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1\e\itsnrd h\ tl. hundfur rAeb\ ccnrcntLunrpanies andqurliq controlldorutodeslhroughout dtc rofld.

I lt".l]r hc usd In (. rul,rtift lhr grindrhr||h0f all ofc Thedigitalcornterindicalesthe counldo$nendit
.l-., slrul'nff rlrcdrfLrrdri\r ilr mrlu.lrncmn)fattcnti0n durinsthistimejs notreouired.
A jogingbltlon is
lrolidcd to positioo lhc drun ior bedingmd urloadirg. A rlr.tnudljog
is possible posilioning

. .\ll ballmilk comenandard$ithooe{4 5 lb.
ch.ugc0f lon hdls.ifon slmd, fcccivingtm
lUldhmd screenpm.
. lil cir-slifon dru l

l'ii ilqi so
220\bll,Jph.60 oclc
. Modell95-i1
. l\ odelJ9t 5I\

The F.C. Bond Ball Mill is a smalluniversallaboratorymill usedin calculatingthe

grindability of all ores.



This Ball Mill canbe usedcontinuouslyor it canbe usedfor any numbq ofrcvolutions,
accoding to the type of grind desired. For instance,the Frcd C. Bond GrindabiliryTestsw€re
madein the Bico Mill rurmingat 70 revolutionsper minute,with a chargeof285 iron balls
rangingin sizefrom 3/4 inch to 1-1l2 inch in diameter,andweighing approKimately20,125
grams. 700 CC ofminus 6 mesh,stagecrushed,dry feedwas usedandthe circulationload
maintain€dconstantat 250%by adjustingthe numberof revolutionsfor eachgrinding period.


Becauseofvaxiationsin ball size,no exactnumberofballs ofeach sizecanbe specified.

The ball chargeis preparedby startingwith 285 balls, consistingof approximatelyequalweights
ofvarioussizeballs. Thesesizesinclude:3/4 incbrT18irrch,1 inch,1-114inchand 1-112
inch.....about400 gramsofeach size.With 285 balls alwayspresent,someballs ofone size are
removedard replacedwith the next sizeof largeror smallerballs.
This is continueduntil the total rveightis at closeto 20,125gramsaspossible,making
the last adjustmentwith the smallestsizeof balls. Do not removeall the balls of any one size.
Oncea suitablegrinding chargeis preparedfrom onegradeofballs, count andnote the number
ofballs of eachsize.

Otherbatchesofthe samegradecanbe startedusing this count,andfirther adjustedif

necessary.It is IMPORTANT to ietain the "one for one" rutio while adjustingthe final weight
to maintainthe DroDerball count.


Coruectthepowetsupplyto thecontol box.Wircsarcprotuding for easyaonnection.

Makesuleall circuitbreake$arcof to avoidsev€reelecticalshock.

Thismachineis equipped$r'ithanautomaticcounter.To setthecount€r,pressthebutton

to thedesirednumb€rofrcvolutions.Theswitchhastwo positions,"RUN" for normaluse,and
"JOG"to movethodrumto a desiredpositiotr(for emptyns),

To loadthedrum,"JOG"thc drumAsning until it facesupwaid.Rsrnovethecoverand

gasket,Insertthesampleatrdball chargeinto thedrum.Replaceth€gasketandcov€r. Setthe
numbcrofrevolutionsyoudesirconthecounterandstartthemotorby pushingthestrrt contol.

Themachinewill stopautomatically whentle numberofrevolutionsis reached.Again,

us€the"JOG"buttonto positio[theopeningof thedrumupwadtowardstheceiling. Now,
coveratrdgaskot.Agai!. 'JOG"theopeningof thedrumtowardsthereceivingpan
sothesampleandballscandischarye iltto thereccivilgpan.

Wefird thatthequestionofcolrert bsll chargcarisesoft€uandis still yerydebatable.

Backin 1960,Mr. Bondhimselfrecommended thc chargcdcscribed;

43batle- 1-ll2 inch (1.45)

67balls- 1-ll4 iuch (1.17)
10balls- 1 inch (1.00)
7l balls- 3/4inch (.75)
94balls- 5/8inch (.61)

285BALLS Totalwt. =rDx.44.5lbs.

Mr. Bondhimsclfadmittcdtllat it is verydifrcult to spwifr a givennumberofballs of

eachweight,andin oul mostreceniconglondlncr with Mr. Bon4 hal€coDtrl€ad€d a chsrge
excludingthe5/8 ittch(.61)balls. Becausc ofthis, Bico Inc.o(pcrimrntdlycameup with thc
followingfigurefor a cbrrge:

25balls- 1-ll2 inah(1.50)

39balls- l-1l4 inch(1.25)
60 balls- I itrch0.00)
68balls- 7/8inch(.875)
93balb- 3/4inc.h( .75)

285b&llr Totrt wL = apr.44.5lbs.

Weirclude scveralexta ballsof cachsizesothattbechargecaub€manipulat€d

to result
in the20,125 totaln'it! 285ba!s.


BM-I DruD,with Shaffs(PleascspeciSSA.I) n3/52
BM-2 Covcr 1lt5
BM.3 Haagsr 13/6
BM4N Tablewith Legs 109/50
BM-9 Pillow Block tl.4
BM-I2 Asb€stosGasks,t .3t.1
BM-134 50IIz Dgital Comter/Jogging Swibh
BM-138 60 Ilz Digitsl CounlF4oggingSfitclt
BM-13C CouDter Brackct
BM.13D Courtlr hror
BM.I4DO Paowith Ss'reca ard RccaivitrgPalt 9t4
8M.15 ChEgeofBaUs 50n2
BM-23 ChainCuard 31t.5
BM-26 Chain,oncl€agth= 29 inchcs u.4
BM-294 Connecting link foi 60I{Z opaetiod ll.4
BM.298 Offsctlink for 50IZ opcrdion t/.4
BM-32 ShaftKey

*** Sprockets
arcavsilableandquoteduponrcqucat.(S/Ned IU rcquired).
- _ 2 . T UR E ND O F S HA E T
( - r ,oi T o R c 0 v E R B E HT ND
c o NT RO L P ANEL )

"'lRed8$. Fo


! , P ESS ;H ESE 4 LOWE P B U_TO\S N ' I URN -O S E T N L I , lB E R


50 cYcl,a 220 \DLT

tt6f coprrec'f Eb

u)A6M ,t1| oP6.'S It ZASETS ILe.

Coaole{, lo{Ep TLe PAES'T l,/t+L4E
lhe ni o7oA- THE Joe auTFa,tJ
PI.STBLES 'tt1F- ztJT6 zLo ck
CD '|{cY As c ttara
50 cYclB 220 VOLT


f\nNsFa.rn eR f&l

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F ts . L 8 + i n . H l d to c o n e crush.t l or
t.ttidtt ctushirs ol SemnTa@zite ote
(speculat henatite). ( unboldt
Mi^iry Co., Humboldt, Michisan.)


lh. .rlehing .nd Srindinr of or.., ri.l mii.rk k .n indusrri.l proc.$ of sr.rr inpori:nc..!.d
enSin€.fin! khowl.d3. ir r.quir.d fo. ihe rolution of pr.ctidl probl.n! in p.nicl. ii1. r.ducrioh, rnd
c odif ic . t io. oI r hi! k no* l. dg . h r 3 h . r d l / b c i l n . T h . p r . . . n r p . p . r i , . n r t t e m p t t o . $ c m b t . r h i r h ty
.ond.n!.d summ.ry of th. princip.l crl.!l.tion d.thodr whi.h th. .urhor h.s found us.ful, 1r.
siv€. to r.ti.l.r {ith r hor..xt.niive.xpl.nrtio. .hd .:.mpl6 of ..t.ut.tion5.


r\OMMINUTION Ih.ory is coDerred with tle relarion- of one-balf the surfacearea, and thc new crack tensth is
\-. ship betw.en eoergt iDpr.ttaDd rbc product particle sik proportionar ro 1I 1/i - lt\/j .
nade from s eivcn f€ed sizc. It continues to be a rich ficld For practical calculationsrhe size in microns which 80
per cent passesis selccted as tbe criterion of particle siz€.
Tb. oldest therry (1867) is fiat of RrrrINoEA,LBnd it still The <iiameterh microns which 80 per ccnt of tbe producl
bas adhcr.nts. He srat.d that tbc arca of the n.w surfac€ passesis dcsipat.d as P, the siz! which 80 pcr cent of the
produ€cd by crubhing or grirding is direclly to feed passesis dcsisnatedas F, and the work input iD
tb. useful work input. Thc surfac€ area of a totr of prrticlcs watt bours per sbort to! is ttl. The basicThird Th.o.y eqna-
of uDiform diamct€rd is proportional to 1/d, and accord-
ing to RFnNolR thc us€ful work input pcr ton is also
proponioual to I /d. Hos'cver, tbc measured surfacc encrgy to wi t0 wi
of the nc*, surface ar€a produccd is only a veiy 6ma[ fr!c- \/ ? \/F '. . ( 1)
tion of thc ordcr of l/10cr0 of the energy iaput actually
required to producc tbat surface h commercial crushjna wbere ryt is tlre work index. Tbe work index is the com-
parameterwhich expre$es rhe resistanc€of tbe
aDd Srinding. Nearly all of thc rcquircd €d€rgy input ap- mrnunob
pcars a3 heat dt€r thc particLs arc brokeb. ftat€rial to crushins and CrindiDs.Numericaly rhe work
The sccondthcory (1885)is tbat of K1cK.:H. ltal€d that iDdex is the kwh per shorr ton required ro feduce Ibe
lhe work requircd is proportioDal to the rcdultioo in volume mateial from theoreticallyinfinite feed siz! to 80 pcr cenr
of tbe pa icles conccrncd.Whcrc I is the diametq of the pasi n8 100 mi crons.equi val enr to about o? p.r. ; nl paF
fecd paniclcs and p is thc diam.ter oI the product panicles, sing 200 mcsb. When any three of rhe quaDritiesin Eqoation
(l) are known, the fourrh can bc fourjd by transposingrhc
tho reduciion ratio Rr is J/p Accordios to KICK, tbc work
idput lcquir€d pcl totr is proportioml to Iog Rrllog 2. equation.Useful forms are showd in (ta) and (tb) belowj
Siucc neiter theory agrecawith commercial qushiDg and tl to
grindiDa r€sult!, the author devcloped thc Third Thcory in . . {la)
1951-rAccording to this theory, tbe work iDput h propor-
tional to tb€ trlw crack tip length Foduced iD particle
br€aka8c,and aqualsthe work repres€ntedby thc product - | to wi\/F \' ....0b)
mitrus that reprcsentedby the feed. Ir particles of similar
\ w1 / F - t o wil
shape,thc @ck rjp length is €quivalentto the sqrare root Tbe sork input in
Ioules or wa {econds per gram equals
D.rann.n(. ArG-Chrdqs If th€ naterial is homoseneous10 size reduction, its }l,i
value will cootinu. constanrfor all size reduction stages.

