaction, which I am following the footsteps of my prophets and saints. I
think this is a major reason, due to which I am adopting the profession of teaching, a
sacred profession. Someone has said rightly,
“An average person with average talents and ambition and average education can
outstrip the most brilliant genius society, if that person has clear focused goals.
I know that teaching is not a well - paid job. All over the world, teachers are low - paid.

However, that does not matter much. I do not want to be a moneybags. I know there
are other professions that pay a good deal. They bring fame and fortune as well.
However, I like teaching for other things. I like it for its sacredness, simplicity, sincerity
and service of humanity. I love it for the sake of it and I know that:
"It is a wild goose chase to search for fortune and fame."

I have adopted this profession also because I want to serve humanity. Not half the
population of Pakistan is educated. Educated subject is the pillar of a nation‟s
strength and progress. By gaining education, people not only recognize themselves
but also become aware of Almighty Allah‟s reality. In this way, they refuse to seek
help from anyone except God. They get out of the darkness into the light of

education. Their life no more becomes a burden on others as well as on themselves.
By gaining education, they not only learn about themselves but also get an
honorable place in the society by gaining a suitable job. They learn to work for
themselves, for their family and for their nation. They get success in both this world and
the world hereafter. This is just because of gaining education and I am going to
become a person who would show the way of goodness to the gone - astray people.
In this way, I will serve humanity and seek success in this world as well as the world
hereafter. Someone has said rightly,
“Ambition makes a man energetic and active.”

It is a well- known saying of a famous philosopher that:

"The best people are those who make others useful citizens."
I love teaching for it helps a teacher to establish very sacred relations
These are the relations between a teacher and his students. The students are just like
children for a teacher. He feels fatherly affection for all his pupils. He feels proud of
training some persons who are useful for their nation and the country. He feels pleased
with being respected, honoured and loved by his students because it is a natural fact
that all the students respect their teachers. Whenever he sees any of the students
doing something exceptional, he feels proud. He takes pride in the achievements of his
pupils. This is a great feeling. No amount of wealth can be alternative to this sentiment.
It is a feeling of being important and useful.

Rob Richards said that:

"Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work equals miracles."
After deciding what I should be, I devote all of my energy and time for the

10 accomplishment of my aim. I study good books day and night to increase my

knowledge. I believe that a teacher must be an encyclopedia in his person. He must
have a comprehensive knowledge of his subject. The student may ask him any
question at any time and he should be in a position to answer their questions in the
most appropriate way. It is rightly said;
“A man without an ambition is really unfortunate man.”
I am interested in Urdu. The very verses of Urdu haunt me. Besides this, it is my national
language. I am a true patriot and therefore, I aspire to devote myself to the
development and progress of Urdu, as it is a very pleasant and vast language. I shall

be able to express my inner self in Urdu and serve my nation. That is why; I yearn to
become an Urdu teacher. James Crampy said
“Big results require ambitions.”
I also know lofty aims require hard struggle. Bacon says,
“The mould of man‟s fortune is in his own hand.”
I shall put in my best efforts to make my fortune.

I think that teaching is the best profession of all the professions. It will not only help me
but also the others to seek success in both this world and the world hereafter. However
honesty and hardworking is the demand of every profession without which we cannot

12 get success. It is a well- known saying:

"The soul of success lies in assiduity and honesty."
To work as a teacher in an honest and efficient way will be my prime purpose of life.
May God help all of us to leave no stone unturned to achieve our good aim!

1. Introduction
2. What are musuems?
3. Different Musuems of Pakistan
4. Visit to Lok Virsa Heritage Museum
5. Various Departments
6. Visit to Lok Virsa Heritage Library
7. Return to Home
8. Conclusion


Cowper said:
“What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still.”
In this modern age, we remain busy day and night like a machine. Our minds are all
the time pre occupied with the worries and responsibilities of everyday life. We are
unable to understand the need of pleasure in human life. In this hurly burly world of
tumult and turmoil, people become dull in soul and drab in spirit. Round the clock, they
are engrossed in materialistic pursuits. They feed their big bellies but do nothing for their
vexed souls. They have confined themselves to the small stinging nooks of the houses
or the offices. They toil from dawn to dusk to make loads of money. Life has become
flat, boring and monotonous for them. They spare no time to enjoy a fresh nutritious
breath. They have no time to spend in the company of balmy nature.

W. H. Davis says:
“What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.”
I, like men of today, live a busy hectic life but I do spare some time for the

2 enlightenment of my soul. In this age of hurries and worries, an informational trip

provides an escape from monotonous routine of life. Visits are a great source of
information. When we go from one place to another, we are sure to learn a lot.
Particularly, visits to historical places and museums teach us so many things.
Sometimes such places tell us stories better than the books on history. It is well said,
“Architecture is a frozen music.”
Museums are defined as:
“Museums are character of history based on or concerned with events in history.”
A visit to museum is always valuable for a student. It enriches his knowledge and
increases his vision. As it is said,
“All the history is the biography of great men.”
There are many types of museums. The museums may be archaeological, historical or
art galleries. Biographical museums, heritage museums, military museums, natural
history museums, science and technology museums, transport museums and money
museums are other kinds.

In Pakistan, there are great numbers of museums. Some of the famous museums of
Pakistan are National Museum of Pakistan, Lok Virsa Heritage Museum and Library,

4 Pakistan Army Museum Rawalpindi Pakistan Air Force Museum Karachi, Lahore
Museum, Pakistan Maritime Museum, Pakistan Museum of Natural History, Peshawar
Museum, Wazir Mansion, Bahawalpur Museum, Taxila Museum, National Museum of
Science and Technology Lahore, Money Museum State Bank of Pakistan Karachi and
Pakistan Arts Council Karachi.

Last Saturday, our college planned a visit to Lok Virsa Heritage Museum and Library
Islamabad. It displays the cultural heritage of Pakistani people. The living style of the

different areas of Pakistan is exhibited here in statues, pictures, pottery, music and
textile work. Lok Virsa is the finest cultural museum in Pakistan. It is located near
Shakarparian Hills and has a large display of embroidered costumes, jewellery,
woodwork, metalwork, block printing, ivory and bone work. Traditional architecture
facades exhibiting such skills as fresco, mirror work and marble inlay; tile, mosaic and
stucco tracery are also displayed.

