il"". 63ll: - T - . F - o T (It

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Series: OSR/I
;:il"". 63ll
+ni. qr erqrqfuii r

Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on

the title page of the answer-book.

. Etrcrstq wiitofscc-{-Tdd Ekr gwl t r

. cs-{-E{ ii Erl6+ drT B1 qt{flEcrrsotsqq{*} E{-d ffir-gkfir +.{q-ys.RftTrt r

. pl-+ ci-+q-ri{ fu-C-€cv.{-.rdd ZS c{-{ f r

. ?tr{Ir
yy{ s'rrrrfrqcryJ66r+ rivCd, cf{mEqis, €rEgqm I
o t
fs cFr-cr 6] c-6+ +fus t5 fu{e6'r qqq fflr rlcr r rv-q-q qr fua-rq Tqifi ii 10.15 qq
tsqr qfu I 10.15 {i t to.:o qQ a*'. oH *-q-e q{-{-v{ *i c},i erk w ercfu + +{tr n
rtt-gfta-*r w mlt et-r rfi furd,t r

o Please check that this question paper contains 4 printed pages.

o Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the
title page ofthe answer-book by the candidate.
. Please check that_this question paper contains 28 questions.
o Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
o 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the
question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.

fuffivsqq ;3 Eill J afuaw'io :70
Timeqllowed:3hoursJ [Mmimum Marks : 70
(i) w? yw etfradf, aEr en,r+-f,. riftm aen m * a1qf, 6t+ qtfuv r
(i, ydq c{a * fu(,:r+ rs#mqi rnrt,,tt,d' I
(ii, qrtt d ii yfl isr t
- t o e:gaW+'r-+n a-d sw t ffi
fu{ 1 si6 furin'd * / a{# B-f,.
(iv) wrr a ii vw i@r I I - 1 6 afu ag wt nar +rd rw
d. 6n-+# fo, z eiq futfw * r cdsF
w;rwwr30 veiC GqmTd'Elqr?ffig I
(v) ,lrT,rI ew(i@r t7 - 20 W e-rrc-6.r.d/-drffi*eT+frrS-j ai+-Frrdtmt trdq
slir w sar 60 y,EI d wr-fl Td d?r ErEr /
(vr) I
rtw q vw dqr zt - 26 W sar s6rc atd ywf, Fr+#fo,t dq futfrd t qA'. t
w{ iat Jdt 1 oo rr<i d qrfl rd aiqr qz&, I
(vii) ttpT €il sw dwr zz zt ad err aad wa 5 67# fo, 6,t'm furifi-d * t ydq nw w
adt 2oo p@i qqr wT alqr atar. t
63ll I tp.T.O.
General Instr uctions :
(i, are indicated against it.
'(iii) Marl<s for each question pART-A
Question Nos. 1_10 in are multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark
each. You are expected to answer them as directed.
(iv) yery short answer We questions carrying 2
euestion Nos. [l-16 in PART-B dre
iarlrs each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words
iach. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words'
(vi) pARr-D are short answer type questions carrying 4 rnarks
Question Nos. 21_26 i;
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words'
(tii) type qxtestions carrying 6
' Question Nos. 27_2g in ?ART-E are very long answer
iarks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words'
rlm-t5^ g-*ot oiol
PART.A (I Mark each)

1. qo.frtr t fusit qk qv} et ii qmtffi nrqrroqfir i-dT t r

is a method in which a person provides factual information about

e*r<ror i- eru eqe) +} {rq'rkr 6c t qffiq a-fr+ t {qf{ ori +t v-Cfr +i sa qrdr t
cs) 3qc-fl €) qfrivrwre6"1E*-e1
flq ttqrkreio-+q-dr 1a1
Tendency of respondent to endorse items in a socially desirable manner is known as :

(a) Acquiescence O)
(c) Socialdesirability (d)
Haio effect

3. {drTilo qm{-y-iqqltf{uT ffieq |qqqer{isi{) \rs qqqTqt sr-$rd t n cidcr C,iqfr) 'a){
*l3qqlrrsrdrt r

Creative visualisation is a subjective experience that uses imagery and

4. fu{ qaii *i slqrfu-r qqiqfuql 3it[ {nsur if ss +ffi A-ft t tfiqqi & lae E6T 3{t{
ctuiF{il 3{Fnffi t}fi t a qs t}i t
Cs) 3rf,jftcrt Cg on*,EftaaT6qkk&;t
(D efrffi"d-dr Gr{qAktu;5 t
(s") wetftrtqrkf)n
Children who have marked difliculties in social interaction and communication, desire
for routine and restricted interests are suffering from :
(a) Alogia (b) Impulsivity
(c) Hyperactivity (d) Autism
5. qnffi'sur q c6-€Wi ftft{d t - Tfl {r6q{ ofi s(ifusvr+) wT
In psychoanalysis, the important methods are free association and
6. s* qi qrd {ilare-rc*,rqqi {rclktrri{T{ q] slmq s'{fr t t

Cognitive units called activate social co gnition.

