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1. C; mentioned in para 2
2. D; mentioned in para 3
3. A; mentioned in para 4
4. C; mentioned in para 5
5. D; mentioned in para 6
6. A; para 8 mentions this.
7. C; self explanatory.
8. C; According to schedule.
9. D; behind schedule
10. D; disappointed with means the son did not come up to expectations
11. D; disappointed by the result means the result was not what they expected
12. B; above all.
13. A; vox populi means voice of the people
14. D; comme ci comme ca means so so
15. C; flagrante delicto means caught in the act
16. C; in extensor means at great length
17. A; mano a mano means face to face confrontation
18. C; knight has courage so emperor has administration
19. C; thermometer measures temperature and sphygmamonometer measures pressure
20. B; zero was discovered in india and paper in china
21. B; pizza comes from Italy and taco from mexico
22. D; breakfast in canteen and exercise in gym
23. A; posterity is future so precedent which is past example
24. C; dispersal means spread so confinement means closeted
25. C; contemplate means think or ponder so scorn is the only one that is unrelated
26. A; arcane is difficult to understand so fathomable means understandable
27. C; corrigendum means correction so accuracy is the antonym
28. B; burlesque is parody or exaggeration. Arabesque is a pose in a ballet or a nice piece of music.

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29. B; altercation means argument

30. B; para 1 line 6
31. C; para 2 line 1
32. D; para 2 line 5
33. B; para 6 line 1
34. C; last para line 6
35. D; para 5
36. D; the others don’t really fit because this passage talks about whether time travel is possible or not.
It talks about the various attempts to travel through time.
37.D;tortured pageant of humanity.
38.C; albeit ( though) we have to give a sense of contrast here
39.A;giving way to the first pangs of distrust ( make a path)
40.B.horrific means ( use a negative word because the next word is awful)


41. B 51. B 61. C 71. B 81. B
42. C 52. B 62. A 72. D 82. A
43. C 53. B 63. C 73. B 83. B
44. A 54. B 64. D 74. C 84. B
45. D 55. C 65. D 75. A 85. C
46. D 56. B 66. B 76. A 86. C
47. C 57. D 67. B 77. D 87. C
48. A 58. C 68. D 78. B 88. A
49. C 59. D 69. C 79. C 89. D
50. B 60. D 70. B 80. B 90. C


91. C; LCM of 6 and 7 is 42.
We need to find out a multiple of 42 closest to 247.
42  5, that is 210 is the multiple of 42 closest to 247 and so the value to be subtracted from
247so that the number left is completely divisible by both 6 and 7 = 247 – 210 = 37.

92. C; For a number to be divisible by 3, the sum of all the digits should be divisible by 3.
Now, 2 + 5 + 4 + 6 + b + c should be divisible by 3.
17 + b + c must be divisible by 3
Therefore, b + c can be 1 or 4 or 7 or 10 or 13 or 16
In options only 7 satisfies.

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93. B; 30  40 – 70  X = 100 x – 10
1200 + 1000 = 70X
X = 2200/70
X = 220/7 = 31.42%

94. A; Overall loss = (q^2/100) % = 4%

Therefore, q = 20%

95. D; We need to select 2 children out of the 4 given children and then arrange them.
We need to take the Permutation of 4 different things taken 2 at a time
= 4P2 = 4!/(4 – 2)! = 24/2 = 12 ways
Just as the case of Combination, an easier way to calculate permutation is
P2 = 43 = 12 ways.

96. B; Required change = 30 – 25 – (750/100)

= 5 – 7.5 = – 2.5% change
i.e. decrease of 2.5%

97. A; Since the elder sibling got 55% of the property, the younger one must have got the
remaining45% of the property.
Required value = ((55 – 45)/45)100 = 200/9 = 22.22%

98. C; P = 4 + 4 + 16/100 = 8.16%

Q = 5 + 5 + 25/200 = 10.25%
Difference between P and Q = 10.25 – 8.16 = 2.09%

99. A; After 3 years Rs.4000 will become Rs.8000

After another 3 years Rs.8000 will become Rs.16000
After another 3 years Rs.16000 will become Rs.32000.