Lok Virsa Museum is also famous as National Institute of Folk & Traditional Heritage.
Adjacent to the Lok Virsa Museum, the Lok Virsa Heritage Reference Library is well

equipped with resource data on ethnography, anthropology, folk music, art, history
and crafts. Books on culture, heritage, audio and videocassettes of folk and classical
vocal and instrumental music are also available there. The museum has a covered
area of 60,000 sq. ft. featuring exhibit halls, making it the largest museum in Pakistan.
This is a museum for the people of Pakistan, who are the real bearers of our cultural
traditions, which make Pakistan truly great.

Most museums in Pakistan are archaeological which are a throwback from colonial
times. The Heritage Museum is the first state museum of ethnology in Pakistan, which

presents the history and living traditions of the people of Pakistan both from the
mainstream and the remotest regions of the country. The location of this landmark
achievement at Islamabad enriches the federal capital and adds to its attractions. The
primary purpose of the museum is to educate and edify present and future
generations of Pakistan and to create a treasure house for the nation more valuable
than the vault of any bank in the world.
Lok Virsa Heritage Museum consists of various departments as Antiquity and
Continuity, Textile and Embroidery, Sufi and Shrines, Ballads and Romances, Musical
Heritage, Thematic Exhibition, Architecture and Wood Work, Jewellery and Metal

8 Work and Ethnic Tribes. Firstly, I with my fellows and teachers entered the first
department of Museum. That Antiquity and Continuity hall portrays Mehrgarh 8000
BC, Mohenjo-Daro 2500 BC, Harappa 2500 BC, Gandhara 250 BC and the continuity
of these ancient civilizations in present times. Textile and Embroidery department
presents the gallery houses that are one of the richest displays in handmade textiles,
natural dyes, rare embroidery and patchwork.

Then we continued our visit to the further departments. Sufi and Shrines department

portrays Sufi traditions of contemplation, shrine architecture, sufilore and Sufi practices,
urs celebrations, rituals and related spiritual ways, which are shown through dioramic
display. In Ballads and Romances department romances, musical narratives and love-
lore is portrayed through dramatized displays. Heer Ranjha, Adam Durkhaney, Dhola
Maru and Hani Shah Mureed represent the four legendary tales of provincial Pakistan.

George Orwell has said;

“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
Musical Heritage department is the most educational expose on musical traditions of

Pakistan whose ancient beginnings lays in the times of Mohenjo-Daro to Vedic origins
and Muslim contribution over the last centuries. Many other authentic displays of arts,
crafts, traditional skills rituals and living traditions have been showcased in the
Thematic Exhibition department. Gallery of traditional Mughal and Central Asian
architectural arts is one of the most educative experience. Rare and dying
architectural skills as tile mosaic, fresco, Stucco, woodwork, are displayed with new
techniques and skills in the Architecture and Wood Work department.

In Jewellery and Metal Work department, there is a rare collection of exotic ethnic
jewellery from all regions of Pakistan. In addition, antique examples of brass & copper
work are also displayed. In Ethnic Tribes department, there is colourful portrayal of

ethnic tribes of all regions of Pakistan in n
atural habitat. The Kalash of Kafrista, Gujars of Kaghan, Indus Kohistan, Borushu of
Hunza, Sheedi of Makran and many more are few of them. Moreover, Punjabis,
Pashtuns, Sindhis, Saraikis, Muhajirs, Balochis, Hindkowans, Chitralis, Gujarati and other
smaller ethnic groups, such as Kashmiris, Brahui, Khowar, Shina, Balti and Turwalis are
also portrayed by unique statues and skills.

A wise man said:

“The places are indeed great, enclosing the great people.”
Moreover, we also visited a Heritage Library of Lok Virsa Museum. „Heritage Library‟ is
devoted to provide assistance to scholars, students, common citizens on folklore and
cultural heritage by accumulating field research, collecting cultural studies, oral
traditions, indigenous cultural; inheritance and traditional culture. Library offer
unparalleled opportunities for self-directed learning and exploration by people of
diverse ages, interests, backgrounds, and abilities. For society as a whole, „Heritage
Library‟ provides valuable intangible benefits as sources of national, regional, and local
identity. The Library is a typical since it is with a high concentration of books, journals,
manuscripts and field reports pertaining to Pakistani folklore, ethnology, cultural
anthropology, art history and craft.

Moreover, Lok Virsa is an affiliate member of UNESCO, The World Craft Council,

International Council of Music, The Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO, The
International Council of Museums and similar other world organizations for the
dissemination of art products abroad. Lok Virsa Museum is doing its best to achieve
the certain goals. It has certain goals in the field of rediscovery and research, cultural
revival, cultural storehouse and cultural projection.

At last, we went to the café area and had some light refreshment. We also had a
view of the surrounding areas of Lok Virsa Museum in which there are many cultural

statues. It was a beautiful sight. The cool breeze and deep blue sky had a magical
effect on us. Soon it was evening and the light began to fade. The silence and peace
of the place affected us strangely. A very beautiful Museum with beautiful outside
structures as my quest for forts and castles will go on. We all agreed with
“In Nature‟s infinite book of secrecy a little I can read”

We spend the whole day looking the things of various great historical places. Indeed,
it was a memorable visit, which we enjoyed most. It will pilfer through the windows of
memory, till a long time. Our minds were full of solemn thoughts and colourful

memories. In the twilight, it appeared to us as if we were in a fairyland. The whole
scene was presenting a beautiful picture. We were much impressed by the scene. It
was time to go back. We did not feel like coming back but we had to. It was our
unforgettable visit to the museum. Pearl Buck has said:
“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.”
We came back tired at college from where my father took me home.

1. Introduction
2. My Feelings on the Ocassion
3. A Memorable Ocassion
4. Emotional Speeches
5. Photo Session and Cultural Program
6. Principal’s Address
7. Last Glimpse of the College
8. Conclusion


Cowper said,
"What peaceful hours, I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still!"
Sweet memories are like sweet smelling flowers grown on the strenuous path of life.