I - R.prinr.d Fton Brilirhchemical Enpineednp

Fig.2. Expon.itidl size dituibutio, ttlot al ote with naturul
gtuin size between1OOond l5O nesll. E posute tatio Er:
0.30, P = 80 per cent pasine 4nO nicrcns. Oack lenetll
equals Cr = 24.4 cnlcc ol solid.

Fig.3. Crack lensth plot l,on Iable l-ton 80 pet cent

passi'1glN micro$ 10 80 pet c.nt pdsire lm , ctohs lot
all wLues oJ e,posute ruIio Er.

Fig.4.Scalpedleed conection plot. Scalpedleed with 80 pel
cent passine 7900 niuo^s (F = 79OO).Y = 29 pet cent,
80 - Y/2 = 65.5 per cent. Slope = | t2. Catected leed
size Fc = 12,0m thictons.



-l -
Howevcr, beterogeneoDs structures in rock diameter,as shown in the work index Equation (1). C{ush-
Fo. instance, certain mat rills havc a narural grain size, aDd iog aDd sriDdins machines are csr€dtialtydeviccsfor the
thcir ryi values will be larg.r bclow that siz. than abovc it. .onversiotr of m.chanicat encrgy into strain energy inro
A loosely cementcd sandstoDeof 4S-mesh silic-a graiDs will heat, uoder conditions which proftote material brcakag..
hav€ a larger ryi for a product nith broken parricles finer The en€rgy register as uscd herein r.preseDts the specific
than 48 meshthatr for a coarserproduct. cnergy rvhich has passed tbroush th€ material as strain
The etrciency of the r€ductio! machinc may also in- en€rcy, and iDcludes heat losses and loss.s due to fricriolr
fluencc thc operating work ind€x. For iostanci, a ball mill and other causs. It does aot the eoergy
EriDdirgan ore from 80 p.r cent-l4 meshto 80 per cent- of thc material.
100 meeh will have a lowcr op€ratins t/t value with 1.5-in. The Third Pinciple deals wirh thc relatiooship of particle
srindins balls tban witl oversize3-iD.balls. flaws to mat.rial breakas.. A flaw is defined as atry struc-
A material may havc an tudacel grain size resultins from tual in a particlc which rnay dcvelop iaro a dack
some pref€rential siziry action which chatrses its natural tp undc! straid. Flavs ar. slways pres€Dt in brittle
size distributioa. Undersiz. s.indine bals can have this materials and may causc wide Erialions in thc brcakinq
effect. sLrcD8lh!of appar€ntlysimilar pardcler.
I-aboratory.determinationsof th. work index sbow the The *cakest flaw iD a particle determines its breaking
rcsiltance to breakagc at the rize rangc tcsled, and aly strength in crushing and Srindi!8. It also cortrols rbe num-
variatior in thc }'/; valDes in tests at diffcreDt product sizcs ber of particlcs produced by br*kage. Particles with the
shows that the malerial is not homogencous to size reduc- weakest flaw8 brcak most easiiy and produce thc larsest
tion. For thi! reason laboratory testr should preferably be product particlcs. Ho*ever, they arc not necessadly easier
made at or near tbe product size required iD commercial ro grind ro a givcn producr size rcquiriEg severatstagesoI
8Imortr& brealagethan are pafljcles of rhe samesize \,\boseweatcsL
The op€ratiry work iDdexfrorn transposcdEquation (la)
can bc calculated from size r€duction in commercial plants The Third Principle states that the weakcst flaw in a
to compare the plaat €fficiency wiih laboratory test results, particle der.rmines ils breaking srrengtbbul Dot its work
to compa& efrciencies of tb€ diferent plaDt siz€ reductiotr index. Tbe work iodex is conkoU.d by t-be av.rsse 6aw
stases, or to .ompare thc efrci€ncies of difierent plants srructurc Lbrougbour lhc €Drre size rangc restcd. work
treatins limilar materials. The work index is particularly index variadons ar dificreni p.oduct sjze, rcsutr from flaw
vahiabl€in pr€dictingthe sizeand capacityof Dewinstalla- concentratioft or shorlages ai rbose sizes,usually causcd by
tions. Tablo IIIA in tle appendix Iists the averag€ work natural grain siz$.
ind.x values of 82 difi€reni materials.
Evaluation ot Particle Size Dirt.ibution
Three PrinciDles The usual ltandard screen scaleconsistsof a seriesof
CommiDutiod phenomeDahave recently been redacted into \ievs with square openinesdifrerins by y'i. based upon
tkee pitrciples,rwhich ar€ usefrnsuidesfor the considera- dre 200-meshsieve oDcbiDgof 74.: microDs. There are
tion of all crushingaDd grinding data. 25,400miclors in an inch. A scrcenanalysissize distribu-
The FiBr Priuctr'le statesthat, since energy irput is neces- tion of a crushedor sround product consisr!of a tistins of
sary for siz. feduction, all fccd particles of finite siu have the p€r cent weighr passingor retaired on each in thc
a certain .oar8y register,or en€rgy level. which must be
added to tbe enqgy iEput during crusbina or Srinding to Tbere is probabb a defi tr laq qbicb soreras rbe resltar
obtain tbe en€rgyregistei of the product.All statementsof si zedi .Lri buri onof crusbedor grouodproducrsrb owever ,
th€ energyutilized in comminutionmust satisfythis condi Done of the proposed laws bas bcen generatly accepred as input = en€rgy r.gistcr of product - energy Siz€distribution analysesof crushedand sround products
r€gisterof feed. are commonly plotted on los-log paper with (]) the per
Th. Third Theory work index Equation (l) fo ows this cenr passing as ordinatc and the parricle diaDeter (r) in
principle, with tbe energy register equal to the total sp.ciffc microns as absci$a. Such plots of complete samples usuatly
energy input io kwh per short tod. The lrork index t/i is sbow a fairly straisbt lioe for rbe firer particle size ratrge
rhe energyreSjst.r lo 80 per c.trt pdssing100 miclotrs. which begins to curve in tbe coarser sizes and often aD-
If tbe enersy which has becn expended in preparing the proachestao8trcy witb tb€ I00 per cebt passiogIiDe ar rhe
fced particlesis Desl€ctedin analysioscomminution data. rop oI tbe plot. Tbe size 80 per cenr passesmay b. Iound
tbe first principle has beeo violated.aDd applicationof tbe from the curved portion of the plot for use in the work
calculated r€sult to difierent feed and product sizes eill be index Equation (l).
Wben rbc straigbt lower porrion of lbe plo(ed line is
The Second Ptinciple statesthat the input in extctrd.dat ils slope ,. ir iDrercepLe
rhe 100per ceor passitrg
crushing and edndine is propoitioDal to the length of tb. Iine at i.& microns. It follows a po,e. law deffned by th€
n€w crack tips produced.In ordinarycrushiosand gdnding, G^rEs-C^r.rD1N-ScAUfiMl.rN equation,t s,hich is
rock particlesabsorbstrain energyand a.€ deformed uDder
compressionor sbearuntil the weakestflaw in the particle J , : r0 0 1 . : l (2J
faih wjth.he formatioo of a crack tip. Tbis minute chanse '"
of shapecausesothercrack lips to form at orberweak flaws, From this equation the surfacearea Jc in cm, per gram
and lhe particle bleaks, releasingthe bulk of tbe shaitr of cubical plrticles of density p, with 100 per cent passing
energy as heat.The strain energyrequned to break is pro- tro microDsand slope d lo a grind linit o{ ai mrcronsn:
porlional to fte lengtb of the crack tips formed, since the
additional energy requircd to €xtend the crack tips 10 60.000d f/k.^ \r-' I
rr . . . . ( 3)
b.eaka8eis suppliedby the flow of the sunoundingresidert p,/.roo(t_o)L\ ai /' j
stEitr ene.gyto the crack tips. The grind limit ai hls lecently been assigDedthe valu. of
Since the crack tip lenglh is proportional to tbe square 0.1micron,6equivalent to 1000 Angstrom unirs. This is
root of the new su.face area produced,tbe specincwork abolt 200 tjmes th€ unit spacelatlice of quartz and otber
input requiredk i.versely proportionalto the sqLrareroot rock forning minerals.
of the p.oducl particle diameter minus that of the feed The slop€r is often about 0.5, but may approach unity.

Crushins or srinding io closed circuii Foduces less fin.s crack lcngth Cr of any !€8ular qushcd or ground product
than oped-circuit opcratiofl, and causes d to rDcreas€ can be fo'rd grapbically wbeo i$ 80 pc| ceot passiDgsizc
Renoval of nnes beforc rcductioDhas the same.ffect As a P and crposD.e ratio Er arc known frotd atr €xponentral
material is eJound fiDer, its value of d often apPears lo sizE distdbution plot. On tbe first shcet tbc Cr valucs for
P = I microD ar. plotted otr tbe lcft-hand iidc, and thc
The loA'log sizedistributionplot is donveDient.However, vatues for P : r0 microns arc plottcd on the dght-hatd
the usual curvature in its upper patt itrdicates that the side. Each pair of points is connectcdby a straisbt linc
actual size distiibution law is of the expooentialtvpc with marked with its E value, ard intermediate lincs catr be
a variable exponen!,ralher tbao of th! po*er type witl drawn using a logarithmic rulc. The lecond sbcet is made
tbe constant exponentd. by plottins values for P: 10 on the left-band sidc abd
P : 100 on tbe rishnhand side, and so on for the 3€t of lix
ExDonential Size Distribution Plots charts, which cov.r the €ltire operating size langc.
A metbod of plottios has bc.d developedwith yiclds size T DI:E I--4'..1 Larh vd!6 lor PldiD. cr (.DFu
distribution lides that arc apparently quite straight for
homogeneous materials-! They follow the expon.ntial t6iso l0@ 10,@0 l0o,00o I

