Minutes of Meetings

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Minutes of Meeting of M.

Tech Project Presentations (Manufacturing)

1) Balaram Dash (ME18M002) (11: 20 to 11:40 AM)

1) Remove understanding word form title – Dr. N. Venkaiah sir

2) Remove twin wire word form title – Dr. N. Venkaiah sir

2) Naveen Theja (ME18M005) (11:57 to 12: 17 PM)

1) Top of Figure 9, need to change R to R2 – Dr. D. V. Kiran Sir

2) Project some applications like knee and hip implants – Dr. M. Ravi Sankar sir

3) Sai Dr. D. V. Kiran (ME18M006) (12:28 to 12:48 PM)

1) References are not consistent – Dr. D. V. Kiran sir and Dr. N. Venkaiah sir

4) K. Roja (ME18M007) (1:37 to 1:57 PM)

1) Error bars on Bar charts In Fig 12 – Dr. Ajay Kumar Sir

2) Discussion and mechanism part is missing in the PPT – Dr. Ajay Kumar Sir

5) Sharath Kumar (ME18M012) (2:02 to 2:22 PM)

1) Large deviations in Fig 23 & 24 – Dr. Ajay Kumar Sir

2) Can perform SEM analysis to know where the indentation is going to take place – Dr.
Ajay Kumar Sir

6) Nunavath Ramesh (ME18M013) (2:26 to 2:46 PM)

1) Simulation scale is missing in slide 10, 18 – Dr. D. V. Kiran Sir

2) Description and physics of equation should be understand shown in slide 9 – Dr. D.
V. Kiran Sir
3) Recheck the boundary conditions of gaussian distribution – Dr. D. V. Kiran Sir

7) Pappu Jagannadha Mallik (ME18M015) (2:54 to 3:14 PM)

1) References has to be properly formatted – Dr. N. Venkaiah sir

8) Chaileswar (ME18M017) (3:20 to 3:40 PM)

1) No comments

9) Shyam (ME18M020) (3:46 to 4:06 PM)

1) No comments

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