Though they change life into a blooming and blaming garden, genuine wisdom is
usually showered on us from the dark clouds of painful past. The man who learn
nothing from his perturbing past should expect nothing from fragrant future because:
"What is bitter to bear may be rosy to remember."
My last day at college is a memorable experience of my life. No doubt, it is also a bit
bitter experience but it will ever shine in my mind‟s eye like a smiling tear. It is marked
with anxiety, sadness and well wishes.

Parting is always associated with gloom and grief. The place one loves to stay at
cannot be easily forgotten. Thus, it haunts the mind in the years to come. The good
past days come to mind and their remembrance makes us sometimes sad and many
times delighted. Hence, in the storehouse of my college memories, enriched with

2 many pearls and pebbles collected over the last two years, the last day at the
college occupies a very conspicuous position. It has mixed feelings of sadness and
bliss. During the last two years‟ stay at the college, I did never feel that I had
developed so strong and deep association with the college. Hence, the very idea of
last day at college makes me sad and gloomy.
“Great asset is glorious past
It urges man to work hard.”
In every college, there is a tradition that the junior students give a farewell party to the
senior outgoing students. In this way in our college every year, the students of first year

class give a farewell to the second year class students who are departing for their
Board examination. Although parting from one college is always sad yet in the manner
the last day at the college is made a memorable occasion for the students who are
leaving. Robert J. Kibbee has said right
“The quality of a college is measured more by the kind of
Student it turns out than the kind it takes in.”

This day is definitely a sad day for those who are leaving. However, at the same time it
is full of hopes because they are now going to achieve their mission for which they
had joined the college years ago. On this day, both the students and the teachers
organized a wonderful function under the supervision of Vice Principal.

“Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but the good things that happen to
you on a piece of marble”
Helen Keller, the dumb and deaf American authoress, holds that we do not value the
things until we lose them. Her words echoed in my mind on my last day at college. It
was only then I realized how much I cherished the college I was going to leave, It
seemed to me as if somebody were drawing my soul out from my body. I must
acknowledge that I had spent the most valuable time of my life at college and rightly
call it the asset of my life.

On my last day at college, I got ready early in the morning and reached college at
about 8:00 a.m. with my friends to spend the whole day at college campus. It was
chilly but sunny day. The farewell party was to be held in the big Hall. The farewell
function started at 10:00 a.m. All the students sat very peacefully with the worthy
Principal and the Professors. As the principal entered the auditorium, all the students
and teachers rose from their chairs to welcome him. The ceremony started with the
verses from the Holy Quran. Someone has said right;
“No matter how much you hate your college but you will always miss it when you

Firstly, a student from first year rose to speak. He appreciated our behavior and
dealings with them. He enumerated the good events and good days spent with us
and then bade us farewell. Then, I behalf of my class was asked to speak few words. I
thanked the first year students for arranging so grand party. I also thanked the

6 teachers and office staff for their guidance and cooperation during our stay at the
college and hoped that they would guide us in the future as well. Someone has said
really right;
“Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!”
My feelings at that time were a mixture of gaiety and sadness. I was gay at the thought
that the first phase of my college career had been successfully completed. I could not

help feeling sad also because I was going to leave behind the institution where I had
passed two gleeful years of my life. I was also overwhelmed with passions that I moved
to tears and a wave of sadness ran across the whole atmosphere. Even nature
seemed shedding tears with us. Thomas Haynes has said;
“Friends depart and their memories takes them
To her caverns, pure and deep.”

Robert Maynard has said;

“The object of education is to prepare the young
To educate themselves throughout their lives.”
Then the Principal rose to speak. He told us various valuable precautionary measures
and practical tips beneficial for the examination. He guided us how to attempt the
paper, finish it well in time and revise it. He reminded us of our duties as students and

8 as citizens of state. He stimulated us to fight against evils. He advised us to remain

staunch Muslims and true Pakistanis, wherever we go and whatever we do. He
quoted much precedence from the pious life of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
SAAW and our national heroes to lead a successful practical life. He urges us to work
hard and bring name to out Alma Mater, our parents and the country so that a
positive image about Pakistan may emerge in the comity of nations. Moreover, he
also advised us that
“Purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.
As long as you live, keep learning how to live."

At the end of the academic reference, an elaborate lunch was served in our honour
as we had also done a year before. After the dinner, there was a variety show. The
students sang songs, performed skits and other funfair items. Then we were bade
farewell formally. However, I could not move off without having a last glimpse of the
college. Revarol has said;
“Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky,
Are best relieved by the letting of water.”

I went to the Union Office and sat there for a few moments. I recalled the last
elections of the College Union. I remembered how we formed a new organization to
beat the old organizations. Hundreds of the students moved about enthusiastically

10 day in day out to secure votes for their candidates. What a period of bliss, delight,
fervor and enthusiasm! Moreover, I went to the playground where I played different
games with my fellows, where cricket-matches between college classes had been
played and functions for many co-curricular and extracurricular activities had been
organized. It is rightly said;
“Every ending has a new beginning.”
Then, I moved to the library. I remembered how I had access to the rare and valuable
books. I walked along the rows of almirahs and shelves of books and looked at the
countless books wistfully. Moreover, I returned the library issuance card to the Librarian

who wished me a bright future and successful life. Afterwards, I went the Chemistry Lab
and recalled the instructive hours spend there. I recollected how we made fun of
chemistry apparatus and how we rose up from seats saying “Its Magic, Wow! Magic”
while doing volumetric analysis and titrations. It is rightly said;
“Don‟t cry because you are leaving,
Smile because you were there.”

Then I moved to the Physics Lab. There I saw all of my and my friends‟ assignments and
projects hanging on the walls. I remembered those days when we were making those
projects and learnt a lot from it. After a while, I went to Biology Lab and saw that

special microscope that I always took for microscopic examination. I saw those slides
that I had made with my own hands during the practical period. At the end, I visited
Computer Lab and moved along the rows where I used to sit. These all feelings were
the feelings of saying goodbye to everything. Jean Paul Richter has said right;
“Man‟s feelings are always purest and most glowing
In the hour of meeting and of farewell.”

