MG 443 Lesson 6 Maintenance Strategies

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Maintenance Strategies

Presented by:
Prof. E.A.M. Mjema
What is a strategy?
Strategyin a generic term refers to the
conception and the carrying out of a
general idea with the aim of reaching a
specific target.
Strategy can also be understood as the
enacting of the company's policy
through the company's management as
the basis of a long term planning
We think in order to act, to be
sure, but we also act in order
to think. We try things, and
those experiments that work
converge gradually into viable
patterns that become
Maintenance Strategy – Cont.
A rule that fixes the time of doing a
maintenance action, the type of the
maintenance action, and a specific part
of a machine to be maintained.
A bulk of possible maintenance actions,
from a various possible conditions of a
piece of equipment to be maintained
and for a given period of time.
Maintenance strategies in this context will
therefore refer to:
the selection of type of maintenance from
the available options for planning and for
carrying out maintenance work,
the planning of the time for carrying out
of the maintenance work,
the planning of the required maintenance
personnel, and
the planning of the maintenance tools
Maintenance strategy planning is an
attempt to answer:
 What to be done, with what kind of tools?
 Which artefact - equipment, infrastructure,
to be worked on?
 When to be done (either at what time or on
what occasion)?
 Who is going to do it?
 Where to carry out the work (in what place -
in the workshop, in-situ, etc.)?
 How to carry out the work (self, contracts,
outsourcing, integration, etc.)?

The factors that influence the

Company policy in general
Maintenance objectives in particular
Economic situation
Currency situation
Legal aspects

Factors to be considered. Cont.

Factabout the plant - Size, Location,
Machine parts, Age of machine parts,
Availability and qualifications of the
Maintenance Strategies

Personnel Based Reliability BasedState of Equip. Based

Strategies Strategies Strategies

Outsourcing Integration TPM Preventive Breakdown

RCM Design
Breakdown Maintenance
 Is done when the equipment is at failure
 Advantages:
 initial low costs
 no planning hassle
 can be cost effective if failure can be tolerated
 Disadvantages:
 effect on the plant reliability
 difficult to plan the ensuing maintenance work
- high logistic downtime
 needs high spare parts inventory

Criteria for Implementation of

Breakdown Maintenance
Time to fix
Secondary failure
Critical element
Standby System
Minimum equipment life
Preventive Maintenance
Isdone before failure of Equipment
work can be planned ahead of time
Many problems can be arrested before they
High reliability of Equipment

better spare parts management

less standby equipment Less

labour requirement
Preventive Maintenance - Cont
Uncertainty in determination of intervals
between maintenance work
Over-maintenance problems sometimes
Too costly if the frequency of maintenance is
Some plants fail due to maintenanceinduced
Preventive Maintenance - Cont
Criteria for Implementation of PM
Cost - should not exceed BM cost and the
cost of lost production

Government regulations

Insurance need

Secondary failure effects

Preventive Maintenance – Cont.

Time Based Periodic

Production Based
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
CBM - measurements of actual
condition parameters for a machine
Preventive Maintenance – Cont.
Advantages of CBM
optimum maintenance - work is carried out
only when it is necessary to do so; “if it works,
don't fix it principle”
Impending failure can be predicted far away up
increases plant availability and reliability due to
reduction in both planned and unplanned
Increased safety – ability to detect fault before
they occur
increases confidence and motivation to
maintenance personnel
Preventive Maintenance – Cont.
Disadvantages of CBM
Applicable only to machine components with
a gradual type of failure
Monitoring equipment itself can lead to an
increased level of plant failure
False alarm of the monitoring device can
lead into a false action
Some of the monitoring devices are very
expensive and makes the CBM to become
shiftingof certain maintenance tasks to
an external supplier of maintenance
creation of an autonomous maintenance
service company
Reasons for Outsourcing:
optimisation of the maintenance capacity
using the special knowledge for special
settings of the maintenance tasks
freeing the maintenance personnel

Outsourcing - cont
in procurement of specialists
Smaller overhead costs

Overall low operation costs to the company

Dependence on external company
Quality of maintenance
Competitorscan collude with your
maintenance service provider
Integration of Maintenance
giving over of the maintenance tasks to
the production personnel as well as the
integration of the maintenance
personnel in the production
creation of the small maintenance
service centres – decentralized
maintenance departments
Integration - Cont
M/C operators are given responsibility to
maintain “their” machines
Better utilization of maintenance personnel

Qualityof maintenance could be
Profession ethics – some technical works
could only be done by registered engineer
or technician
Total Productive Maintenance - TPM
 A major shift in maintenance – it becomes
everyone’s responsibility
 It is resisted by both production and maintenance
 Production employees do not have sufficient skill
and time to perform maintenance tasks
 Maintenance department will be forced to "fix"
the problems that production employees create
 Scepticism - An attempt to make production
employees do more work so the organization can
get by with fewer maintenance employees
TPM - cont
overcoming this resistance and bringing
about the necessary change in
organizational culture
break down the walls between the
production and maintenance
creating new work environments
allocate sufficient resources toward the
maintenance effort
training and adjusting reward systems
TPM - cont
Maximizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Autonomous Maintenance by the operators
Maintenance is a responsibility of everyone

Better utilization of Human Resources

Qualityof maintenance work
Professional ethics

Reliability Centred Maintenance

 RCM is a systematic analysis approach
whereby the system design is evaluated in terms
of possible failures, the consequences of these
failures, and the recommended maintenance
procedures that should be
 evaluating the maintenance for an item
according to possible failure consequences
 similar to the Failure Mode and Criticality
Analysis - FMECA
 Logistic Support Analysis (LSA)

Maintenance Prevention - MP:

 eliminate failures by designing equipment with
high reliability or redundant element
 Reduce maintenance work with easier
maintainable components
 For a frequently failing component that takes a
long repair time, it is appropriate to consider
carrying out re-designing
 Involve the redesign of a unit that is highly
susceptible to failure, to reduce failures and
improve maintainability
 precaution taken during the design stage of a
new product - "design for maintenance"
Selection of Maintenance Strategy
If a fault in any plants or equipment
interrupts production, or
is the cause of consequential damage, or

creates a safety risk, and

the rate of failure is in creasing

maintenance else
Breakdown maintenance

Is there
Interruption Production;
consequential damage;
safety risk; or
increased failure rate?


Is No
CBM Possible and PM


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