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Parks of Croatia

guide to national parks and nature

parks in the republic of croatia

parks of
parks of
We cherish the riches
that nature has been
creating for centuries

When it comes to conserved nature, Croatia cooperation with the Ministry of Environment
is among the richest countries in Europe, and and Energy that provides financial support to
conserved nature could be considered one public institutions, ensuring environmental,
of the strongest Croatian brands. This is also nature and biodiversity conservation and
confirmed by the fact that one third of the efficient management, focusing on sustainable

territory of Croatia belongs to the largest global development in particular. Croatia is among few
The opinion of the authors in this publication does not network of protected areas – the European countries with a high percentage of territory
necessarily reflect the official opinion of the United Nations,
ecological network Natura 2000. Due to their under protection, as a result of a high degree
undp or their member states.
extraordinary natural and landscape values, of conservation of natural resources, but also a
our 8 National Parks and 11 Nature Parks have reflection of desire of Croatian citizens to have
been recognized on the world map as must- such policy in place. Conserved nature areas
publisher authors photography see places that are worth experiencing. This – including National Parks, Nature Parks and
Ministry of Environment Igor Kreitmeyer, Ivana Horvat, Archives of National brochure offers an essential insight into the other categories of protection, as well as Natura
and Energy and Valentina Futač, Marija Jurčević, and Nature Parks unique features and attractions of 19 Parks 2000 ecological network areas – constitute the
United Nations Dino Kapuano  Mario Romulić, Ante Gugić, that annually draw over 4 million visitors, most important values of any country; values
Development Programme Romeo Ibrišević, Marko Vrdoljak, inviting you to discover them yourself. You that we must protect and wisely manage, so
(undp) Ivo Pervan, Renco Kosinožić will be assisted by staff of public institutions that not only the present generations, but also
managing the Parks and taking care of them in future ones, might enjoy these riches.

introduction parks of croatia 3

Symbols Contents
introduction | 3
national parks
Plitvička jezera | 6
hiking horse boat Paklenica | 8
riding trips
Risnjak | 10
Mljet | 12
Kornati | 14
Brijuni | 16
mountain trail skiikng fortress
climbing Krka | 18
Sjeverni Velebit | 20

nature parks
Kopački rit | 22
rock climbing speleology wild
animals Biokovo | 23
Medvednica | 24
Velebit | 25
Telašćica | 26
Lonjsko polje | 27
cycling paragliding birdwatching
Papuk | 28
Vransko jezero | 29
Učka | 30
Žumberak -
Samoborsko gorje | 31
fishing swimming photography
Lastovsko otočje | 32

volunteer program | 33
contacts | 34
sailing scuba diving restaurant

kayaking snorkeling accommodation

4 parks of croatia parks of croatia 5

of magical
main features
proclaimed as national park: 1949
inscribed into the unesco world
heritage list: 1979
area: 296,8 km2
16 lakes
biggest lakes: Kozjak and Prošće
main attraction: Veliki slap
(Great Waterfall), 78 m Between Mala Kapela and Lička Plješivica, next to the road
the biggest waterfall in Croatia connecting Dalmatia to Zagreb, there are 16 cascade-
highest peak: Seliški vrh, 1279 m
lined lakes with magnificent waterfalls, surrounded by
cave open for tourists: Šupljara
forests with abundant fauna. Plitvička jezera (Plitvice
point of interest Lakes) was the first Croatian national park whose value
The name of the Park comes from the was also recognized by unesco having placed it on the
word “plitvice”, “pličine” which means
something shallow, a shallow basin
world natural heritage list.
created in the sedimentation process The two biggest and deepest lakes, Kozjak and Prošće,
of limestone. together with ten other smaller lakes on dolomite
event of the year Did you substrate make up a group of Upper Lakes, whereas the
Plitvice Lakes Marathon in June know? Lower Lakes are situated downstream from Kozjak in
the 70 – 80 meter deep limestone canyon. Just before
flora and fauna According to a legend, entering Prošćansko Lake, the two rivers, Crna and Bijela,
plants: Siberian rayflower, Dalmatian there was a queen, Black merge into the joint Matica, whereas the River Rječica
squill,round-leaved sundew, 58 types Queen, who came down
of orchids – lady’s slipper the mountain and after enters Kozjak Lake and the beautiful Korana River is its
animals: brown bear, wolf, lynx, Ural owl, otter a very dry season sent a effluent. Next to it, at the most impressive part of the
strong wind and thunder park, at Sastavci, together with the waterfalls of the
storm to the local last lake falls the 78 meter high waterfall of the Plitvice
people to finally end
the drought. After the
Rivulet. The River Korana, on its way to Golubinjača, the
rain, 16 lakes remained. deepest cave in the national park, and further on towards
The people were very Karlovac also forms some amazing waterfalls.
grateful and the queen Even though the altitude of Plitvice Lakes is not very
said: “From now on, high, the rich forests surrounding it give the impression
people will be coming
from all over the world of mountainous landscape; also the best preserved area
to see these beautiful of original beech-fir forest spreads into the virgin forest
Plitvice Lakes”. of Čorkova Cove.