Now, the memories of classroom were stirred up. How often did I feel bored? How
often did I dislike some of the professors for their strictness about percentage of
attendance and laboratory work? How often did we speak ill of the Principal for his
strict discipline and turning down our some of requests? However, on that day all of
those feelings had transformed into love, respect and regards. In the words of Larisa
Olenek, I realized,
“College inspired me to think differently,
It‟s like no other time in your life.”

I was so lost in the memories and thoughts that I did not realize the late afternoon. In
the meantime, my best friend Usama stroked at my shoulder and we started to move
towards the gate. The photographer took our photographs, as reminiscence for the

college. My mind was crowded with the thoughts of friends, kind, affectionate
professors and the fatherly Principal. I was constrained to utter;
“Farewell my friends,
Farewell my foes,
My love with these,
My care for those.”

1. Introduction
2. What is Patriotism?
3. True Patriotism
4. True Patriots in History
5. Why I Love Pakistan
6. Ideology of Pakistan
7. Remarkable Features of Pakistan
8. My Responsibilty
9. Conclusion


Dale Carnegie has said;

“Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.”
Everybody loves his country because patriotism is a natural passion. We like the earth
where we are born. We like it because it feeds our bodies, illuminates our minds and
saves our souls. Here we live among our near and dear ones who share our pains and
pleasures. We feel a sense of security, closeness and companionship. Love for our
nation obliges us to make some sacrifice. It urges us to transcend ourselves and to do
something for our fellow citizens. At its most astounding, patriotism obliges us even to
sacrifice our lives.

"Not gold but only men can make,

A nation great and strong,
Men who for truth and honor‟s sake,

Stand fast and suffer long."
Patriotism is a frame of mind in which one loves one's country and is proud of it. It is a
vigorous feeling of love, loyalty and support for one's country especially in defense
against its enemies. It means that one should give more value and importance to
one's country than to one's own self. It makes one bound for certain responsibilities,
and these responsibilities are ideological commitment and dedication to the defense
and prosperity of one's country.
“Mother and motherland are far more glorious than heaven.”
Patriotism teaches a man to love his own native land more than anything else does.
Johnson said,
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

He referred to false patriotism, which is called jingoism, – bragging of one‟s country‟s
power and wealth, meddling in the affairs of other nations, bullying the smaller and
weaker powers. This is selfishness and narrow nationalism. The teaching of such patriots
is that we cannot love one country without loathing and hating all other nations. True
Patriotism never forgets the golden rule,
“Do unto others as you would be done by.”
It never forgets that other nations have interest and feelings no less than its own, and
that such interests and feelings deserve due consideration.

Having a look at the pages of history, we come to know that everyone used to be
patriot. Adam loved his first dwelling i.e. paradise. When he was thrown down and he
began to live on earth, he started loving that place also. Those who love their country
become immortal in the pages of history. Patriotic people like Tipu Sultan,

Sirajuduallah, Liaquat Ali Khan, Major Aziz Bhatti, Syed Ahmed Shaheed, Quaid-e
Azam and Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan are loved and admired by the people. However,
the traitors like Mir Jafar and Mir Saadiq are always looked down upon by the people.
Patriotism is a great passion that polishes man‟s inherent capabilities. It makes man
brave, courageous and sacrificing. Moreover, it makes him undergo hardships and
face grave dangers with a smiling face. It makes man sacrifice his pleasures and
gains for the sake of his country.
“Patriotism is certainly a noble passion and the absence of it is deplorable.”

Everyone has a tinge of patriotism in one sense or the other. Islamic concept of

patriotism is very vast and wide. It is not concerned with language, nation, race or
country. It maintains that every Muslim is one nation, every Muslim country is one
country and hence everyone sacrifices for a greater cause i.e. for the uplift of Allah‟s
words. Someone as rightly said,
“He, who does not love his country, can love nothing.”

Love for country is part of our creed. It is neither developed nor created. Hence, love
for Pakistan is deep rooted in our bones because it was founded after a number of

6 sacrifices. This love is beyond any description or claim. However, for the sake of
argument, I shall put forth a few convincing and logical arguments. Walter Scott says;
“Breathes there the man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, this is my native land.”
I love my country for its ideology. Ideology is set of ideas, beliefs and doctrines which
the people of country want to follow in life. We are Muslims. Our ideology is Islam. Islam
is complete code of life. It covers all the aspects of human conduct and behavior. In
India, Islam could survive only as religion not as a way of living. In order to enforce
Islam as Deen in every field of life, we won Pakistan. To get Pakistan, we have to offer
great sacrifices. A number of people laid down their lives. They lost their relatives,
friends and property. The great personality that led the Muslims of subcontinent to a
safe place and materialized the concept of a Muslim state, was Quaid e Azam who
said while explaining the ideology of Pakistan
“Pakistan came into being when the first Hindu became a Muslim.”
In the annual meeting of 1943 at Karachi Quaid e Azam said while clarifying the
relation of Pakistan and Islam,
“What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body? What is that rock on
which the structure of millat is restored? What is that base which has secured the safety
of the boat of this millat? That relation, rock and base is Holy Quran.”

Pakistan is a land of dreams, joys, emotions and bliss. This is a land of greatness and
glory. It is a land of greenery, the land of sands, the land of joys, the land of farms, the
land of high mountains, the land of tall trees, the land of different kinds of flowers, the

8 land of fleecy lambs and golden sparrows. Our homeland shines like a jewel
embedded in the centre of the earth.
“My dear, my native Soil!
From whom my warmest wish to heaven's sent,
Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil,
Be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content!”