Y =]rn-v=bte'=blt0A x . . . (4 ) ol0 10.65 r.76 r.r7 0.495

Ax = loeb -1oeY .... (44) 212.0 93.0 36.6
16.39 6.60 2,47 0.915
?!?.0 n0.0 1r.r r9,t6 1,37 7.96 r.r35
X1 reDr.s.nts lt, thc €nergy rcgistcr in kwh/toD divided t9r-9 t15.2 32.1
bv the ;ork index fi/i at tbe 80 pcr ccnt passingbale IiDe
where v = 20. The per cent cumulative retained v is
10o - y, 6 is th€ 100 - ) interccpt,and I is the slope. On
semi-log paper I is measuredon the vertical logaritbmic
scale, and X is on tbe horizotrtal linear scale. Diasonal Surtace Ar€a C.lculations of Ground Produ.t3
slfaiqbr Iine5are drasD raoiating from lhe upper lelt-!and Approximatc surfac€ areas in sq. cm p.r gram of cquiva-
corn;r of lne cbarr, {hich represedreach mesh size or rbe lent cubes for loglog size dislribution plots can be calcu-
. 2 " c ' eens ( , le an d c ro s sth e 8 0 p e r c e n l p a s s i n gbori zoD l al Iated ftom Equatior (3), usins a srind limit Zi of
b a s eline. f a. h di a E o n alli re r.l re s e o tsa m e s bs i 4 l eni rg
sieve wilh an openingof Pr microns, and cro$€s rbe base when the crack 1cn81hC/ bas beenfou!d,'the suface of
line at /: lo/y'P,. The disgonal lin.s can be assisned equivalert cubesi! sq. cm p€r cc of solidsis 2 Crt.
various Desh sizes,-with the proper rclationshiP between The WTGNLRsurfacearea Sp in sq. cm/8ram is .pproxj-
mately €qual to the BL rNE air rlermeabilitysutfaceto thc
This plot is not as convenieDtas tbc loglog plot, but it power 0.92, or S, : (rl)tr'r.
has several advantages.The first is that the 80 per cent pass_ The 80 per cent passinasizeP io microDshas the folow-
ins size P can be found with errot from P:100/v", ing approximate relationship to ibe Bun{E and W^GNER
wbere w is rhe value of Xr at the base line 20.
Another advantage is lhe delineation of natural or
induced grain sizes.As the size distribution liDe proceeds - /2o,Jm\' 3.drr rog
up the chart apptoachingthe finer sievesizes,a curved loop ':\ sr / 6tErF
to the riSbt of the indicatedslraight lide shows a grain size and losP:2 los (203m/al):8.56-2.15 Ios (s,) .. .. (54)
deffciencv. culminating at the natual gain size where lle
loop becomesparallel 10the straiShllidc. The compensaling lvork lndex from LaboBtory Test
etain siz. excessis sho\r,n by the return of t1le loop to the Equations havc been derived for findin8 thc work index
staisht li'e. II laboratory determinatioft of the work Pt from several types of labomtory crusbability aod
index are made at th€ difierent sieve sizes, th€ los' t/t sriodability tests,Tas describedbelow.
ialues will iDcrease as the srain deficiencv sircs approach
rbe Darural grain si7e,aDddecreasea( rhe graiD .rcecs sizes
where the loop relurns to the straightline- Piecesof brok.n rock passiosa 3-in. lquar€ end ret'ined
The natural srain size in ores usually corespotrds to tbe on a 2-in. squarear. mounted betweentwo opposingequ3l
unlockirg or min.ral liberation lize to $hich the ore must 30lb weight! \vhich swins on wheels. when the wheels are
be sround before concenkation.The exponential method releasedth€ vr.islts strike simultaneouslyon oppositesides
of plouins tle size distribution furnishes a vciv good of tbe measuredsmallestdim€osionof the rcck. The heisht
indicarion o{ the unlocking siz. wben tbe amount of the of fall is successively inoeased until tbe rock breaks.Tbe to b€ concentrated is 1arge. This is Particulartv imlact crusbing str.nglh in fool-pounds per inch of rock
hue of iron ores, and the .xpon€ntial plots sbow clcarlv thickne$ is desisdated as C, and Ss is the specific eravity.
the different unlocking properties of autoSenous and The work index is found ftom the averageof 10 brcaks,
conventional grinds.
Much additional information can be oblained from tbis Wi: z . s g Cls e ...(6)
r\ D eot 5ia dis r db u o n p l o t,i n c l u d i n Sc ra c kl e n g tbval ues.6
l ;l he ball m ; llB r i n d a b i l i tyre s l sa l 6 0 )o u l .s i n P UrP er mi l l Rod Mill Gtihdability Test
revolution. tbe joules required to produce I cm of new The feed is crushedto -}in., and 1250cc packed in a
crack length in material of homogeneousbreakage with graduatedcylindcr are weiSbed,screenanalysed,and Sround
specificgravity ss is approximatelyri s8/l l. dry in clos€dcircuit witb l0O per cent circulatingload iD a
The exDosureratio Er is relaled to b in lhe exponential l2in. dia. by 24in. long tilting rod nrill with a wave-type
size distribulion Equation (6) as follows, where Er : X&/ lining and revolution counter,rundiog at 46 rpm. The erind-
ing chargeconsistsof six I.25 in. dia. and lwo 1.75in. dia.
2 - l.3ol El neel rods 21in. Long and weigbing 33,380grams.
to c b ---1 ....(4b)
Fj In order to eqDaiizesegregationat tbe miu ends, it i!
Tbe data ;n Table I can be llotted on six sheetsof single fotated level for eisht revolutions,then lilted up 5' for oDe
cyc leloglog pape .l o ma k ea s e to f c h a .l sfro m whi ch rhe .evol ul i on,dow n 5" fof anol he. revol ul i on,and ret ur ned
to levcl lor eiSht rcvolutions cootiruously throushout €achia. bslls,l0 l-in. balls,710.75-id.bals, and94 0 6f in balls
grinding pcriod. with a slculat€d surfac! at@ of 842 sq. in.
Tcsts ar€ made at all m$h sizEs frotu 4 to 65 At Tcstsarc madcai all sizesbelow28 mcsh.Alt€r the
tbe cdd ol each srindiDg pcriod thc mill is discharsed by tust gdodirs pcriod of lm r€volutions,tbc mill i! dudped,
riltiDg downwad at 45" for 30 rciolutioos, and the product th. ball cbarseis screeoedout, and tbe 700cc of matcrial
is sde€Dcdon si€vesof thc mcsh siz. testod,with coafict
is scr€eocd oD si.vcs of the m$h si.zetesl.d. Thc sieYeundcr-
protccting sicv.s if ncc.ssary.Tbc undersizcis \rci8b€d,
siz! is w€i8!.d, and frcsh unsesrcsated fced i. addcd to thc
oversiz. ro make its total wciSbt cqual to tbat of thc atrdf.erh unscgresatcd f..d is add€dto thc ovcrsizcto bring
t250cc origitraly charaed into thc mi[. This is retumed its wcight bact to that of the original charS!. Thctr it is
to the mill and sround for the Nnb.r rcturded on to the bals in the mill and SrouDdfor the
of i€vol tions
numb€rof revolutiods€alculatedto goduce a 250p€r ccnt
calcu.latcd to sive a circulating load equal to the weient of
tho ncw fced addcd. Thc stinding period cycl€8 are coD' circulatins load, dumped aod te:croeo.d. Thc Dumb.r of
tinucd until thc nct srams of sicve undersize produccd pet revolutionsrcquired is calcrllatcdAom th. rcsults of thc
t€volutioD rcrchcs equilibrium atd reversd its dire€tio! ofpr.vious pcriod to ptoduccsievcuod4sizc cqualto I /3.5 of
iocrcasc or dccrca3.. Ther the undelsiz! product ard cir- the total charscio thc mill.
c lating load are scrccn analy!€d, aod tbc averagc of the Tho g ndiog p.riod cyclcs arc contiNcd utrtil thq oct
Iast thrce net Stams pd revolution (G/p) is tbe rod mil grams of sicve und€rsizeproduccd pcr mill rcvolution
Sriodabilily. reach.s cquilibdum ard rcv.tscs it! dhcction of incrcas.
Wlere F is thc sizc i! nicrons which 80 pcr ceat of theor dlcrcas.. Th.d the uddc$izc product and circulAting
oe* rod mill fe€d passcs,and Pr is thc oFning of the sievc load arc a.recnanalyscd,and thc avcragr of thc last tbrce
trct grads per revolu.ion (Cbp) is tbc bal rnin grindability.
siz. lestcd in rnicrons. theD the rod mill wo.k index ryi is
calculatcd from tbe fonowing revised (1960) cquation : Wbcn F is the size in microm which 80 lcI c.nt of thc
/1 0 l 0\ ncw ball lDi fe.d pass€s, P is thc micro$ which 80 pcl
wi: 62lt P , \ or3 y tc ry )o 6 ' b ) | of the last cycle undcrsizc pfoduc! pass.s, ad Pr
\vr-^ --/--lvrl is thc openingitr micronsof the si€vc sizc &stcd, thcn thc
Tbis r/i valuc shouldconform wltb the motor outprit ball mill *ork iodex ryt is cdculatcd from thc folowirs
Dow.r to ao av.ragc overflowrod mill of 8ft iolerior !.vis€d (1960).quation :
diamercrErindins$.1 in op.n circuit.For dry sdndiDgthc /r 0 l0 \
work input sbouldbe multiplied by 1.30.wlrcrc D is the nil wi _ 44.SttpJa.t' / lcbe\o BLl--7= - -.1 ....(8\
' wf \ / r/
diamet.r iftide thc liDing h fe€t, tbc work input shouldbe
multiplicdby (6/D)o' Th! averag€ valuc of P at 100 m€h is 114 microF, rt
150 i. is 76 microns, at m0 mesh ii is 50, ad at
Ball Mi Gtindabiliry T.'t 325 mlsh it is 26.7. These v&lues of P arc to b€ uLd in
Th. standardfccd is prepar€dby stagcdushios to all Equatiotr (8) wher P cannot be found from siza dkEibutioD
passinsa 6 mesb sicve, but fiocr fe€d cao bc uscd wh€n
nccssary. It i! screcnanalys.d and Packedby shakiDsi! The ryi yaluc from Equalion (8) should codorn with
a 1om-cc graduatedcylinder, and the weisbt of 700cc is the motor output powcr to atr average overflo{, bal mill
placedin thc mill andsrounddry at 250pcr centcirculatins of 8 ft intcdor diameter SrindiDg w€t iu closcd circuil Fot
load.The nill is l2ir. x l2io. wilh toundcdcor.ers,ald dry srindins tbc work input should no.maly be muliblicd
a shootb lioios exc€ptfor a 4in. x 8 in. hand hole door by 1.30.However. bal coatinS ard packiug can incrcasc
for cbarging.It hasa rcvolutioncounleraadrunsat ?0rpm thc work input in dry Sxindilg.
The erindingcharseconshtsof 285 iroo balls weiShing Wbere D is the mill diamet€rimid. the lining jn ft, lh.
20,125grams.It consisls balls,67 l.l7'
of about43 1.45_in. wort inpul sbouldbe multiplicd by (8/D)".
H adercv e Gtindability Ratins capacilycaDbe estiluted from lhe crushcrsetting,.ccentric
Whcre Itd rcpr.s.nts the Hardgrov! grindability ratina,r' throw and work index of the material
thc equivalcntw€t edndins work index is found from I The product siz€sof jaw crusher! aad primary Srraroly
. (e)crusbers wilh steep crushiDs cones are coDrrollcd priDcipally
by the opetr side settins of tbe crusher. Wb.rc O$ is rhe
Crurhing opeDside s€tting of thc crusherin incbcs at the bottom of
Crushing is acc.mplishedby contactwith metal or other the crushingchamber, the 80 pcr ceDrpassingsizc P of tho
surlacer maintaineditr a ffxed position or in a risidly con- crusherproduciin micronsis calculatedfton E4uarion (10).
straincd motion path, althoughmany dusbcrs bave safety I i!. cquals 25.400microns.
f€atu€s which allow teleaseurder exc€sriv. pressure.This p : (2s,4M)(osr)(0.042i+ 0.40) ....00)
is contrasted $ith erinding, which is accomplhhedby the The product siz.s of cone crushers,with their flat clush-
frcc rnotion itr responseto sravity and other forcesof ing conesand ielatively higb spccds,arc conrroltedpriDci-
unconnectcd media such as rods, balls,rock piec€saEd patly by tbe close sidc setting. Wherc Crs is the ctose side
pcbblca. setting of the cone crusher in incbca at thc bottom of tbe
Frec mcdia grindins hssscvcralinhcrent advantagesover crushins chamber, as commonly d.temircd by passiog
fixed nedh crushing,and as reductionmachinlry increases a pie.c of lead though the crusher, sod Ecc is tte eccenrric
in sizc and strength largcr particlcs bccomc amonableto tbrow in inches at the bottorh of thc crushing cor€, thc
Srindingwbich could forncrly b€ rcducedonly by crushing. product size P is found from
Cas€sin point aie tlo devclopm€ntof large periphcraldis-
chargerod miUs and autogcDoussrindios mills. Hos,ever, (25,400)(C$) (7,s..) (0.027r + 0.70)
(1Ecc- 2css\ .. ..o l )
tl€ comnercial Foductio! of pa icl.s larger than about
* in. i! sti a crushinspfocese. If the matcrial is very slabby, tbe vstu. of p mav bc
Gushing is uually doft &y itr s€veralstageswith small somewhatlara€r than tbai irdicated by Equatioru (10) and
r€ducdon rstios ranging fron 3 to 6 in each stage.The (ll). These equations are useful wh.n scrccu analys€soI
mschin$ us€d includcr gtratory sushers, jaw crulhcrs lhe crusher products are not available.
Ooth singlc and doubl€ togglc),$uhiDs.rolls, and impact
clushcrs,hammcriills or pulvcrators.It is donc with botb Scalpetl Feed to Crushett
3c.€€ncdand natural f€cds,in staSesvith scrccnsbctwceD The Third Theory equations rcquire a '" feeal
cach stagcto rcmovc und.rsiz€,as w.1l as in open circuit containioStho Daturalfinesproducedin the pr€viousreduc-
and in closedcircuii witb lcrccls. tior stagcs.When fioes are removed from tbe f€ed, the
Exc€ssivomoistu€, ffn$, or both, id the feed can cause relationshipbetwe€n F aod P is alrered.In most crushing
packing in the cr$her, r$ulting in a deqeasein capacily, installations wbere fines smauer rhan the crushcr dischargo
incrcaseio power dmw4 and increascin the croshingplanr opening are removed from the feed by screenhg, thc work
work index.This is usuallyrcmedicdby screeningout more input per ton of original feed is not matcrislly decreascd,
ffncs aheadof the crush€r. exceptas the removal of fines prev.ns rb€ abnorrnal con-
Crushcrmoror sizcsare usuauylimited to protectrhe dition of packidg in the clusher.It has b€eDfound satisfac-
crushersaSainstbr.aka8e.For the samereasanuncrushable tory to djsregardthe scalpiDgoperatioD,and to co$idcr th6
piecesof metallre usuallyremovedfrom thefeedmagnetic- feed to the screen or grizzly as equivalenr f.ed ro the
ally, or thc crusheris designed to open up and let tben crusher.This is pleferable in most cascswb€re the Brizzty
separalingsize aDd tonnaserhrough are nor kno*n

