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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606

KBS-aided design of tube bending processes

Z. Jina, S. Luob, X. Daniel Fangb,*
Kysor//Warren, Co., Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA


Cold bending of metal tube products is a metal forming process widely used in industry. With today’s demand on high quality
tube-dependent products, bending of tubing parts has become a precision metalworking operation that requires sophisticated
knowledge and experience. In this work, a knowledge-based system (KBS) has been developed to aid the design of tube bending
processes, including bending methods selection, tool/die design, and process parameters setup. The object-oriented programming
techniques and the goal-driven search mechanism, featured by an interactive graphic user interface, have been applied in
development of the proposed KBS. The system developed has shown effective in tube parts production with significantly reduced
number of potential defects and failures, such as inaccuracy of bend angles or linear dimensions, wall thinning, flattening, wrinkling,
twisting, dents or cracks, etc. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cold bending; Knowledge-based systems; Tubing parts

1. Introduction relationship with the selection of bending methods, tool/

die design, die set conditions, machine setup, material
Cold bending of metal tubes is a very important effects, a number of bending process parameters such as
production method considering that metal tubes are minimum bending radius, springback, wall factor,
widely used in a great variety of engineering products, empty-bending factor, etc.
such as automobile, aircraft, air conditioner, air Therefore, it is an urgent demand to develop a
compressor, exhaust systems, fluid lines. Although cold knowledge-based system (KBS) that can assist the
bending of metal tubes is an old metal forming process, engineers to optimize the process of cold bending of
it is becoming a precision metalworking process and metal tubes. The KBS techniques have proven effective
requires high quality assurance (Cassidy, 1988). There in solving a complex manufacturing problem where the
are a variety of methods for cold bending including optimal decision-making is based on the integration of
rotary drawing bending, compression bending, empty- facts, rules, equations, expertise, production data, and
bending, ram bending, rolling bending, etc. (Kervick process knowledge. Previous work in the area of
and Springborn, 1966). Bending machines range from manufacturing includes engineering selection (Chan
hand benders, hydraulic bending, to fully computerized and Lau, 1997), optimization of machining parameters
CNC benders. (Tolouei-Rad and Bidhendi, 1997), process planning
The problem that is facing tubing production industry (Giusti et al., 1989; Gupta and Ghosh, 1988; Joseph and
is that with the customer’s demand on complex tubing Davies, 1990; Wong and Siu, 1995), jig and fixture
parts and tight tolerances, there often exist defects and design (Pham and Sam, 1990), steel material design
failures of tubing parts, such as undesired deformation, (Fang and Shivathaya, 1995), deep-drawing die design
inaccuracy of bend angles and geometry, wall-thinning, (Fang and Tolouei Rad, 1994), metal forming process
flattening, wrinkling, cracks, etc. All of these are in close sequencing (Azushima et al., 1990), etc.
The objective of the work presented in this paper is to
develop a KBS for design of the tube bending process
*Corresponding author. Stellram/Teledyne, 1 Teledyne Place, that integrates metal tubing theories, tube bending
LaVergne, TN 37086, USA. Tel.: +1-615-641-4110; fax: +1-615-
process knowledge, and human expert’s experience.
E-mail addresses: dfang@stellram.com, daniel fang@teledyne.com The KBS developed can be used to aid tubing engineers
(X.D. Fang). to select tube bending methods, design tubing tools and

0952-1976/01/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 2 - 1 9 7 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 1 6 - 1
600 Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606

dies, determine the optimal bending process parameters. together, and the die set sometimes is equipped with a
The object-oriented programming techniques are used in wiper and a mandrel, depending on the size and shape of
developing the proposed KBS and the designers can workplace.
evaluate the design based on the goal-driven search A die set up for a rotary draw bending is shown in
mechanism. The KBS can help the designer achieve the Fig. 2. Rotary draw bending is called because the tube is
goal of defects-free or failure-free of tubing parts. The being drawn into the bending area past the tangent
KBS for tube bending process has shown effective in point. At one end, the tube is tightly pressed between a
preventing the possible defects and failures from tube center forming die and a clamp die at just beyond the
production. front tangent point against the clamp die. At the other
end, the workpiece is held by a pressure die and/or a
wiper die and a mandrel when they are necessary. The
pressure die restrains the free end of the workpiece and
2. The tube bending process
allows it to move in a straight line. As the workpiece is
being drawn and rotating around the center die, the
2.1. Cold bending of tubes
pressure die, which is either static or boosted, transfers
the workpiece to the center die at the tangent point, so
Cold bending of metal tube products is probably one
as to get the desired angle and radius.
of the oldest metal forming processes and the bent
tubing parts are widely used in industry. There are
several methods to be used for cold bending production, 2.1.2. Compression bending
such as rotary draw bending, compression bending, roll Compression bending is another common method for
bending, etc. The most popular methods are the rotary cold bending. This is also the simplest and most
draw bending and the compression bending. Both of economic operation for bending metal tube parts.
them can be embodied in either manual benders or Compression bending is a process whereby tube is bent
powered bending machines. In addition, empty-bending to reasonable smaller radius, usually without the use of
is also widely used in combination with the above two mandrel, wiper and precision tooling.
bending methods, because of less setup time, less tooling Fig. 3 shows a set up of compression bending.
cost, and no lubricant needed. Difference from the rotary draw bending is that the
Basically, cold bending requires at least three items: a center-forming die is fixed rather than ratable, and the
center forming die, either fixed or rotated (for rotary clamping die is replaced by a movable following die. The
draw bending), a pressure die and a clamping or following die by means of a rotary arm presses the
following die. In the draw bending, a mandrel and a workpiece around the center-forming die to form the
wiper die are often equipped. The components of a die desired shape.
set are shown in Fig. 1.