Pakistan is the first Islamic country to attain nuclear power. Pakistan‟s national anthem
tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world. Pakistan is the 6th largest nation of
the world containing one of the oldest civilizations in history. Pakistan holds four out of
fourteen highest peaks in the world. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world.
Pakistan has world‟s largest irrigation system. The world‟s largest deep sea port,
Gawadar is in Pakistan. The world‟s highest paved international road, The Karakoram
Highway, is in Pakistan, which is the eighth wonder of the world. Khewra salt mine, the
second largest salt mine in the world is in Pakistan. Thar Desert, is one of the largest
deserts is in Pakistan. World‟s highest Polo ground is in Pakistan where Shundur Polo
festival is being organized. One of the best-trained air force pilots in the world are in
Pakistan. The world‟s largest Volunteer Ambulance Service Providing Organization
operates in Pakistan that was founded by Abdus Sattar Edhi, a social worker of
international fame. Pakistan is ranked 25th in terms of overall agricultural production
with chickpeas on top, 5th in mangoes, 6th in dates, 8th in rice, 9th in wheat and 10th in
orange production in the world.
As Horace says;
“It is a sweet and seemly thing to die for one‟s country.”
Pakistan is only the state founded on the basis of Islam. It is a peace loving country. Its
people believe in the supremacy of Allah Almighty, brotherhood, equality, fraternity

10 and natural love. Pakistan is the harbinger of peace in the area. It tries to develop
amicable relationships with other countries. It is the fortress of Islam. It offers political,
moral, financial support to all the Islamic countries. Now, it is self-sufficient in the field
of defense. It possesses remarkable missile and nuclear research programme.
“Our country is that spot to which our heart is bound.”

I am true patriot. Therefore, I aspire to see my country very high and respectable in the
comity of nations. It is the land of unique and unparalleled schools, colleges and
universities, where I have been educated and trained. These institutions are educating
many other of my compatriots and producing the great and wise personalities like De-
Abdul Qadeer khan and Dr. Abdus Salam. Someone has rightly said,
“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

Pakistan is the fountain of my life, safety and honour. To conclude I must say that I do
not love my country if I do nothing for it. If I weaken my country in one way or the
other, then I actually hate my county. Therefore, I must make my country strong

12 politically, technologically and economically in order to prove my claim of love for

Pakistan. I shall do my best to serve my country when I complete my education. I know
that if I do wrong to my country, I shall do wrong to myself. I shall, therefore, live for
Pakistan and die for Pakistan.
“Oh, God! It is the goodly sight to see what heaven hath done for this delicious land.”

1. Introduction
2. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah – My Hero in History
3. Early life and Education
4. Entrance in Politics and Services for Muslims of Subcontinent
5. Pakistan and His Founder
6. Death of Great Leader
7. Conclusion


“All the history is biography of great men. But no man is great who is great only in his
lifetime and is forgotten after his death. Great persons have a sacred mission of
helping and guiding the suffering humanity. They die but their death makes them
immortal because they live in our hearts.”

When the deterioration and decline of a nation reach their extremes and nothing but
supplications are left to resort to, then God produces in it such men as, with their God-
gifted talent, extra-ordinary potential and untiring efforts change the destiny of the
down-trodden nation. Such people in history are called great men. That‟s why love for
great men is quite natural to man because history is determined by them. The man
who does not admire great men has no right to claim greatness for himself. Great men
are not born daily. Humanity has to wait for centuries. Such men change the course of
events and provide new channels to history. Their lives inspire us to great deeds.

Hero is a man of sky-high personality with an exemplary character, distinctive deeds

and ingenious ideas. He must be a man of exceptional qualities of heart and mind,
unparalleled vigor, matchless genius and unique talent. He must possess the

charismatic qualities of an inspiring leader to lead his people to their ultimate destiny
despite whatever grave difficulties may hinder his way to success. With his self less and
sincere efforts, he can mould the fate of his people. He is a man of determination, will
power, steadfastness and undaunted spirit. His charismatic personality stimulates the
energy, courage and enthusiasm of the people and welds them into a nation. His
words have power to inspire devotion and dedication. A poet has rightly said,
“The lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time.”

“Great men never go with stream, but they force stream to go with them.”
There are many heroes in human history. They were called as heroes because they did
heroic deeds. All of them had ideal characters. They devoted their lives to noble
deeds. However, the heroes of Muslim outshine all of them. Out of the heroes of the
Muslim world, I am charmed by the towering personality of Quaid e Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah. He is the man who gave a new course to the Indian history by bringing a
peaceful revolution and creating Pakistan with his selfless, sincere and untiring efforts. I
can assert:
“Jinnah is the only Muslim in India to whom the community had a right to look up for
safe guardian. He was soul thirsted for service in a body that was worn out by overwork
and ill health.”

Nobody knew that a baby boy, born on December 25th, 1876 to Mr. Poonjah Jinnah
at Wazir Mansion Karachi, was going to change the history by carving out a separate
homeland for the Muslims of South Asia. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was honoured with
the name of Quaid e Azam and still he is living in the hearts of Pakistanis as Quaid e

Azam. He was the son of Poonjah Jinnah who was a Muslim merchant. Someone has
rightly said;
“Jinnah was a historic personality which takes birth once in a Century.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah is one of the eight children of his father. Mader-e-Millat Fatima
Jinnah was the sister of Jinnah. He married Emibai in 1892 that died after a year. After
then in 1918, he married Ratanbai who was the daughter of Sir Dinshaw Petit. In 1926,
she became Mu and after then known as Maryam Jinnah. She died in 1929. Dina
Wadia was the daughter of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. She was a Christian.

After being taught at home, Jinnah was sent to the Sindh Madrassah High School in
1887. Later he attended the Mission High School, where he passed the matriculation
examination of the University of Bombay. On the advice of an English friend, his father
decided to send him to England to acquire business experience. Jinnah, however, had
made up his mind to become a barrister. In London, he joined Lincoln's Inn, one of the
legal societies that prepared students for the bar. In 1895, at the age of 19, he was
called to the bar. While in London, Jinnah suffered two severe bereavements-the
deaths of his wife and his mother. Nevertheless, he completed his formal studies and
also made a study of the British political system, frequently visiting the House of
Commons. He was greatly influenced by the liberalism of William E. Gladstone. Jinnah
also took a keen interest in the affairs of India and in Indian students. Lord Wavell has
rightly said
“Jinnah is not just an honest Muslim leader but also a great lawyer.”
When Jinnah returned to Karachi in 1896, he found that his father's business had
suffered losses and that he now had to depend on himself. He decided to start his
legal practice in Bombay, but it took him years of work to establish himself as a
lawyer. A man without hobbies, his interest became divided between law and
politics. Nor was he a religious zealot: he was a Muslim in a broad sense and had little

to do with sects. Jinnah first entered politics by participating in the 1906 Calcutta
session of the Indian National Congress. Four years later, he was elected to the
Imperial Legislative Council. Largely to safeguard Muslim interests, the All-India Muslim
League was founded in 1906. Only in 1913, when firmly assured that the league was
as devoted as the Congress to the political emancipation of India, did Jinnah join the
league. In 1916, he presided over the All India Muslim League session held on
December 30-31. Allama Muhammad Iqbal has said;
“Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the only personality of India from whom whole nation has