Ctuther PtoductSizes H,){ever, in some insiances where much of the fineg

The crusberproductsizewhicb80 pcf cent passes
at full i,ren removed the cor.ectjon for scalpedfeeo musr o€
mad.. This is done empirically by using that incrcascd ton sround should bc mrdtiplied by (D /8)trr to find the work
normal f€ed sizc Fc which is equivalcnt io s,ork input per index flom Equation (la).
ton to the 80 pcr cent passing size F of lhc scalped f€ed.
The per cent passingsiz€ dhtribution tin. oflhe scalp.d fe.d FinenestAdjustnenl
is ploltcd oD logJog paper. A liDe wilh thc normal slope Expcrietrce bas shosE that .xtremcly finc g!indi!8
of 1:2 is drawn through the E0 pe. ccdt passingpoint a to requires additional etrergyirput bcyoDdthat iDdicatedby
ih intersectionr. with the size wbich 5 pcr cent of tbe tbe work index Equation (1). Thcrc arc scvqral po$ible
scalpedfccd passes;a parallel line is drawn through the rcasonsfor ihis, including:
point with co-ordinatesF, (80 - Ycl2), and its tute6ection (a) The ball size! cuslomarily employcd arc too large
with the 80 per ceritpassingline givesthc value of Fc. for €xtremely fiDe particlcr.
WheE pieccsall of onc diamcler of.J microns ar€ fed to (b) In finc gridiDs thc closcd-circuit classification is
a crushcr the equilal.nt 80 p€r c€nt lassing sizc F. b lhat usually .ith.r iDefrcictrt or absent.
of a Third Thcory siz. disrribution liac with an exposur€ (c) In dry srindiog of fitre particlcs th€ amount of ball
mtio E of 0.05 and the sarn. crack leaStbas the panicles coating ranses fron iDcipient 10 complct.. Ball
fed.' The crack IeDSth in cmlcc is Ct = 173| \la. T],neFc coaling cushions rhe metal contact! and
valucs arc lisred in Table II. When the fced codsists of sriodins efficiency.
parliclcs of several different diameters d withou! fines, the (d) In wet sdnding a thick viscous pulp can caule ball
equivalentcorrcclcd feed size Fc can b€ computcd as the cusbiooing and d€crcase grindiDs efrciency.
wcigbtcd averas. of thc ditraent sizes d, (e) The production of particlcs sma.Id than thc grind
limit ti of 0.1 rnicron involves breakas. across thc
r^rLF rr-l{urldr r0 F cdr Pstut,ro,pm(r4 dr d u!(mr uDflawed space lattice, aDd requir.s seveml times as
itr cm/c.-ltl'/r, r, slots - 0.11609
- mucb enerSy iDput as thc customary brcakag€ alonS
planesof lattice displaccrDcnt-6 CoNidcrableamounts
of traos-srind-liDit particlc! may bc produc.d in
ultra-fin€ grinding.
Wh.n tbe prodoct sizc P is Icssthan 70 micronsthe work
input I/ as calculatedfron laboratory testsis nultiplicd
by tbe followiog empirical adjustmcot factor ,t! which

P + 10.3
The fine product lactor rl was dcrived for the frne dry
srindins of c€mentclinker, and appliesto dry srinalinsdown
to valuesof 15 or less-For wet fine gdndirg,,{r should
" a maximum value of 5-
Convers€ly,thc plant opcratins work index ftorn Equa-
tion (la) sbould be dividcd by 11 and by (8/D)tr, for dtuect
compari\ob sirh tbe laboratory work index lti.
Prcper Grindins M.dia Sizes
Th€ siz€ of tbe griDding rn.dia is one of the pridcipal
factors afecting th€ efrciency and €apaciry of tumbling-
typc gridios milh. It is bcst determir€dfor any particolsr
iDstallation by lengrhy comparative plant tesb with carcfully
kept records. Howevcr, a mcthod of calculating the propcr
Gri n ding sizes,basedupon coffcct theoreticalprincipl$ and tcstcd
Corcction lor Feed and Products by experi€nce, can bc very l€lpful, particutarly in n€w
Closed-circuit grinding and complex grinding circuits
which include coDcentrationand separation€quipment are The gcneral principle of selection should be that th€
proper size of th. make-up srindins n.dia is the siz. which
best analysedby consid.dng each circuit as an inlegraled
unit. In closed-circuitgrinding the unit consislsof tbe mill will just brcak the larsestfeed particlcs.If tbe media is too
and the classifier,with a single feed to the mill or classifier larse, the Dumberof breakinsconlactswill be.cduccd, and
and a singleclassifierundersizcproduct. Calculationsfrom ihe €x&emefines mad€ by each coniacr will be\incr€ased.
the mill discbar8eand circulatiDgload are usually unsatis- If rhe media is too smal, there will be \yastedconlactsof s
factory becausethe harder fraction of the material accuhu- foic. insufrcientto brcak the particle! contacted.ln eitber
Iates.and the circulating load has an unknown hiSherq,ork casethe srinding efficiencywil be reduced,but the rse of
index than the new feed. If lhe closedcircuit includ.s con- undersirc media is usually more harmful lhan the use of
centrating equipment such as magnetic separatorswhich
reject a taiUng,the product of the ItindinS circuit is a cal- Let , = make-up ball, rod, or pebble diameterin inches;
culatedcompositcof the classifierunde.sizeand the separa- F = sizein microns80 p.r ceot of the new feed pass€s;
tor tailirg, which should always be screenlnalysed for this 7i work iodex at thc fecd sizeF;
C3 = f.action of mill critical specd;
Calculationsinvolvjns urnatural feed from which part sc = specific8rality of material being ground;
or all oi the nnes have been removed should be avoided D = mill fect insideliners;
lvhenever calculationsof inlesraled ci.cuits can be sub- K = an empirical.xpericnceconslant.
slituted. However. the empirical mcthods describedunde.
''Scalped Feed to Crushere" can be used when necesa.y
In o.dinary ball mill opcration f-in. steelballs will€fiec-
when E r . naingr e r\ a rc ma d e In o .m c l l . .0 1 .n rous. lively crind averasesiliceousore with 80 per cent passing
p i l ot - plantm ill of d i a fre te rD , tb e g ro s sp o w e r i n prt per l mm. of * i l h F:1000mi crons or about 16 mesh.I t
follows theor€tically,r aod i! coDfirmed by experiencc, that largediamcte. mills draw rnore power with large ball sizes.
2-in. balh are suitabl. fo! 4-mrn feed- 3-in. balls for 9-mm Ball rationins. whicb is tbe regular addition of dcfilite
particl$, .tc. Th. batl size should vary as the squarc root propofiioos of balls of djfferent sizes,may be used when a
of the paniclc size to be broken. is intermediatebetweetrtwo commercialbau sizcs,or wher!
From tbeo.etical considerationss the proper make-up size an unusualsizedistribution of the fccd requAesthe addition
a of steelor cast iron batls is found fron of some smaller balls with lhose of the calculrtcd sizc ,.