100. B; Mean Value = (5060 + 3030)/(50 + 30) = Rs 48.75

101. A; We will first find out the ratio in which the 2 parts are to be mixed to get 26% strength.
30% 20%
X / Y = (20 – 26) / (26 – 30)
X / Y = 6/4 = 3:2
The 2 types need to be mixed in the ratio 3:2.
Therefore, fraction of the first variety that was replaced and then substituted by the other
variety = 2/5

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102. C; Average age of the family is 24 years and therefore total age is 96 years.
Let the average age of the 2 children be x and so the average age of the parents is 2x.
Total age of the children is 2x while the total age of the parents is 4x.
Now, 6x = 96 or, x = 16
Combined age of the 2 children = 32 years.
Let the age of the younger one be y and so the age of the elder one is y + 10.
y + y + 10 = 32
2y = 22 or, y = 11 years

103. A; Let there be x students in the class initially.

Today, their average age will be 14 years and so the total age will be 14x years.
(14x + 20) / (x + 1) = 16
14x + 20 = 16x + 16
2x = 4
There are 3 children in the class today.

104. C; The new time taken is 2/3 of the normal time taken.
If time taken becomes 2/3rd of the normal time, the speed will become 3/2 of the normal
Let the original speed be S and so the new speed will be 1.5 S
Percentage change in speed = [(1.5 S – S) / S]  100 = 50%

105. A; 54 kmph = 54  (5/18) = 15 m/sec

When the train crosses the platform we have
[(l + 150) / 15] = 15
l + 150 = 225
l = 75 m
Time taken by the train to cross the man standing on the platform
= 75 / 15 = 5 sec

106. D; The boat is able to cover 21 kms in 3 hours.

Upstream speed = 7 kmph
Speed of boat – speed of stream = 7 kmph
9 – speed of stream = 7 kmph
Speed of stream = 9 – 7 = 2 kmph

107. A; Let B do 2 units per day and so A will be able to do 1 unit per day.
Together, they can do 3 units per day and so they can do the work together in 14  3 = 42 days.
B can do the work alone in 42/2 = 21 days.

108. C; 180 units

A: 60 days 3 units

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B: 90 days 2 units
A+B 5 units per day.
Work done by A and B together in = 180/5 = 36 days

109. B; After 5 days, the cruise had food for 150 members to be consumed for the next 15 days.
Thesame amount of food will now be consumed by 180 members.
150  15 = 180 Y
Y = 25/2 = 12.5 days

110. D; 36 Units
Fill 4 hrs 9 Units
Empty 9 hrs –4 Units
Effectively 5 units will get filled in every hour.
The tank will therefore get filled in 36/5 = 7.2 hrs


111. B; Since the purpose is to disseminate information through video which will bedangerous to the
religious fabric and will cause communal hatred by having riots,the organisation is liable.

112. B; Since there was expression permission

113. A; There was no impairment intentionally rather the purpose was to save.

114. C; Since then he would be under legal obligation to inform the owner of the paintingwhich in this
case would be Aashna

115. C; Yes, since she took the painting without express consent.

116. B; Application of principle III,II

117. B; Since the confession is conditional in police lockup, its vitiated and henceinadmissible

118. B; In presence of her mother who is he guardian, she will be treated as minor

119. B; Only in case he had reason to believe that she was legally competent

120. A; Majority is main criterion for entering into contract

121. A; Since the contract is vitiated, no one should derive unjust benefit

122. D; Conjoint application of principles in different circumstances

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123. C; Since the act is directed by free will and not by force or any other lawful mean, nocommunal
hatred is spread

124. C; The statement is blatant lie which is misinformation to police

125. C; Since the act was done by putting fear of life by threat of slitting throat, itsextortion

126. D; When the act was done, he was totally sane and sound hence liable

127. C; The act was done with full consciousness and knowledge that it can ncause deathof someone
hence liable

128. C; Since he is a foreign citizen, he cannot be prosecuted in India

129. C; Since mentally unsound, no liability for the act

130. A; Since he didn't have knowledge of person, he cannot have intention to kill hencenot a murder.
At best can be prosecuted for culpable homicide.