Quaid e Azam served for creation of Pakistan in all circumstances before 1947 as he
united Hindus and Muslims under Lucknow Pact in 1916 and got a right of separate
electorates for Muslims. He demanded constitutional reforms and Montagu-
Chelmsford Reforms in 1913 and 1919 respectively. He raised his voice against The
Rowlett Act, 1919 in which civil rights were trodden upon. He rejected Nehru Report in
1928 and given his famous Fourteen Points in 1929. He participated in Round Table

Conferences (1930-32) and maintained national identity of the Muslims. He injected a
new life into the body of Muslim League in 1935-36 and guided the freedom
movement. He used his political foresight, faced the conspiracies of Hindus gallantly,
and called Muslims to observe “Day of Deliverance” on 22nd December 1939. He
vividly explained the Two-Nation Theory in session of All-India Muslim League (Pakistan
Resolution 1940). From 1940-46, Muhammad Ali Jinnah courageously encountered
Cripps Mission 1942, Jinnah Gandhi Talks 1944, C.R. Formula 1944, Simla Conference
1945 and Cabinet Mission Plan 1946. It was fruit of his efforts that Pakistan came into
being on 14th August 1947.
“Personality is to man, what perfume is to flower.”

“Good Character and Good Politics were those secrets due to which Jinnah got
On 23rd March 1940, in Lahore, the Muslim League adopted Pakistan Resolution. The

Pakistan idea was first ridiculed and then steadfastly opposed by the Congress.
However, it captured the imagination of the Muslims. Jinnah led his movement with
such skill and tenacity that ultimately both the Congress and the British government
had no option other than to agree to the partitioning of subcontinent. Pakistan thus
emerged as an independent state on the World Map on 14th August 1947. He took
oath as the first governor general on 15th August 1947.
“Future favours the braves.”
The great personality that led the Muslims of subcontinent to a safe place and
materialized the concept of a Muslim state, was Quaid e Azam who said while
explaining the ideology of Pakistan
“Pakistan came into being when the first Hindu became a Muslim.”
In the annual meeting of 1943 at Karachi Quaid e Azam said while clarifying the
relation of Pakistan and Islam,
“What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body? What is that rock on
which the structure of millat is restored? What is that base which has secured the safety
of the boat of this millat? That relation, rock and base is Holy Quran.”
While addressing the students, in March 1944 he said,
“Our guide is Islam and this is the complete code of life.”
While addressing at Aligarh he clarified the ideology of Pakistan as;
“What was the motive of demand for Pakistan and a separate electorate for Muslims?
What was the need of the division of India? Its cause is neither narrow mindedness of
Hindus nor the tactics of Britishers, but is the basic demand of Islam.”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah after becoming a Governor General of Pakistan rendered

many services for Muslims of Pakistan. His lofty personality brilliantly solved the

problems created by Hindus after the birth of Pakistan. He had made many
agreements with difference companies for improving the economy of Pakistan.
Moreover, he not only paid attention towards internal affairs but also left no stone
unturned to formulate foreign policy. Due to his statesmanship, Pakistan got the
membership of United Nations. He also paid special attention towards education and
for this; he conducted Educational Conference in 1947.

The great Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah after 72 was died on 11th September
1948 in Karachi due to disease called tuberculosis. The Aga Khan considered him
“The greatest man he ever met.”
Beverley Nichols, called him

“The most important man in Asia.”
Dr. Kailashnath Katju, thought of him as
“An outstanding figure of this century not only in India, but in the whole world.”
While Abdul Rahman Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, called him
“One of the greatest leaders in the Muslim world”
The Grand Mufti of Palestine considered his death as a
“Great loss to the entire world of Islam.”

Indeed, Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had played several roles with distinction,
at one time or another, he was one of the greatest legal luminaries that India had
produced during the first half of the century, an Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity, a

12 great constitutionalist, a distinguished parliamentarian, a top-notch politician, an

indefatigable freedom-fighter, a dynamic Muslim leader, a political strategist and,
above all one of the great nation-builders of modern times.
“We may have thunder we may have rain but great men once departed, will never
come again.

1. Introduction
2. Plan to Visit Hill Station
3. The Time of Visit
4. A Description of Beautiful
5. Other Points of Interests
6. Return to Home
7. Conclusion.


Life is full of good and bad moments. Each day in itself brings various moments in life.

Every day we go through mixed feelings. Sometimes, only we have experienced a
pure jovial moment or a pure sad moment. Everyone also has the special moment in
life. It is just a day when someone‟s dreams are fulfilled. With the time the memories just
get blurred, but stays with us in our mind. Whenever, we remember such moments we
get excited and thrilled.

There are many days in life that bring joy and pleasure but some days are the
happiest and remain in our mind forever. These days are the reminders of the

amazing time we have spent. The happiest day of my life is a visit to a Hill station. The
happiness I felt that day has no match with any other day of my life. Some picnics are
a potluck, an entertainment at which each person contributed some dish to a
common table for all to share. When the picnic is not also a cookout, the food eaten
is rarely hot, instead taking the form of deli sandwiches, finger, fresh fruit, salad, cold
meats and accompanied by soft drinks.

A picnic to a hill station in summer is a great pleasure. I decided to visit Murree hills. I

also invited my friends and cousins to visit Murree hills.
A hill station is a town located at a higher elevation than the nearby plain or valley. The
hill stations in Pakistan includes Abbott bad, Fort Munro, Hunza, Kaghan Valley,
As many of us had not seen the beauty of this place so, we decided that this natural
place must be visited. After making all necessary preparations, we took a train from
Karachi to reach Rawalpindi. After a day‟s halt, we left for Murree by a bus. The
journey up the hills was very enjoyable. The ascent was full of turns and windings, and
altogether, the journey was quite difficult from journey on plains.
"The best part of the beauty is that which no picture can describe".

