Flyer Internship ME en SET

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Practical training is essential to an engineering study in order to prepare for

future jobs. Only through working experience students are able to link
knowledge and skills from their education to real-life situations. Moreover
working experience offers insights no book can offer better. Therefore, the
Mechanical Engineering and the Sustainable Energy Technology programmes
have great appreciation for the assignment your organisation offers, or
considers to offer.
This text is intended to explain how an assignment is being organised and
what the university generally expects from your organisation when providing a
student project.
CURRICULUM evaluation form of the company supervisor will be taken
The masters Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable into consideration. Finally he will discuss the final paper
Energy technology are two year programmes. The first with the student and will mark it.
year consists of courses only, while the second year is
reserved for the internship and the graduation REWARD AND INSURANCE
assignment. The internship is carried out outside the It is desired that the assignment will not result in any
university; in the Netherlands or abroad. Since the extra costs for the student. The university requests that
student has finished (most of) the theory, he/she is the organisation will at least compensate the travelling
supposed to work at the level of a junior engineer (under and accommodation costs. This if often realised by an
the supervision of a member of the company). internship allowance. But, your organisation is obviously
not obligated to provide a fixed salary.
The main objectives of the internship are: Insurance is partly covered by a University agreement.
- to become acquainted with the field of Mechanical We recommend your organisation to address issues like
Engineering or Sustainable Energy Technology allowance, insurance, working hours etc. in an
- to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in a agreement with the student. We provide a format to the
practical situation student to identify arrangements for these aspects.
- to become acquainted with real life problem solving
- to work independently PAPER AND CONFIDENTIALITY
- to learn how to plan things carefully The student is asked to write a paper of approximately 20
- to practice oral and written skills pages on his assignment. At the end of the internship the
- to develop social and communicative skills report should be finished.
- to carry out a project which is useful for the employer
Like any other official document related to or produced by
ASSIGNMENT the student, a digital copy of the report will be archived
The student should work individually on an assignment. and added to the student’s file. This is done in particular
Premise is that the assignment should be of use to your for three reasons:
organisation. Of course the student might be involved in - providing information about past internships to
formulating the assignment. The assignment proposal is students who are currently looking for an internship
discussed (by the student) with a member of the - quality assurance of the internship as part of the
academic staff of Mechanical Engineering or Sustainable curriculum
Energy Technology who will act as internal supervisor. - comprehensiveness of the student's archive
The assignment has to be in the field of (applied)
technical sciences, and can be either (part of) a The report can be examined by students, staff members
fundamental research project, a product development or and members of an assessment committee during an
a production (re)organisation. accreditation procedure. The digital archive is connected
to the library of the University of Twente. In case the
Before starting the internship the student must meet the paper contains confidential information it will not be open
entry requirements and the assignment must have been to public inspection. If the report is confidential the
approved by the UT. Only when both requirements are student should mark it clearly on the cover of the report,
fulfilled the student is allowed to start the internship. but the company can also indicate this on the evaluation
form. In addition, an official non-disclosure agreement
SUPERVISION BY THE ORGANISATION must also be signed. On request we can send you a UT-
It is expected that the student will be introduced into the format.
organisation in the same way as a new colleague. One of
your staff members should act as the student’s external
supervisor. The student should have his own workplace. MORE INFORMATION
We suppose that the student and his external supervisor For more information you can contact the internship
will discuss progress at least once a week. Furthermore coordinator.
we expect that the external supervisor will comment on
the concept paper and the student and the external Jacqueline Emmerich
supervisor will have a final meeting to finish the project
formally. The external supervisor is asked to fill in an Telephone +31 53 489 2130
evaluation form that will be sent to him at the end of the Email
During the internship a member of the academic staff will
supervise the student. This internal supervisor will keep
in touch with the student to check progress. The UT
supervisor will assess the final report, whereby the

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