6 parks of croatia plitvička jezera plitvička jezera parks of croatia 7

climbers and
main features
proclaimed as national park: 1949
area: 95 km2
highest peak: Vaganski vrh, 1757 m
main attractions: impressive canyons of
Velika and Mala Paklenica carved into the
mountain from the sea level to the highest
Was it the beauty of this place that the locals from the
peaks of Velebit
biggest croatian rock for climbers: village at the bottom of Paklenica talked about when
Anića kuk, 712 m they passed on for generations the legend about the
cave open for tourists: Manita peć fairies that charmed and lured all those who would look
point of interest at them?
The name of the Park comes from the Carved vertically into the south banks of Velebit, the
word “paklina” which means black pine canyons of Velika and Mala Paklenica are filled with
rock sculptures amid forests and valleys rich with
event of the year mountainous flora and fauna. Endemic bellflowers, dense
International climbers meeting in May Do not black pine tree forests, orchids and lilies, then various
flora and fauna miss species of butterflies and birds attract nature lovers,
whereas steep rocks of Velika Paklenica are a favourite
plants: sandwort and Lady’s Slipper
animals: chamois, brown bear, wolf, lynx, Through the wild gorge destination for hikers and mountain climbers.
golden eagle of Velika Paklenica A lavish underground world is best seen in Manita
where long time ago peć, a 175 meter long cave, divided in two chambers of
highlander women used numerous stalagmite, stalactite and calcite columns. The
to carry salt, figs and
shallot (“ljutika”) on their cave entrance is at the altitude of 570 meters, and the
way back from the coast, ascent from the parking area in Velika Paklenica to the
and also carried wheat cave takes about an hour and a half.
from the fertile land of Visitors who wish to avoid dangerous adventures are
Lika to the coast, there
is a pleasant hiking trail
attracted by impressive scenes of Velebit overlooking the
today with many road holiday resorts of Starigrad-Paklenica, Selina and Tribanj.
signs in both Croatian If you wish to see for yourself all the beauties of the National
and English. Park, choose one of the 150 kilometer long mountain trails
and relax in the best possible way in the beauty of Velebit,
in the shades of giant beech and pine forests.

8 parks of croatia paklenica paklenica parks of croatia 9

In the land
of the
lynx and
main features
proclaimed as national park: 1953
Expanded to the Kupa source
and Snježnik massif in 1997
area: 63,5 km2
entry points: from Crni Lug, from the pass
of Gornje Jelenje and from Kupska dolina
Fragmented and steep rocks, abyss, cracks in limestone
highest peak: Veliki Risnjak, 1528 m
main attractions: the source of the and sink-holes up to 200 meters deep, coves and karst
River Kupa and the Risnjak massif with valleys are the main features of Risnjak National Park
a guest house located in Gorski kotar, about 15 kilometers to the
particular feature of the park:
edelweiss and hairy alpenrose north-east from Rijeka. On a relatively small area of the
Dinarides there are fourteen main types of mountain
particularities forests together with about thirty plant communities.
Forest communities and large carnivores
Apart from Risnjak Mountain, the National Park also
point of interest includes the Snježnik mountain massif, as well as the
The name of the Park comes from the source of the Kupa River. It is possible to reach the source,
Croatian word for the lynx – “ris” What the only unique blue and green carst spring, following
event of the year to visit? a well marked attractive winding trail from the village
of Razloge or from the northern side of Kupska dolina,
A local celebration in August,
the so-called “Furman Day” It is best to follow the following a more pleasant but longer road from the
Leska educational trail village of Hrvatsko.
flora and fauna and its 23 viewpoints to
The National Park Risnjak is abundant with diverse flora
plants: edelweiss, hairy alpenrose, Alpine encounter the natural and
buttewort, great yellow gentian, lilies, cultural heritage of the and fauna so it’s a unique place in Europe where you can
orchids, arnica, silvery yarrow, false aster National Park Risnjak. It is still see a bear, a wolf or a lynx in their natural habitat.
animals: lynx, brown bear, wolf, grayling, a pleasant walk even for The lynx, predator of big and small game especially deer,
butterflies those who are not in their is a loner and hunts primarily in the twilight or at night.
best shape. The source
of the River Kupa and The mountain massif of Risnjak was named after the
the first five kilometers lynx (“ris”) since it wanders around those forests. Nature
of its flow are definitely lovers will enjoy the perfect stone sculptures, rich forests
worth visiting together and meadows where you can still see edelweiss, a rare
with the massif of Risnjak
and Snježnik, and the
protected flower, and you will surely remember the
beautiful mountain unique view from Veliki Risnjak or Snježnik on Kvarner
grasslands. bay for a long time.

10 parks of croatia risnjak risnjak parks of croatia 11

island of
the nymph
main features
proclaimed as national park: 1960
area: 53,7 km2
island surface: 100,4 km2
Veliko lake 46 m deep
Malo lake 29 m deep According to a legend, the island of Mljet is Homer’s
how to reach the island: by regular
Ogygia, the beautiful island of the nymph Calypso where
ferry lines or by own boat
24 sea miles away from Dubrovnik Odysseus stayed for seven years while wandering the
Mediterranean. The specifically indented coast of the
point of interest island with two salt “lakes”, the forests of Aleppo pine,
The name of the Park comes from
the latin words Melita, Meleda holm oak and maquis, as well as the rich cultural heritage
are the reason why many people consider Mljet as the
event of the year most beautiful island on the Adriatic. The landscape
Marking the anniversary of establishment beauty is one of the best recognized values of the island.
of the Mljet National Park in November
Its north-western part is a national park known for the
flora and fauna Mljet lakes which are actually flooded valleys created after
plants: Aleppo pine, holm oak, orchids,
Dubrovnik knapweed, sea lavender
Did you the last ice age when the sea penetrated through a narrow
animals: Mediterranean gull, European
shag, European honey buzzard, common
know? opening into carst depressions. The sea enters through the
30 m long and 13.5 m wide canal on the location of Veliki
kestrel, eagle-owl In the coastal part of Most, thus creating Veliko lake and Malo lake.
the sea around Mljet The island of Mljet has a rich cultural and historical
and in Mljet lakes there heritage which can be traced without any interruptions
are about 150 species from the times of Illyrian tribes, the Roman Empire, the
of bivalves, of which
more than 40 species Republic of Dubrovnik until today. The settlement of stone
live in Malo lake. The houses, Goveđari, as the home of the first settlers in the
populations of shell St 18th century is particularly impressive.
Jacques in Veliko lake are The National Park Mljet is abundant with numerous
among the best known
in the Adriatic and the
gorgeous coves such as Zaobraslo prijeslo, shallow Blace,
age of some specimen beaches of Grabove and Polača where numerous islets
can reach up to 17 years. protect the entrance into one of the safest harbors on the
Adriatic. The sights worth visiting on the rest of the island
include the Odysseus Cave next to Babino Polje and old
settlements such a Korita and Prožure.

