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Mechanical Vibrations


A common damping mechanism occurring in machines is caused by sliding friction or dry
friction and is called Coulomb damping. Coulomb damping is characterized by the relation

⎧− μN x& > 0⎫
⎪ ⎪
f c = Fc ( x& ) = ⎨ 0 x& = 0⎬
⎪ μN
⎩ x& < 0⎪⎭

The frictional force fc always opposes the direction of motion causing a system with
coulomb friction to be nonlinear. Summing forces in the x direction yields that (note that
the mass changes direction when the velocity passes through zero)
m&x& + kx = μmg for x& < 0

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Mechanical Vibrations

In a similar fashion, summing forces in the opposite direction yields

m&x& + kx = − μmg for x& > 0
Since the sign of x& determines the direction in which the opposing frictional force acts,
previous equations can be written as the single equation as
m&x& + μmg sgn( x& ) + kx = 0
This equation can be solved numerically.
These equations can be also solved by considering the first equation and then the second.
The solution for the first can be written as
x(t ) = A0 cos ω n t + B0 sin ω n t +
Applying the initial conditions yields
x(0) = A0 + = x0
x& (0) = ω n B0 = 0
When the mass starts from rest (at x0) and moves to the left, it moves as
⎛ μmg ⎞ μmg
x(t ) = ⎜ x 0 − ⎟ cos ω n t +
⎝ k ⎠ k
This motion continues until the first time x& (t ) = 0 . This happens when the derivative is zero,
or when
⎛ μmg ⎞
x& (t1 ) = −ω n ⎜ x 0 − ⎟ sin ω n t1 = 0
⎝ k ⎠
Thus when

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Mechanical Vibrations

t1 = , x& (t1 ) = 0
The mass starts to move to the right provided that the spring force, kx, is large enough to
overcome the maximum frictional force μmg. Hence the second equation describes the
motion. Solving that equation yields
x(t ) = A1 cos ω n t + B1 sin ω n t −

The initial conditions for the second equation are calculated from the previous solution at t1
⎛ π ⎞ ⎛ μmg ⎞ μmg μmg
x⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ x 0 − ⎟ cos π + =2 − x0
⎝ ωn ⎠ ⎝ k ⎠ k k

⎛ π ⎞ ⎛ μmg ⎞
x& ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = −ω n ⎜ x 0 − ⎟ sin π = 0
⎝ ωn ⎠ ⎝ k ⎠

It follows that
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Mechanical Vibrations

A1 = x 0 − 3
B1 = 0
The solution for the second interval of time then becomes
⎛ μmg ⎞ μmg π 2π
x(t ) = ⎜ x 0 − 3 ⎟ cos ω n t − <t <
⎝ k ⎠ k ωn ωn
This procedure is repeated until the motion stops. The motion will stop when the velocity is
zero and the spring force kx is insufficient to overcome the maximum frictional force.
Several things can be noted about the free response with Coulomb friction versus the free
response with viscous damping.
2 μmgω n
1. With Coulomb damping, the amplitude decays linearly with a slope − rather
than exponentially as with the viscously damped system.
2. The frequency of oscillation of a system with Coulomb damping is the same as the
undamped frequency, whereas viscous damping alters the frequency of oscillation.
3. The motion under Coulomb friction comes to a complete stop, at a potentially
different equilibrium position than when initially at rest, whereas a viscously damped
system oscillates around a single equilibrium, x = 0 , with infinitesimally small
amplitude. For example, the figure below shows the free response (displacement
versus time) of a system subject to Coulomb friction with two different initial
positions (5 m, solid line; and 4.5 m, dashed line) for zero initial velocity (m = 1000
kg, μ= 0.3, k = 5000 N/m). It can be noticed that the final position of the system
could be anywhere between the two lines x = ±

Response of Second Order Systems 40

Mechanical Vibrations

The response of a mass-spring system oscillating on a rough surface is measured to be of
the form Coulomb damped motion. The initial position is measured to be 30mm from its
zero rest position, and the final position is measured to be 3.5mm from its zero rest
position after four cycles of oscillation in 1 second. Determine the coefficient of friction
between the mass and the surface.
First the frequency of motion is 4 cycles per second (4 Hz), or 25.13 rad/s. The slope of the
line of decreasing peaks is
0.0035 − 0.03
slope = = −0.0265 m/s
The slope expression is
2μmgω n
slope = −
But since for a mass-spring system
Response of Second Order Systems 41
Mechanical Vibrations

ω n2 = ⇒ k = mω n2
Then, the slope expression becomes
2μmgω n 2 μg πω n
slope = − =− ⇒ μ=− ( slope)
πmω n2 πω n 2g
Solving for μ yields
πω n π (25.13)
μ=− ( slope) = − (−0.0265) = 0.107
2g 2(9.81)


Consider a damped system of the form
m&x& + cx& + kx = 0 x(0) = x 0 x& (0) = x& 0

This equation can be written as two first-order equations. Dividing the equation by the mass
m and define two new variables x1 = x and x 2 = x& . Then differentiate the definition of x1
rearrange the equation and replace x and its derivative with x1 and x2 to get
x&1 = x 2
k c
x& 2 = − x1 − x 2
m m
subject to the initial conditions x1 (0) = x 0 and x 2 (0) = x& 0 This system can be solved using

Use Matlab’s ode45 function to simulate the response of
3&x& + x& + 2 x = 0 x(0) = 0 x& (0) = 0.25

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over the time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 20.

The first step is to write the equation of motion in first-order form. This yields
x&1 = x 2
2 1
x& 2 = − x1 − x 2
3 3
Next, an M-file is created to store the equations of motion. The file is created by choosing a
name, say sdof.m, and entering

Next, go to the command mode and enter

The first line establishes the initial (t0) time and final time (tf).
The second line creates the vector containing the initial conditions x0.

The third line creates the two vectors t, containing the time history and x containing the
response at each time increment in t (including first derivative), by calling ode45 applied to
the equations set up in sdof.m.

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Mechanical Vibrations

The fourth line plots the vector x versus the vector t. This is illustrated in Figure.

Find the free vibration response of a spring-mass system subject to Coulomb damping for
the following initial conditions: x(0) = 0.5 and x& (0) = 0 . Let m = 10 kg, k = 200 N/m, and μ = 0.5 .

The equation of motion can be expressed as
m&x& + μmg sgn( x& ) + kx = 0
We rewrite the equation as a set of two first-order differential equations as follows:
x&1 = x 2
x& 2 = − μg sgn( x 2 ) − x1
The MATLAB program ode23 is used to find the solution as shown below.
An M-file is created by choosing a name, say dfunc1.m, and entering

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Mechanical Vibrations

Next, another M-file is created by choosing a name, say ex1.m, containing these lines

Finally, go to the command mode and type the name of the file, ex1, then press enter

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