2.2. Design parameters for tube bending process

2.1.1. Rotary draw bending
Rotary draw bending is a widely used method for
There are many factors to be considered for tube
bending tubes, particularly for tight bending radii and
bending process. The basic parameters are minimum
thin wall tubes. The characteristics of this bending
bending radius, springback, wall factor, bending factor
method is that the center bending die, which is used to
and empty factor.
form the angle of tube parts, rotates with the workpiece

Fig. 1. Components of a bending die set. Fig. 2. Rotary draw bending.

Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606 601

2.2.1. Minimum bending radius on the other side create a net internal bending moment
In practice, an empirical formula for determining the or residual stresses. The residual stresses cause a
minimum bending radius, Rmin ; is in wide use (Cassidy, springback or a change of the bending angle, Dy; in
1988): the reverse direction of bending and a change of bending
radius, DR; as shown in Fig. 4.
Rmin ¼ D=2E 0 ; ð1Þ
where D is the outside diameter of the tube, and E0 is the 2.2.4. Bending factor
percent elongation of the tube material. Bending factor (BF) is described as the ratio of
bending centerline radius (R) over the outside diameter
2.2.2. Wall factor of the tube (OD) (Gillanders, 1984):
Wall factor (WF) is the ratio of the tube outside R
diameter (OD) to the wall thickness (t) (Gillanders, BF ¼ : ð3Þ
OD 2.3. Difficulty in tubing process design
WF ¼ : ð2Þ
Tooling and die play an extremely important role in
2.2.3. Springback cold bending of metal tube products, and are directly
On release of the external loads, the tension stresses related to most failures in tube production. Common
on the one side of the tube and the compressive stresses failures and defaults in metal tube bending parts can be
classified as:
* Deformation (wall thinning, flattening, wrinkling) as
shown in Fig. 5.
* Inaccuracy (overbending, underbending, twisting,
beyond the linear dimension tolerance).
* Breakage/crack.
* Dents/marks.
Since tube bending is influenced by many technical
factors related to bending structure, bending radius,
material, wall thickness, diameter, tooling/die selection
and condition, bending methods, lubrication, and
operating parameters, etc., it is often difficult to achieve
an optimal design of the tube bending process, in
particular for bending parts with complex configuration
and geometry requirements.
Fig. 3. Compression bending.

3. Implementation of a knowledge-based system

3.1. Why a knowledge-based system helps?

A KBS is a computer program that has a knowledge

module and a control module. A knowledge module is a
knowledge base that stores all experts’ knowledge and
experience in the form of facts or rules. A control
module is then used to find out the result through all
kinds of knowledge; it is thus called inference engine.
The knowledge base represents all the human intelli-
gence through all the years. With the KBS approach, all
relevant process knowledge and experts’ experience can
be logically integrated together to provide engineers
with an effective tool in tubing design and manufactur-
Fig. 4. Changes of bending angle and radius before and after Because of the complex nature in tube bending, only
springback. engineers with many years of design experience would
602 Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606

Fig. 5. Deformation.