12 parks of croatia mljet mljet parks of croatia 13

out of
tears, stars
main features
proclaimed as national park: 1980
area: 217 km2
and breath
largest island: Kornat 32,5 km2 The Irish writer George Bernard Shaw described this
large islands: Piškera, Kurba Vela, magical archipelago in the Middle Adriatic with the
Levrnaka, Lavsa following words:“On the last day of Creation God desired
biggest settlement: Vrulje
to crown His work, and thus created the Kornati islands
on Kornat island
highest peak: Metlina, 237 m out of tears, stars and breath.” This is the most indented
7 sea miles from Murter island and group of islands in the European Mediterranean of the
15 sea miles from Šibenk and Zadar most exceptional landscape value which was given the
how to reach the park: by boat hired
in a tourist agency or by own boat status of national park in 1980. More than three quarters of
entry points: Opat and Vela Proversa the Park’s surface belong to the sea, whereas the land part
consists of 89 islands, islets and reefs in the total surface
point of interest of 50 km2.
The name of the Park comes from the
Latin word “corona” which means a crown The two groups of islands in the Park, Kornatski and
Pučinski set of islands, are equally beautiful and interesting,
event of the year What however the islands of Pučinski set with their “crowns”
A pilgrimage to the church of Our
Lady of o’Tarca in July to visit? (crags or cliffs) are the most valuable ones. The highest
peak in the National Park is Metlina located on the longest
flora and fauna Each of the nine diving island of Kornat which also holds the 34 meter long cave
plants: Adriatic iris, in the Stiniva Cove.
zones in the National
bunch-flowered daffodil
Park Kornati brings Behind the scenes of the occasional settlements on the
animals: European shag, noble pen
shell, giant tun, loggerhead sea turtle, its own particular islands there are remains of Illyrian settlements, Roman
bottlenose dolphin, pallid swift excitement and
impression. However, saltworks and the Roman fishpond, the Tureta fortress
diving in Kornati is only (6th century), medieval saltwork on the Lavsa island and
allowed in organized a small church from the 16th century on the Piškera island.
and authorized diving There are no water springs nor any water flows on the
groups. However,
Kornati islands; fresh water stays only temporarily in
swimming in the lush
sea is unlimited. the Tarac and Knežak ponds or in carst basins. That is
why many water tanks have been built on the islands.
Nevertheless, cruising by the “crowns” that vertically rise
from the sea, stone houses and the crystal clear sea are
undoubtedly breathtaking and worth the visit.

14 parks of croatia kornati kornati parks of croatia 15

Green and
blue pearl
of the
main features
proclaimed as National Park: 1983
area: 33,9 km2
14 islands and islets
entry points: by boat from Fažana
or by own boat Mild climate and favourable geographic conditions,
main attractions: Zoo, Boathouse
deeply recessed coves and easily defendable elevated
interpretation and education centre, dinosaur
footprints, archaeological sites fortifications have ensured a continuity of human
activities: cycling, golf, tennis, bocce, activity on Brijuni from ancient history until the present.
electric vehicle rides, swimming, snorkeling This relatively small archipelago with the surface slightly
point of interest exceeding seven square kilometres includes approximately
The name of the Park comes from one hundred sites and facilities of high archaeological,
the words “brevona, brevogno” cultural and historical value – ranging from the first
which means shallow sea
Neolithic dugout settlement in the cove of Soline to
events throughout an elite tourist and medical resort built by the Austrian
the year industrialist Paul Kupelwieser at the beginning of the
Brijuni Marathon at the Do not miss twentieth century, and to the presidential residence
beginning of spring visited by statespersons from all over the world in the
Dinosaur Days in April Educational underwater trail
Brijuni Adventure Race in September in the cove of Verige offers a period from 1954 until today.
International Bat Night in September unique experience of natural This concise curriculum vitae of the island, which carefully
Doors Open Days in the autumn and archaeological values preserves the traces of 5000 years of human history,
Concerts and theatre shows contained in the incredibly makes the legend of its creation even more real and when
during the summer months
rich and preserved submarine arriving to the island a part of Heaven discloses in front of
Brijuni Adventure Race in September
terrain of the Brijuni National
our eyes in the unique harmony of the island’s flora, fauna
flora and fauna Park. Extraordinarily valuable
sites that can be seen only by
and heritage. A unique blend of the green islands sank into
plants: holm oak, Mediterranean
maquis and exotic species diving into the sea are presented the turquoise-blue sea whose bays and hills are laced with
animals: rabbits, squirrels, deer game, along the route 500 meters long, the white Istrian rocks.
mouflon, sea turtles, sea fish, dolphins, including a section of a classical An exquisite landscape has been created by transforming
bats, various birds antiquity complex – a splendid agricultural and forest areas into parks with spacious open
Roman villa from the 1st century. meadows. Nowhere on the Croatian coast can you find r There are also numerous
populations of fish, algae, sea
such a coherent space where holm oak and laurel blend
sponges, crustaceans and together and some islands hold the most preserved areas
bivalves, with the noble pen shell of maquis in this part of the Mediterranean.
particularly worth pointing out.