- /r\I / ssr.t/i\r For Rod MilLs

. ...0 2)
": \"/ \rmc" /r-l From theoreticalcolsidelarions, the proper diamcter B
of mak€-up steelgrinding rods i! found from:
Th€ empirical coastaot.K is found by expericDceto be 350
for wei sriDdirs and 335 for dry srindiDs. ^ et l--wig
The comrncrcialsizc to t h ordinarily sclect.d ro0\r lm cr v, .,.. (13)
for ibe make-upball siz€. However, when B is less than when the reduction ratio R/ = r/P is lessthan 8, the cal-
I id., it E|ay be cconomicalto sclect a largcr ball size for culatedvalue ofB should bc increasedby 1in.
the3ercasons:(1) the cost p€r ton of the smaler ballsis
increased; (2) lcsswearis obtainedfrom th€ smallerballs For Pebble and Rockled MilLr
before they are di$harsed fron th€ mill; (3) the smaller Pebblesfcd to pebble mills, and the ruck fed to auto-
balls may plue thc gratesof diapbrasm dischargemills; (4) genous rnils wbere tbe large pieces srind the smaller
particles, are selected 10 have the same weight as steel balls
suitablefor the sameseNice.Wben B is tbe proper make-up
syn h o l i l d E q u d onNo' b8ll sizc accordinsto Equation (12),theDthe proper lebble
or srinding rock sizeof speific gravity Ss is A x 0.8/58)+.
n Ftu D'
Rod hnl
rdiu$m.dr rrcror
-R' rdiBh.nt
Bd onl Rr rrcror. Size Distribution oJ Gdndiry Media
rbiD. {ifac. ao jn rq cn/srh.
All types of grinding mcdia commonly wear down to
E$o!.ntirl !ir. dndbudon o.6ddi. sizEssufncientlysmall to discharsefrom tbe mill with the
F L b g g in cb .im Dld c' ul hi n'nmsrb'
&r 6r dturdiB rord/100 material beins ground. However, in someiod mills broken
Tour cack ldrlh</d.
and worn rods are removed manually.
4, 3 . l , It has beendelerminedtha! a film of metal of udit thick-
P.r.d' orcon6,B'o rad. nes is worn from any siz€ ball in a mill in the samesrind-
-dshr ' ing time. If the weighl loss is periodically replaced as
cyda Fi. m'nnc in rR. on.
'.njsr6chr make-up balh of size a, th. ball chaige reachesac equili-
P.r edr or dnchlrF rasine riz. ,. brium size disributioo which extendsdown to almost the
F.dtl. th6w df c;shq in i.cb6. ball sizedischargedfrom the mill. Tbis equilibriun sizedis-
F.ri rzFnikrcci0 Fenrpekr tributioD follows the equation
lqrivrrmr 3iz .. &,rp.! f..n.
n ,+n PdcmrolD4f.!dDaliJa!i'P-
. . . . ( 14)
whe.e ) is the percentageof the lotal equilibrium cbarge
16 tuj.e!$rF !; hil n.- red. passins any size r. Equatior (14) presumably holds for
srindins rods and pebblesas weil as balis.
In order to obtain consislentperfolmancein wet srirding
mills, the initial media charseshould be made up from the
lra{d3rctr eirdbilily
severalsizesavailableto besimilar to lhe equilibrium charse
,, defined by Equatioo (14). This approximated by
Kilovat! s to! ol bdk, drawing on loglog paper the srraight per ccnt passinA
Kilof,d! id tm of rcd!.
lide witb a slope of 3.8 tbrough 100per cent passingsize8.
l43rh ol !n incio! in tei.
The initial chargecorDpositionis detclminedby mdking the
Pq.4lpuiainhilldjtch'ie' poids midway betwe€n the ball or rod sizesto be used.
ff ball rationirs i! to be used,tbe initial chargc should be
o@id.cruh.r&ni4inb.hB. proportioned betweenthe two ball sizesfed.
Producr!i!F n...o 30 tsr@t pn*i
n,r+ si.v.o!ai4inmjclot'FA-cah&bj]ny, In commercialrod mills no rod siz€ssmaller than 2+ in.
o Fd.rroo or nilr rocr di:.b!re should be used in tbe initial charge.In commercial ball
'.p 'o
milk (he minimLm si/e used is commonly I iD.
In dry-grinding milh the metal wear rate is so much less
4P Ps dr of ov6ir rrsid !iz. P. than in wet milh tbat two years or more may b. required
opti-uE ro.t nill r.dldjon to rcach equilibrium, aod the initial charg€caD be propor-
tioned lo fit the mill feed without referenceto the equili-

The weisht. volume, and surface area of steel balls or

Pdcot'ai4i!claliid@rRproducl' rods of diamel€rt inchescan be foudd from Tabte III.
Yt. Fflcdon or nill varud. b.low dischrrce

work indcr: kwhjon 30 Fr @r-

wort rdd: rwbhod ro D@dud 5;..

Fip. l. Fouteen
86-ht ba nius
istallei! at So then
Petu CopPer CotP.'s
corcentotor, foque'
palo, P.tu, griu.Iing
30,ffiO tons ol coP'


Th. concludinsp.rt of thi. rrtlcl. i5 conc.rn.d with r nuhb'r of h'toR rfi'di" th' gindina
J"..'i ."iiriiit..t such r5 th. rhdion or nill volufr. occ!pi'd bv th' trind-
i;;-;;:;.,.h. or rods dd b.rk b b. in . mirr, {"r
qu.ntni; or mill
;;"ndin!;.diun,.id mlll tP..d in le/ms of th. critic.l tP..d. Th. .ff.cti of hill dhh't'r' or
;ownw;rd ol .hrrg.. rrtio ov.Eiz.:f"d. uPon P'rtormrn" Powcr
'nd 'on{hts
don rre d'(us.d, oP.n-.ncuit multitliatio^ frcloB rrc liv.n ror.onrcrtlng clor'o{rrc!E
work v.t{.s to the oP.n_circuit vrlu.r .nd. 6n.llt. .o'r.ctiq r.cio6 lN'n ror worx
i'a.i *rirtion' *hicli .rit. wh.i l.boBtory srind.birit/ ind ioP.<t cruthinl t'ris 8iv'
diF.r.nt wort Ind.x

Dl FRE D C. g O ND

M6t3l Wcar realor the m6tal savine! resultinS frorn the usc of hard
6itr8le iten altoy mil lirings or mcdia arc usualy Srcater id drf
r f,ETAL $.ar is us'rally lbo s'-.ond largeqt griDditrg,
lVl **'r. is conventiooalItindins, aod io wcr Srindingttan in wet
"i i*i"l"ti*' il mav lpproacb or thc
iii'-ai'g 'ven "cerd Ab.arion Tcat
' wlcralwcar is commonlv.xpre$edin lb/ton susbcd or Abrasion t€its to indicatc m€tal wcar ar6 madc a3
rl"".ii". i*r"toDs ;; fced aod Eoduct siz€s ald folows: o 4O0slams of -l + paniclcaof the rnrttrirl
L work indcx are climinalcd bv erprcsliDs m'tal coDsumP' to be Ested ar; Dlaccd in a rotAtiry drutn for 15nin Th'
wom parb: it can be '-in,
a rapidy rotatingiop.llcr
Go ,, nltWl" iucludios rcj€€tcd drun sbow€rs thc rock thousb
ott i". i.on tu pourds of metal coDsumed pcr toD contained within it. The imPcller lotat€d at 632tpm and
crusbedor eroud and the kwh/ion consistsofa3 x 1x + i[. stcclpaddl€ with 2 !q. in. crPoscd
Tbe pounds of nelat botb wom awav-abd scrapped a\ to wcar, machiDed of SAB 4325 st€cl hardeD€d to 50O
*.'i-"Le tuti"" tte abEsiv€ncss of tbc ore and lhc Brircll. The gram! of weislt lost bv thc pad{ c after im'
t."itta""o -ittot rt" IDetal Th€ averagi v'lues froE pactinglour Juccessive 400-8rambatchcsof rcck for 15min.
"trnsi6o rt-to of mils witb ordharv miU--liriDg'srDd iach ii called the abrasion irdcx and dcsienat.d $ ,ti
or€s' The combinedproduct of the four ls_min. pcrioal!i! sctccD
eFindingEcdia, grinding w.t a largprangEof siliceous
aoalysed;it av€ra8es80 per cent passins13'250micron$
Milt TlPc Rod Bd Paddlesof sDecialallov si.els and cbet irom csrl bc
0 2 1 ro d s 0.14 balls r.sEd with a sdtrdardabrasiveFaterialto detcrmiDc r€la-
M c dia: lb/ k l 9 h
LiniDg: lb/twh O.oAi 0.020 tiv€ wcar raqistance of the metals.
wesr io drv SritrdiDg averages aboul oo€' T\a av.raeaAi values of some tvpical materialsfron
Th. nctal 125 tests artlsted iD Table IIA in tho lpp€ndix. A ftm
."ve*l tnal ot wlt ItiDdiDS tbe same rnatedal Howcver'
cofielation with actual wcsr rat€sin €rushcrssDdeEiodhg
* U" mat.rials Srouod dry are sofi'r aid less mils hasDot becdmadeasyet; however,it is apparcutthat
Ii-#iu. rl* tlo'. gr-'a q'ct Batl coatios io drv srioding
the abrasionindex vadationssho$n in Table IIA ar! mucb
can reduc. tbe metal w€al still turlher' sreatcr than tle wriations to be expccLd iD tho ts.tal
Wcff over taf of tl. nelal wear i! wct SriDdiDg re\ulLs
metal wear rates in cornmercialmachines.It is obscrvedtbat anv
ftom conosion, or dissolutjoofrom lbe'ctivc nasetrt correlation b.twe€n tbe work index and tl€ abrasioEhdei
l"J""es iont.uattv bcids produced in tbe mill For tb's
is vc.y slight
Prelimirary indications ate that ir wet srndins thc
i r,iLTr:!.1*';5;
pourds of bals p€r kwh equals(li + 1) dividcd bv a