We reached Murree 3 p.m. on the same day. It was a fine, cool and pleasant day.
Cool breeze was blowing. And at that time, it seemed as if:
"Nature is standing in front of us in all its beauty and grace".
It was very difficult for us to search for hotel. Finally, we found a native who helped us
to find a room in hotel. The scene was most enchanting. The large trees were sealed

4 with segregated precipitation. The younger birds with feathers of exquisitely magical
flag sitting on the trees proud the ear with their saccharine notes. The butterflies with
wings of most lovely hues could be seen flitting from efflorescence to prime. The
numerous varieties of lovely flowers and scenic ferns provided other germ of pleasure
to the eye. The comprehend was so pleasant that I kept on puffy for quite some
indication. The beautiful flowers of eye catching colours were dancing in cool breeze
and looking so beautiful, as the poet says;
"See how the flowers as at parade, under colours stand displayed."

We requested that native to act as our coach. He told about Murree, its location and
features. He told us about the history of Murree. He told that Murree is an exurb of
Islamabad and the administrative centre of Murree Tehsil, in the Punjab province in
Pakistan. It is in a subdivision of Rawalpindi District and includes the parts of the
Margalla Hills around Islamabad. It is located in the Pir Panjal Range, some 60 km
northeast of Islamabad and Rawalpindi via the Murree Road. Murree was the summer
capital of the Punjab Province of British India until 1864. It is located on the southern
slopes of the Western Himalayan foothills as they ascend northeastwards at an
average altitude of 2,291 meters. It experiences pleasant summers and cold, snowy
winters. We are surprised to know that the permanent town of Murree was constructed
at Sunny bank in 1853.

A large number government, semi-government and private departments and

institutions maintain guesthouses in Murree. The Murree region is known for its scenic
vistas of pine- and oak-covered mountains, criss-crossed with springs and rivulets and

6 dotted with lawns and orchards. Tourist attractions in the area include the Murree
Wildlife Park. We visited Patriata (also called New Murree). It is one of the pivotal
attractions of Murree. This place, which is 15 km away from Murree Hills, is famous for
its chairlift. It is also famous for monkey, wild boar, foxes and various species of birds,
including the cheer pheasant and kalij pheasant. We were very pleased to see such
a spectacle. It was very interesting sight.
We also saw many historical buildings and many attractive natural places. We were
very excited. Our excitement was increasing day by day. Islam is the main religion of
Murree, however Christian churches from the British era can still be found in Murree and

Nathia Gali. There is an Anglican church, built in 1857, located at the centre of the
town, which is still used as a place of worship. Ayubia is also a center of attraction in
Murree, which comprises four hill stations including Khanspur, Ghor Daka, Changla
Gali, Khairagali. Ayubia Chairlift and shops offering cultural shawls, caps and
necklaces are the major appeal of this place. Scenic Nathia Gali, situated in
Abbottabad at a distance of 2500 m from Murree, is popular for its maple, pine, walnut
and oak trees. Mall road in Murree is the center of major economic activities.

We were very tired so we settled ourselves comfortably. The next morning we came
to see the more of enchanting Murree. The gigantic trees were covered with snow. It
had hard frost during last night. It was bitter cold. I was impressed with that natural
beauty of Murree. I wished that I had a hut there. Everything was fresh. Birds were
chirping. The houses were built in an irregular manner. This entire beautiful scene had
a magical effect on all of us. As it was intense cold, so I drank hot coffee and ate dry

fruits. At last, we came to Kashmir point, a beautiful spot of nature with a very lovely
sight. It was a new experience for me so I watched everything with rapt attention.
Then it started raining heavily. We were shivering all over. Soon it became dark. We
went to our hotel. However, we were still shivering with cold. I ordered waiter to bring
a cup of hot tea and some snacks. We enjoyed it a lot. Then at sharp night, we took
our dinner. Then we went for sleep because the next day was going to be very tired
as we had to see some more places and we had to leave for homes. Hellen Keller has
said true;
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with heart."

The next day, the rain had stopped. The sun was shining at its peak. It was a pleasant
weather. It was a bright sunny day. We went for shopping. I bought many gifts for my

family and friends. I also bought new clothes for me. We also took many snapshots. I
saved many scenes in my camera. After our lunch, we went out to see the Samli
Sanitorium domino situated in a superfine depression. The full region draped with wide
conifer trees. We saw there a minuscule line of clear rock element cacophonous from
sway to shake and producing an upgrade euphony, which seemed to spread into my

A impose to the hills fills one with the breath and honor of God. An unacknowledged
joy slips into our souls and we repeat plate filled with meditate and bliss of Nature. The

10 hours seemed to pass like minutes. Soon, it started to dark. It was our time to return
home. We hired a bus and started towards Rawalpindi. Then we set off for Karachi. I
reached home early in the next morning. After travelling a long distance, I was very
tired. However, I was happy.
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."
The sweet memories were still present in my mind. It was the happiest day of my life. It
was the best picnic I ever had. Thus a memorable day it was. It was indeed the

happiest day of my life. It will haunt me in the years to come. I cannot forget that day.
That day, I came to realize the beauty of nature. Nature is beautiful. Albert Einstein has
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
~Albert Einstein

1. Introduction
2. What is Hobby?
3. Different Peoples Different Hobbies
4. My Hobby – Gardening
5. Gardening an Art
6. Pleasures of Gardening
7. Importance of Gardening
8. Devotion and Fondness with my Hobby
9. Gardening – A Source of Inspiration
10. Conclusion


In this age of materialism, worries, and anxieties, man‟s struggle and effort is necessary
for survival. He has to toil from dawn to dusk. He needs some pleasant activity to
lighten his burden of monotony. He needs leisure and idle hours to soothe his perturbed

feeling and troubled soul. If he does not relax, his life becomes dull and gloomy, and
he himself becomes peevish. The constant hard work of daily routine life rusts his talent
and efficiencies. Physical and mental exertions leave him utterly exhausted and
enervated, after the whole day's work. W. H. Davies mourns such a way of life in this
“What is this life if full of care
We have to time to stand and stare.”