16 parks of croatia brijuni brijuni parks of croatia 17

Green oasis
of the

main features
proclaimed as national park: 1985 A lively canyon of the River Krka builds waterfalls over
area: 109 km2
length of krka: 72 km travertine barriers and the river continues to flow towards
biggest waterfall: Manojlovac 59,6 m the sea. Out of seven waterfalls, the most often visited
most visited sites: Skradinski buk and the most beautiful ones are Skradinski buk and Roški
and Roški slap
slap with ethnographic monuments, some of which have
Organized trips by boat and by bus
inside the Park been renovated. Between them lies a three kilometer
long picturesque lake, Visovac, in the middle of which
point of interest rises an islet of the same name with a Franciscan church
The name of the Park comes from the name
of the River Krka whose 2/3 flow through it and monastery. In the middle of the Krka River canyon,
in Carigradska draga, lies Krka Monastary, an important
event of the year spiritual centre of the Orthodox Dalmatian Eparchy.
Krka Cultural Summer You can visit the Krka National Park on foot and one part
flora and fauna by bike following the Skradin-Skradinski buk bike trail.
plants: chimney bellflower, grassy On the way there are old water mills, stone facilities for
bells,forests of downy oak and Do not washing clothes and monuments of rural architecture.
oriental hornbeam
animals: olm, bats, otter, Visovac trout miss Apart from the particular beauty of its canyon and cascade
course, the Krka River attracts also with its free-flowing
Take the educational lakes and green valleys. Even if you have visited the river
trail from Visovac Lake many times, you will always be impressed by its beauty.
(Stinice) to Roški slap, After a long walk you can relax in a restaurant serving
then take the stone-
traditional dishes.
carved stairs up to
Oziđana pećina cave
It is best to visit Krka in spring and autumn to discover
and experience some medieval fortresses such as the largest one, Ključica, then
unforgettable scenes fortresses Nečven and Trošenj located on the very edge
of nature, together of the canyon, and archeological sites of Burnum near
with rich flora and Kistanje where tourists can visit the remains of a Roman
fauna, geological military camp and an amphitheatre. According to the
phenomena, cultural
number of endemic fish, the Krka River is one of the richest
and historical localities
of Krka. The 8,5 rivers of the Adriatic basin. Also, taking into consideration
kilometer long walk that there are 225 species of birds, this area has been
takes three hours. recognized as ornithologically very valuable.

18 parks of croatia krka krka parks of croatia 19

main features
proclaimed as national park: 1999
Velebit Mountain was included in
unesco’s Man and the Biosphere
Programme (mab) in 1978.
Part of the Natura 2000 ecological
European Destination of
Excellence 2009 (eden) The huge and at first glance naked blocks of rock with
area: 109 km2 numerous crevices, impenetrable forests, small and large
highest peak: Veliki Zavižan, 1676 m grassy karst valleys, pits, sinkholes, ice caves, ponds and
highest weather station in croatia:
Zavižan, 1594 m cracks in limestone.... this is all Sjeverni Velebit, a mosaic
Velebit Botanical Garden made up of most diverse habitats which are home to
Strict reserve Hajdučki and Rožanski many species of fungi, plants and animals.
kukovi 16 kilometers of the Premužić Trail
passing through the National Park
Since the ecosystem is well preserved here, the Sjeverni
Velebit is a natural habitat of the bear, wolf, lynx and
event of the year golden eagle. The territory of the Park has been widely
Bike race “Ascent to Zavižan” in June Did you explored and about 1,5 thousand species of plants, fungi
flora and fauna know? and animals have been registered. Zavižan and Alan are
areas where open grasslands alternate with green forests
plants: Croatian bittercress, Croatian
sibirea, Velebit pink, Kitaibel’s columbine Sjeverni Velebit is famous and enormous limestone blocks surrounded by peaks
animals: brown bear, wolf, lynx, for its deep vertical offering fascinating views of the sea and Lika.
chamois, capercaillie, woodpeckers, owls,
caves or pits. Almost In the Velebit botanical garden you can enjoy the
subterranean fauna
400 of them have been
diversity of flora, whereas Štirovača area is abundant
discovered and partly
explored, including the
with coniferous forests, as it is also the only moist part
three deepest pits in of the Park. Lubenovac, a spacious Velebit grassland with
Croatia whose depth numerous remains of dwellings and drywalls bears witness
exceeds 1000 meters to a life style that once existed on the mountain. The
(Lukina jama - 1431m, Premužić trail will take you through the most beautiful
Slovačka jama - 1320m parts of Sjeverni Velebit. Once they discover the secrets
and Jama Velebita -
of Sjeverni Velebit, the lovers of an active holiday in the
1026m). The most famous
endemic species living middle of untouched nature always return. It is said that
there in Sjeverni Velebit is mountains need to be conquered but Velebit is a mountain
the Velebit leech. that conquers its visitors.