- 9-
Dumberwhich ransesfrom 6 to 9, atrd Iid€r w€ar iE about speedis about 77 pd cent of criticat: for wct rod milh ii h
onc-cishth of bal wear. For wet rcd mills the divisor about 70 per ceDt of critical. Somewhat slower spe.ds arc
rang$ from 4 to 6, and liner is about one-s€vmthof often found to b6 more e4onomical.
rod Wear in dry srindins t about onc-scvlrih of Dry-grindins mills atrd pebble mills usualty operare at
wet Brindins.Thc .veragc metal wear in cnshirs is rougbly about lbc same sleed! as wct mith! nith the maxiDum less
comparabl. to the liner wear in wet srioding. lirnited thaD iD wet mills-
Laboratory sludies hav€ showo that or thc iising side of
Volume of Grinding CharSe th6 mil each circular row of gritrdirg ba s slips dowqward
Tbc ftactior /p of thc total iot€rior mill volum€ occupied tilb lespect to the next o!te. row it restsupon, tbus causiog
grindina in tbis portion of the mi . A similar dippase
(1t, somc
by llc srirdins charsc can be foutrd by Equation obs€rvcd in rod Eills.
whereD is the insidc diaractcraDalO b thc \€rtical distaocc is Dot
griDditrg At spccds faster than 60 per ccnt of critical the srnaller
do$n from th€ iDlide top of the Ini[ to thc lcvcled
balls or rods in e Sdnding charac tcDd to concsnEatc qritb
charS!: O should bc the &vcrag€of m€asu.crDents at the
the pulp nea! ih. IiDiDg of a cylin&icrl mill, ard lhe larg.r
contr. and borh .d3 0f thc mi[. media lre displaccd roward the of th€ cbargc. Advan-
vp = 1.r3- r.26AP ....0 t tagc is t.kea of ftis iD ball mill6ccrE€
to movc the smalld balls
Tho weighi of the srindiDgcbrs€ catrbe calculatcdftod loward th€ dischargc end of thc milt by spiral liftcrs Aailina
D, Izp, atrd thc inside leDstb of the mi[. towerd the mill diacharge; or by rnaking thc mil sh€
Loos€roudd balls wilhout b!€akagcweigh 290lb/cu, ft, sli8hdy conicd, with the smallest diamctcr at thc dischargc
loose rods 3901band silica pbbles 1001b.Measuemcnts
of thc weisht of steel ba s contain.d in a cubic foot. bor Smal-diameter mils arc cornlnodly opcratd at somc-
are usually lccs than 2901b becau. of thc incr€ascdvoid what highcr fractions of tbeir critical than are lars€
sprce at th€ sid€s of the box, and tbc w€ielt coatained mills, indicatirg tlat the proper mill sp.ed h itrtermediare tbc ball siz€ idocas$. For accurat! ocasurc- between a constant fraction of criticsl spced and a coDsrant
mentsthe smallcstdimeDsioEof the contaiocr lhouLl bc at pcdpheml speed. An approximat€ empirical cqurioD for
least 20 times that of tbe largest ball. Brok€n balls caD tbo maximum pra€ticalrpm of wer bal mills, designaredas
reduccth. spccificweight to 2801b/cu.ft, and b.okcr rcds
to 3401b.Thc spedfic weisht of both ball add md charges No = 51 - At)losD . . .. (20)
caD also bc rcducedby a content of hard particles of the
material bciog ground. Effed of Mill Diam6t€.s
Tons of new balls 7b cotrtaio€d io a min ar. found At a consiantvolume fraction t/p the massof rhe grind-
approximately from Equation(tO, atrd lons of rew rods ilg cbarSevarics as D'. At a coostantfraction Cr of the
?/ from EquatioD(17). critical sped the pcripheralspeedvariesas v5. It follo*s
....00 rhat tbc pow€r input to a conventional tumblios mill
Tt = Vp D'L16.8 . ...07) theor.tically variesas the interior diametcrto tbe 2.5Dower.
Meaqurements bav. shownrharlbc wer6n. srirdi;g mitl
A charseof Brindirs balls contaiDsapproximately40 capacity varies as D'.. Thc diamcter expoDeatincreaslr
per cenl of void space,aDd rods in lir€ar contact contaiu sliSltly in mils opcrated under bish impact condirions.
20 per cent voids. Broker orc coDtainsapproximately 40 Theoretically, iho maximum expon.nt under reductioo
p€r ceatvoid space,andweighs100lb/cu.ft multipliedby ertirelyby inpact is 3.0.
its specificsravity ovcr 2.65.At 80 pcr ccnt soli& or morc Mealulemdrts haye aho sbown that tbc power inpur
rhe voids iD a grinding chars€of stcel balls caDcortaiE 14 expooentactually vadcs as Dar. The decreasefrom tbe
pcr cent of the batl wcight iD ore multiplicd by S8/2.65.A theoreticBl2.5 cr(poDentprobably result! ftom energyfrom
rod chargowith the rods in liaear contactcan co aiD 7 per tbe falling bals or rods beiss tsansferredback ro th€ mifl
cen. of (hc rod *eigbt. Howcv€r, botb bals and rods arc she on its do$n-8oing side.The actualdjametercxponent
commonly for€ed apart in the mill atrd may coDtainmore per lon of grindins nedia is 0.4 insr€adof th€ thcoretical
ore thao tlese miEim m amounts. 0.5.
Tbe p€r ccDt solids containedin th€ pulp within a wct Tho difideDce betweenthe two observeddiameter ex-
Brindins mill is ordiaarily more tban that mtering and ponentsof 2.6 aDd2.4 is 0.2,yJbichis the expon.nt d€filing
Icaviry tb€ mill, siDcethc flater fows tbroughthc mill fastcr the mechanicaladvantag.of lars€diametermilb. Mechani-
tlar the h€avierparticl.s of ore. This diference is io- cal emciencyircreascsas thc inrerior mil diarneterto rhe
creasedin 8ra.eand pedpheraldischars€milb- 0.2pow.r, aBdtbe kwh/ton requiredto sdnd d.creasesin
the samcratio. Sitrcethe standards'ork iDdcxis basedon
Criticel Mill speed rDillsof I ft int€rior dhmeter, rhc computedkwh/ron (I/)
Tho theoreticalcritical spcedNc h rpm b the speedat by EqDatior(1) for any min of D fr interior diametershould
\rhich a particle of Do diameteragainstthe mil linins witb be multiplied by (8/D)'t
no slippaso s?ouldcentrifus!. It is found from Fauation
(18),c,hercD is th€ intcriormill diamctcritr fcct. Powe. p€r Ton of c.indlng Media
Nc = 76.61\fd .. . 0 8 ) The powerinput requiredia tumblinsmitlsis calcutated
from tbe power requircd pcr ton of srindins media uuder
The ftactioD Cr of the critical speed rcprcscnted by alry tbe mill operating
bil rpm is found from Equatiotr(19).
coDditioDs.It vari.s wirh the ftaction
Zp of the mill volume occupiedby the srirdins charge,tb€
Cr=0.01305x rpm x y'b .... (19) fractio! Cr of the critical spccd, rod tbc iDrerior mill
Tumblins mills are usually d$ign.d to rcvolve at a con-
stsnt fractioD of th€ critical speed.Incrcascd specd iocr€ases Equatioo(21)sivcs th. mil input kW pcr ron of
the mill .apacity ard power draught,but also increasesthe nelv grindingrods in -(r/,
cotrvenlionalwet Srirding ovdflow
metal w€ar and mainteDaDce cost per ton Sround.For con- lod mills.
ventional wct grindiog ball mills more than 8 ft in diameter, Kvr=Dt4(6.3-s.4vdcs . .. .(21)
*ilh peripherallifters and a ball chargeof more than 30 per An accumulalion of broken rods in thc mill can reduce
cent of the ioterior mi1l volume.the maximum Dracticalmill tbe actualpower d.awn by as much as l0 per ceDt.

- 10-
,r/ -ri i.. \
f, oN
- %cuM
I * E Ei: \ovERs,zE
Fig. 2.
E[ = i: \
: 3i<' \
TOP: Classifiet perlorma ce plot. - -[ -'" \--as
Ov.tsize per ceat .am. ok plott?d against und.6ize
D.t ce Dasinz. InrcB..tior showt E3 p.r .enl
ildsifi.t Zfrci.icr anl t6s nkrcas pa iaE eze.
S 3l vA R ,A l ,oN s- PLor
BOTTOM: Coftection lor wolk indet variations. ; ;*
Gtindabiliry TestFWi = 14.4 at 14 mesh.
Wi: 1O.4a, 2$ nesh. W. 7 O a | <r h / S H o R Tl O N
Gind in ball ni| lrcn 80 pet cent pasins 1m0
miooAs to 80 p?t ceht passinelN nicrons.\'lit =
10.9,Wit:r4.4i lrcn Esuatioi (42)W=7.O8 kwh

Equation (22) sives.Krr, the mil irpur kW per ton of Whcn the actualreductionlatio.Rf is much smal.r or
srindiEgballs for coaventionalw.t-gdnditrg ball mills using larger thanRro, the work input P from E4uation (l) 3hould
makc-up balls lar8cr than about oDe-eighticthof thc mill bo multiplied by the cmpirical adjBtmcnt factor 1,, wher.
A'=r+2(Rt- R0)'1300 ....(26)
Kt tb * 2.8DLt(3.2- 3 v p) Cdr - o.1|Ztrw, .... Qz) Sinc€ pcdpheral dischargcrod mills havc los, reduction
For dry-grinding smtc discbargcmils Xn, should bc ratios, thcy Dormallyr.quirc an incrcasciD P.
multiplied by 1.08. Ba[ rdills arc lcssEeruitiveto changesin reduction ratio
If Od r€prcscnt! &c vcrtical distaDccin feet ftom thc ttad rod mills. Ho$cvcr, whm R/ b.lomes le$ thar about
insidetop of thc mil to th. lowast discharsepoint, then 3, particularly in 1befDe srirdins of concentsat$,7 frorn
' Vpd= t.r3 - r.26 ....Q3) Bquation (l) should be nultiplicd by the cmpiric{l adjult-
mcntfactorlt, where
wheret/pd is llc fractior of the intdior mill volume below
dischargclcvcl. For a full lowlev€l gtat discbary. Vpd zX(R!- 1.351+ 2.&
--' ....Q'
equal!0.029.For welgrindins srate |nd low-leycl discbargp 20(Rr- 1.35)
. l, . O.4O- VDdI
m'rls.rnurupry nlrD -ny
l, + 2l l. Free Verticll Orcillatlon
A body id fre€ v€rtical oscilation fals from it! highast
SlumD Coffection posilion under tbe influcncc of gravity and tu stopp.d
Lars+diametq ball mills fed with small rnak&up balls lorcibly by atr equal deccleraiion; it is thctr acc.l.ratcd
lose power becauscof €xce+livcdownwardslippagcof the upwad at tb! samelate and r.acbcs tba pori-
bal chalsc or the siDSsid. of tbe'milt, and this lo$ of tioD asbcfor.. It dcscdb€sa sinplc barmonicmotion ovcl a
powd inult d€creas.!tho min capacity.An cmpiricsl slump vertical distanccof ,fi inchcs with .prr cycl.! pcr minut!,
subtraction quantity Sr is computedfor wet overnow and
satc ball rnills by Bqu&tion(24),to bc subFact d from the ....(28)
K)r, vdue of Equation(22).No subEactionis madcfor vtct The critical frequencyof vibrating bodic! is calculst d
ball milts with , < 8 or for dry ball mills with D < 10.For fiom Equation (28)i as tbe cpn (oi rpro) dccrc*cs below
dry mils with D > 10 thc slump quantity to be subtrastcd thc critical, th€ tcndcncy to mai sio frcc vdtlcal orcilla-
from Xr, is tbec-quartersof Sr asfound by F4uatiotr (2t, tion caNesthc amplitudc i to incr.aic.
whcr€ , is the dianeter of tbc make-upballs f€d in inch.s. Tho power o€ccasaryto maiDtainfrc€ vcrticd oicillation

