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(12 Series)

Equipment & Template

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1 Exercise – Input Equipment List from CSV file – New Utility.............................................................. 5

2 Exercise – Creating Primitives – New Form.......................................................................................... 7
3 Exercise – Equipment Report – New Utility .......................................................................................... 9
4 Exercise – Make Equipment Template – Modified Design Template Create Form ......................... 12
5 Exercise – Template Search Tool – New Utility .................................................................................. 13
6 Exercise – Template Change Propagation – New Utility ................................................................... 14
7 Exercise – Repeats in Templates ......................................................................................................... 16
8 Other Developments.............................................................................................................................. 19

1 Exercise – Input Equipment List from CSV file – New Utility

Project: Sample (SAM)
Password: USERT
Module: Design

Enter the Equipment Application.

Use Design Explorer to navigate to

Select bar menu command

Utilities > Import Equipment…
In the Import Data form select file
equipImport.csv and click Open.

The Spread Sheet Import form is displayed

showing a preview of the data that will be
Notice the icons which indicate the state of
each row before the data is loaded
Element with this name exists - Modify
Element with this name not found –
Error in definition – will not be imported

Click Load New Data to load the new

equipment element data into the current
This will not change the existing element

Item not loaded The Spread Sheet Import form changes from
Preview mode to show the results of the
Item loaded (created or modified) successfully import operation.
Click on the row containing the error icon
and look at the Messages box

Save Work

2 Exercise – Creating Primitives – New Form

• Set holes drawn in graphics settings

(Tick Holes Drawn on dialogue
Settings>Graphics…>Representation )
• Using Design Explorer, select one of the
equipments just created.
Select menu Create>Primitives… to display the Create
Primitives form.

NB: Nozzles are now created from a separate menu

Negative primitives are created by first selecting the
Create Cut Out Primitives… button.

Pick Box on the Primitives dialogue

Fill in box dimension attributes
X Length 1000
Y Length 2000
Z Length 3000
Click the Create button
Click the 3D View Limits button to see the box

Now change X Length to 2000

Note the immediate change to primitive shape

Select Rotate panel
Enter 20 into the Angle field
Click Apply Rotation button. Each click rotates by the
given angle

Then click Next button
Pick Pyramid on the Primitives dialogue
Click Parameters… button to see required parameters.
Set the following parameters
X Bottom 2000
Y Bottom 2000
Height 1000

Click the Create button

Select Ppoint 2 on the Datum option

This moves the datum to the bottom of the pyramid.

Position the pyramid on top of the box by picking the
Ppoint on top of the box in the 3D view

Now try the Align with P-point function by opening the

panel and pressing the pick P-point button

Pick a P-point on the side of the box

Then click Next button

To create a hole, Click the

Create Cut Out Primitives button, and then click the
Cylinder button. Set

Height 1000
Diameter 500

Click the Create button

Close the Primitives form

Save Work

3 Exercise – Equipment Report – New Utility

Select menu Utilities>Equipment Report… from the main menu to display the Equipment Report

On the Columns tab, the Available Attributes list displays all of the standard equipment attributes,
including UDA’s, available for selection.
Check the Pseudo Attributes checkbox to make the equipment pseudo attributes available.
Select the attributes/pseudo attributes required on the report, e.g. NAMN, Description, Position,
Orientation, Purpose, etc. and use the button to add your selection to the Chosen Attributes

Use the arrow buttons on the right hand side to change the column order in the list
When the required list of columns is complete, click on the Output tab to display the output table:

Press the Save button to display the Equipment Report Filename dialogue:,
Navigate to a suitable file storage location,
enter a filename and click the Save button.

Note: The Open button on the Equipment

Report form becomes active. To open the
Excel file immediately, click the Open

The column positions on the Output tab

may be modified by dragging a column
heading into another position.
Output may be ordered before saving to
Clicking on a column heading toggles
between ascending and descending alpha-
numeric sort.

The output may only be ordered by one

column at a time, therefore, clicking on
another column heading will change the
alpha-numeric sort to that column.

Output may be filtered by column in two


Clicking on the down arrow below the

column heading display a pull-down list of
column content. The filter may be selected
from these cell values.


Clicking on the button displays a list of

wildcard filters.
Select the required wildcard type and enter
a wildcard value.
The filtering is dynamic and is not case

Clicking on the button at the head of

each column clears the filter for that

Clicking on the button in the first

column clears all the column filters.

Rows can be grouped by dragging one or

more column headings into the area above
the table
Save the table to file, and press Open to
see the result in Excel

4 Exercise – Make Equipment Template – Modified Design Template Create Form

Switch to Design Templates Application:

Design > Design Templates…

In the Template Browser

Click on Training Templates then on Sample

Navigate to Equipment /VMT-XX9008 in ZONE

/TRAINING-ZONE and add it to the view

Now select Create>Template… from the main

Note that the form appears with details from
the imported Equipment preset on the form

Set the Name field to /TEST-EQUI

Press the OK button

The new Template definition has been created

Press the Display button on the Template

Browser to see the new Template
Use Window > Tile Vertically to see the new
Design Template alongside the model
Save Work

5 Exercise – Template Search Tool – New Utility

In the Design Templates Application
select Query>Template Search… from
the main menu.