20 parks of croatia sjeverni velebit sjeverni velebit parks of croatia 21

Empire The closest
of 300 bird to the sea
species from the
What to visit? Located between the rivers Drava and Danube, natural
wetland oasis Kopački rit is an attractive tourist
What to visit? highest tops
The White Water Lily Walk and a boat trip destination, but also one of the best preserved wetland Do not miss to visit the Biokovo botanical
to the zoological reserve are the most garden “Kotišina”, only 3 kilometers away
areas in Europe. Even though every visitor will surely Above the beautiful beaches of Makarska coast rises the
attractive activities for tourists.The place from Makarska.
remember the endless flooplains of cane and reed giving fascinating mountain of Biokovo – the mountain whose
called Tikveš is known for the 19th century
residential facility and a hunters’ country
this area its particular characteristics, the largest areas in main features roots are in the sea, whose head is in the clouds and whose
the Park are actually covered with white willow forests, proclaimed as nature park:1981 top, Sv. Jure is the second highest point in Croatia. It can
villa built by the Habsbourg family and area: 194 km2
used as a hunting hub, thus famous all whereas the oak grows on higher altitutes. The rivers highest peak: Sveti Jure, 1762 m be reached following a road with many viewpoints from
over Europe. and fluvial wetland in Kopački rit created its unusual More than 400 caves and pits, the deepest which it is even possible to see Italy. Those who are in
relief abundant with sandbanks and river islets, as well as one is Mokre noge (-831 m) good shape may choose to go on a trip by bike, or on
main features numerous backwaters. Many rare and endangered species endemic species and symbol of biokovo:
foot or combine hiking with some transport, however it
proclaimed as nature park: 1976 Biokovo bellflower
important bird area (iba): 1986 of plants and animals found their home there and due to is necessary to bear in mind that this is a very demanding
The Nature Park entered the Ramsar List a very diverse fauna, the southern part of the Park has point of interest and challenging mountain where the Mediterranean and
of Wetlands of International Importance been given the status of special zoological reserve.The The name of the Park comes from the Alpine climates meet. There are also many archeological
in 1993 words for snowy white - “bil, bilak,
The Nature Park is part of the Mura- birds of Kopački rit are certainly the specific feature of this biokova”. Long time ago, ice was taken
sites on Biokovo, as well as stone tumuli, shepherds’
Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve, Park. There are 300 species registered, of which 141 are the from the ice pits and carried to the coastal dwellings, churches and chapels, towers and fortresses.
proclaimed by unesco in 2012 species of regular or occasional nesting birds. area. Today they tell the story of a life that once existed in this
area: 231 km2 area, the customs of local people, their adjustments to the
symbol of the park: white-tailed eagle event of the year harsh conditions on this beautiful and relentless mountain.
International mountain race in May,
point of interest Makarska - Vošac, 0-1422 m
The name of the Park comes from the
Hungarian words “kapocs” which means flora and fauna
“a buckle” and “rét” which means plants: Biokovo bellflower, Dalmatian
“wetlands meadow”. bellflower, moltkia, Biokovo knapweed,
Illyrian iris
event of the year animals: wolf, golden eagle, wildcat, nose-
Day of Open Doors in July horned viper, southern festoon, chamois,
flora and fauna
plants: white willow, pedunculate oak,
black sedge, flowering rush, Siberian iris,
great yellow cress
animals: white-tailed eagle, beaver, otter,
red deer, wetland birds, wild boar

22 parks of croatia kopački rit biokovo parks of croatia 23

A step away The largest
from Zagreb park in
Few cities have the sort of privilege enjoyed by the city of
Zagreb: an island of lush vegetation, peace and quiet in the
immediate vicinity of a centre of a major city. That is precisely Whichever educational trail you take in the Velebit Nature
what Medvednica Nature Park offers its guests. An average Park, you will enjoy the natural and historical riches of this
Did you know? visitor might be inclined to conclude that the plant world What to visit? largest protected area in Croatia. The most attractive trail,
of Medvednica is rather monotonous and poor in terms of Premužić Trail, will take you to the most beautiful parts of
Only in the Medvednica Nature Park can In the southern part of Velebit do not miss
the number of species; in reality, however, the plant world Velebit. On the Terezijana Trail you will walk on a part of
you adopt a bat for 150 HRK and help this the Cerovac Caves (Cerovačke špilje), one
protected species to remain in its habitat of Medvednica is amazingly rich, diverse and interesting. As of the largest cave bear sites in Croatia. the road built as early as 1786, which used to connect the
– the unique Veternica cave. much as 81% of the Park surface is covered in well conserved Out of the three caves with more than towns of Karlobag and Gospić. The “Kudin most” trail takes
forests that hide more than 1200 plant species. The animal six kilometers of explored passages, you to the oldest bridge on the Krupa, the river of lavish
main features world is very rich and diverse too, and it still includes species tourists can visit 700 meters of Donja and waterfalls and travertine cascades. If you decide to walk
proclaimed as nature park: 1981 Gornja Caves. Located near Jablanac, the
area: 179,4 km2
such as wildcat, wild boar, roe deer, fox, marten, rabbit... from Starigrad Senjski to Donja Klada you will take the
Zavratnica Cove will fascinate you with its
highest peak: Sljeme, 1035 m Today’s numerous visitors can engage in hiking along as road that was marked back in 1847 and on your way you
beauty, mystique and purity of the sea.
many as 70 marked hiking trails, learning many interesting will see beautiful Adriatic coves, among which Zavratnica
events throughout facts about the mountain as they walk along any of the main features stands out as protected landscape.
the year educational trails on offer, or visit a tourist attraction such proclaimed as nature park: 1981
Zagreb Fantastic Film Festival inscribed in unesco network
Medvedgrad Musical Evenings as the cave of Veternica, Zrinski mine or the medieval town of mab: 1979
International Bat Night of Medvedgrad. Events such as the Zagreb Fantastic Film Area: 2200 km2
Medieval Days on Medvednica Festival, Medvedgrad Musical Evenings and the festival
Snow Queen Trophy
Medieval Days on Medvednica are some of the particularly event of the year
Park Day in May
flora and fauna interesting cultural attractions. Many tourist programs are
plants: yew, beech, snowdrop windflower, also available, including the e-bicycle tour (guided tour using flora and fauna
military orchid, Carniolan lily electric bicycles) and Underground Medvednica program – plants: Velebit degenia, Velebit bellflower,
animals: common buzzard, white- Croatian sibirea
throated dipper, yellow-bellied toad, bringing visitors to forgotten military tunnels and abandoned animals: capercaillie, wolf, lynx, chamois,
European crayfish, rosalia longicorn, facilities such as the Markuševac tunnels and Brestovac brown bear, golden eagle, otter, Croatian
Schreiber’s bent-winged bat, sanatorium. minnow
Mediterranean horseshoe bat
Two hotels and approximately ten catering facilities and
mountain lodges on the mountain offer an ideal opportunity
for rest and refreshment, particularly during summer, when
Medvednica allows visitors to escape the summer heat.