"":(i#- t-
is direcdy proportionalto thc pcriod of os.ilatiod (l/cpn)
,.,.Q4) aod to y'n. Wbere-Kvo is the kilowatts n!.cssary to mair.
tain a ton massin frec oscillation.thctr
Kvo = 328lcpn = li ... (29)
Efi€ct of Reduction Ratios
The reducrionratio Rr is the ratio of the size of the rew Th€ vertical componctrt of thc motioD of a particle of no
mill fced to that of tbe final prod ct, or F/P Witb scalp.d diamc.€r a8ainst thc lining of a bal mill at griticd spccd
Iccd, FclP should bc used. Rod mills arc pa.ticularly s€$i- colrEsponds to frce v.rtical oscillation*ith h: l2D, znd
tive to u avourablercduction ratios, atrd if F/P is smatlcr
than about 12 or larser thatr abouf 20 the twh/tor (,'/)
required fo! grinding increases. If Rto represenhtbe opti- Ef,ect of Overiize F€ed
mum rod oill reduction ratio, its approximate value is Fced particlq which are too lars. for thc grinding ballt
or rods 10 brcak are sradually worn down ir the mill r,itl
Rto=8+5LlD (25) a considerablelossof srindif,g eficieocy.If rhe mill product

- 11 '
is coarsc,the loss in milt capacity can b. quite large; ir tho same linear or logarithmic gsph shect. Thc poiqr *herc
dereasesas the proporlior of the lotal work cotrsumedin tle two lin6 cross h thc partirg size, aod the pcr ceot
fine erindirg increases.The decreasein capacity caulcalby passiDgat tbc cro3sirg poiDt is the per cetrt cmciency of the
overeizeerirding media is aot as pronouncedas that caused

When Fo reprcscDtsthe maximum 80 pe. cdt passing Per€€nta8e Circulating Load

feed siz. in microns wbich does not appreciably decreas€ In .losed-circuit reductioD the per c€nr circularing load
th. erinding efrcicocy (is not oversire) nith tle ball or rod (100 C0 is 100 tnnes the ratio of the weisht of separator
siz! calculatedfrom Equation (12) or (13), aDd the rrork oversizc returning to the rcductioD machire io tbe weieht
index is 13, Fo is about 4000 foi ordinary ball mils and of the new feed enterins tbe circuit h the same time
30,000for rod mills.
Forba mirsro : ao,my'(l3VD4 . .. . (30) P: microns 80 p€r ceot o[ scparatorundcrsizepasses.
Forrodmillsfo = 30,000
,/(3)twi ....131\ Fp = per cent of new fecd passiDssiz, P.
The work input Il/ for oversiz! feed (F> Fo) is calculated Dp : per cent of iDacbine discharse passirg size P.
Rp : per ceDt of separator oversizc passing sizc p.
wi 10wil I Rr+(W i- T (F - Fo\lFo
w- lto P
When tbe new feed enters the re.luction machinc
L\/ \/F I L Cr: (8 0 -Dd l(Dp * Rp \
. ... (32\ Whcnthenewfeedenterstheseparator
c t : (8 o -F p )l(Dp _ Rp )
Grind Difrerential The quaDtitiesrequircd in EquarioDs(37) aDd (38) caD be
Tbe gdnd differeDiial Gd evaluates the diferen@ h the deteimioed fron loglog or exponenrialplots of complere
particlc sizcsof the concentrateand tailing when griDdisg size distribution aDallses. However, rh€ sdeen adalyses
for rnineral unlockiDg and cotrcentration by flotatioD or by evailablemay not permi! detclminatior of thesequanrities,
cravity. An inqeased grind difierential can b€ of mal'or and C/ must be calculatedfrom the old equationslrbascd
importancein such srindils cjrcuits. on the perceDtages passing?00 meshor any otie. availahlc
Whcre P is tbe 80 per cent passidssize in microns of tle
fe6d ao concenr.ation,Cp is tbe 80 pe! cent passingsize of If . represents the per cent of tbe classifi.r fine producr
tho concentrate,and Cw is the per ceDtweight qf the coo- passing 200 mesh. r is the per cenr of rhe classifier coarse
cenrratedivided by rbe f4d, the griod difierentkF is product passing ahe same sizc, and m is tbe pcr ceot of thc
P (150- Cr) - 50 cp mill dischargcpassiDgthe samesize,thcn whcn tbc Dcwf.ed
.... (33) ente$ the erinding mill
P (5o-Cwr+50Cp
A typical copper flotatiotr plant has a sriDd differeDtial ct = (c - m)l(m _ t) . .. . (39)
of 1.34.Any chansein thc sinding circuit $fhich would iD- When tho new feed enters rhe classifier, and ld r.pteseors
dcase tbe Srind diferential *ould resott iu relarively tbo per cent of tlc new feed passine200 rncsh,thcD
coarser srindins of lhe g3trgue.and should favourably afiect c t = (c -t " )t (n -t ) . ... (()}
costs,recoveryand gladc.rr
WbcE makibg rwo grinds to 80 per ceot passio8a giveo Ary other suitablesc.eensize may be subsrituted.How-
product size P, witb the tust srind diferential c4 larger ev.r, tbe Cl values calculaled from dn.r.nt scleer siz.s
than thc secoDdsrind diferential GdL the relative IbechaDi, usually show a wide variatioo. and tbe mesh size at whicb
cal efrciencyof the filst srind to the secondis: the circulating load is calculated should be sp.aiff€d.

Rer. a
+ f91', l) - l9,r, l) ....,r,
Per Cent new Classifler Feed to Closod-circuit Mlll
When a rod mill in open circuit discharges ro a cls$ifi.r
\Gdr.l 1l \Gd,+ tJ
ff the recessionfaclor R/ is tb€ number of standard y', in closed circuit with a bal mill, rh. per ceDt of thc rod
scr€eoscalcspac€s betweensizeP and sizeCp, then mill discharse which enl€rs the ball miI as scalp€d ncw feed

RJ: (toEP- losCd ltoc,/1

,- fc" or rod mi discharyel [% pn , lm-% Enl
P:c PQ)l
N '*-l passiogparrirgsi.. I I r0o -r tmc/ I
Tbc g nd difereolial cd can be calculated from the ..., (41)
rec$sioD factor Rl aDd thc p.r cent weigbt of the conceu- Closed-circuit Versus ODen-circqit Eell Mill
tral€ C}? by substituting the value of P ftoln Equation (3O Grinding
inlo Bquatioo (33).
The listed work index valuesapply to ball rnills srindiDs
Th€ Schuhmannsloped oflhe com- w€t in closedcircuit. For dry sriDdiDsitr closedcircuit, the
modly greatertban that of the lighter taitings.
work input Z shouldbe multipliedby 1.30.
The conversion _to open-circuit
Clairifler Performance Srinding,eilher wet or
dry, is dode by multiplyinstbe closed-circuit work input
In closed"circuitreduction tbe efficiencyaDd tlc s€paraG ,y by aE open-cilcuit multiplicatior factor. Itr tbis coDDec-
ins size,cut poitrt or lartins size of tbe classifieror screen tion the circulatirg load Cl shoutdbc uoity or grcater.
are important. The efrciency is commoDly expr€ssedas This factor varies wjth rhe refercnc€pe! ccnt passilg!
I0{ minus the per ceDtof finished nalerial or "unders" in or tbe per cent passiogat which tbc opcr- and closcd-
the ove.sizeleturned to the rnill or crusher, a! a cenau circuitsrindinsafe compared. For iosratrce, iJ rhe.efereoce
percentpassing is 95,tbernuttiplicationfactorwil be much
The paldns size h defioed as the size at which the per largertbatrat 80 p€r ceDtpassitrg. ff it is requiredth.t 95
cent "unders" in tbe separatorovenize equalsthe per cent pe. ceot of tbe productpasles200 meshtbe changefron
"overs" in the separator lndersize. The separator lnder- closedcircuit to opencircui! wil requirca mu€hgreater
size per cent passing,and the separatorove.size per ceil increase in powerthanif ir is requiredthar80 pe. centpass
cumulalivo relained on, are plorl€d as smooth cu.ves on 200nrcsh,or aay otherspecified meshsize.

Som. apFoximatc opcD-.ircuit multiplication factoft for on th. same samplc at difer.nt producr lizes. Tbis corE-
vario'rs r.ferencc percentag.spassingare lisred below in plicates the calculatior of the work iDput rcquir€d (p) in
Table IV. They follow an exponeniial function. kwl/ton from Equation (l), which is !s.n with rbc dcsir.d
capa.ity to fnd thc required rDoror and mil siz!.
TASLE IV Wh€o this bappens thc various work iddci values ar.
plotted vcnically as orditra!$ on lo8-lo8 pap€r against tbc
80 per cent passing size as abscissdc,and the poin& arc
connccted by stlaight linca which arc cxtcrided horizoDralty
50 1 .0 3 5 to the edg.s of rb€ pap.r. Tbe 80 pcl cear pa.gsiDgsizcs ol
60 t.0 5 Sriodability ploducts are fourd by divjding rbc
'lo t.l 0 opeDin$ Pl in Eicrons by log 20 (1.301),or by the valucs
80 1 .2 0
90 1.4'0 siv€n folowing Equation (8) for fine bal miI tcsts. Thc
92 1.46 80 pcr cent passing sizo is 1.5 iD. for rhe impac! cruhitrg
95 1 .5 7
98 1 .7 0 The work indcx values at tl. dcsignat.d 80 pc! cerr !ass-
ing product size P a l fced sizc F arc found from ihe
plot and dcsiguated as tri and ,t/i. Thctr thc work irpul
Correctionfor Work Index Variations ry is fouDd from F,quation (42) as givon below:
WhenaDor. hasmtural grainsizes,
it sometimes
tbat laboratoryrcd mil and ball mi gdndabilitytesisand _. lO W t0 wi, , 10\wit - wt,,
*-@- -J-- r t
impact crustiDg teEtssive dificr€Dtwork index (7r1 values

syEb.F rn E{ur.ion No. t

s.buhDrm miftd 100 d q. ole.
,6 I4idt o, bin uEnd in fct.
R.d nil nr drutuar rerd.
Brll birr i' rdBdot f.cror. !q !.'t' P!.ti.. b @l]l dn:hq.,
rlrim.udr4 116 in e, h/{b.
r$oo.nri:r $E dBdbnuon ad6ddL 9e hu bilitr€d b En.
Pd sr qmr.rN lordroo.
Middr 30 E ar otdol16frr. b!q.
,d nr . !i.E oFlt8 i! E 6od-A,{ sidlb0rry,
rmr h.k iddh<n/c.
n.*. ts !ruliono|diltc!i.i.d!Dej.
O@ sid. corhr 3.triu b D.h6. ,N
Ps dr *.irhr olcoDHhk D fd_ Rdlton rdr tdra 6!n6trt Dd
P.r ar Furi,r b .r!.16s 6no ,rcd(r
cyrA ro fG vdial ofirrrion.
k F_61 or o6i:.JlBi4 rizo P.

x" P4 ed ol dncnu.. !ain! u P,

9t -!Ero r.d EjI nihdid
!u.!. |40 4r 6/ttu,

Ex'ffilj'|olqDccrrtio' l.ll r m! dbs.cdo! ouurxv.