131. C; This is technically incorrect hence constitutes unfair trade practise

132. B; Since there is no proof or parameter given, the fact will be taken as false

133. A; Since the shareholders are separate legal entity from the company, liable to pay.

134. D; He should have exercise due care and caution before ordering an act. Should havefound out
whether its legal or not

135. B; Simple application of principle

136. C; Since the marriage has no validity in the eyes of law, cannot claim maintenance

137. C; Since the promissory note was in writing i.e. through email, he is liable

138. C; As soon as the trees were being cut, theft occurred since it became capable ofbeing moved.

139. A; Since the girl is below 18 years, taking her away from the guardian without theirpermission is
kidnapping. Her consent is immaterial

140. C; As the law stands, they have committed an act punishable by law

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141. B; Since the death happened due to heart attack which is natural phenomenon, hewill be liable
only for the negligence

142. D; Since still under 7 years, not an offence;

143. C; Since the age is below 18 years, their pact is invalid

144. B; Simple application of principle

145. A; Since the act was guided by good faith and necessity without any criminalintention, no offence

146. A; This is tricky. Careful reading of principle will show what's punishable which israshful driving.
Since the car was not being driven rashly albeit under influence ofalcohol, no offence

147. A; The inability to move tree is immaterial as long as there was intention and effortto take away
thing from lawful possession of other

148. A; Since he was not of unsound mind, he will be liable. In normal course, a personwill know that a
child of three year will drown hence culpable homicide.

149. C; Simple application of principle. X should have inquired about law before travelling

150. B; Since without act of Z, theft would have not happened..











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161. B; Only III follows because creating employment in the rural areas can control the exodus mass
migration. While exodus cannot be control by reducing the number of trains and can be
prevented not bycompulsion but by making conditions favourable for those residing in village.
So, I and II not follow.Hence option (b) is the answer

162. C; In addition to having nuclear capability we must develop and strength our diplomatic relation.
So, Iand II do not follow. Hence option (c) is the answer.

163. D; All the courses of actions — I and II would follow as here, the situation demands creating
awarenessamong people about the dangers of drinking polluted water so that they themselves
refrain from the same,and at the same time taking steps to provide safe drinking water.Hence
option (d) is the answer.

164. B; Only course of action II follows because it hits upon the main cause of the problem ‘any display
ofsuch material should be banned and thereby solving it.Hence option (b) is the answer.

165. B; Only course of action II follows because in order to solve the problem of food processing
industry, aregular supply of raw material should be ensured.Hence option (b) is the answer.

166. C; Neither course of action follows because here, the problem is arising from the shortage of
funds. So,in order to solve it, alternative sources of financial support need to be worked out.
Hence option (c)is theanswer.

167. C; Neither follows because oil is an essential commodity and its price governs the prices of
otheressential commodities so interest of the common people must be taken into
consideration, rather thansafeguarding the profitability of a few oil companies.Hence option
(C) is the answer.

168. C; Neither of the arguments followsas the first is a comparison and the second is an opinion.
Indiadefinitely needs to have border security force to defend itself against the threat of other
border securitypowers in the world.Hence option (c) is the answer.

169. A; As none of the arguments provides a substantial reason either for or against the given issue in
thestatement, so, None is strong.Hence option (a) is the answer.

170. C; If the income of farmers is too meager an amount so they cannot be brought in the preview
oftaxation as per the Income Tax Rule. So I is not strong. Besides, a major part of the
population isdependent on agriculture and such a large section, if taxed would draw in huge
funds in to the governmenttreasury. Besides many big landlords with substantially high income

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from agriculture are taking underadvantage of this benefit. This makes argument II and III
strong.Hence option (c) is the answer.