24 parks of croatia medvednica velebit parks of croatia 25

Three Discover the
phenomena undiscovered
In the south-eastern part of Dugi otok ,the nature was The Lonjsko polje Nature Park is another example of how
generous so a relatively small area contains steep shores much diversity there is in Croatia. This is one of the largest
and tame coves, forests and fields, vineyards and olive protected floodplains of the Danube basin, located by the
groves, as well as harsh Dalmatian karst. Together with the River Sava between the towns of Sisak and Stara Gradiška.
view on the beautiful Kornati islands, the Telašćica Nature You can enjoy the beauty of the landscape and preserved
Did you know? Park holds three phenomena particularly interesting for What to visit? wooden architecture, moist meadows and pastures,
boaters. There is a calm cove called Telašćica as one of the riparian lowland forests of pedunculate oak and narrow-
The small island of Taljurić, only three Picturesque villages with traditional
safest and largest natural harbors on the Adriatic. Then leaved ash, as well as picturesque scenes of traditional
meters high, is entirely underwater during wooden houses of Posavina, next to the
storms so there is no vegetation on it and there are cliffs, locally called “Stene”, showing the relentless River Sava and its tributaries perfectly fit system of pasturing. Among many activities you can also
it looks like a flat surface from afar. Did and wild side of the sea and Dalmatian environment. into the landscape and simultaneously enjoy birdwatching, walking, canoeing, cycling, horse
you know that the carnivorous sponge Finally, salt lake Mir gives an entirely different impression. reflect very strict rules about organizing riding, photo safari or fishing. Tributaries, ponds, wetlands
was found in the underwater cave on Mir is home to the species of eel, locally called “kajman”. the space, given the constant threat of and pastures are a habitat for wetland birds, together with
Garmenjak Veli at the depth of only 24 m? Telašćica has been inhabited since ancient times, as can water and floods. One such village is some very rare species in Europe. So far, 250 bird species
This inhabitant of great depths has so far Čigoč, the first to be given the title of
be seen from numerous archaeological remains found in have been registered in this area of which 170 species nest
only been found in such shallow waters the European Village of White Stork and
in France. the area like the burial mounds, the Illyrian mounds and also Krapje, the village of architectural here, so some areas such as Krapje Đol and Rakita have
the remains of Roman buildings from the first century. heritage. Furthermore, the villages of been protected as special ornithological reserves. Lonjsko
main features Mužilovčica, Repušnica and Osekovo polje is one of the biggest hatcheries in Europe and its
proclaimed as nature park: 1988 should not be neglected since they offer a pastures feed some original breeds of domestic animals
area: 70,5 km2 fascinating view on Lonjsko polje, whether
scope: southern part of Dugi otok such as Posavac horse, Slavonian-Srijem Podolian cattle,
flooded or dry.
and adjoining islets Croatian coldblood and Turopolje pig.
The Park is a haven for donkeys
main features
point of interest proclaimed as nature park: 1990
Inscribed in iba in 1989 and ramsar in 1993
The old name Tilagus means three
area: 50 650 km2
(connected) lakes

event of the year events throughout

Days of Medicinal Herbs in May the year
Dugi Otok Trail in March Lonja Bike Tour in June
European Stork Village Day in Čigoč in June
flora and fauna European Heritage Days in Krapje in
plants: Dubrovnik knapweed, tree spurge September
animals: red coral, European shag, Mushroom Festival in Lonjsko polje in October
bottlenose dolphin,
short-toed snake-eagle, Eurasian eagle- flora and fauna
owl, peregrine falcon, greater noctule bat plants: alluvial forests of pedunculate
oak and narrow-leaved ash, European
animals: 250 bird species – white stork,
black stork, white-tailed eagle, spoonbill

26 parks of croatia telašćica lonjsko polje parks of croatia 27

Forest oasis Largest
at the heart natural lake
of Slavonija in Croatia
In the middle of the endless Slavonian plain mountains The Vransko jezero Nature Park is the favourite destination
rise to almost a thouand meters above ground. One of for birdwatchers and sport fishermen, however cyclists
Did you know? those mountains is Papuk, the most beautiful one in Did you know? and hikers will surely enjoy the 40 kilometer long bike trail
Slavonija. The diverse and dense forests of Papuk are with the dominant scent of sage, stone viewpoints, rich
Due to significant lithological diversity of Long time ago Vransko jezero was called
a habitat and haven for deer, doe, wild boar, fox and wetland vegetation and drywalls in the Mediterranean
rocks, minerals, fossils, geological structures “Vedro blato”. Its cultural and historical
and textures, and karst phenomena, the marten.... Furthermore, there are habitats of many bird features date back to the year 2000 BC. maquis. The northwestern edge of the biggest natural
Papuk Nature Park became the first Croatian species, whereas fast and cold mountain creeks provide lake in Croatia became a special ornitho- logical reserve
geopark in 2007 and was inscribed in habitat for specific fish species, amphibians and reptiles. main features because of the great number of wetland birds. Moreover,
UNESCO’s network of geoparks. The Jankovac Park-Forest is particularly rich with water proclaimed as nature park: 1999 Vransko jezero has been on the list of important European
area: 57 km2
and water resources. The dominating feature of the Park is ornithological areas for more than twenty years now,
visitors’ centres: Crkvine - Ornithological
certainly the 35 meter high waterfall Skakavac, known for reserve, Prosika port and Kamenjak viewpoint nevertheless two years ago Vransko jezero joined the
its unique beauty all around Slavonija. The most significant world network of wetlands.
geological site is Rupnica which became the first Croatian point of interest Hardly anywhere else could you encounter three entirely
Vransko jezero is the largest lake in Croatia
geological monument of nature already in 1948. different landscapes – the sea coast with a rich archipela-
and the name of the Park comes from the
A great number of medieval fortifications, most of medieval town of Vrana, seat of Croatian go, the Mediterranean wetland and its rich ecosystem and
them originating from the 13th century, testify about the viceroy (ban), the Benedictines and the lively rural environment of Ravni kotari.
main features importance of the Papuk Hills, especially at the time of the Knights Templar
proclaimed as nature park: 1999
area: 336 km2
Turkish invasions. Near the town of Orahovica stands the event of the year
highest peak: Papuk, 953 m most beautiful and most preserved “old citadel” – Ružica, Fair of local products Luka i igara in July/
95% of the Park is forest a valuable example of Gothic and Renaissance art. You August
can spend a day or a weekend in the Papuk Nature Park
event of the year enjoying some adventurous activities or just walking, flora and fauna
A medieval vital tournament in forest plants: sage, curry plant, Illyrian iris,
park Jankovac in September cycling, visiting events or just admiring nature. Anacamptis palustris, grass lily, holm oak
animals: more than 250 bird species –
flora and fauna purple heron, pygmy cormorant, western
plants: greater pasque flower, Slender
marsh harrier, bladetail, eel, four-lined snake
fritillary, marsh gentian, lady orchid
animals: snake-eyed skink, alcon blue,
Mediterranean barbel, collared flycatcher,
Bechstein’s bat