E4uj'd.oltEofrlBd|ed. & 6 pg arp. w|@.udre
", " Pq 60r ol-!.r fe! puiq rir,. Pa @ p|!n$_b cl.t i6a co!ru DtbdEr,
l-d c9nJ.peiq j' Eiu r* r..d FEdd of Dix $rltd' d&cbrs.
lan nijr sindrbjliry a-c, &. ar8/ wo'k iutsr h trvb F rron @!.
gild.bir y A-c! wd( rndd: lwlhd
R.d oi'r @ s@s/
worr brl: twnhd o Eldd.i:a

arindi4mni..j.mfutrnt. P.i 6r @d.ds d uv riz..

,, 6rots or li:. dndb!!i@ I&
wort bcd r6E DIo. r Dodud riz
worr. I!d.: r@ iro' ri fd dF F, ".

'b $r: erF rh ds6 d .F

b. que r F4u.u@ (a, o3), (3e, Dd raa) re bor d4r'yh by .b. ruuoi

TABLE llr_^! I'd'r Td RTIB

,to" of l in' y I j! ,rnicl.' Tb. Eod
.T',*ji l'}l'"#*, ^

rirr"r rr,zso- l 3l o,?s

- 13 _
is coarsc,tbe loss in mill capacity can be quitc largc; ir Lhe same lirear or logaritlmic Sraph sheet. The point
decrcases as thE proporlion of the totll work consumedin ihe two lioes crolc is the parting sizc, and th. per cent
fine srinding iocrcascs.The decreaseir capacity caus€dby passingat the crossiDApoint is the per cent emciencyof the
ove.sizegriodine media is not as pronounc.d ss that caused

When Fa represeotsthe maximum 80 per cent passirs Percentage Ci.culating Load

feed size in rnidols which does not appreciably deqease ID closed{ilcuit reduction the per ccDr cicularira lord
tbc grirdiDg efrcicncy (is not oversiE) with the ball or rod (100 c/) is 10O times the latio of the wcighl of separaror
size calculatedfrom Equation (12) or (13), and thc work oveftize returning to the reduction machine ro rhe weight
index is 13, Fo is about 4000 for ordidary ba mills and of tbe new f€ed €Dtering rhe circuit io the same time
30,000for rod mills.
por ballmitbro = a0o0y'057fr .,.. G0) P : microDs 80 pcr ceDt of scparator undcrsizc passes.
Forrod millsFo:30,m0 \/G)m ..,.(3t) Fp : per ccnt of new fced passing sizc P.
The work input 7 for oversizc feed (F > Fo) is calculated Dp : pe! cent of machincdischarscpassinssiz! p.
Rp = p.r cent of scpararorovcrsizepassinssizeP.
,,, lgw _ g w tl IR .(w i _ rt6 _ F o\fof when the new feed eDters thc reduction machine
" : L,/F l------------o--
^/F J ) CI=180-Dp)l(Dp-Rp)
. . . , (3 2 ) rflLen the trew feedeDtersthe separator
Grind Difrerential Tbe qDaDritiesr€quiredia Eauations(3, and (38) cau !c
The grind differential Cd eaaluatcsthe difcrdce iD the determined from log-1og o. exponential plo& of completc
particle sizes of tbe conceDtrate and lailing when grindiDg size distribution analyses. However, the s$een analyses
for min€ral unlocking and concenbationby nobtion or by availablemay not permit det.rmioation of rhesequantiries,
gravity. Ao increased srind diferential can be of major and C/ must be calculatedfrom the old equationltr bas.d
importancein such grindins circuits. on the percentages passing 2-00mesh or any otner availablc
wlere P is the 80 per cen! passiDssizeiD microns of the
fecd to concentration,Cp js tbe 80 pcr cent passingsiz€ of If . represents the per cenr of the classifier fine producr
lhe concenrare,and C19is the per cent weighr of the con- passing200 m$b, r is tle p.r cenr of the classifiercoarse
ceatrate divided by thc fc.d, tb. grind difierentialu is product passiDgtbe samesize,and u is the pcr crnt of ttc
P (lJo - Cw) - 50 Cp mill discharg. passiog lbe samesize, thctr 1,hcn the ncw fc€d
.... (31) enterstbe srinding milt
A iypical copper flolation plant has a eritrd differeDtial C I= (c-' 1:.)l @ -t) .. . . (39)
of 1.34.ADy chaDsein tle srindins circuit which would in- when thc new fecd €oterNtbc classifier,and t rep.escnts
creasc tle sdnd difier.ntial would result in rclalively aheper cent of the new feed palsing 200 mesh, then
coaner sdoding of tbe 8atr8ue, aDd should favourably a6ect cr: (c _ l(n _ t)
costs,recovely and grade.ll
.. . . (40)
Wbeo makiog ttro griod! ro 80 per ceol passinga eiv€n Aoy other suitablescrcen sizemay bc substitutcal. How,
product siz€ P, witl tbe first grind difierential cdr lals€r ever.tbe C/ valuescolculared ftom ditrerenrscr€.o sizes
thaD tb€ lecond Srind differ.ntial Gd,, tbe relative mcchatri- usually show a widc vadatioD,and the ma3hsize at which
cal efrciencyof the first grjDd to the secoDdis: thc circulatiDsloadis calculated shouldbe specified.
t------;;,----;: ;--
R c r . E- J,-(#
tr )-(Fl . tt4)PerWhen
Cent new Clersille. Feedto Closed-<lrcuit Mill
a rod rnill iD open circuit discbarscsto a classificr
ff the recessionfactor Rl is the numbq oI slardard y'z in closedcncuir sith a ball mill. tb. DerceDtof th. rod
scre€nscalespacesbetweensize P and size Cp, tlten mill dischars€which entcrsthe ball mifas lcalDednew feld
Rt = (losP - loscdllos\/2
,- loo orrod min discharsel l%En , tm % Eff.l
nt '*-L passinspaningsL" I L lm -r - 100cr I
P :cP Q)1
The sriDd ditr rential Gd caD b. calculated from tbe .... (41)
r€c€ssion factor Rl and the per cent weisht of tbe coocen- Closed.circuit Versus ODen-circuit Ball Mill
trate Cw by substitutinstbe value of P from Equation (36) Grinding
ioto Equation (33).
The listed work index valuesapply to bau rni s Sridditrg
Tbc Schbmann slope of tbe heavierconc.Dtrateis com-
' wet in closedcircuit. For dry gritrditrgi! closedcircuit, th.
monly gr€aicr than that of the lighter tailings.
rvorkinput tY shouldbc muiiiplicdby 1.30.
Th€ conversion'toopen,circuitgdnding,cirber wct or
Classifi€r Pe.formance dry, is don€ by multiplyitrs the closBd-circuir$ork input
Io closed-circuitr.duction th€ eficieocy and the separan Irl by an open-cncuitmultiplication factor. In tbis comec-
itrg size,cut point or parting size of the classifieror sdeen liofl ihe circulating load Cl should be uniry or greatcr.
are impo(ant. Tte efficiency is commonty expressedas This factor varieswitb the rcferencepcr cedt passing,
100minus the per cent of fiDishedmaterial or "uDders" in or the per cent pasibS ar whicb the opcd- atrd closcd-
lbe oversia return€d to the mill or crusber, aL a cqraro ci-cuitgrindidgarecompared. For iostaoce,if the referelce
ler centpassing is 95,1hemultiplicationfactorwill b. Eucb
Thc parlinS size is defined as tbe size at wbich the per targer than at 80 p€r cent palsing. If it is rcquir€d thar 95
cent "urders'' in the separato.oversizeequak the per cenr per cent of the productp:sses200meshthe chanaefrom
"overs" itr the separatof undersize.The separalor undei- clos.d circuit to opencircuirwill requirea much greaicr
size pe. cent passingiand the separaroroversizeper cent incrcase jn powertbanjf it is requiredthat 80 per centpass
cumulative retained on, are plotted as smooth cu.ves on lO0 incsh,or any othersDecified mesbsjz€.

br T9E of Mrbrtrl'
cluijon $ouid b. ucd i. it't .h. .wrry @rr hdd vd!.! L,Ed tuE ro ,!*r6c - idrrulioE, |hs d! indMdut vdliod bd*& 6{cld! i! rry

id r19 2.69


9 r.76
27 2,66 r0.r3

5 2,5.

1 2.1r
7 2.73
9 3.00

1 2.15
r J.r 3

19 2.36

P. ltrnEr. j.r,rD!.rr di aulb.t.runtrktnd4 Bzttin.

!Krn, FrIMtd. ! BoRrM, B. B. "Mcr$ri!3 rh. RdaliE Abrasiv.n.s , Pr .Id Oufr,
' Bo^D. F. a. lllni, Th.ory ol Caanian. oa', /.t u r Itud., tetl, Ind Gftdidg cr,c,rhioon. cdadian vnht
tlrt 4a1t Mhin. EBtLnl^t, }1[1y 1952. 107, r66tz ttn'. t9s1,
'Bom, F. c. 'ThG PriDcirls ol corhirution ,
E 'l'inqer4 of CoDmiDurid I , A.IM.F. T..l'. "DoNo. F. c. M!rh.6rh! or C(fq rnd

'8.!D, F. C. 'ConFE.rim o' rh. Thi'd Tn.ory .

'I^@t\I Edttboo\ ot Mhtd D4rnir. se, 6, r. i6 (\'r.y)
'BoND, l. C. 'sundnd G.irdrbil ^sTM
' T^ao^Nt. EnAb..k ot Mk?o,", s.c. 19, F. r02 @il.y)
sie s.l€.lo!! Minins Mry
r9s3". ,r.r.M.E. T,@,. !953. tll. 592.

- 14 -

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