Type cooler in the Description field and

click on Search.
The finds all Templates with ‘cooler’ in the

Similarly, it is possible to search for a

name containing a given string or an exact
match with a specified Generic Type.
In the search result table, click on
STD/AIRC001 and the right click and
select Navigate to

Grid Grouping and Filtering functions can

be toggled on or off. These can be useful
with a larger list of search results.
On the Template Browser, click the CE
TMPL button to make this the current

Click the Display button

Close the Search Tool

6 Exercise – Template Change Propagation – New Utility

With the Forced Air Fan Cooler (1 Fan)

template (from the previous exercise) as the
CE, select Modify > Parameterisation…
from the main menu to display the Template
Member Parameters form.

Now we will modify this Template master

definition to show how changes to templates
can be propagated to instances of the master

Right-click on BOX 3 and click Navigate To

Delete BOX 3 using the button on the
Default toolbar and then click the Refresh
button on the Template Member
Parameters form.

Right-click on CYLI 1 and click Navigate To

Select Create > Primitives…from the main

menu to display the Primitives form.
Switch the Primitives form to Create Cut Out
Primitives, and select Cylinder.
Enter Height 200 Diameter 1000 and click
Close the Primitives form
Click Refresh on the Template Members
Parameter form.
To set rules on the new negative cylinder:
Select NCYL 1 on the Parameters form
Select Diameter in the Rules Panel to show
the Attribute rule form
Set the rule as shown: DIAM OF CYLI –
Click OK

Next select Height in the Rules Panel and set

the rule to HEIG OF CYLI
Click OK

Click Refresh
Close the Parameterisation form
Select Utilities>Propagate Changes… from
the main menu to display the Propagate
Changes form. This shows all instances of this
Design Template

The State column shows ! Suspect which

means that the Design Template has changed
since these instances were last modified.

Click the Display button to show the instances

in a Template Propagation View.

Use Window>Tile Vertically to show the

Template and its instances together

Click the Select All button and then the

Update button.

The form now shows the result of the

Item not updated – see Messages
Item updated successfully

Note that the Undo command will undo the

entire update operation if required.


Save Work

7 Exercise – Repeats in Templates

Select Query>Template Search…from
the main menu and enter turbine in the
Description field.

Click the Search button.

In the search result table, click on

TURBINE-WHEEL-TMPL and the right
click and select Navigate to

On the Template Browser, click the CE

TMPL button to make this the current

Click the Display button.

Select Modify>Parameterisation… from

the main menu to display the Template
Member Parameter form.

Select the item with Local Name blade

Click the Define Repeat Rule button to
display the Repeats form.

On the Repeats dialogue, in the Number

of Repeats field type the expression

Click on the Radial toggle button

Enter 7.5 for the Angle and check the
Rotate Element checkbox.

Click the OK button.

Click the Refresh button on the

Template Member Parameter form.
Now we will allow the user to control the
number of repeats by setting a Design

On the Template Member Parameter form

locate the new Repeat rule TMRREL 1 and
click on it.

In the Rules section of the form, click on

Delangle to display the Attribute Rule form.

On the Attribute Rule form, enter the

expression LDPR BANG OF TMPL

Press the OK button

The expression will be displayed in the Rules
section of the Template Member Parameter

Dismiss all the template forms.

Save Work
Select Design>Equipment… from the main
menu to switch to the Equipment Application
and navigate to Zone /TRAINING-ZONE.

Create an instance of the Turbine Template

using menu option Create>Standard
Select the Equipment Template from the
Equipment Training Specification:


Click Apply button.

Use Event Driven Graphics to place your

Template instance.

Dismiss the Create Standard Equipment

Select menu Modify>Properties
Change the parameters

Click Apply to change the number of repeats

Save Work

8 Other Developments
IF THEN ELSE condition in expressions Navigate to EQUI /IFTRUE-EQUI and
IFTRUE function in expressions display it.
IFT( condition , true result , false result )
e.g. In the Equipment application select Modify
IFT( ( CDPR LENG gt 3580 ) , ( CDPR NOFF ), 1 ) > Properties

Change Length to 3851

Notice that vertical sections appear. This is

achieved by a repeat rule with an
expression that only generates repeat
elements if the Length parameter > 3850
Family of Design Templates Design Templates parameterised by using
SCOM parameters.

If a Design Template is linked to an SCOM

carrying parameters, the Design Template
Data Set may contain properties with
expressions such as PARA[1].

This property may then be used in rules on

Design Template members.

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