28 parks of croatia papuk vransko jezero parks of croatia 29

Mountain Ideal getaway
with magnifi- With more than 347 kilometers of hiking trails, 200
kilometers of bike trails and two climbing facilities – Okić

cent view
and Terihaji, then two registered paragliding fields, Japetić
and Plešivica, the Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature
Park is an ideal destination for a getaway. Visitors and
hikers are thrilled by the views from Okić, Plešivica, Japetić
The Učka Nature Park includes the mountain of Učka and or Sv. Gera. Even though it is clear at first sight that this
part of the Ćićarija massif streching along the west coast is a typically karst area, the Park holds 828 springs, 260
Did you know? of Kvarner Bay, at one of the most northern points of the Did you know? water courses and 164 ponds. Particularly beautiful are
Mediterranean. The proximity of the sea and different the waterfalls such as Sopotski slap on the River Kupčina
Back in 1852, a group of mountain climbers Žumberak has always been the centre of
climate conditions contributed to the development of near its spring and Brisalo slap and Vranjički slap on the
from Rijeka completed their first ascent on Greek Catholics in Croatia. Their churches
Učka. The ascent was described in the Zagreb highly diverse flora and fauna. A special feature of this were built in the 18th century and still River Slapnica. The traditional way of life and customs in
magazine “Neven” under the article title area is definitely the combination of natural resources and attract visitors with their beauty, such as local villages are in tune with the preserved nature, as can
of “Dawn on Učka”, thus being the oldest human activities in the form of many tangible remains and the church of St. Nikola in Badovinci, St. be seen from endless vineyards on Plešivica and its top
travel chronicle about a mountain ascent in archological sites testifying about the presence of man in Petka in Budinjak, St. Juraj in Stojdraga, quality wines.
Croatian literature. This is how Učka, until this place since pre-historical times. A viewpoint tower St. Petar i Pavao in Sošice next to which
then interesting only to scientists, became stands also a Roman Catholic Chapel of
built in 1911 on Vojak, the highest peak of the mountain
a favourite destination among mountain the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
climbers, as well as tourists who were on of Učka, represents a symbol of the Park today, and Mary.
holiday in Opatija. also a must-see Park destination given the magnificent
view offered by the Vojak peak. In addition to mountain main features
main features biking and hiking enthusiasts, Učka also attracts many proclaimed as nature park: 1999
Area: 342 km2
proclaimed as nature park: 1999 free climbers. There are 62 available climbing routes in
area: 160 km2 highest peak: Sveta Gera, 1178 m
highest peak: Vojak, 1401 m the canyon of Vela draga, a geomorphological nature special protection area: Slapnica
main attractions: Vojak, Vela Draga monument, with numerous climbers visiting the site near Krašić, Japetić, Okić Grad and the
Canyon, Korita surrounding area
during the spring and autumn months.
event of the year event of the year
Učka Fair in September Culinary Millennia – culinary
workshops in September
flora and fauna flora and fauna
plants: Učka bellflower, Justin bellflower,
Istrian spearwort, sweet chestnut - plants: mountain grasslands with more
marron than 40 species of plants on one square
animals: golden eagle, subterranean meter
beetle – Božićević’s filtrator ( lat. animals: bear, wolf, 11 species of bats, 110
Croatodirus bozicevici) , alpine salamander species of birds and numerous endemic
cave organisms