Self Assessment Series (SAS) 97

171. B; Argument II is strong as genetically modified imported seeds have been specially formulated
toensure better yield. Besides in an over populated country like India, increase in production is
much moresignfficant than the sale of domestically produced seeds, this make argument I
weak. Likewise argumentIII is also weak because produce finer quality corps, which is in no
manner harmful to the consumer.Hence option (b) is the answer.

172. A; Only argument I and IV have legal and constitutional validity.Hence option (a)is the answer.

173. B; Conclusion I is not implicit because comparative cost of transportation of ship and train is not
given.II is implicit because the statement itself mentions the saving of 7.92 crores when you
send a thing byroad than by sea, so it follows that it will now be cheaper to send goods by
ship.Hence option (B) is theanswer.

174. B; Only conclusion II is implicit because it can concluded from the given statement that those
who donot take dowry in marriages respect womanhood.Hence option (b) is the answer.

175. D; Assumptions II and III are implicit as the management has imposed a fee of 25000 for
theemployment of each student by the organisation, and also because the statement
mentions that the fee isbeing charged to cover up the financial constraint.Hence option (d) is
the answer.

176. C; Both assumptions I and III are implicit because of the use of the words ‘hi – tech
pulstingmegawattperformance’ in the statement. Likewise the fact that Michael Jackson is a
pop – singer and hisperformance left people spellbound makes assumption III implicit. While
nothing is mentioned inassumption II so it is not implicit.Hence option (c) is the answer.

177. A; Assumption I is implicit because the statements talk of the boom in drug business and cites
examplesfrom the capital city. Hence option (a) is the answer.

178. D; As assumption I follows from the statement ‘use Riya cold cream for fair complexion it is imp
licit.Likewise assumption III is implicit because advertisements are given with the hope that
people wouldknow the qualities of the product and buy. But assumption II is confusing thus
not implicit.Hence option (d) is the answer.

179. D; All the assumptions are implicit because both I and II mentions that ‘majority of the victims
mighthave been a nuisance to peace loving people which imply that majority of the victims are
wicked peoplethough some victims are innocent people as well. Further the III advocates
strong oppositions of warwhich makes it implicit.Hence option (d) is the answer.

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180. B; Assumption I is not implicit because nothing about the sources of income of the State
Governmentsis mentioned in it. Assumption II is implicit because it States that Central
Government has directed thestate govt to reduce expenditure. Hence (b) is the answer.

181. A; Both assertion and reason are correct. And the reason is the correct reason.

182. B; Both are true but R is not the reason for it.

183. C; A is true but R is false.

184. D; A is false but R is true.

185. B; Both A and R are true but R is not the reason for A.

186. D;

187. B;

188. D;

189. C;

General explanation for questions 190 – 191:

A>B, E>B, E>C>D,A, E>F.

190. A;

191. D; The shortest person could be B,D or F in any random order.

192. B;

193. C; The series is the reverse alphabet equivalent with increasing gaps of 1,2 and 3.

194. A;

195. B; Number of cubes with exactly 2 colours on it’s faces will be the cubes that are two sides
painted.Number of Cubes with 2 sides painted = 12  (n – 2)
Here n = 4
Therefore, number of cubes with 2 sides painted = 12  2 = 24
There will be three such cases ie 8 for Yellow and Brown, 8 for Brown and Green and 8 for
Yellow andGreen.

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196. C; Number of cubes with one side painted = 6  (n – 2)2= 6 (4 – 2)2= 24
There will be three cases of 8 each and we need two out of those three cases.
Required value = 16.

197. D;

198. A; Required value = √ 82 + 22 = √ 64 + 4 = √ 68 = 2√ 17.

199. D; The coding done from back to the front with increasing increments of one.

200. B; The series is x 2, x 3, x 4 and so on.

The required answer is 168  5 = 840.

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