own the knowledge for correct design of tube bending if there are multiple sets of equations, only one specific S
processes. On one hand it is difficult for a young is of interest and only one set of equations need to be
engineer without such a rich experience to determine solved. In the case of using KBS for tubing process
the effective tubing process with minimum potential design, since the product function requirements are
failures. On the other hand, even for experienced already set, the objective is to find out corresponding
engineers, negligence would often result in unwanted tubing process parameters to be taken into account. A
consequence. goal-driven system (design) is then more suitable for
Therefore, there is a need for developing an expert tubing process design.
system that can be used to aid the design of tube
bending processes. 3.3. Representation scheme: object-oriented expert
3.2. Selection of goal-driven versus data-driven inference
engine Object-oriented programming was evolved from
traditional serial coding scheme. Decomposing a prob-
There are in general two kinds of inference engine, lem-solving scheme with an object-oriented program
goal-driven and data-driven. Suppose an inference logic makes the resultant software more maintainable and
works as follows: adaptable. The idea of object-oriented is therefore used
X in various applications.
ai xi ¼ S; ð4Þ
The reason of using an object-oriented KBS in tubing
where ai is the coefficient that stand for rule conditions, design is that the domain knowledge of tubing processes
xi is the state of each rule, S is the possible resulting can be organized in a hierarchical fashion, from high-
states. In most applications xi is binary, 0 or 1. But it is level abstract concepts to lower-level specific entity
expandable to more options. Usually ai is known, but (Mockler and Dologite, 1992). The object-oriented
states of xi are unknown prior to the inference machine structure makes it easier at the initial stage to collect,
running. A KBS working in data-driven model takes the organize, and manage knowledge, and at the later stage
available information of xi and finds S. to modify the knowledge base as new information is
required. Fig. 6 shows the inference procedures in the
ai ; xi -S: ð5Þ
object-oriented KBS. The benefit of an object-oriented
When there are multiple set of equations, the KBS, as pointed by Mockler and Dologite (1992), is its
inference engine generates as many derived facts as it ability to keep information about an object’s character-
can. The output is therefore unpredictable. This may istics and behavior within the object, rather than to have
waste computer time by output unwanted results. it scattered throughout the knowledge base (Kehoe and
As a contrast, a KBS system with goal-driven Parker, 1991).
mechanism focuses on the goal, finds the rules that
could produce the goal, and searches backward until the 3.4. Knowledge acquisition
goal target is found.
The expert knowledge in a KBS is usually obtained
ai ; S-xi : ð6Þ
through interaction between expert and knowledge
It is just like solving equations. The strategy is engineers. There are many ways to achieve this, such
appropriate when a specific solution is required. Even as questionnaires, discussion, etc. Since the KBS for the
Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606 603

Fig. 6. Principle of the object-oriented KBS.

tubing process design is an object-oriented system and 4.1. Case study of expert knowledge of the tube bending
goal-driven, it is very convenient to acquire and extract process
knowledge from the goal and backward to possible
conditions. Wall thinning is the fact that outside wall thickness of
The actual information was obtained through com- a tube is reduced as the tube is bent (see Fig. 5a). As
munications with experienced engineers for desired previously described, when external loads that cause the
design. Then, all the necessary conditions for such a bending are exerted on a tube, the tension stresses on the
design were given. All the knowledge rules acquired are outside of the tube and the compression stresses on the
set as a path of possible logic reasoning. In the actual inside of the tube will exist. The outside fibers will be
representation scheme, all knowledge is either hidden in elongated, the inside fibers will be shortened, and the
the background or listed as comment with graphical neutral plane will keep the same.
illustration. Wall thinning is related to many factors, such as
material, size and shape, bending and wall factors,
bending method, tooling and die selection, condition
4. The tube bending expert system and set up, and bending operation, etc. Wall thinning is
directly influenced by friction between the tube and the
The tube bending process is a rather complex process working die. The friction is introduced as the tube is
involving a number of technical factors. Therefore, there pulled over the tooling. Therefore, when using compres-
are many kinds of failures or production problems that sion bending, any slippage between the tube and the
are influenced by various technical factors. Generally, following die is not allowed. When using rotary draw
four categories (deformation, inaccuracy, breakage and bending, wall thinning may be significant, because the
marks) can be extracted from numerous problems, as amount of friction acting on the bending tube is
shown in Fig. 7. The nine subsystems of the KBS for increased as the workpiece is pulled over a mandrel
tube bending failures are, over-bending, under-bending, and wiper die.
dimension tolerance, twisted tube, wall thinning, wall As a general guide for designing a tube product, the
flattening, wrinkling, breaking on bends, and marks & wall factor, e.g. WF ¼ D=t; should be 15 or less and
dents. the bending factor, e.g. BF ¼ R=D; should be greater
The goal to develop the knowledge-based expert than two times (Cassidy, 1988). The following is used
system is to aid the design of tube bending process for to estimate the change rate of wall thinning after
failure-free tube parts, to provide advice for tube parts bending.
production, and to analyze if there will be potential
defects or failures during tube bending operations. t ¼ D=ð2R þ DÞ ð7Þ
604 Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606