30 parks of croatia učka žumberak samoborsko gorje parks of croatia 31

Fumari - Volunteer programs
of life
Lastovo archipelago of mystical beauty with dense forests
and fertile fields, enriched with ponds, steep shores, land
and underwater caves, as well as numerous rare sea and
What to visit? land species and habitats are among the richest and best
Choose one out of many hiking and cycling preserved treasuries of biodiversity on the Mediterranean.
trails and discover 46 old stone churches Many stone churches reflect the rich cultural and
hidden around the island, dive into the historical heritage as do the picturesque chimneys called
Adriatic at some of the most attractive “fumari”which were built to show the status of home
locations and then lift your head up towards owners. The event called “Lastovski poklad” (Lastovo
the second darkest sky in Europe and
Carnival) gathers all of the islanders. The small town of
observe galaxies as if laid out for you on a
silver platter.
Lastovo is in the shape of an amphitheatre. There are still
stone houses there built in the 15th and 16th centuries.
main features Lučica is the last preserved example of a baroque
proclaimed as nature park: 2006 fishermen’s settlement. The highest peak Hum is the most
area: 53 km2 land surface and 143 km2
sea surface
beautiful viewpoint on the island.
settlements: Lastovo, Zaklopatica, Volunteer programs in National Parks and and management of volunteer programs, and
Skrivena luka,Ubli, Pasadur Nature Parks have been implemented in their all such programs are harmonized with Park
number of islands: 46 islands, islets and reefs current form since 2016. The strong appeal management plans.
number of hours of sunshine:
2700 annually of nature-related work reflects in the results
achieved so far: in 2016, through various A comprehensive list of open volunteer programs
event of the year programs, almost 300 volunteers donated over and online application form are available at:
Lastovo Carnival (“Lastovski poklad”),
a 500 year old custom
10,000 working hours (1200 working days) to
nature protection.
flora and fauna There are approximately thirty programs on offer
plants: white alyssum, Mauritanian grass, each year, and activities available to volunteers
stenoendemic Dalmatian Biserrula, Sušac
mustard include polling and providing information
animals: crustaceans – colonies of the to visitors; data collection and conservation
European spiny lobster, European lobster, of species and habitats; removal of invasive
Mediterranean slipper lobster and European
spider crab, gastropods - Triton’s trumpet,
species; maintenance of botanical gardens, olive
zoned mitre and giant tun, several species groves, dry stone walls and trails; preservation
of dolphins and sea turtles of traditional activities; cleaning of trails and
the environment; care for domestic animals;
waste collection; support in organizing various
events; nature photography. Over 40 trained
coordinators and their deputies from public
institutions are involved in the development

32 parks of croatia lastovsko otočje volunteer programs parks of croatia 33

np paklenica np krka np sjeverni velebit pp velebit np brijuni pp lonjsko polje
location of the public institution: location of the public institution: location of the public institution: location of the public institution: location of the public institution: location of the public institution:
Dr. Franje Tuđmana 14a, Trg Ivana Pavla II. br. 5, Krasno 96, 53274 Krasno Kaniža Gospićka 4b, Brionska 10, 52212 Fažana Krapje 16, 44324 Jasenovac
23244 Starigrad Paklenica 22000 Šibenik — 53000 Gospić —
— — telephone: — telephone: telephone:
telephone: telephone: 00385 (0)53 665 393 telephone: 00385 (0)52 525 888 00385 (0)44 672 080
00385 (0)23 369 155  00385 (0)22 201 777 Gospić 00385 (0)52 525 882 00385 (0)44 611 190
00385 (0)53 560 450 00385 (0)52 525 883
00385 (0)23 369 202
(Directorate and Camp) np plitvička jezera Krasno
np risnjak location of the public institution: 00385 (0)53 851 600 pp biokovo
00385 (0)23 369 803 location of the public institution: Josipa Jovića 19, pp žumberak - location of the public institution:
(Entrance reception of Park) Bijela Vodica 48, 53231 Plitvička Jezera Obrovac samoborsko gorje Marineta – Mala obala 16, 21300
51317 Crni Lug — 00385 (0)23 689 818 location of the public institution: Makarska
— telephone: Slani Dol 1, 10430 Samobor —
telephone: 00385 (0)53 751 026 — telephone:
pp kopački rit 00385 (0)51 836 133 (Additional information, telephone: 00385 (0)21 616 924
location of the public institution: 00385 (0)51 836 261 entrance) pp vransko jezero 00385 (0)1 3327 660
Mali Sakadaš 1, location of the public institution:
31327  Bilje, Kopačevo 00385 (0)53 751 014 K. Petra Svačića 2,
— 23210 Biograd n/m
telephone: np kornati 00385 (0)53 751 015 — pp medvednica
00385 (0)31 445 445 location of the public institution: (Reservations, Sales department) telephone: location of the public institution:
00385 (0)31 752 320 Butina 2, 00385 (0)23 383 181 Bliznec 70, 10 000 Zagreb
00385 (0)31 752 322 22243 Murter —
— telephone:
telephone: pp papuk 00385 (0)1 458 6317
00385 (0)22 435 740 location of the public institution: np mljet
pp lastovsko otočje Trg Gospe Voćinske 11, location of the public institution:
location of the public institution: 33522 Voćin Pristanište 2,
Trg sv. Petra 7, 20289 Ubli, — 20226 Goveđari pp učka
otok Lastovo, Hrvatska pp telašćica telephone: — location of the public institution:
— location of the public institution: 00385 (0)34 313 029 telephone: Liganj 42, 51415 Lovran
telephone: Sali IV 2, 23281 Sali 00385 (0)20 744 041 —
00385 (0)20 801 252 — telephone:
telephone: 00385 (0)51 293 753
00385 (0)23 377 096

34 parks of croatia contacts contacts parks of croatia 35

Explore all 19 Parks of Croatia at
and buy your entry tickets online
Web portal is an official online guide that visitors can use
to take a virtual walk through the Parks, to plan their visit, and to obtain all relevant
information, including information about key Park attractions, in four languages:
Croatian, English, German and Italian. The web portal contains information about
almost 300 attractions and more than 1000 trails and sites shown on the map.
All activities accessible to persons with disabilities are specially marked. The web
portal also includes a webshop for purchase of entry tickets.

Download the Parks of Croatia mobile app

The mobile app facilitates orientation in the Parks, offering an enhanced visitor
experience. By using the app during your stay in a Park, you can explore many
interesting sites, obtain a range of useful information, or simply have a look
at where you might go next. The app uses Bluetooth technology and beacon
transmitters to notify users whenever they come near an interesting site or
attraction. This free mobile app is available in Croatian and English, and it can
also be used offline.

Follow the Parks of Croatia on social networks Facebook and Instagram

Parks of Croatia web portal and mobile app have been prepared within the parcs
Project, implemented in the Republic of Croatia by the Ministry of Environment and
Energy and the United Nations Development Programme (undp), and funded by the
Global Environment Facility (gef) grant.

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