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Precious Jel M. Villanueva Grade 12 – St.


Politics and Governance

Performance Task

1. Please identify the problems and good things in Philippine Politics.

Philippines is considered as ambitious and selfish country. Politicians are corrupt

and full of lies. In the Philippines, you can only count the true public servant. There are
lots of issues, political intrigue, and political maneuver happenings in this country.
Despite of having such problems in the Philippines, there were still good things that are
contributed in this country.

There are lots of problems in Philippine Politics. One of these is the corruption
in the government. The people are charged with taxes but we end up having inefficient
implementation of road and traffic rules, lack of a flood control system, and road
construction. Second is the poverty. It’s sad to see that the rich and the poor people
exist side by side of this country. Next is the low education attainment. People of
lower socioeconomic status are less likely to be educated. The other one is the brain
drain and lack of local opportunities to promising graduates. For decades, the
Philippines has always had large populations of migrant workers abroad.

Aside from those problems in our country, there are these efforts and programs
initiated by our government.

 Advocacy and social awareness – good governance and specific advocacies

(health, environment, etc.)
 Catechesis and social awareness – bible study
 Livelihood – microfinance, cooperatives, and job fair
 Youth ministry holistic formation
 Education – scholarships, literacy, and reading campaign
 Healthcare – cheaper medicine, medical missions, and nutrition education
 Environment projects like tree planting, anti-mining, and synchronize cleanup
 Disaster risk management – disaster preparedness education

2. Identify the disadvantages and advantages in Philippine Government.


 It ensures that government remains close to the people because the state
government argues that they are more in tune with the daily needs and
aspirations of people especially relevant to small and isolated places.
 It encourages development of the nation in a decentralized and regional manner
and allows for unique and innovative methods for attacking social, economic and
political problems.
 It provides a barrier to the dominance of the majority.


 It can lead to duplication of government and inefficient, over-lapping or

contradictory policies in different parts of the country.
 It can lead to inequality between the states and lead to unhealthy competition
and rivalry between them.
 It can lead to over-government that will result to corruption.

3. Please indicate the needs for improvement/ for our government system. And propose
a solution to the problems.

Philippine democracy is great but it can be anything but comfortable to say on

what is the economic standing of the today’s country in Asia. There seems to be one
basic causal factor for such a bad luck: the individuals in bad governance, the dynasties
in dirty policies, and the favored persons in the public disservice. This is such a pity but
it is the reality. Politicians must avoid corruption to lessen the poverty and any of the
problems that the country is facing. We can prevent these problems to happen in our
country if we have recommendations to solve these problems.

 Voting the well-deserved and right leader based on your own conscience
 Punish the vote sellers
 Raise awareness about drugs, family planning, and etc.
 Strict implementation of a law that gives heavy consequences to criminals and
corrupt officials

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