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Flair bartending is the practice of bartenders entertaining guests, clientele or

audiences with the manipulation of bar tools (e.g. cocktail shakers) and liquor bottles in

tricky, dazzling ways. Used occasionally in cocktail bars, the action requires skills

commonly associated with jugglers. It has become a sought-after talent among venue

owners and marketers to help advertise a liquor product or the opening of a bar

establishment. Competitions have been sponsored by liquor brands to attract flair

bartenders, and some hospitality training companies hold courses to teach flair


Flair bartending is sometimes referred to as "extreme bartending" or contracted to

"flairtending". The word flair became popular among practitioners in the mid-1990s.

"Flair" is also used as a verb (e.g. "to flair"), referring to any trickery used by a bartender

in order to entertain guests while mixing a drink. Flair can include juggling, flipping

(bottles, shakers), manipulating flaming liquors or even performing close-up magic tricks

(also referred to as "bar-magic").

Flair is showmanship added to bartending that enhances the overall guest experience.

The ideas behind mixology and drink-oriented or service-minded bartending can still be

upheld with the correct application of working flair. Recently, there is a noticeable rise

in bartenders combining prominent mixology knowledge and working flair skills all over

the world. Working flair and Exhibition flair are very similar on the grounds that they both

require precision and practice, however the use of exhibition flair has become a

competition oriented style where significantly greater risks are being taken. Working

flair, which is much more common, focuses more on delivering drinks to customers

while still ensuring visual entertainment.

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