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Machine Learning with


Alicia Garcia Sastre – TAC engineer

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• Machine Learning examples
• What is Machine Learning
• Types of Machine Learning
• Python libraries
• Machine Learning in Networking
• Conclusion

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Use this space to provide a bit of detail.

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Chinese police using facial recognition glasses to identify suspects
Police can almost instantly view an individual's personal details, including name, ethnicity, gender
and address.
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BBVA launches facial recognition Shanghai Hongqiao airport
payments introduces automated facial-
recognition check-in

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The guardian
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The guardian

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Cisco DNA information

Researchers could
usher in a new era of
3D model (shape)
scientific and medical
Shape = Function

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If scientists know the shape…
- They can know what it does
- How it might misfold and cause harm
- Replicate them
- Design new ones

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Use this space to provide a bit of detail.

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Use this space to provide a bit of detail.
Self-driving electric bus propels Swiss town into the future

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Google reCAPTCHA

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More examples
• Netflix, YouTube, Spotify, • Google ranking results
Amazon recommender systems
• Facebook’s facial recognition
• Speech recognition: Siri, Google
• Many more
Home, Alexa
• IBM Watson

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What is Machine Learning
Machine learning is a collection of
algorithms to make computers learn from
data and make decisions and predictions
based on what they learnt

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ML is not a silver bullet
• Dirty, missing data • Hard to convert unstructured
data to mathematical values
• Not enough data
• Hard to find a good model
• Do results make sense?
• Is it bug or expected result?
Incorrect model?
• Data scientists are needed

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“All models are wrong but some are
George Box , 1978

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Data in Machine Learning
• It is all about data
• Data should be cleaned
• Bad data leads to bad results
• Big data is required to get good results

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Types of Machine
Types of Machine Learning
• Supervised Learning
• Unsupervised Learning
• Reinforcement Learning
• Deep Learning

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Supervised Learning
• For each input in the training data set, there will
be an known output associated.

• Classification: assign groups to input data

based on previous data
• Regression: predicts real values based on
previous data

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Classification example

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Regression example
• A big number of network engineers filled in a survey with questions
about their skills, experience, number of employees in their
company, region and salary
• Skills, years of experience, information about company, region are
• Salary is a label
• A model describing correlation of features to a label is found based
on the survey data
• Now we can predict the salary for a person who didn’t take the

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Linear Regression Salary vs experience

• The simplest supervised

learning algorithm
• Linear relation between Salary
features and labels
• Intuition: find a model so that historical data
an error between all training
labels and predicted labels is
minimal Experience

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Unsupervised Machine Learning
• The input does not have an associated output in the training
set. The algorithms will find relations and structure in the

• Clustering: discovering groups in the data

• Association: finding rules about data

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Reinforcement Learning
• Based on exploring the world
• Rewards for actions are known
• Start with random actions, record rewards with every action
• Build a policy by preferring actions that lead to higher rewards
• Continue improving the policy with every experience
• Examples: both AlphaGo and OpenAI played with themselves
thousands of times until they learned strategies that are close
to perfect in complex games

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Deep Learning
• State of the art in Machine Learning
• Mostly for supervised learning
• Uses neural networks (the first application: to model human
brain neurons)
• More complex
• Requires more data
• Requires more time to train

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Deep Learning applications
• Speech and image recognition
• Natural language processing
• Machine translation (DeepL)
• Self-driving cars
• Many more

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Machine learning with Python
Main ML libraries:
• Scikit learn
• TensorFlow / PyTorch / Keras
• Apache PySpark

Data management:
• Pandas
• Numpy / SciPy

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Machine learning with
python demo
Machine learning in
The Network. Intuitive. LEARNING
Cisco DNA Center by Context
Visibility into traffic
and threat patterns
Who, What, When,
Policy Automation Analytics
Where, How

Powered Intent-based
by Intent Network Infrastructure
Translate Business Intent
to Network Policy
Automate the management
and provisioning millions of
devices instantly


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Cisco DNA Center Analytics
Distributed Stream Processing
• Continuous processing, aggregating, correlating and analyzing data in
• Distributed analytics pipeline runtime and programming model
• Real-time or near real-time

Analytics Operations:

Time Series Analysis Complex Event Processing Machine Learning

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Encrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA)

malware traffic

Extract observable Employ machine Known malware

features in the data learning techniques to sessions detected
build detectors in encrypted traffic with
99% accuracy
benign traffic

“Identifying encrypted malware traffic with contextual flow data”

AISec ’16 | Blake Anderson, David McGrew (Cisco Fellow)

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How it works
Sequence of Packet Threat
Initial Data Packet
Lengths and Times Intelligence Map
Make the most of the Identify the content type through Who’s who of the Internet’s
unencrypted fields the size and timing of packets dark side

C2 message
Data exfiltration

Self-Signed certificate Broad behavioral information about the

servers on the Internet.

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Malware detection with ETA
Initial Data Packet
Cloud-based Intelligence Map

Sequence of Packet
Lengths and Times

All three elements reinforce each other inside the analytics engine using them.

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Get Started with Machine Learning
• Machine Learning by Andrew Ng online course – Coursera/Stanford
• Reinforcement Learning course by David Silver
• CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition – Stanford

All of them available for free in youtube

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Related sessions
• Machine Learning using only a Browser - DEVWKS-2023
• Building a Machine Learning Pipeline for IoT Data - DEVWKS-2647
• Unlocking the Mystery of Machine Learning and Big Data - BRKIOT-2394
• Many more!

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Cisco Webex Teams

Use Cisco Webex Teams (formerly Cisco Spark)
to chat with the speaker after the session

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2 Click “Join the Discussion”
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