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File Name: Tower Strengthening SoW-Bab VIII Galvanizing

Date: 30/06/2009 Page 1 of 7
Chapter VIII Galvanizing

A. Tools:
1. Drilling machine
2. Drilling machine edge for steel
3. Paintbrush
4. Steel-wire brush
5. Sprayer
6. Compressor machine

B. Material:
1. Cold Galvanize material

1. Safety Goggles
2. Safety Mask
3. Safety Gloves
4. Safety Harness
5. Proper Shoes

D. Method:
1. On site galvanizing are applied on tower material whereas it did cutting on site
and it high potentially corroded during implementation of strengthening.
2. Galvanizing method which applied on this condition is cold galvanize process

Picture 1. A sample cold galvanize material

3. In this stage, the cold galvanizing process are applied on:
a. Cold galvanizing on part of tower where already cut on site such as: OBL
clamp and lightning arrester clamp (if applicable)
b. Cold galvanize on outer part of welding point which applied on welded
area after welding process and area where it hot dip galvanize are
damaged during welded
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c. Cold galvanize on existing tower where the area are damaged during
welding process
4. First step need to do are Cleaning process the area from any dirt, dust, water.
5. On the cutting area: (1) immediately spray the area with galvanize material. Do
spraying with recommended distance 20-30 cm from the area, otherwise applied
with paint brush
6. On outer side of welding (2) use stell-wire brush to clean welding point from any
dust. This step purpose is removing any dirt during welding and removing peel of
paint at existing tower. After it finish, immediately continue with galvanized the
area either use spraying method (recommended distance 20-30 cm from the
area) or applied with paint brush

Picture 2. Spraying process with cold galvanize material

7. Before do spraying, shake the can of cold galvanize properly

8. During spraying process, ensure it applied apportionment so any hole created
bedding with cold gavanize. When it covered already then it will eliminate

File Name: Tower Strengthening SoW-Bab VIII Galvanizing

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Picture 3. Corrosion due to improper welding process and galvanize process

File Name: Tower Strengthening SoW-Bab VIII Galvanizing

Date: 30/06/2009 Page 4 of 7
9. Refer to item no 3, hole already created on existing tower at position of welding
applied (180°). Hole position is 10 cm higher then top area of welding

Picture 4. Hole for cold galvanizing process at inside part of existing tower

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10. Insert conduit spreyer inside of hole. The length of conduit enter into hole +/- 40

Picture 5. Sprayer

11. During spraying process, starting from down side (+/- 5 cm at bottom layer)
continue slowly to upper side constantly without any break until the area finish.

E. PPE Concern:
1. Here are the doc of HSE need to be prepared:
a. Tool Box Safety Meeting Record Sheet (as daily doc)
b. Tower Personnel Examination Sheet (as daily doc)
c. Tower Job Distribution and PPE Sheet
2. Ensure tools (drilling machine and air pump machine) on good condition.
Especially for drilling machine, ensure it tighten on tower so it will eliminate
potentially fall down which will injure people stay in ground area.
3. Ensure only expert team who do welding (recommended certified welder)
4. An equal condition with welding process, below comfortable circumstance also
applied on:
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Date: 30/06/2009 Page 6 of 7
a. Drilling process at high elevation (at erected tower) : only expert man
power shall do this process with always put carefulness in higher position
and supported by proper PPE such as: goggles, gloves, harness, and
proper shoes.
b. Spraying process at high elevation (at erected tower) : recommended
spraying distance is 20-30 cm in order to avoid any risk worker to sniff
galvanize and supported by proper PPE such as : masker, gloves,
harness, and proper shoes.
5. Any worker who claim tower is MANDATORY to wear harness in any cases

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Date: 30/06/2009 Page 7 of 7

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