ENTREPRENEURSHIP Webinar Keynote Address by Dr.M.K.Jayanthi Kannan

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14th JUNE 2020, SUNDAY

Possible path to career Fulfillment..

Dr. M.K. Jayanthi Kannan, B.E.,M.E.,MS.,MBA.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
JAIN Deemed To-Be University,
Emerging Indian Economy for
 Global Financial Crisis
 Pressures of Globalisation
 International Reputation
To face the Challenges INDIA NEEDS Entrepreneures..
 The question is not WHAT is to be done.
 Possibly everything needs to be done.
 Question is WHO and HOW
 INDIA needs Make in India, Start-up India
As more people take up entrepreneurship, they’ll become a constituency
that policy makers will listen to.

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Challenge for India’s Entrepreneurship
Creativity and imagination is what is needed, We need to adapt to the Technology
 Indian Population is 1.3b during 2015, during 2025 it will be 1.8b so high
Demand exists
 About 2% population ready to enter workforce every year and would like to
stay there for next 45/50 years
 We need 700 m occupational opportunities for the current work Force
 Growing at 30 m per year with no contraction in total opportunities
 Supply doesn’t match up,
 Build to match demand
• Demand and Supply both exist, but,
• Both demand and supply are faltering,

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Five types of entrepreneurial activity..

 New product innovation ,

 New process innovation ,
 Market innovation,
 Input or Resources innovation.
 Organizational innovation - the complete
restructuring of an entire industry or the breaking
up of a monopoly.

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Now is the best time to become an
Entrepreneur ! Now!!
• Jobs are getting cut in the corporate world. The corporate
structure is no longer working.
• Millennials kids don’t want to be told what to do,
• Computers are replacing workers and technology is killing
jobs and making new ones
• Google can help you find anything! Info and data are free. We
have everything we ever need at our fingertips.
• We need to continue reinventing ourselves. The best ideas on
earth have yet to be acted on.

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Enhancing Entrepreneurship amongst Students
and Individuals..
 The Workforce Will Be 50% Distributed
 All businesses will have 50% of their employees/contractors
working remotely for them from across the globe.
 Success and failure will come faster. The time it takes to bring
an idea to market or toss it in the garbage will shrink.
 Resources ? money.
 Entrepreneurs don’t need money to start a business, they need
 With people comes money and other invaluable resources.
 People have knowledge, expertise and ‘know how’ to get
things done.
 People know other people that can help you to build your
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Resources? Money need to become
Entrepreneur..! NO..!!
• Cost is No Longer a Barrier, Technology and economies of
scale have made it most affordable.
• Access to capital no longer a valid excuse for not starting a
• Your Network is Your Key Currency,
• Maintain Your Personal Brand – From this point forward,
everything we do will be forever recorded and accessible.
• Your reputation, integrity and personal brand are now more
important than ever.
• Youth Has the Advantage – When you first start working, your
opportunity cost is the lowest and your upside potential is the
highest it will ever be.

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The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” -Walt Disney

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