Fig. 7. Problem identification in the KBS for the tube bending process design.

or C_die=Good AND
t ¼ Rt0 =ðR þ D=2Þ; ð8Þ P_die=Good AND
M_die=Good AND
where t is the reduction percent of the wall extrudes, Material=Good AND
with t ¼ ðt0  tÞ=t0 ; t and t0 are the wall thickness after Tube_W_M_die_lubrication=Yes AND
and before bending, respectively, D is the outside W_F_die_alignment=Bad OR
diameter of the tube, and R is the bending radius. W_die_tip_damage=Yse OR
It should be noted that wall thinning cannot be W_die_groove_dents=Yes
eliminated, but it can be controlled to a reasonable level,
in general, o30% (Dallas, 1976). In order to reduce wall THEN Wall-thinning=True (CF=80)
thinning, some machines are equipped with a booster to
push the tube going forward with the pressure die This rule can be explained if any of the 3 following
together so as to decrease tension acting on the tube. states happens.
(a) Bending method is rotary; and center forming die,
4.2. How to implement knowledge rules as object rules
following die, pressure die, wiper, mandrel, and
material are all good, and the tube, wiper, and
All information for each rule/fact, goal and explana-
center forming die are lubricated; but the alignment
tion is represented in a frame display and built in the
between the wiper and the center forming die is bad.
database as different subsystems. An expert shell, called
(b) Bending method is rotary; and center forming die,
LEVEL5 OBJECT (Luger and William, 1993), is used to
following die, pressure die, wiper, mandrel; and
develop the KBS for tubing process design. LEVEL5
material are all good; and the tube, wiper, and
OBJECT is a KBS and application tool, which combines
center forming die are lubricated; but there are
the technologies of graphic user interfaces, frame or
dents on the groove of the wiper.
object-oriented programming, and client/server. One of
(c) Bending method is rotary; and center forming die,
the rules in the KBS using above expert knowledge is as
following die, pressure die, wiper, mandrel; and
material are all good; and the tube, wiper, and
center forming die are lubricated; but the lips of the
groove of the wiper are damaged.
IF Bending_method=Rotary AND The result of wall thinning will be true with a
F_die=Good AND possibility of 80%. If the rule has been fired, more
Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606 605

Fig. 8. Semantic network of wall-thinning subsystem.

explanations will be given to detail why wall thinning period. Experienced engineers can also use the KBS as
happens and how to solve the problem: an efficient way in design and referencing.
Reasons: Friction drag will increase and cause the
wall thinning during the bending process due to
misalignment or damaged wiper tip or dents on die 6. Discussion and conclusion
Suggestion: Change the wiper die if its tip is damaged, Tube bending is a complicated operation that is
or repair the dented groove, or make an adjustment for influenced by many factors, such as tooling, material,
this die set. tube geometry, bending methods, machine setting up,
operators’ skills, etc. Using expert system techniques
that incorporate human experts’ knowledge and intelli-
4.3. System structure gence is an effective means for design of tube bending
processes and guidance to production.
The system knowledge can be expressed as the way of IA methods or knowledge-based systems (KBS) in
semantic network. Fig. 8 shows the semantic network of manufacturing are beneficial to increase efficiency,
the subsystem of ‘‘Wall-Thinning’’. reduce production costs, and improve quality. For the
tube bending fabrication industry, the knowledge-based
system can assist the engineers with tool and die design,
and the production foremen and workers with trouble
5. Results shooting and quality improvement. Furthermore, the
KBS will provide a guide to select a correct method of
The KBS for design of tube bending processes tube bending production and to reduce the percentage
embraces nine subsystems of bending failures and of defective parts, so as to increase the production
around 200 rules in the database. The inference efficiency, to reduce the labor time and material waste,
engine uses the backward chaining (goal-driven reason- and save the overall costs significantly.
ing) inference mechanism. By means of a high-level The KBS developed for tube bending processes
expert system shell, LEVEL5 OBJECT, the KBS has demonstrated how manufacturing process design
combines the technologies of graphic user interfacing, can be improved with intelligence from years of
frame or object-oriented programming, and logical experience. Yet, it is desirable to develop an interface
representation. between the KBS for tubing design with a CAD/CAM
With the help of graphical illustration and step system, which would lead to further study in using
instruction for users, engineers without previous experi- concurrent engineering approach to integrate CAD,
ence can understand the tube manufacturing process KBS and CAM in design and manufacturing of tube
and design appropriate tooling and die unit in a short products.
606 Z. Jin et al. / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (2001) 599–606

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