6vt )
7. q-fltr6{isffirGffiAc*iftfirdrsrorqliunct t

is a consequence of extreme cohesiveness.

g. ffi frkdddsqqrqqqicri*-lagisqTrm strtrqur, snisrmodrqnrt I

Aggression meant to obtain a certain goal or object is known as aggression.

9. ffit+lq-rqar+ qtredq{nffi ei-nfr{*-o-t Mfurf

6rwierure1 t r

Decoding is taking ideas and giving them meaning. (True/False)

10. g.{iffidqru dn*fu,rr \r6vt*qrtkaii -
q-$rq 31t{fuqrr3lflrq-fitsqo{rfrt t (gfl/.ass)
Paraphrasing is a process in which feelings and ideas are expressed. (True/False)

qFl-tr gr*oz
PART - B (2 Marks each)

1 1. elkoq-flqi Ci;e*rfoD { sf,stfuo s*{ €nT*firrrmqq wr tor tI

What is simultaneous and successive processing il intellectual functioning ?
12. vfrt*qTfiTqiq vtqal sqdftq t

Explain the term reaction formation.

13. iqqftffifus){{frrEqt
Explain biofeedback.
14. 3rfiR-€ GffifrEO gFia-arffi o-avrnrt r
What is existential anxietY ?
15. 3nflcrtr{{rq*}sq$fwq r

Explain the term obedience.

16. qqq-qqlq$T {titT +ifrfiil+Gi$co qfr}qq 4} qredfqq t
Explain instrumental perspective of human - environment relationship.
$TFr-T 6&'r eial
PART - C (3 Marks each)
t7. qre-fl+iryr drffi dr q+Mc-s-d-s-Sq;t +lrur{ qtfuq i

Enumerate any three psychological techniques of self-control.

18. rlffi'-ersq-dTfusRsIqli-{dfrq I

qrqorql S+{r t Ai qrA Mi +r qd-q +1frq r

Describe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Describe substance-use disorders.
19. 3{flrqfr G+qg qfiird-{ E1 ltmqr ii {flnrffio ffi CnriftE H:i$ + qze. *1 +qi
dtry r

Discuss the cognitive dissonance component in attitude change process.

zo. eidffiffi-*-$fro'qfr *i we+iftq t

Explain interpersonal physical distance.

63tr 3 [P.T.O.
ErFr-rr (r+ol oieF)
PART -D (4 Marks each)
21. en Gn$fiqi+) sqaifuv r {e{r gk +6q ii usiqurd +{16{rrsrgiqi r

qfr f, '€ + neisq ii cTdi q{6rqcr f+{iwT
Cqdlq-iT 121e1 si Hq d&q r

Explain ego defence mechanisms. Illustrate with examples projection as a defence

Explain behavioural ratings used in assessment ofpersonality.
22. q-qn cftRhfr qFffi€ tQs &ee,rdafm$ ;pq q1qe+1luq I ol.gfr Eqr-6rur gqlfuq I

Explain the concept of stress resistant personality. Give suitable examples.

23. fufu-*-+. ofu +fffi *-qtq futo-er-eq-r{<iq qt Tqt sl&q r

Discuss therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist.

24. Eqk6fu4i0T Mm'D ststffdi *tqqi +lii{s r

Discuss the strategies for handling prejudice.

25. {rqrkodrtsrc dfo9 ffio-a qrmt r cqgffi B-<rriur <lfuq I

What is social loafering ? Give suitable examples.

26. qrrd{iqur+84$i 4t {qiq{ Tqidftq l

Discuss briefly the components of human communication.

${T!T-F Ordl5,O +O
PART - E (6 Marks each)
27. qei+'c sr elT{rq Rrr t ? q-{tMq-6lFqisr { stc-{ri qri Er* ffi si frtt'jt * nm ea"ii

rut dfrq to orEdRTsdr OFfO qt{ qqterur dvur,1 ftt rt'a:t*ar q6 6 gq qqrha or* t r

e{ffr-frEqT C;n-@{- +q! srYt-tiqfr-qfrna q+-sr-err€, qisrrii ii ,g61ssd&q r

What is the meaning of assessment ? Describe the key features of any two methods used
for psychological assessment.
. OR
Discuss how interplay of nature and nurture influences intelligence. Distinguish between
culture-fair and culture-biased tests.
28. fudi qi q-+Mq-irEH ft1 qfu t qifus.ffi qi qs dfqq r

srqsq ffii s) {IrflrEg | fu6] qi 6|q5q Mi
+r etftrq quf{ slfqq r

Explain mental disorders from the perspective of any two psychological models.
Explain somatoform disorders. Describe any two somatoform disorders with examples.


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