The word “Hobby” is derived from “Hobby Horse,” which is a stick fitted with a
wooden horse and on which small children ride for amusement. Hobby is a useful

2 work, which is done in spare time for pleasure without any monetary benefit. This
occupation is quite apart from the regular profession. A person‟s hobby may be an
occupation of another person. An occupation is a regular work, which is done to earn
bread and butter. Hobby invigorates both our body and soul. It breathes new life into
a lethargic and lazy body. Therefore, hobby is a felicitous activity to refresh body and
brain. It is pursued only for recreation. After hard labour, hobby provides us a cheap
source of entertainment and amusement. It saves us from the dull routine of life and
gives us an activity when we have nothing to do. According to Oscar Wilde:
“One must be serious about something if one wants to have any amusement in life.”

There is no dearth of hobbies in this world. Different people pursue different hobbies
according to their tastes and inclinations. Hobbies such as fishing, boating, small
games, and hunting can be classed as being exclusive for men. Women generally
take up hobbies like knitting, needlework, interior decoration, or home management.
Hobbies like stamp collecting, singing, dancing, gossiping, photography, painting,
woodcarving, picture collecting, coin collecting and reading books can be pursued
both by men and women. Hobby, being a personal pursuit, undertaken more in
isolation than in company, may vary from person to person in accordance with
individual taste, temperament nature of occupation and resources. Sir Winston
Churchill pursued painting as his hobby. Lord Salisbury‟s hobby lay in chemical
laboratory; Einstein's hobby was to play upon the Violin; while Bernard Shaw was
immensely delighted in growing vegetables. It is because Phyllis McGinley says;
“A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.”

Francis Bacon in his essay of “Garden" says;

"God Almighty first planted a garden. And,
Indeed it is the purest of human pleasure."

4 Thus, gardening is an ultimate source of joy and pleasure for everyone. Therefore, I
adopted this hobby to relax after a day's hard work. Gardening makes me forget my
worries and refreshes my mind. I live in a big city where life is too much mechanical,
dull, and dreary. It is void to peace, serenity, calm, and quietness. I often desire to do
some recreational activity to get rid of this tedious and boring lifestyle. For this
purpose, I have made a very beautiful lawn in front of my house.

"From the gardens of plants do I move towards the gardens of inner joy?
The flowers dance on leaves. And ideas dance on heart beats and mind."

I have made a garden at the back of my house. In the garden, I have planted mango,
orange, guava and banana trees. There, I grow flowers of various kinds like rose, lily,
and sunflower. The sweet fragrance of flowers gives me a great pleasure. They present
a colorful and vivid scene and spread a sweet aroma all around. There is always
something fresh before my eyes. It keeps me healthy, happy, and fresh for the day's
labour. It is a source of physical exercise and aesthetic pleasure.

Luther Burbank says;
"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful."
The whole atmosphere at home is fragrant with the aroma of the flowers. They yield
fruit in their seasons. The clean brown soil of the beds of flowers present a sharp
contrast to the lush green grass of the garden. The trunks of the trees have been white
washed approximately up to a feet. A little fountain has been built in the heart of the
lawn. When it sprinkles its light shower, it looks fascinating. Then the water of the
fountain flows to the beds of flowers and trees. The soft, tidy, and trimmed grass of the
lawn looks like a green velvety floor. It looks sparkling when the rays of sunlight are
reflected from the pearl as if dewdrops lying upon the lush grass at dawn. Briefly
speaking, the lawn, and the garden of my house are so attractive that they are the
persuasive proof of my devotion and dedication to my hobby. Robert Brooke said:
"And in my flowers beds, I think smile the carnation and the pink."

There is adequate growth of vegetables in the compound of the house. Therefore, we

seldom purchase any vegetable from bazaar. Gardening provides me a good
exercise for the day. It keeps me happy, healthy, and fresh. It is my sincere friend and
inspires me whenever I am depressed. When I cast a glance at my small garden and
see the beautiful dancing flowers, my heart blossoms. I have the tools of the garden. I
have to do a lot of work with my hand and to prepare the land and manure it. I water
my plants regularly and protect from the extreme weather. I have prepared many
beds in it. Douglas says:
"Earth is here so kind that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest."

I daily devote two hours for the maintenance of the beauty and loveliness of my
garden. I daily dig the beds, sprinkle water over the trees and plants, and apply

8 manure to the plants to enrich the growth of the garden. I have also placed flowers
pots on both sides of the gate and along the wall. I daily look after and water them.
There grows in them a variety of flowers. My garden is perfect in all respects and I love
to work and sit there. It has made my house a heaven of serenity and tranquility.
Flowers and the green leaves in my garden impart a soothing effect to the eyes.

The beautiful verse of John Keats is

"Ah, happy happy bough that cannot shed your leaves, nor ever bid the spring adieu."
Whenever I get tired, I go to the beautifully oriented garden and my dullness vanishes
in a minute by looking the beautiful scene all around. One feels happy when hears the
songs of the birds sitting in the branches of the trees. Gardening is my passion. It inspires
me to do something new. With every new flower, there is a new happiness. I keenly
observe the process of growth, decay in nature, and praise the majesty of God. With
the grace of Almighty God, I have no such disease related to gardening. My hobby,
gardening keeps me in touch with nature and God.

Hobbies are meaningful and enjoyable. They are source of recreation and gives

delightful sensation during our free times. They help a person to relax and enjoy. It is
better that a person should pass a very much busy life. Everyone should have one or
the other hobby. Life is continuous struggle.
"If we rest, we rust, if we work, we shine."
Moreover, an empty mind is a devil's workshop. It is better for us to lead a busy life.
Struggle in life itself gives pleasure to a man. Therefore, hobby is interesting pursuit
through which a person derives pleasure, recreation and an amusement in his leisure.
My hobby reveals me the monotony and melancholy of mind.
Detailed Outline:

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